Health care of Kyrgyzstan
Zdravoohraneniye Kyrgyzstana

ISSN 1694-8068 (Print)

ISSN 1694-805X (Online)

The course of Guillain-Barré syndrome in young people. Description of a clinical case

The course of Guillain-Barré syndrome in young people. Description of a clinical case
Полный текст  


Introduction. Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a rare aberrant autoimmune reaction that is preceded by infections, accompanied by damage to the peripheral nervous system with demyelination and secondary axonal damage. The purpose of the study is to describe a clinical case of Guillain-Barré polyneuropathy, which developed in a young woman of 22 years old with the identification of a generalized predominantly distal motor-sensory neuritis, with a level of axonal-demyelinating lesion of a significant degree of severity. Materials and methods. The article describes a clinical observation of Guillain–Barré syndrome in a 22-year-old young woman. As a result of the infection, she developed symptoms in the form of peripheral tetraparesis, sensory disorders with gradual regression of neurological symptoms. A differential diagnosis with inflammatory, infectious and neoplastic lesions of the spinal cord was carried out, magnetic resonance imaging of the spinal cord was performed, and the cerebrospinal fluid was examined. Data from an electroneuromyographic study of the patient confirmed damage to the peripheral nerves. Thus, Guillain–Barré syndrome was verifiedin the patient. Results. Against the background of the use of specific therapy, including plasmapheresis and intravenous administration of human immunoglobulins G at a dose of 0.4 mg per day for 5 days daily, and symptomatic treatment, the patient’s condition gradually improved, neurological symptoms regressed completely due to the fact that Guillain-Barré syndrome is a rare disease of the peripheral nervous system; knowledge of the features of its clinical course allows an earlier correct diagnosis to be made and effective treatment to be prescribed. Conclusions. 1. Patients with Guillain-Barré polyneuropathy must be hospitalized in institutions where there is an intensive care unit or intensive care unit for timely assistance. 2. Quickly started differential diagnosis, laboratory and instrumental tests, such as cerebrospinal fluid analysis, determination of antibodies to gangliosides and enmg can accurately establish the diagnosis and allow the correct initiation of therapy. 3. Timely initiation of therapy with plasmapheresis or immunoglobulin will allow for regression of symptoms and save the patient’s life.

About the authors

Минбаева Наргиза Тенизбековна, врач невролог высшей категории отделения неврологии №3, Национального Госпиталя при Министерстве здравоохранения; ассистент кафедры неврологии с курсом медицинской генетики Кыргызской государственной медицинской академии им. И.К. Ахунбаева, Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика

Сатаева Сания Рашидовна, врач-невролог медицинского центра «Кортекс», Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика

Minbaeva Nargiza Tenizbekovna, neurologist of the highest category, Department of Neurology No. 3, National Hospital under the Ministry of Health; Assistant at the Department of Neurology with a course in medical genetics at the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after. I.K. Akhunbaeva, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Sataeva Saniya Rashidovna, neurologist at the Cortex Medical Center, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

Минбаева Наргиза Тенизбековна, Саламаттык сактоо министрлигине караштуу Улуттук госпиталдын №3 неврология бөлүмүнүн жогорку категориядагы невропатологу; И.К. Ахунбаев атындагы Кыргыз мамлекеттик медициналык академиясынын медициналык генетика курсу менен неврология кафедрасынын ассистенти, Бишкек, Кыргыз Республикасы

Сатаева Сания Рашидовна, Кортекс медициналык борборунун невропатологу, Бишкек, Кыргыз Республикасы


