Health care of Kyrgyzstan
Zdravoohraneniye Kyrgyzstana

ISSN 1694-8068 (Print)

ISSN 1694-805X (Online)

Clinical significance of laboratory studies and neuroimaging methods in the diagnosis of concussion

Clinical significance of laboratory studies and neuroimaging methods in the diagnosis of concussion
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Introduction. There is still a lack of complete unity in the views on the essence of brain concussion. In the literature available to a wide range of specialists in recent years, there is no modern generalized description of concussion and its diagnostic criteria. To fill this gap is the main task of this study. The aim of the study - to determine the diagnostic value of protein S-100B level in blood serum at patients with brain concussion. Materials and methods. We conducted prospective assessment of protein S100B level in blood serum at 47 patients, received conservative treatment because of brain concussion. All patients underwent clinical-neurological examination, brain CT and brain MRI, electroencephalography (EEG). The level of protein S100B in blood serum was determined at once during patients’ admission, and then repeated evaluation - in 24 and 48 hours. The comparative analysis of data, received by clinical-instrumental examination and measurement of protein S100B level at patients with brain concussion, was carried out. Results. We revealed the increase of protein S100B level higher than normal value (more than 105 tg/l) at 11 (58%) patients during first 6 hours after trauma. The elevation of protein S100Blevel in blood serum showed that there was structural damage of brain tissue (brain contusion). Brain CT revealed foci of brain injuries only at 73% of patients with increased protein S100B level (n=11 patients), while MRI - at 100%. Brain CT and MRI revealed no pathological areas in brain at patients with normal value of protein S-100B (n=8 patients). There were no correlations between protein S100Blevel and type of brain injury, localization and volume of pathological focus and presence of cranial bones fractures. In addition, there was no significant correlation between protein S-100B level and changes in EEG (р > 0.05). Conclusion. Protein S100B is high-sensitivity biochemical marker of neural tissue damage. The elevation of protein S-100B level in blood serum at patients with mild head injury may be the additional criteria at determining the diagnosis of brain contusion

About the authors

Ырысов Кенешбек Бакирбаевич, доктор медицинских наук, профессор, врач-нейрохирург, кафедра нейрохирургии,  Кыргызской государственной медицинской академии им. И. К. Ахунбаева, Бишкек,Кыргызская Республика;

Файзуллаева Гулира Ахунбековна, аспирант, врач-невролог, кафедра нейрохирургии,  Кыргызской государственной медицинской академии им. И. К. Ахунбаева, Бишкек,Кыргызская Республика;
Машрапов Шермамат Жусупович, кандидат медицинских наук, врач-нейрохирург, Ошская межобластная клиническая больница, отделение нейрохирургии, Ош, Кыргызская Республика.

Yrysov Keneshbek Bakirbaevich, doctor of medical sciences, professor, neurosurgeon, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev, Department of Neurosurgery, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic;
Fayzullaeva Gulira Akhunbekovna, postgraduate, neurologist, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbayeva, Department of Neurosurgery, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic;
Mashrapov Shermamat Zhusupovich, candidate of medical sciences, neurosurgeon, Osh Interregional Clinical Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery, Osh, Kyrgyz Republic.

Ырысов Кенешбек Бакирбаевич, медицина илимдеринин доктору, профессор, дарыгер-нейрохирург, нейрохирургия кафедрасы И.К. Ахунбаев атындагы Кыргыз Мамлекетик Медициналык Академия, Бишкек, Кыргыз Республикасы;

Файзуллаева Гулира Ахунбековна, аспирант, дарыгер-невролог, нейрохирургия кафедрасы И.К. Ахунбаев атындагы Кыргыз Мамлекетик Медициналык Академия, Бишкек, Кыргыз Республикасы;

Машрапов Шермамат Жусупович, медицина илимдеринин кандидаты, дарыгер-нейрохирург, Ош областтар аралык клиникалык ооруканасы, нейрохирургия бѳлүмү, Ош,  Кыргыз Республикасы.


