Health care of Kyrgyzstan
Zdravoohraneniye Kyrgyzstana

ISSN 1694-8068 (Print)

ISSN 1694-805X (Online)

A modern view on the situation of the post-transplantation period and tactics of managing patients after kidney transplantation in the Kyrgyz Republic

A modern view on the situation of the post-transplantation period and tactics of managing patients after kidney transplantation in the Kyrgyz Republic
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The number of patients with end-stage chronic renal failure requiring kidney transplantation is increasing all over the world. The relevance of the issue of availability of kidney transplantation and the development of organizational and methodological approaches in the pre- and post-transplantation period in the conditions of Kyrgyzstan is increasing. The purpose of the study is to conduct a situational analysis of the state of the kidney donation and transplantation system in the Kyrgyz Republic. Materials and methods: a comparative retrospective analysis of the outcomes of kidney transplantation in patients with chronic renal failure who underwent kidney transplantation, living in Kyrgyzstan in the late post-transplantation period, was carried out. Results and conclusions: Since 1999, kidney transplantation has been performed in 536 citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic of various age groups, 58% of whom were recipients aged 26 to 45 years, and 8.6% - children under the age of 18 years. Kidney transplantation was predominantly performed in Turkey - 56.5%, in Kyrgyzstan - 9%, in Tajikistan - 8.8%. An analysis of the degree of relationship between donors and recipients revealed the prevalence of 1st and 2nd degrees of kinship in 34.1% and 34.7%, respectively. The share of unrelated transplantation accounted for 8%, and the minimum figure was cadaveric transplantation - 1.9%. In the late post-transplant period, 82.8% of recipients had satisfactory renal graft function, and 8.0% of patients had loss of renal graft function. The mortality rate of patients after kidney transplantation was 9.2%, the main cause of mortality was COVID-19 (26.5%), in 18.4% the cause was not established, in 12.2% - graft rejection, in 10.2% - sepsis and malignant neoplasms of various localizations. The results obtained allow us to conclude that transplanted kidney recipients are at high risk due to the existing longterm state of immunosuppression and the presence of many comorbidities.

About the authors

Баказова Назгуль Камчибековна, Заведующая отделением нефрологии и пациентов посттрансплантационного периода Национального Госпиталя при Министерстве Здравоохранения, Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика

Калиев Рысбек Рысмамбетович, д.м.н., профессор, заслуженный врач Кыргызской Республики, профессор кафедры факультетской терапии Кыргызской Государственной медицинской академии, главный нештатный нефролог Минздрава, Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика
Иманкулова Асель Сансызбаевна, к.м.н., доцент, заведующая отделом научно-инновационной и клинической работы Кыргызской Государственной Медицинской Академии имени И.К. Ахунбаева, Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика

Мухамбедиев Валихан Мээрханович, врач нефролог Нацинального Госпиталя при Министерстве Здравоохранения, Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика

Bakazova Nazgul Kamchibekovna, Head of the Department of Nephrology and Post-Transplant Patients, National Hospital under the Ministry of Health, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Kaliev Rysbek Rysmambetovich, MD, Professor, Honored Doctor of the Kyrgyz Republic, Professor of the Department of Faculty Therapy of the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, Chief Non-staff Nephrologist of the Ministry of Health, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Imankulova Asel Sansyzbaevna, Ph.D., Head of office for Scientific-Innovative Research and Clinical Work, I. K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Mukhambediev Valikhan Meerkhanovich, nephrologist, National Hospital under the Ministry of Health, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

Баказова Назгүл Камчыбековна, Саламаттыкты сактоо министрлигине караштуу Улуттук госпиталдын нефрология жана трансплантациядан кийинки бейтаптар бөлүмүнүн башчысы, Бишкек, Кыргыз Республикасы

Калиев Рысбек Рысмамбетович, медицина илимдеринин доктору, профессор, Кыргыз Республикасынын эмгек сиңирген дарыгери, Кыргыз мамлекеттик медициналык академиясынын факультеттик терапия кафедрасынын профессору, Саламаттык сактоо министрлигинин штаттан тышкаркы башкы нефрологу, Бишкек, Кыргыз Республикасы