1. Acuña-Rocha VD, González-Torres LA, Gómez-Hernández CE, Martínez-Scweinfurth RA. Beyond the Ordinary: An
Atypical Guillain-Barré Syndrome Case With Unique Characteristics. Cureus. 2023 Aug 23;15(8):e44008. doi:10.775
9/cureus.44008. PMID:37746509; PMCID: PMC10517181.
2. Connors C, McNeill S, Hrdlicka HC. Occupational and Physical Therapy Strategies for the Rehabilitation of COVID19-Related Guillain-Barré Syndrome in the Long-term Acute Care Hospital Setting: Case Report. JMIR Rehabil Assist Technol. 2022 Feb 10;9(1):e30794. doi: 10.2196/30794. PMID: 35023838; PMCID: PMC8834873.
3. Ginanneschi F, Giannini F, Sicurelli F, Battisti C, Capoccitti G, Bartalini S, Mignarri A,Volpi N, Cioncoloni D, Franci L,
De Stefano N, Rossi A. Clinical Features and Outcome of the Guillain-Barre Syndrome: A Single-Center 11-Year Ex
perience. Front Neurol. 2022 Jun 29;13:856091. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2022.856091. PMID: 35860488; PMCID: PMC928
4. Rudolph AM, Doubrovinskaia S, Knabbe J, Seliger C, Lenhard T. Case report: A 33 years-old alcoholic male with di
arrhea and progressive muscle weakness mimicking Guillain-Barré syndrome. Front Neurol.2023 Aug 7;14:1212497.
doi:10.3389/fneur.2023.1212497. PMID: 37609656; PMCID: PMC10440691.
5. Alkan O, Yildirim T, Tokmak N, Tan M. Spinal MRI findings of guillain-barré syndrome. J.Radiol Case Rep.2009;
3(3):25-8. doi: 10.3941/jrcr.v3i3.153. Epub 2009 Mar 1.PMID: 22470650; PMCID: PMC3303301.
6. Lupu VV, Miron I, Cianga AL, Gavrilovici C, Grigore I, David AG, Pertea LI, Grigore E, David DE, Lupu A. Diagnostic
Pitfalls in Guillain-Barré Syndrome: Case Report and Literature Review. Children (Basel). 2022 Dec 15;9(12):1969.
doi:10.3390/children9121969. PMID:36553412; PMCID:PM C9776903.
7. Zhu W, Li K, Cui T, Yan Y. Detection of anti-ganglioside antibodies in Guillain-Barré syndrome. Ann Transl Med. 2023
Apr 15;11(7):289. doi: 10.21037/atm-20-2285. Epub 2021 Apr 21. PMID: 37090048; PMCID: PMC10116427.
8. Saad TC, Pickrell WO, Payne G, Hamandi K. Chronic in flammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy: a rare cause of
falls. BMJ Case Rep. 2019 Dec 2;12(12):e231676. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2019-231676. PMID: 31796460; PMCID: PMC
9. Basiri K, Abdollahian M, Ghasemi M. Comparison of ultra sound findings in Guillain-Barre syndrome and chronic in
flammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy for differential diagnosis. Curr J Neurol. 2021 Apr 4;20(2):56-63. doi: 10.1
8502/cjn.v20i2.6740. PMID: 38011471; PMCID: PMC8743174.
10. He S, Lin Y. Application and Value of Limbs Peripheral Nerve Ultrasound in Guillain-Barre Syndrome. AlternTher
Health Med. 2024 Feb 9:AT9248. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38401074.
11. He J, Liu P, Tan X. Guillain-Barré syndrome. Br J HospMed (Lond). 2023 Jun 2;84(6):1. doi: 10.12968/hmed. 2022.
0508. Epub 2023 Jun 23. PMID: 37364874.

1. Acuña-Rocha VD, González-Torres LA, Gómez-Hernández CE, Martínez-Scweinfurth RA. Beyond the Ordinary: An
Atypical Guillain-Barré Syndrome Case With Unique Characteristics. Cureus. 2023 Aug 23;15(8):e44008. doi:10.775
9/cureus.44008. PMID:37746509; PMCID: PMC10517181.
2. Connors C, McNeill S, Hrdlicka HC. Occupational and Physical Therapy Strategies for the Rehabilitation of COVID19-Related Guillain-Barré Syndrome in the Long-term Acute Care Hospital Setting: Case Report. JMIR Rehabil Assist Technol. 2022 Feb 10;9(1):e30794. doi: 10.2196/30794. PMID: 35023838; PMCID: PMC8834873.
3. Ginanneschi F, Giannini F, Sicurelli F, Battisti C, Capoccitti G, Bartalini S, Mignarri A,Volpi N, Cioncoloni D, Franci L,
De Stefano N, Rossi A. Clinical Features and Outcome of the Guillain-Barre Syndrome: A Single-Center 11-Year Ex
perience. Front Neurol. 2022 Jun 29;13:856091. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2022.856091. PMID: 35860488; PMCID: PMC928
4. Rudolph AM, Doubrovinskaia S, Knabbe J, Seliger C, Lenhard T. Case report: A 33 years-old alcoholic male with di
arrhea and progressive muscle weakness mimicking Guillain-Barré syndrome. Front Neurol.2023 Aug 7;14:1212497.
doi:10.3389/fneur.2023.1212497. PMID: 37609656; PMCID: PMC10440691.
5. Alkan O, Yildirim T, Tokmak N, Tan M. Spinal MRI findings of guillain-barré syndrome. J.Radiol Case Rep.2009;
3(3):25-8. doi: 10.3941/jrcr.v3i3.153. Epub 2009 Mar 1.PMID: 22470650; PMCID: PMC3303301.
6. Lupu VV, Miron I, Cianga AL, Gavrilovici C, Grigore I, David AG, Pertea LI, Grigore E, David DE, Lupu A. Diagnostic
Pitfalls in Guillain-Barré Syndrome: Case Report and Literature Review. Children (Basel). 2022 Dec 15;9(12):1969.
doi:10.3390/children9121969. PMID:36553412; PMCID:PM C9776903.
7. Zhu W, Li K, Cui T, Yan Y. Detection of anti-ganglioside antibodies in Guillain-Barré syndrome. Ann Transl Med. 2023
Apr 15;11(7):289. doi: 10.21037/atm-20-2285. Epub 2021 Apr 21. PMID: 37090048; PMCID: PMC10116427.
8. Saad TC, Pickrell WO, Payne G, Hamandi K. Chronic in flammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy: a rare cause of
falls. BMJ Case Rep. 2019 Dec 2;12(12):e231676. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2019-231676. PMID: 31796460; PMCID: PMC
9. Basiri K, Abdollahian M, Ghasemi M. Comparison of ultra sound findings in Guillain-Barre syndrome and chronic in
flammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy for differential diagnosis. Curr J Neurol. 2021 Apr 4;20(2):56-63. doi: 10.1
8502/cjn.v20i2.6740. PMID: 38011471; PMCID: PMC8743174.
10. He S, Lin Y. Application and Value of Limbs Peripheral Nerve Ultrasound in Guillain-Barre Syndrome. AlternTher
Health Med. 2024 Feb 9:AT9248. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38401074.
11. He J, Liu P, Tan X. Guillain-Barré syndrome. Br J HospMed (Lond). 2023 Jun 2;84(6):1. doi: 10.12968/hmed. 2022.
0508. Epub 2023 Jun 23. PMID: 37364874.

