Health care of Kyrgyzstan
Zdravoohraneniye Kyrgyzstana

ISSN 1694-8068 (Print)

ISSN 1694-805X (Online)

Тhe method of laser Doppler fluometry (LDF) for the study of the state of general and regional microcirculation in patients with acute intestinal obstruction

Тhe method of laser Doppler fluometry (LDF) for the study of the state of general and regional microcirculation in patients with acute intestinal obstruction
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The problem of treating patients with OCD remains relevant. Despite significant achievements in emergency surgery and the introduction of new diagnostic research methods, OCN remains a severe type of acute pathology of abdominal organs (M.Yu. Andreev, 2004; V.I. Belokonev, 2008.). The purpose of the study - the state of general and regional microcirculation in patients with acute intestinal obstruction. Materials and methods of research. The microcirculatory bed of the small intestine has a number of features: the mucous membrane of the small intestine is largely isolated from the blood vessels in the muscular membrane. The vessels of both layers receive blood and drain the submucosal vascular plexus. The muscle membrane contains 2 capillary networks: the outer and inner layers of capillaries located parallel to the smooth muscle bundles of the longitudinal and circular layer of the muscle membrane, respectively. In the mucous membrane, the bases of the crypts of the rich are supplied with microvessels forming a basket-like capillary network around the crypts, from which small postcapillaries rise to the intestinal lumen along the crypts with the formation of a capillary ring around the entrance.Some capillaries located around the bottom of the crypt carry blood to the venules, which immediately go to the submucosal venous plexus. From the remaining pericryptal capillaries, blood flows into the microvascular villi. The arteriole, which supplies blood to the microvessels of the villi, is localized at the center. At the tip of the villi, it passes into the capillary plexus, consisting of subepithelial exchange microvessels of cylindrical shape, often having a convoluted configuration. The larger ones go along the crest of the villi . All these capillaries move towards the base of the villi, where it passes into the venules. Thus, a fountain type of distribution is formed. In the middle of the intestinal villi , this capillary plexus gradually turns into 2 venules on each villi of the proximal part of the small intestine and into 3 venules in the distal part . Venules are located more or less symmetrically relative to the core of the villi and parallel to the central artery. Results. Such an organization of blood circulation in the villi of the small intestine ensures the maintenance of a relatively low partial pressure of oxygen at the tip of the villi. However, the pressure in the lumen of the intestine in acute intestinal obstruction, given in various works, does not exceed the pressure in the lumen of the capillary (within 30-35 cm vol.ct) and significantly lower pressure in arterioles. At the same time, the violation of microcirculation in the intestinal wall with intestinal obstruction is undeniable. The diameter of arterioles and capillaries decreases by about one and a half times, venules expand almost twice. Conclusions. Reduction of pressure in arterioles and capillaries, venous stasis, increased permeability of capillary walls and extravasation of shaped blood elements have been proven. The ratio of the intensity of blood circulation in the submucosal and external plexuses changes, if they are normally 2:1, then with intestinal obstruction they are defined as 1:4, i.e. the mucous membrane experiences a large shortage of blood.

About the authors

Чынгышева Жамиля Амановна, д.м.н., доцент, з\о кафедры анестезиологии Кыргызской государственной медицинской академии имени И. К. Ахунбаева, Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика
Ниязов Батырхан Сабитович, д.м.н., профессор, з\о кафедры общей хирургии Кыргызского государственного медицинского института переподготовки и повышения квалификации имени С. Б. Даниярова,Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика
Назиралиев Расулбек Толонбаевич, аспирант Кыргызского государственного медицинского института переподготовки и повышения квалификации имени С. Б. Даниярова, Директор ЦСМ №10, Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика

Chyngysheva Zhamilya Amanovna, MD, Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesiology of the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I. K. Akhunbaeva, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Niyazov Batyrkhan Sabitovich, MD,Professor, Department of General Surgery, Kyrgyz State Medical Institute of Retraining and Advanced Training named after S. B. Daniyarova, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Naziraliev Rasulbek Tolonbaevich, graduate student Kyrgyz State Medical Institute of Retraining and Advanced Training named after S. B. Daniyarova, Director of the Center for Family Medicine No. 10, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