Иманкулова Асель Сансызбаевна, м.и.к., И.К. Ахунбаев атындагы Кыргыз Мамлекеттик Медициналык Академиясынын илимий-инновациялык жана клиникалык иштер бөлүмү башчысы, Бишкек, Кыргыз Республикасы

Мухамбедиев Валихан Мээрханович, нефролог, Улуттук Саламаттыкты сактоо министрлигине караштуу Улуттук госпитал, Бишкек, Кыргыз Республикасы


1. Готье С.В, Хомяков С.М. Донорство и трансплантация органов в Российской Федерации в 2020 году (XII сообщение национального регистра Российского трансплантологического общества)//Трансплантология: итоги и перспективы. 2021.Т.23.Т3.С.8–35. [Gauthier S.V., Khomyakov S.M. Organ donation and transplantation in the Russian Federation in 2020 (XII communication of the national register of the Russian Transplant Society)//Transplantology: results and prospects. 2021.Т.23. №3.pp.8–35. (in Russian)]. doi: 10.15825/1995-1191-2021-3-8-34 https://www.elibrary. ru/download/elibrary_4652 1506_ 73990914.pdf
2. Султанов П.К., Хаджибаев Ф.А., Эргашев Д.Н. Анализ осложнений после трансплантации почк.//Вестник экстренной медицины.2021.Т.14.№1.С.56-65. [Sultanov P.K., Khadzhibaev F.A., Ergashev D.N. Analysis of complications after kidney transplantation//Bulletin of Emergency Medicine. 2021.Т.14.№1.pp.56-65. (in Russian)]. download/elibrary_46521506_73990914.pdf
3. Готье С. В., Хомяков С.М. Оценка потребности населения в трансплантации органов, донорского ресурса и планирование эффективной сети медицинских организаций (центров трансплантации//Вестник трансплантологии и искусственных органов. 2013.Т.15.№3.С.11-24.[Gauthier S. V., Khomyakov S. M. Assessment of the needs of the population for organ transplantation, donor resources and planning an effective network of medical organizations (transplantation centers//Bulletin of Transplantology and Artificial Organs. 2013.Т.15.№3.pp.11-24. (in Russian)].
4. Байко С., Сукало А. Трансплантация почек у детей в Республике Беларусь. Оптимизация схемы иммуносупрессивной терапии//Врач.2017.№12.С.36-40. [Bayko S., Sukalo A. Kidney transplantation in children in the Republic of Belarus. Optimization of the scheme of immunosuppressive therapy//Vrach. 2017.№12.pp. 36-40. (in Russian)]. asp?id=30770682 – EDN ZXJFPR.
5. Васильева И. А. Качество жизни реципиентов почечного трансплантата//Нефрология. 2018.Т.22.№4.С.74-80. [Vasilyeva I.A. Quality of life in kidney transplant recipients. Nephrology. 2018.Т.22.№4.pp.74-80. (in Russian)]. doi 10.24884/1561-6274-2018-22-4-74-80. – EDN XWBYWT.
6. Danuser B, Simcox A, Studer R. for the Psychosocial Interest Group, Swiss Transplant Cohort Study (2017) Employment 12 months after kidney transplantation: An in-depth bio-psycho-social analysis of the Swiss Transplant Cohort. PLoS ONE 12(4):e0175161.
7. Nour N, Heck CS, Ross H. Factors related to participation in paid work after organ transplantation: perceptions of kidney transplant recipients. Journal of occupational rehabilitation. 2015;25(1):38–51. pmid:24871373
8. Helantera I, Haapio M, Koskinen P, Gronhagen-Riska C, Finne P. Employment of patients receiving maintenance dialysis and after kidney transplant: a cross-sectional study from Finland. American journal of kidney diseases: the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation. 2012;59(5):700–6. id=10.1371/journal.pone.0175161#
9. De Geest S, Burkhalter H, Berben L, Bogert LJ, Denhaerynck K, Glass TR, et al. The Swiss Transplant Cohort Study's framework for assessing lifelong psychosocial factors in solid-organ transplants. Progress in transplantation. 2013;23(3):235–46. pmid: 23996943
10. Franko A, Jimenez L, Sillero C et Post-transplantat lympholiferative disorders in renal transplantation:two decades of
experience//Nefrologia.2010.Vol.30, N 6 P.669-675