1. Adrian H., Mårten K., Salla N. Biomarkers of Traumatic Brain Injury: Temporal Changes in Body Fluids // eNeuro, 2016. –Vol. 3(6). – P.294.
2. Bachstetter A.D., Zhou Z., Rowe R.K. MW151 Inhibited IL1β Levels after Traumatic Brain Injury with No Effect on Microglia Physiological Responses // PLoS One, 2016. – Vol.11(2). – P. 149-157.
3. Chen R., Zhang S.X., Zhao H. Noncontrast and perfusion CTprovides accurate assessment of head deceleration injury //Turk Neurosurg., 2011. – V. 21 (2). – P.127-134.
4. Daneshvar D.H., Nowinski C.J., McKee A.C. The epidemiology of sport-related concussion // Clin Sports Med., 2018. -Vol. 30. - P.1-17.
5. Erlanger D., Kaushik T., Cantu R. Symptom-based assessment of the severity of a concussion // J Neurosurg., 2018. - Vol. 98.– P. 477-84.
6. Gan Z.S., Stein S.C., Swanson R. Blood Biomarkers for Traumatic Brain Injury: A Quantitative Assessment of Diagnostic and Prognostic Accuracy // Front Neurol., 2019. –Vol.10. – P. 446.
7. Halford J., Shen S., Itamura K. New astroglial injury-defined biomarkers for neurotrauma assessment // J Cereb Blood Flow Metab., 2017. – Vol. 37(10). – P. 3278–3299.
8. Ingebrigtsen T., Romner B., Marup-Jensen S. The clinical value of serum S100β protein measurements in minor head injury: a Scandinavian multicentre study // Brain Inj. - 2000.- Vol. 14 (12). - P. 1047-1055.
9. Koerte I.K., Lin A.P., Willems A. A Review of Neuroimaging Findings in Repetitive Brain Trauma // Brain Pathol.,
2015. – Vol. 25(3). – P. 318–349.
10. Lifshitz J., Rowe R.K., Griffiths D.R. Clinical relevance of midline fluid percussion brain injury: acute deficits, chronic
morbidities, and the utility of biomarkers // Brain Inj., 2016.– Vol. 30(11). – P. 1293–1301.

1. Adrian H., Mårten K., Salla N. Biomarkers of Traumatic Brain Injury: Temporal Changes in Body Fluids // eNeuro, 2016. –Vol. 3(6). – P.294.
2. Bachstetter A.D., Zhou Z., Rowe R.K. MW151 Inhibited IL1β Levels after Traumatic Brain Injury with No Effect on Microglia Physiological Responses // PLoS One, 2016. – Vol.11(2). – P. 149-157.
3. Chen R., Zhang S.X., Zhao H. Noncontrast and perfusion CTprovides accurate assessment of head deceleration injury //Turk Neurosurg., 2011. – V. 21 (2). – P.127-134.
4. Daneshvar D.H., Nowinski C.J., McKee A.C. The epidemiology of sport-related concussion // Clin Sports Med., 2018. -Vol. 30. - P.1-17.
5. Erlanger D., Kaushik T., Cantu R. Symptom-based assessment of the severity of a concussion // J Neurosurg., 2018. - Vol. 98.– P. 477-84.
6. Gan Z.S., Stein S.C., Swanson R. Blood Biomarkers for Traumatic Brain Injury: A Quantitative Assessment of Diagnostic and Prognostic Accuracy // Front Neurol., 2019. –Vol.10. – P. 446.
7. Halford J., Shen S., Itamura K. New astroglial injury-defined biomarkers for neurotrauma assessment // J Cereb Blood Flow Metab., 2017. – Vol. 37(10). – P. 3278–3299.
8. Ingebrigtsen T., Romner B., Marup-Jensen S. The clinical value of serum S100β protein measurements in minor head injury: a Scandinavian multicentre study // Brain Inj. - 2000.- Vol. 14 (12). - P. 1047-1055.
9. Koerte I.K., Lin A.P., Willems A. A Review of Neuroimaging Findings in Repetitive Brain Trauma // Brain Pathol.,
2015. – Vol. 25(3). – P. 318–349.
10. Lifshitz J., Rowe R.K., Griffiths D.R. Clinical relevance of midline fluid percussion brain injury: acute deficits, chronic
morbidities, and the utility of biomarkers // Brain Inj., 2016.– Vol. 30(11). – P. 1293–1301.