Чингишева Джамиля Амановна, Медицина илимдеринин доктору, И. К. Ахунбаев атындагы Кыргыз мамлекетик медициналык академиясынын анестезиология кафедрасынын дистанттык окуу бөлүмүнүн доценти, Бишкек, Кыргыз Республикасы 

Ниязов Батырхан Сабитович, медицина илимдеринин доктору,  С. Б. Данияров атындагы Кыргыз Мамлекеттик кайрадан даярдоо жана квалификацияны жогорулатуу медициналык институтунун  жалпы хирургия кафедрасынын сырттан окуу бөлүмүнун профессору, Бишкек, Кыргыз Республикасы 

Назиралиев Расулбек Төлөнбаевич, С. Б. Данияров атындагы Кыргыз Мамлекеттик кайрадан даярдоо жана квалификацияны жогорулатуу медициналык институтунун аспиранты, Бишкек, Кыргыз Республикасы


1. S.V. Butakova, I.G. Volkova, K.M. Gaidunov, etc.Analysis of the effect of increased intra-abdominal pressure on blood circulation and respiration in intensive care patients [Text]Bulletin of the Northern State Medical University; -2010. -Vol.24, No. 1.-pp.29-30.
2. Dibirov M.D., Rodionov I.E., et al., Diagnosis and choice of treatment of acute intestinal obstruction M., 2006, pp. 2-10
3. Djadzhiev A.B. The state of microcirculation in the intestinal wall in obstructive intestinal obstruction and its influence on the choice of the volume and nature of the operation //Abstract of the dissertation of the Candidate of Medical Sciences M., 2009 23 p.
4. Dibirov M.D.,Bekmirzaev Sh.Sh., Kakubava M.R. et al. correction of intraperitoneal hypertension in the development of postoperative ventral hernias// Surgery – 2010. - No. 8. – pp. 78-80.
5. Krupatkin A.I., Sidorov V.V. et al. Laser Doppler fluorometry of blood microcirculation. Manual for doctors M., 2005 p. 927
6. Kashchenko L. G. Assessment of regional microcirculatory disorders in acute intestinal obstruction and their regulation: Diss.candidate of Medical Sciences. / L. G. Kashchenko; Kharkiv. 1989. 168s.
7. Makshanovi.Ya.,Garelik P.V., Dubrovschik O.I., Marmysh G.G., Qi-lens I.T. Surgical operation. Homeostasis disorders, preoperative preparation, postoperative period. Minsk: Inter-press-service, 2002. 413 p.
8. Markosian S.A. The influence of local ischemia on the viability of the small intestine at different ages// Bulletin of the Exp.biol. med. 1998 No. 10. pp. 474-476.
9. Martirosyan N.K. The role of ultrasound in diagnosing and predicting the course of acute intestinal obstruction [Text]: author of the dissertation of the Candidate of Medical Sciences:14.00.27, 14.00.19/ Martirosyannairakaripetovna. – M.: MGMSU, 2007. – 25s.
10. Chernukh A.M. Microcirculation. L.: Medgiz.1979. with 423
11. Bailey J, Shapiro MJ Abdominal compartment syndrome. Crit Care 2000 r. 4: Р. 23-29
12. Bloomfield GL, Ridings PC, Blocher CR, Marmarou A, Sugerman HJ. A proposed relationship between increased intra-abdominal pressure, intrathoracic and intracranial pressure. Crit Care Med 1997 r. Mar 25(3): стр. 496503.
13. Cheatham M.L. Result from the international conference of expert on intraabdominal hypertension and abdominal compartment syndrome. II. Recommendations [Text] / M.L. Cheatham, M. Malbrain, A. Kirkpatrick// Intens Care Med. – 2007. – Vol. – 33, N6. – P. 951-962.
14. Harrisson S.E. Abdominal compartment syndrome: an emergency department perspective [Text] / S.E. Harrisson // Emerg Med J. – 2008. – Vol. – 25, N3. – P. 128-132.
15. Ibis C. The value of intra-abdominal pressure measurement in patients with acute abdomen [Text] / C. Ibis, A. Altan // Asian J Surg. – 2009. – Vol. – 32, N1. – P. 33-38.
16. Intra-abdominal pressure in severe acute pancreatitis [Text]/ P. Keskinen, A. Leppaniemi, V. Pettila [et al.] // World J Emerg Surg. – 2007. – Vol. – P.2.
17. Rotondo M.F. Damage control Resuscitation: The New Face of Damage Control // J Trauma. – 2010. – Vol. – 69, N4. – P.976-990.
18. Quyn A.J. The open abdomen and temporary abdominal closure system-historical evolution and systematic review [Text] / A.J. Quyn, C. Johnston, D. Hall // Colorectal Dis. – 2012. – Vol. – 14, N8. – P.429-438.
19. Weigelt J.A. Empiric treatment options in the management of complicated intra-abdominal infections [Text] / J.A. Weigelt //Cleve Clin J. Med. – 2007. – Vol. –74, N 4. – P.29-37.