1. Gauthier S.V., Khomyakov S.M. Organ donation and transplantation in the Russian Federation in 2020 (XII communication of the national register of the Russian Transplant Society)//Transplantology: results and prospects. 2021.Т.23. №3.pp.8–35. (in Russian). doi: 10.15825/1995-1191-2021-3-8-34 https://www.elibrary. ru/download/elibrary_4652 1506_ 73990914.pdf
2. Sultanov P.K., Khadzhibaev F.A., Ergashev D.N. Analysis of complications after kidney transplantation//Bulletin of Emergency Medicine. 2021.Т.14.№1.pp.56-65. (in Russian).
3. Gauthier S. V., Khomyakov S. M. Assessment of the needs of the population for organ transplantation, donor resources and planning an effective network of medical organizations (transplantation centers//Bulletin of Transplantology and Artificial Organs. 2013.Т.15.№3.pp.11-24. (in Russian).
4. Bayko S., Sukalo A. Kidney transplantation in children in the Republic of Belarus. Optimization of the scheme of immunosuppressive therapy//Vrach. 2017.№12.pp. 36-40. (in Russian)]. asp?id=30770682 – EDN ZXJFPR.
5. Vasilyeva I.A. Quality of life in kidney transplant recipients. Nephrology. 2018.Т.22.№4.pp.74-80. (in Russian)]. doi 10.24884/1561-6274-2018-22-4-74-80. – EDN XWBYWT.
6. Danuser B, Simcox A, Studer R. for the Psychosocial Interest Group, Swiss Transplant Cohort Study (2017) Employment 12 months after kidney transplantation: An in-depth bio-psycho-social analysis of the Swiss Transplant Cohort. PLoS ONE 12(4):e0175161.
7. Nour N, Heck CS, Ross H. Factors related to participation in paid work after organ transplantation: perceptions of kidney transplant recipients. Journal of occupational rehabilitation. 2015;25(1):38–51. pmid:24871373
8. Helantera I, Haapio M, Koskinen P, Gronhagen-Riska C, Finne P. Employment of patients receiving maintenance dialysis and after kidney transplant: a cross-sectional study from Finland. American journal of kidney diseases: the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation. 2012;59(5):700–6. id=10.1371/journal.pone.0175161#
9. De Geest S, Burkhalter H, Berben L, Bogert LJ, Denhaerynck K, Glass TR, et al. The Swiss Transplant Cohort Study's framework for assessing lifelong psychosocial factors in solid-organ transplants. Progress in transplantation. 2013;23(3):235–46. pmid: 23996943
10. Franko A, Jimenez L, Sillero C et Post-transplantat lympholiferative disorders in renal transplantation:two decades of experience//Nefrologia.2010.Vol.30, N 6 P.669-675