1. Adrian H., Mårten K., Salla N. Biomarkers of Traumatic Brain Injury: Temporal Changes in Body Fluids // eNeuro, 2016. –Vol. 3(6). – P.294.
2. Bachstetter A.D., Zhou Z., Rowe R.K. MW151 Inhibited IL1β Levels after Traumatic Brain Injury with No Effect on Microglia Physiological Responses // PLoS One, 2016. – Vol.11(2). – P. 149-157.
3. Chen R., Zhang S.X., Zhao H. Noncontrast and perfusion CTprovides accurate assessment of head deceleration injury //Turk Neurosurg., 2011. – V. 21 (2). – P.127-134.
4. Daneshvar D.H., Nowinski C.J., McKee A.C. The epidemiology of sport-related concussion // Clin Sports Med., 2018. -Vol. 30. - P.1-17.
5. Erlanger D., Kaushik T., Cantu R. Symptom-based assessment of the severity of a concussion // J Neurosurg., 2018. - Vol. 98.– P. 477-84.
6. Gan Z.S., Stein S.C., Swanson R. Blood Biomarkers for Traumatic Brain Injury: A Quantitative Assessment of Diagnostic and Prognostic Accuracy // Front Neurol., 2019. –Vol.10. – P. 446.
7. Halford J., Shen S., Itamura K. New astroglial injury-defined biomarkers for neurotrauma assessment // J Cereb Blood Flow Metab., 2017. – Vol. 37(10). – P. 3278–3299.
8. Ingebrigtsen T., Romner B., Marup-Jensen S. The clinical value of serum S100β protein measurements in minor head injury: a Scandinavian multicentre study // Brain Inj. - 2000.- Vol. 14 (12). - P. 1047-1055.
9. Koerte I.K., Lin A.P., Willems A. A Review of Neuroimaging Findings in Repetitive Brain Trauma // Brain Pathol.,
2015. – Vol. 25(3). – P. 318–349.
10. Lifshitz J., Rowe R.K., Griffiths D.R. Clinical relevance of midline fluid percussion brain injury: acute deficits, chronic
morbidities, and the utility of biomarkers // Brain Inj., 2016.– Vol. 30(11). – P. 1293–1301.

Для цитирования

Ырысов К.Б. , Файзуллаева Г. А., Машрапов Ш. Ж. Клиническое значение лабораторных исследований и методов нейровизуализации в диагностике сотрясения головного мозга. Здравоохранение Кыргызстана 2021, № 1, с. 30-38 ,

For citation

Yrysov K.B., Faizullaeva G. A., Mashrapov Sh. J. Clinical and neuroimaging parallels in herniated lumbar intervertebral discs. Health care of Kyrgyzstan 2021, no 1, pp. 30-38;

Цитата үчүн

Ырысов К.Б. , Файзуллаева Г. А., Машрапов Ш. Ж. Мээнин чайкалуусун аныктоодогу лабораториялык изилдө өлөрдүн жана нейровизуализациянын клиникалык маанилүүлүгү. Кыргызстандын Саламаттык Сактоо 2021, №1, б. 30-38 ,

Authors Yrysov K.B. , Fayzullaeva G.A. , Mashrapov Sh.J.
Pages 30-38
Об авторах

Ырысов Кенешбек Бакирбаевич, доктор медицинских наук, профессор, врач-нейрохирург, кафедра нейрохирургии,  Кыргызской государственной медицинской академии им. И. К. Ахунбаева, Бишкек,Кыргызская Республика;

Файзуллаева Гулира Ахунбековна, аспирант, врач-невролог, кафедра нейрохирургии,  Кыргызской государственной медицинской академии им. И. К. Ахунбаева, Бишкек,Кыргызская Республика;
Машрапов Шермамат Жусупович, кандидат медицинских наук, врач-нейрохирург, Ошская межобластная клиническая больница, отделение нейрохирургии, Ош, Кыргызская Республика.