1. S.V. Butakova, I.G. Volkova, K.M. Gaidunov, etc.Analysis of the effect of increased intra-abdominal pressure on blood circulation and respiration in intensive care patients [Text]Bulletin of the Northern State Medical University; -2010. -Vol.24, No. 1.-pp.29-30.
2. Dibirov M.D., Rodionov I.E., et al., Diagnosis and choice of treatment of acute intestinal obstruction M., 2006, pp. 2-10
3. Djadzhiev A.B. The state of microcirculation in the intestinal wall in obstructive intestinal obstruction and its influence on the choice of the volume and nature of the operation //Abstract of the dissertation of the Candidate of Medical Sciences M., 2009 23 p.
4. Dibirov M.D.,Bekmirzaev Sh.Sh., Kakubava M.R. et al. correction of intraperitoneal hypertension in the development of postoperative ventral hernias// Surgery – 2010. - No. 8. – pp. 78-80.
5. Krupatkin A.I., Sidorov V.V. et al. Laser Doppler fluorometry of blood microcirculation. Manual for doctors M., 2005 p. 927
6. Kashchenko L. G. Assessment of regional microcirculatory disorders in acute intestinal obstruction and their regulation: Diss.candidate of Medical Sciences. / L. G. Kashchenko; Kharkiv. 1989. 168s.
7. Makshanovi.Ya.,Garelik P.V., Dubrovschik O.I., Marmysh G.G., Qi-lens I.T. Surgical operation. Homeostasis disorders, preoperative preparation, postoperative period. Minsk: Inter-press-service, 2002. 413 p.
8. Markosian S.A. The influence of local ischemia on the viability of the small intestine at different ages// Bulletin of the Exp.biol. med. 1998 No. 10. pp. 474-476.
9. Martirosyan N.K. The role of ultrasound in diagnosing and predicting the course of acute intestinal obstruction [Text]: author of the dissertation of the Candidate of Medical Sciences:14.00.27, 14.00.19/ Martirosyannairakaripetovna. – M.: MGMSU, 2007. – 25s.
10. Chernukh A.M. Microcirculation. L.: Medgiz.1979. with 423
11. Bailey J, Shapiro MJ Abdominal compartment syndrome. Crit Care 2000 r. 4: Р. 23-29
12. Bloomfield GL, Ridings PC, Blocher CR, Marmarou A, Sugerman HJ. A proposed relationship between increased intra-abdominal pressure, intrathoracic and intracranial pressure. Crit Care Med 1997 r. Mar 25(3): стр. 496503.
13. Cheatham M.L. Result from the international conference of expert on intraabdominal hypertension and abdominal compartment syndrome. II. Recommendations [Text] / M.L. Cheatham, M. Malbrain, A. Kirkpatrick// Intens Care Med. – 2007. – Vol. – 33, N6. – P. 951-962.
14. Harrisson S.E. Abdominal compartment syndrome: an emergency department perspective [Text] / S.E. Harrisson // Emerg Med J. – 2008. – Vol. – 25, N3. – P. 128-132.
15. Ibis C. The value of intra-abdominal pressure measurement in patients with acute abdomen [Text] / C. Ibis, A. Altan // Asian J Surg. – 2009. – Vol. – 32, N1. – P. 33-38.
16. Intra-abdominal pressure in severe acute pancreatitis [Text]/ P. Keskinen, A. Leppaniemi, V. Pettila [et al.] // World J Emerg Surg. – 2007. – Vol. – P.2.
17. Rotondo M.F. Damage control Resuscitation: The New Face of Damage Control // J Trauma. – 2010. – Vol. – 69, N4. – P.976-990.
18. Quyn A.J. The open abdomen and temporary abdominal closure system-historical evolution and systematic review [Text] / A.J. Quyn, C. Johnston, D. Hall // Colorectal Dis. – 2012. – Vol. – 14, N8. – P.429-438.
19. Weigelt J.A. Empiric treatment options in the management of complicated intra-abdominal infections [Text] / J.A. Weigelt //Cleve Clin J. Med. – 2007. – Vol. –74, N 4. – P.29-37.