1. Готье С.В, Хомяков С.М. Донорство и трансплантация органов в Российской Федерации в 2020 году (XII сообщение национального регистра Российского трансплантологического общества)//Трансплантология: итоги и перспективы. 2021.Т.23.Т3.С.8–35. [Gauthier S.V., Khomyakov S.M. Organ donation and transplantation in the Russian Federation in 2020 (XII communication of the national register of the Russian Transplant Society)//Transplantology: results and prospects. 2021.Т.23. №3.pp.8–35. (in Russian)]. doi: 10.15825/1995-1191-2021-3-8-34 https://www.elibrary. ru/download/elibrary_4652 1506_ 73990914.pdf
2. Султанов П.К., Хаджибаев Ф.А., Эргашев Д.Н. Анализ осложнений после трансплантации почк.//Вестник экстренной медицины.2021.Т.14.№1.С.56-65. [Sultanov P.K., Khadzhibaev F.A., Ergashev D.N. Analysis of complications after kidney transplantation//Bulletin of Emergency Medicine. 2021.Т.14.№1.pp.56-65. (in Russian)]. download/elibrary_46521506_73990914.pdf
3. Готье С. В., Хомяков С.М. Оценка потребности населения в трансплантации органов, донорского ресурса и планирование эффективной сети медицинских организаций (центров трансплантации//Вестник трансплантологии и искусственных органов. 2013.Т.15.№3.С.11-24.[Gauthier S. V., Khomyakov S. M. Assessment of the needs of the population for organ transplantation, donor resources and planning an effective network of medical organizations (transplantation centers//Bulletin of Transplantology and Artificial Organs. 2013.Т.15.№3.pp.11-24. (in Russian)].
4. Байко С., Сукало А. Трансплантация почек у детей в Республике Беларусь. Оптимизация схемы иммуносупрессивной терапии//Врач.2017.№12.С.36-40. [Bayko S., Sukalo A. Kidney transplantation in children in the Republic of Belarus. Optimization of the scheme of immunosuppressive therapy//Vrach. 2017.№12.pp. 36-40. (in Russian)]. asp?id=30770682 – EDN ZXJFPR.
5. Васильева И. А. Качество жизни реципиентов почечного трансплантата//Нефрология. 2018.Т.22.№4.С.74-80. [Vasilyeva I.A. Quality of life in kidney transplant recipients. Nephrology. 2018.Т.22.№4.pp.74-80. (in Russian)]. doi 10.24884/1561-6274-2018-22-4-74-80. – EDN XWBYWT.
6. Danuser B, Simcox A, Studer R. for the Psychosocial Interest Group, Swiss Transplant Cohort Study (2017) Employment 12 months after kidney transplantation: An in-depth bio-psycho-social analysis of the Swiss Transplant Cohort. PLoS ONE 12(4):e0175161.
7. Nour N, Heck CS, Ross H. Factors related to participation in paid work after organ transplantation: perceptions of kidney transplant recipients. Journal of occupational rehabilitation. 2015;25(1):38–51. pmid:24871373
8. Helantera I, Haapio M, Koskinen P, Gronhagen-Riska C, Finne P. Employment of patients receiving maintenance dialysis and after kidney transplant: a cross-sectional study from Finland. American journal of kidney diseases: the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation. 2012;59(5):700–6. id=10.1371/journal.pone.0175161#
9. De Geest S, Burkhalter H, Berben L, Bogert LJ, Denhaerynck K, Glass TR, et al. The Swiss Transplant Cohort Study's framework for assessing lifelong psychosocial factors in solid-organ transplants. Progress in transplantation. 2013;23(3):235–46. pmid: 23996943
10. Franko A, Jimenez L, Sillero C et Post-transplantat lympholiferative disorders in renal transplantation:two decades of
experience//Nefrologia.2010.Vol.30, N 6 P.669-675

Для цитирования

Баказова Н.К., Калиев Р.Р., Иманкулова А.С., Мухамбедиев В.М. Современный взгляд на ситуацию посттрансплантационного периода и тактику ведения пациентов после трансплан тации почки в Кыргызской Республике. Здравоохранение Кыргызстана 2022, № 3, с. 21-27.

For citation

Bakazova N.K., Kaliev R.R., Imankulova A.S., Mukhambediev V.M. A modern view on the situation of the post-trans plantation period and tactics of managing patients after kidney transplantation in the Kyrgyz Republic. Health care of Kyrgyzstan. 2022, No. 3, pp. 21-27.

Цитата үчүн

Баказова Н.К., Калиев Р.Р., Иманкулова А.С., Мухамбедиев В.М. Кыргыз Республикасындагы трансплантациядан кийинки мезгилдин абалы жана бөйрөк трансплантациясынан кийин пациенттерди башкаруу тактикасы жөнүндө заманбап көз караш. Кыргызстандын саламаттык сактоо 2022, no 3, б. 21-27.