Полный текст


Список литературы

1. Adrian H., Mårten K., Salla N. Biomarkers of Traumatic Brain Injury: Temporal Changes in Body Fluids // eNeuro, 2016. –Vol. 3(6). – P.294.
2. Bachstetter A.D., Zhou Z., Rowe R.K. MW151 Inhibited IL1β Levels after Traumatic Brain Injury with No Effect on Microglia Physiological Responses // PLoS One, 2016. – Vol.11(2). – P. 149-157.
3. Chen R., Zhang S.X., Zhao H. Noncontrast and perfusion CTprovides accurate assessment of head deceleration injury //Turk Neurosurg., 2011. – V. 21 (2). – P.127-134.
4. Daneshvar D.H., Nowinski C.J., McKee A.C. The epidemiology of sport-related concussion // Clin Sports Med., 2018. -Vol. 30. - P.1-17.
5. Erlanger D., Kaushik T., Cantu R. Symptom-based assessment of the severity of a concussion // J Neurosurg., 2018. - Vol. 98.– P. 477-84.
6. Gan Z.S., Stein S.C., Swanson R. Blood Biomarkers for Traumatic Brain Injury: A Quantitative Assessment of Diagnostic and Prognostic Accuracy // Front Neurol., 2019. –Vol.10. – P. 446.
7. Halford J., Shen S., Itamura K. New astroglial injury-defined biomarkers for neurotrauma assessment // J Cereb Blood Flow Metab., 2017. – Vol. 37(10). – P. 3278–3299.
8. Ingebrigtsen T., Romner B., Marup-Jensen S. The clinical value of serum S100β protein measurements in minor head injury: a Scandinavian multicentre study // Brain Inj. - 2000.- Vol. 14 (12). - P. 1047-1055.
9. Koerte I.K., Lin A.P., Willems A. A Review of Neuroimaging Findings in Repetitive Brain Trauma // Brain Pathol.,
2015. – Vol. 25(3). – P. 318–349.
10. Lifshitz J., Rowe R.K., Griffiths D.R. Clinical relevance of midline fluid percussion brain injury: acute deficits, chronic
morbidities, and the utility of biomarkers // Brain Inj., 2016.– Vol. 30(11). – P. 1293–1301.

Для цитирования

Ырысов К.Б. , Файзуллаева Г. А., Машрапов Ш. Ж. Клиническое значение лабораторных исследований и методов нейровизуализации в диагностике сотрясения головного мозга. Здравоохранение Кыргызстана 2021, № 1, с. 30-38 ,

About authors

Yrysov Keneshbek Bakirbaevich, doctor of medical sciences, professor, neurosurgeon, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev, Department of Neurosurgery, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic;
Fayzullaeva Gulira Akhunbekovna, postgraduate, neurologist, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbayeva, Department of Neurosurgery, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic;
Mashrapov Shermamat Zhusupovich, candidate of medical sciences, neurosurgeon, Osh Interregional Clinical Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery, Osh, Kyrgyz Republic.

Full text



1. Adrian H., Mårten K., Salla N. Biomarkers of Traumatic Brain Injury: Temporal Changes in Body Fluids // eNeuro, 2016. –Vol. 3(6). – P.294.
2. Bachstetter A.D., Zhou Z., Rowe R.K. MW151 Inhibited IL1β Levels after Traumatic Brain Injury with No Effect on Microglia Physiological Responses // PLoS One, 2016. – Vol.11(2). – P. 149-157.
3. Chen R., Zhang S.X., Zhao H. Noncontrast and perfusion CTprovides accurate assessment of head deceleration injury //Turk Neurosurg., 2011. – V. 21 (2). – P.127-134.
4. Daneshvar D.H., Nowinski C.J., McKee A.C. The epidemiology of sport-related concussion // Clin Sports Med., 2018. -Vol. 30. - P.1-17.
5. Erlanger D., Kaushik T., Cantu R. Symptom-based assessment of the severity of a concussion // J Neurosurg., 2018. - Vol. 98.– P. 477-84.
6. Gan Z.S., Stein S.C., Swanson R. Blood Biomarkers for Traumatic Brain Injury: A Quantitative Assessment of Diagnostic and Prognostic Accuracy // Front Neurol., 2019. –Vol.10. – P. 446.
7. Halford J., Shen S., Itamura K. New astroglial injury-defined biomarkers for neurotrauma assessment // J Cereb Blood Flow Metab., 2017. – Vol. 37(10). – P. 3278–3299.
8. Ingebrigtsen T., Romner B., Marup-Jensen S. The clinical value of serum S100β protein measurements in minor head injury: a Scandinavian multicentre study // Brain Inj. - 2000.- Vol. 14 (12). - P. 1047-1055.
9. Koerte I.K., Lin A.P., Willems A. A Review of Neuroimaging Findings in Repetitive Brain Trauma // Brain Pathol.,
2015. – Vol. 25(3). – P. 318–349.
10. Lifshitz J., Rowe R.K., Griffiths D.R. Clinical relevance of midline fluid percussion brain injury: acute deficits, chronic
morbidities, and the utility of biomarkers // Brain Inj., 2016.– Vol. 30(11). – P. 1293–1301.