1. S.V. Butakova, I.G. Volkova, K.M. Gaidunov, etc.Analysis of the effect of increased intra-abdominal pressure on blood circulation and respiration in intensive care patients [Text]Bulletin of the Northern State Medical University; -2010. -Vol.24, No. 1.-pp.29-30.
2. Dibirov M.D., Rodionov I.E., et al., Diagnosis and choice of treatment of acute intestinal obstruction M., 2006, pp. 2-10
3. Djadzhiev A.B. The state of microcirculation in the intestinal wall in obstructive intestinal obstruction and its influence on the choice of the volume and nature of the operation //Abstract of the dissertation of the Candidate of Medical Sciences M., 2009 23 p.
4. Dibirov M.D.,Bekmirzaev Sh.Sh., Kakubava M.R. et al. correction of intraperitoneal hypertension in the development of postoperative ventral hernias// Surgery – 2010. - No. 8. – pp. 78-80.
5. Krupatkin A.I., Sidorov V.V. et al. Laser Doppler fluorometry of blood microcirculation. Manual for doctors M., 2005 p. 927
6. Kashchenko L. G. Assessment of regional microcirculatory disorders in acute intestinal obstruction and their regulation: Diss.candidate of Medical Sciences. / L. G. Kashchenko; Kharkiv. 1989. 168s.
7. Makshanovi.Ya.,Garelik P.V., Dubrovschik O.I., Marmysh G.G., Qi-lens I.T. Surgical operation. Homeostasis disorders, preoperative preparation, postoperative period. Minsk: Inter-press-service, 2002. 413 p.
8. Markosian S.A. The influence of local ischemia on the viability of the small intestine at different ages// Bulletin of the Exp.biol. med. 1998 No. 10. pp. 474-476.
9. Martirosyan N.K. The role of ultrasound in diagnosing and predicting the course of acute intestinal obstruction [Text]: author of the dissertation of the Candidate of Medical Sciences:14.00.27, 14.00.19/ Martirosyannairakaripetovna. – M.: MGMSU, 2007. – 25s.
10. Chernukh A.M. Microcirculation. L.: Medgiz.1979. with 423
11. Bailey J, Shapiro MJ Abdominal compartment syndrome. Crit Care 2000 r. 4: Р. 23-29
12. Bloomfield GL, Ridings PC, Blocher CR, Marmarou A, Sugerman HJ. A proposed relationship between increased intra-abdominal pressure, intrathoracic and intracranial pressure. Crit Care Med 1997 r. Mar 25(3): стр. 496503.
13. Cheatham M.L. Result from the international conference of expert on intraabdominal hypertension and abdominal compartment syndrome. II. Recommendations [Text] / M.L. Cheatham, M. Malbrain, A. Kirkpatrick// Intens Care Med. – 2007. – Vol. – 33, N6. – P. 951-962.
14. Harrisson S.E. Abdominal compartment syndrome: an emergency department perspective [Text] / S.E. Harrisson // Emerg Med J. – 2008. – Vol. – 25, N3. – P. 128-132.
15. Ibis C. The value of intra-abdominal pressure measurement in patients with acute abdomen [Text] / C. Ibis, A. Altan // Asian J Surg. – 2009. – Vol. – 32, N1. – P. 33-38.
16. Intra-abdominal pressure in severe acute pancreatitis [Text]/ P. Keskinen, A. Leppaniemi, V. Pettila [et al.] // World J Emerg Surg. – 2007. – Vol. – P.2.
17. Rotondo M.F. Damage control Resuscitation: The New Face of Damage Control // J Trauma. – 2010. – Vol. – 69, N4. – P.976-990.
18. Quyn A.J. The open abdomen and temporary abdominal closure system-historical evolution and systematic review [Text] / A.J. Quyn, C. Johnston, D. Hall // Colorectal Dis. – 2012. – Vol. – 14, N8. – P.429-438.
19. Weigelt J.A. Empiric treatment options in the management of complicated intra-abdominal infections [Text] / J.A. Weigelt //Cleve Clin J. Med. – 2007. – Vol. –74, N 4. – P.29-37.