Authors Bakazova N.K., Kaliev R.R., Imankulova A.S., Mukhambediev V.M.
Pages 21-27
Keywords chronic renal failure, kidney transplantation, post-transplant nephropathy, Donation
Об авторах

Баказова Назгуль Камчибековна, Заведующая отделением нефрологии и пациентов посттрансплантационного периода Национального Госпиталя при Министерстве Здравоохранения, Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика

Калиев Рысбек Рысмамбетович, д.м.н., профессор, заслуженный врач Кыргызской Республики, профессор кафедры факультетской терапии Кыргызской Государственной медицинской академии, главный нештатный нефролог Минздрава, Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика
Иманкулова Асель Сансызбаевна, к.м.н., доцент, заведующая отделом научно-инновационной и клинической работы Кыргызской Государственной Медицинской Академии имени И.К. Ахунбаева, Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика

Мухамбедиев Валихан Мээрханович, врач нефролог Нацинального Госпиталя при Министерстве Здравоохранения, Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика

Полный текст


Список литературы

1. Готье С.В, Хомяков С.М. Донорство и трансплантация органов в Российской Федерации в 2020 году (XII сообщение национального регистра Российского трансплантологического общества)//Трансплантология: итоги и перспективы. 2021.Т.23.Т3.С.8–35. [Gauthier S.V., Khomyakov S.M. Organ donation and transplantation in the Russian Federation in 2020 (XII communication of the national register of the Russian Transplant Society)//Transplantology: results and prospects. 2021.Т.23. №3.pp.8–35. (in Russian)]. doi: 10.15825/1995-1191-2021-3-8-34 https://www.elibrary. ru/download/elibrary_4652 1506_ 73990914.pdf
2. Султанов П.К., Хаджибаев Ф.А., Эргашев Д.Н. Анализ осложнений после трансплантации почк.//Вестник экстренной медицины.2021.Т.14.№1.С.56-65. [Sultanov P.K., Khadzhibaev F.A., Ergashev D.N. Analysis of complications after kidney transplantation//Bulletin of Emergency Medicine. 2021.Т.14.№1.pp.56-65. (in Russian)]. download/elibrary_46521506_73990914.pdf
3. Готье С. В., Хомяков С.М. Оценка потребности населения в трансплантации органов, донорского ресурса и планирование эффективной сети медицинских организаций (центров трансплантации//Вестник трансплантологии и искусственных органов. 2013.Т.15.№3.С.11-24.[Gauthier S. V., Khomyakov S. M. Assessment of the needs of the population for organ transplantation, donor resources and planning an effective network of medical organizations (transplantation centers//Bulletin of Transplantology and Artificial Organs. 2013.Т.15.№3.pp.11-24. (in Russian)].
4. Байко С., Сукало А. Трансплантация почек у детей в Республике Беларусь. Оптимизация схемы иммуносупрессивной терапии//Врач.2017.№12.С.36-40. [Bayko S., Sukalo A. Kidney transplantation in children in the Republic of Belarus. Optimization of the scheme of immunosuppressive therapy//Vrach. 2017.№12.pp. 36-40. (in Russian)]. asp?id=30770682 – EDN ZXJFPR.
5. Васильева И. А. Качество жизни реципиентов почечного трансплантата//Нефрология. 2018.Т.22.№4.С.74-80. [Vasilyeva I.A. Quality of life in kidney transplant recipients. Nephrology. 2018.Т.22.№4.pp.74-80. (in Russian)]. doi 10.24884/1561-6274-2018-22-4-74-80. – EDN XWBYWT.
6. Danuser B, Simcox A, Studer R. for the Psychosocial Interest Group, Swiss Transplant Cohort Study (2017) Employment 12 months after kidney transplantation: An in-depth bio-psycho-social analysis of the Swiss Transplant Cohort. PLoS ONE 12(4):e0175161.
7. Nour N, Heck CS, Ross H. Factors related to participation in paid work after organ transplantation: perceptions of kidney transplant recipients. Journal of occupational rehabilitation. 2015;25(1):38–51. pmid:24871373
8. Helantera I, Haapio M, Koskinen P, Gronhagen-Riska C, Finne P. Employment of patients receiving maintenance dialysis and after kidney transplant: a cross-sectional study from Finland. American journal of kidney diseases: the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation. 2012;59(5):700–6. id=10.1371/journal.pone.0175161#
9. De Geest S, Burkhalter H, Berben L, Bogert LJ, Denhaerynck K, Glass TR, et al. The Swiss Transplant Cohort Study's framework for assessing lifelong psychosocial factors in solid-organ transplants. Progress in transplantation. 2013;23(3):235–46. pmid: 23996943
10. Franko A, Jimenez L, Sillero C et Post-transplantat lympholiferative disorders in renal transplantation:two decades of
experience//Nefrologia.2010.Vol.30, N 6 P.669-675