For citation

Yrysov K.B., Faizullaeva G. A., Mashrapov Sh. J. Clinical and neuroimaging parallels in herniated lumbar intervertebral discs. Health care of Kyrgyzstan 2021, no 1, pp. 30-38;

Авторлор жөнүндө

Ырысов Кенешбек Бакирбаевич, медицина илимдеринин доктору, профессор, дарыгер-нейрохирург, нейрохирургия кафедрасы И.К. Ахунбаев атындагы Кыргыз Мамлекетик Медициналык Академия, Бишкек, Кыргыз Республикасы;

Файзуллаева Гулира Ахунбековна, аспирант, дарыгер-невролог, нейрохирургия кафедрасы И.К. Ахунбаев атындагы Кыргыз Мамлекетик Медициналык Академия, Бишкек, Кыргыз Республикасы;

Машрапов Шермамат Жусупович, медицина илимдеринин кандидаты, дарыгер-нейрохирург, Ош областтар аралык клиникалык ооруканасы, нейрохирургия бѳлүмү, Ош,  Кыргыз Республикасы.

Толук текст



1. Adrian H., Mårten K., Salla N. Biomarkers of Traumatic Brain Injury: Temporal Changes in Body Fluids // eNeuro, 2016. –Vol. 3(6). – P.294.
2. Bachstetter A.D., Zhou Z., Rowe R.K. MW151 Inhibited IL1β Levels after Traumatic Brain Injury with No Effect on Microglia Physiological Responses // PLoS One, 2016. – Vol.11(2). – P. 149-157.
3. Chen R., Zhang S.X., Zhao H. Noncontrast and perfusion CTprovides accurate assessment of head deceleration injury //Turk Neurosurg., 2011. – V. 21 (2). – P.127-134.
4. Daneshvar D.H., Nowinski C.J., McKee A.C. The epidemiology of sport-related concussion // Clin Sports Med., 2018. -Vol. 30. - P.1-17.
5. Erlanger D., Kaushik T., Cantu R. Symptom-based assessment of the severity of a concussion // J Neurosurg., 2018. - Vol. 98.– P. 477-84.
6. Gan Z.S., Stein S.C., Swanson R. Blood Biomarkers for Traumatic Brain Injury: A Quantitative Assessment of Diagnostic and Prognostic Accuracy // Front Neurol., 2019. –Vol.10. – P. 446.
7. Halford J., Shen S., Itamura K. New astroglial injury-defined biomarkers for neurotrauma assessment // J Cereb Blood Flow Metab., 2017. – Vol. 37(10). – P. 3278–3299.
8. Ingebrigtsen T., Romner B., Marup-Jensen S. The clinical value of serum S100β protein measurements in minor head injury: a Scandinavian multicentre study // Brain Inj. - 2000.- Vol. 14 (12). - P. 1047-1055.
9. Koerte I.K., Lin A.P., Willems A. A Review of Neuroimaging Findings in Repetitive Brain Trauma // Brain Pathol.,
2015. – Vol. 25(3). – P. 318–349.
10. Lifshitz J., Rowe R.K., Griffiths D.R. Clinical relevance of midline fluid percussion brain injury: acute deficits, chronic
morbidities, and the utility of biomarkers // Brain Inj., 2016.– Vol. 30(11). – P. 1293–1301.

Цитата үчүн

Ырысов К.Б. , Файзуллаева Г. А., Машрапов Ш. Ж. Мээнин чайкалуусун аныктоодогу лабораториялык изилдө өлөрдүн жана нейровизуализациянын клиникалык маанилүүлүгү. Кыргызстандын Саламаттык Сактоо 2021, №1, б. 30-38 ,

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