Для цитирования

Чынгышева Ж.А., Ниязов Б.С.,Назиралиев Р.Т. Метод лазерной доплеровской флуометрии (ЛДФ) для исследования состояния общей и регионарной микроциркуляции у больных острой кишечной  непроходимостью. Здравоохранение Кыргызстана 2022, № 4, с.136-142.

For citation

Chyngysheva Zh. A.,Niyazov B.S.,Naziraliev R.T.Тhe method of laser Doppler fluometry (LDF) for the study of the state of general and regional microcirculation in patients with acute intestinal obstruction. Health care of Kyrgyzstan 2022, No.4, pp.136-142.

Цитата үчүн

Чынгышева Ж.А., Ниязов Б.С.,Назиралиев Р.Т. Лазердик доплердик флюометрия ыкмасы (ЛДФ) курч ичеги-карын
тоскоолдуктары менен ооруган адамдардын жалпы жана регионалдык микроциркуляциясынын абалын изилдөө үчүн. Кыргызстандын саламаттык сактоо 2022, no 4, б. 136-142.

Authors Chyngysheva Zh. A., Naziraliev R.T., Niyazov B.S.
Pages 136-142
Keywords acute intestinal obstruction, intra-abdominal pressure, laser Doppler fluometry, "LAC-02 apparatus", general microcirculation, regional microcirculation, intraabdominal hypertension, crypt
Об авторах

Чынгышева Жамиля Амановна, д.м.н., доцент, з\о кафедры анестезиологии Кыргызской государственной медицинской академии имени И. К. Ахунбаева, Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика
Ниязов Батырхан Сабитович, д.м.н., профессор, з\о кафедры общей хирургии Кыргызского государственного медицинского института переподготовки и повышения квалификации имени С. Б. Даниярова,Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика
Назиралиев Расулбек Толонбаевич, аспирант Кыргызского государственного медицинского института переподготовки и повышения квалификации имени С. Б. Даниярова, Директор ЦСМ №10, Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика

Полный текст


Список литературы

1. S.V. Butakova, I.G. Volkova, K.M. Gaidunov, etc.Analysis of the effect of increased intra-abdominal pressure on blood circulation and respiration in intensive care patients [Text]Bulletin of the Northern State Medical University; -2010. -Vol.24, No. 1.-pp.29-30.
2. Dibirov M.D., Rodionov I.E., et al., Diagnosis and choice of treatment of acute intestinal obstruction M., 2006, pp. 2-10
3. Djadzhiev A.B. The state of microcirculation in the intestinal wall in obstructive intestinal obstruction and its influence on the choice of the volume and nature of the operation //Abstract of the dissertation of the Candidate of Medical Sciences M., 2009 23 p.
4. Dibirov M.D.,Bekmirzaev Sh.Sh., Kakubava M.R. et al. correction of intraperitoneal hypertension in the development of postoperative ventral hernias// Surgery – 2010. - No. 8. – pp. 78-80.
5. Krupatkin A.I., Sidorov V.V. et al. Laser Doppler fluorometry of blood microcirculation. Manual for doctors M., 2005 p. 927
6. Kashchenko L. G. Assessment of regional microcirculatory disorders in acute intestinal obstruction and their regulation: Diss.candidate of Medical Sciences. / L. G. Kashchenko; Kharkiv. 1989. 168s.
7. Makshanovi.Ya.,Garelik P.V., Dubrovschik O.I., Marmysh G.G., Qi-lens I.T. Surgical operation. Homeostasis disorders, preoperative preparation, postoperative period. Minsk: Inter-press-service, 2002. 413 p.
8. Markosian S.A. The influence of local ischemia on the viability of the small intestine at different ages// Bulletin of the Exp.biol. med. 1998 No. 10. pp. 474-476.
9. Martirosyan N.K. The role of ultrasound in diagnosing and predicting the course of acute intestinal obstruction [Text]: author of the dissertation of the Candidate of Medical Sciences:14.00.27, 14.00.19/ Martirosyannairakaripetovna. – M.: MGMSU, 2007. – 25s.
10. Chernukh A.M. Microcirculation. L.: Medgiz.1979. with 423
11. Bailey J, Shapiro MJ Abdominal compartment syndrome. Crit Care 2000 r. 4: Р. 23-29
12. Bloomfield GL, Ridings PC, Blocher CR, Marmarou A, Sugerman HJ. A proposed relationship between increased intra-abdominal pressure, intrathoracic and intracranial pressure. Crit Care Med 1997 r. Mar 25(3): стр. 496503.
13. Cheatham M.L. Result from the international conference of expert on intraabdominal hypertension and abdominal compartment syndrome. II. Recommendations [Text] / M.L. Cheatham, M. Malbrain, A. Kirkpatrick// Intens Care Med. – 2007. – Vol. – 33, N6. – P. 951-962.
14. Harrisson S.E. Abdominal compartment syndrome: an emergency department perspective [Text] / S.E. Harrisson // Emerg Med J. – 2008. – Vol. – 25, N3. – P. 128-132.
15. Ibis C. The value of intra-abdominal pressure measurement in patients with acute abdomen [Text] / C. Ibis, A. Altan // Asian J Surg. – 2009. – Vol. – 32, N1. – P. 33-38.
16. Intra-abdominal pressure in severe acute pancreatitis [Text]/ P. Keskinen, A. Leppaniemi, V. Pettila [et al.] // World J Emerg Surg. – 2007. – Vol. – P.2.
17. Rotondo M.F. Damage control Resuscitation: The New Face of Damage Control // J Trauma. – 2010. – Vol. – 69, N4. – P.976-990.
18. Quyn A.J. The open abdomen and temporary abdominal closure system-historical evolution and systematic review [Text] / A.J. Quyn, C. Johnston, D. Hall // Colorectal Dis. – 2012. – Vol. – 14, N8. – P.429-438.
19. Weigelt J.A. Empiric treatment options in the management of complicated intra-abdominal infections [Text] / J.A. Weigelt //Cleve Clin J. Med. – 2007. – Vol. –74, N 4. – P.29-37.