Для цитирования

Баказова Н.К., Калиев Р.Р., Иманкулова А.С., Мухамбедиев В.М. Современный взгляд на ситуацию посттрансплантационного периода и тактику ведения пациентов после трансплан тации почки в Кыргызской Республике. Здравоохранение Кыргызстана 2022, № 3, с. 21-27.

About authors

Bakazova Nazgul Kamchibekovna, Head of the Department of Nephrology and Post-Transplant Patients, National Hospital under the Ministry of Health, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Kaliev Rysbek Rysmambetovich, MD, Professor, Honored Doctor of the Kyrgyz Republic, Professor of the Department of Faculty Therapy of the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, Chief Non-staff Nephrologist of the Ministry of Health, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Imankulova Asel Sansyzbaevna, Ph.D., Head of office for Scientific-Innovative Research and Clinical Work, I. K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Mukhambediev Valikhan Meerkhanovich, nephrologist, National Hospital under the Ministry of Health, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

Full text



1. Gauthier S.V., Khomyakov S.M. Organ donation and transplantation in the Russian Federation in 2020 (XII communication of the national register of the Russian Transplant Society)//Transplantology: results and prospects. 2021.Т.23. №3.pp.8–35. (in Russian). doi: 10.15825/1995-1191-2021-3-8-34 https://www.elibrary. ru/download/elibrary_4652 1506_ 73990914.pdf
2. Sultanov P.K., Khadzhibaev F.A., Ergashev D.N. Analysis of complications after kidney transplantation//Bulletin of Emergency Medicine. 2021.Т.14.№1.pp.56-65. (in Russian).
3. Gauthier S. V., Khomyakov S. M. Assessment of the needs of the population for organ transplantation, donor resources and planning an effective network of medical organizations (transplantation centers//Bulletin of Transplantology and Artificial Organs. 2013.Т.15.№3.pp.11-24. (in Russian).
4. Bayko S., Sukalo A. Kidney transplantation in children in the Republic of Belarus. Optimization of the scheme of immunosuppressive therapy//Vrach. 2017.№12.pp. 36-40. (in Russian)]. asp?id=30770682 – EDN ZXJFPR.
5. Vasilyeva I.A. Quality of life in kidney transplant recipients. Nephrology. 2018.Т.22.№4.pp.74-80. (in Russian)]. doi 10.24884/1561-6274-2018-22-4-74-80. – EDN XWBYWT.
6. Danuser B, Simcox A, Studer R. for the Psychosocial Interest Group, Swiss Transplant Cohort Study (2017) Employment 12 months after kidney transplantation: An in-depth bio-psycho-social analysis of the Swiss Transplant Cohort. PLoS ONE 12(4):e0175161.
7. Nour N, Heck CS, Ross H. Factors related to participation in paid work after organ transplantation: perceptions of kidney transplant recipients. Journal of occupational rehabilitation. 2015;25(1):38–51. pmid:24871373
8. Helantera I, Haapio M, Koskinen P, Gronhagen-Riska C, Finne P. Employment of patients receiving maintenance dialysis and after kidney transplant: a cross-sectional study from Finland. American journal of kidney diseases: the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation. 2012;59(5):700–6. id=10.1371/journal.pone.0175161#
9. De Geest S, Burkhalter H, Berben L, Bogert LJ, Denhaerynck K, Glass TR, et al. The Swiss Transplant Cohort Study's framework for assessing lifelong psychosocial factors in solid-organ transplants. Progress in transplantation. 2013;23(3):235–46. pmid: 23996943
10. Franko A, Jimenez L, Sillero C et Post-transplantat lympholiferative disorders in renal transplantation:two decades of experience//Nefrologia.2010.Vol.30, N 6 P.669-675

For citation

Bakazova N.K., Kaliev R.R., Imankulova A.S., Mukhambediev V.M. A modern view on the situation of the post-trans plantation period and tactics of managing patients after kidney transplantation in the Kyrgyz Republic. Health care of Kyrgyzstan. 2022, No. 3, pp. 21-27.

Авторлор жөнүндө

Баказова Назгүл Камчыбековна, Саламаттыкты сактоо министрлигине караштуу Улуттук госпиталдын нефрология жана трансплантациядан кийинки бейтаптар бөлүмүнүн башчысы, Бишкек, Кыргыз Республикасы

Калиев Рысбек Рысмамбетович, медицина илимдеринин доктору, профессор, Кыргыз Республикасынын эмгек сиңирген дарыгери, Кыргыз мамлекеттик медициналык академиясынын факультеттик терапия кафедрасынын профессору, Саламаттык сактоо министрлигинин штаттан тышкаркы башкы нефрологу, Бишкек, Кыргыз Республикасы

Иманкулова Асель Сансызбаевна, м.и.к., И.К. Ахунбаев атындагы Кыргыз Мамлекеттик Медициналык Академиясынын илимий-инновациялык жана клиникалык иштер бөлүмү башчысы, Бишкек, Кыргыз Республикасы

Мухамбедиев Валихан Мээрханович, нефролог, Улуттук Саламаттыкты сактоо министрлигине караштуу Улуттук госпитал, Бишкек, Кыргыз Республикасы

Толук текст



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6. Danuser B, Simcox A, Studer R. for the Psychosocial Interest Group, Swiss Transplant Cohort Study (2017) Employment 12 months after kidney transplantation: An in-depth bio-psycho-social analysis of the Swiss Transplant Cohort. PLoS ONE 12(4):e0175161.
7. Nour N, Heck CS, Ross H. Factors related to participation in paid work after organ transplantation: perceptions of kidney transplant recipients. Journal of occupational rehabilitation. 2015;25(1):38–51. pmid:24871373
8. Helantera I, Haapio M, Koskinen P, Gronhagen-Riska C, Finne P. Employment of patients receiving maintenance dialysis and after kidney transplant: a cross-sectional study from Finland. American journal of kidney diseases: the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation. 2012;59(5):700–6. id=10.1371/journal.pone.0175161#
9. De Geest S, Burkhalter H, Berben L, Bogert LJ, Denhaerynck K, Glass TR, et al. The Swiss Transplant Cohort Study's framework for assessing lifelong psychosocial factors in solid-organ transplants. Progress in transplantation. 2013;23(3):235–46. pmid: 23996943
10. Franko A, Jimenez L, Sillero C et Post-transplantat lympholiferative disorders in renal transplantation:two decades of
experience//Nefrologia.2010.Vol.30, N 6 P.669-675

Цитата үчүн

Баказова Н.К., Калиев Р.Р., Иманкулова А.С., Мухамбедиев В.М. Кыргыз Республикасындагы трансплантациядан кийинки мезгилдин абалы жана бөйрөк трансплантациясынан кийин пациенттерди башкаруу тактикасы жөнүндө заманбап көз караш. Кыргызстандын саламаттык сактоо 2022, no 3, б. 21-27.

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