Для цитирования

Чынгышева Ж.А., Ниязов Б.С.,Назиралиев Р.Т. Метод лазерной доплеровской флуометрии (ЛДФ) для исследования состояния общей и регионарной микроциркуляции у больных острой кишечной  непроходимостью. Здравоохранение Кыргызстана 2022, № 4, с.136-142.

About authors

Chyngysheva Zhamilya Amanovna, MD, Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesiology of the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I. K. Akhunbaeva, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Niyazov Batyrkhan Sabitovich, MD,Professor, Department of General Surgery, Kyrgyz State Medical Institute of Retraining and Advanced Training named after S. B. Daniyarova, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Naziraliev Rasulbek Tolonbaevich, graduate student Kyrgyz State Medical Institute of Retraining and Advanced Training named after S. B. Daniyarova, Director of the Center for Family Medicine No. 10, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic


1. S.V. Butakova, I.G. Volkova, K.M. Gaidunov, etc.Analysis of the effect of increased intra-abdominal pressure on blood circulation and respiration in intensive care patients [Text]Bulletin of the Northern State Medical University; -2010. -Vol.24, No. 1.-pp.29-30.
2. Dibirov M.D., Rodionov I.E., et al., Diagnosis and choice of treatment of acute intestinal obstruction M., 2006, pp. 2-10
3. Djadzhiev A.B. The state of microcirculation in the intestinal wall in obstructive intestinal obstruction and its influence on the choice of the volume and nature of the operation //Abstract of the dissertation of the Candidate of Medical Sciences M., 2009 23 p.
4. Dibirov M.D.,Bekmirzaev Sh.Sh., Kakubava M.R. et al. correction of intraperitoneal hypertension in the development of postoperative ventral hernias// Surgery – 2010. - No. 8. – pp. 78-80.
5. Krupatkin A.I., Sidorov V.V. et al. Laser Doppler fluorometry of blood microcirculation. Manual for doctors M., 2005 p. 927
6. Kashchenko L. G. Assessment of regional microcirculatory disorders in acute intestinal obstruction and their regulation: Diss.candidate of Medical Sciences. / L. G. Kashchenko; Kharkiv. 1989. 168s.
7. Makshanovi.Ya.,Garelik P.V., Dubrovschik O.I., Marmysh G.G., Qi-lens I.T. Surgical operation. Homeostasis disorders, preoperative preparation, postoperative period. Minsk: Inter-press-service, 2002. 413 p.
8. Markosian S.A. The influence of local ischemia on the viability of the small intestine at different ages// Bulletin of the Exp.biol. med. 1998 No. 10. pp. 474-476.
9. Martirosyan N.K. The role of ultrasound in diagnosing and predicting the course of acute intestinal obstruction [Text]: author of the dissertation of the Candidate of Medical Sciences:14.00.27, 14.00.19/ Martirosyannairakaripetovna. – M.: MGMSU, 2007. – 25s.
10. Chernukh A.M. Microcirculation. L.: Medgiz.1979. with 423
11. Bailey J, Shapiro MJ Abdominal compartment syndrome. Crit Care 2000 r. 4: Р. 23-29
12. Bloomfield GL, Ridings PC, Blocher CR, Marmarou A, Sugerman HJ. A proposed relationship between increased intra-abdominal pressure, intrathoracic and intracranial pressure. Crit Care Med 1997 r. Mar 25(3): стр. 496503.
13. Cheatham M.L. Result from the international conference of expert on intraabdominal hypertension and abdominal compartment syndrome. II. Recommendations [Text] / M.L. Cheatham, M. Malbrain, A. Kirkpatrick// Intens Care Med. – 2007. – Vol. – 33, N6. – P. 951-962.
14. Harrisson S.E. Abdominal compartment syndrome: an emergency department perspective [Text] / S.E. Harrisson // Emerg Med J. – 2008. – Vol. – 25, N3. – P. 128-132.
15. Ibis C. The value of intra-abdominal pressure measurement in patients with acute abdomen [Text] / C. Ibis, A. Altan // Asian J Surg. – 2009. – Vol. – 32, N1. – P. 33-38.
16. Intra-abdominal pressure in severe acute pancreatitis [Text]/ P. Keskinen, A. Leppaniemi, V. Pettila [et al.] // World J Emerg Surg. – 2007. – Vol. – P.2.
17. Rotondo M.F. Damage control Resuscitation: The New Face of Damage Control // J Trauma. – 2010. – Vol. – 69, N4. – P.976-990.
18. Quyn A.J. The open abdomen and temporary abdominal closure system-historical evolution and systematic review [Text] / A.J. Quyn, C. Johnston, D. Hall // Colorectal Dis. – 2012. – Vol. – 14, N8. – P.429-438.
19. Weigelt J.A. Empiric treatment options in the management of complicated intra-abdominal infections [Text] / J.A. Weigelt //Cleve Clin J. Med. – 2007. – Vol. –74, N 4. – P.29-37.

For citation

Chyngysheva Zh. A.,Niyazov B.S.,Naziraliev R.T.Тhe method of laser Doppler fluometry (LDF) for the study of the state of general and regional microcirculation in patients with acute intestinal obstruction. Health care of Kyrgyzstan 2022, No.4, pp.136-142.

Авторлор жөнүндө

Чингишева Джамиля Амановна, Медицина илимдеринин доктору, И. К. Ахунбаев атындагы Кыргыз мамлекетик медициналык академиясынын анестезиология кафедрасынын дистанттык окуу бөлүмүнүн доценти, Бишкек, Кыргыз Республикасы 

Ниязов Батырхан Сабитович, медицина илимдеринин доктору,  С. Б. Данияров атындагы Кыргыз Мамлекеттик кайрадан даярдоо жана квалификацияны жогорулатуу медициналык институтунун  жалпы хирургия кафедрасынын сырттан окуу бөлүмүнун профессору, Бишкек, Кыргыз Республикасы 

Назиралиев Расулбек Төлөнбаевич, С. Б. Данияров атындагы Кыргыз Мамлекеттик кайрадан даярдоо жана квалификацияны жогорулатуу медициналык институтунун аспиранты, Бишкек, Кыргыз Республикасы


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Цитата үчүн

Чынгышева Ж.А., Ниязов Б.С.,Назиралиев Р.Т. Лазердик доплердик флюометрия ыкмасы (ЛДФ) курч ичеги-карын
тоскоолдуктары менен ооруган адамдардын жалпы жана регионалдык микроциркуляциясынын абалын изилдөө үчүн. Кыргызстандын саламаттык сактоо 2022, no 4, б. 136-142.

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