1. Acuña-Rocha VD, González-Torres LA, Gómez-Hernández CE, Martínez-Scweinfurth RA. Beyond the Ordinary: An
Atypical Guillain-Barré Syndrome Case With Unique Characteristics. Cureus. 2023 Aug 23;15(8):e44008. doi:10.775
9/cureus.44008. PMID:37746509; PMCID: PMC10517181.
2. Connors C, McNeill S, Hrdlicka HC. Occupational and Physical Therapy Strategies for the Rehabilitation of COVID19-Related Guillain-Barré Syndrome in the Long-term Acute Care Hospital Setting: Case Report. JMIR Rehabil Assist Technol. 2022 Feb 10;9(1):e30794. doi: 10.2196/30794. PMID: 35023838; PMCID: PMC8834873.
3. Ginanneschi F, Giannini F, Sicurelli F, Battisti C, Capoccitti G, Bartalini S, Mignarri A,Volpi N, Cioncoloni D, Franci L,
De Stefano N, Rossi A. Clinical Features and Outcome of the Guillain-Barre Syndrome: A Single-Center 11-Year Ex
perience. Front Neurol. 2022 Jun 29;13:856091. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2022.856091. PMID: 35860488; PMCID: PMC928
4. Rudolph AM, Doubrovinskaia S, Knabbe J, Seliger C, Lenhard T. Case report: A 33 years-old alcoholic male with di
arrhea and progressive muscle weakness mimicking Guillain-Barré syndrome. Front Neurol.2023 Aug 7;14:1212497.
doi:10.3389/fneur.2023.1212497. PMID: 37609656; PMCID: PMC10440691.
5. Alkan O, Yildirim T, Tokmak N, Tan M. Spinal MRI findings of guillain-barré syndrome. J.Radiol Case Rep.2009;
3(3):25-8. doi: 10.3941/jrcr.v3i3.153. Epub 2009 Mar 1.PMID: 22470650; PMCID: PMC3303301.
6. Lupu VV, Miron I, Cianga AL, Gavrilovici C, Grigore I, David AG, Pertea LI, Grigore E, David DE, Lupu A. Diagnostic
Pitfalls in Guillain-Barré Syndrome: Case Report and Literature Review. Children (Basel). 2022 Dec 15;9(12):1969.
doi:10.3390/children9121969. PMID:36553412; PMCID:PM C9776903.
7. Zhu W, Li K, Cui T, Yan Y. Detection of anti-ganglioside antibodies in Guillain-Barré syndrome. Ann Transl Med. 2023
Apr 15;11(7):289. doi: 10.21037/atm-20-2285. Epub 2021 Apr 21. PMID: 37090048; PMCID: PMC10116427.
8. Saad TC, Pickrell WO, Payne G, Hamandi K. Chronic in flammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy: a rare cause of
falls. BMJ Case Rep. 2019 Dec 2;12(12):e231676. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2019-231676. PMID: 31796460; PMCID: PMC
9. Basiri K, Abdollahian M, Ghasemi M. Comparison of ultra sound findings in Guillain-Barre syndrome and chronic in
flammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy for differential diagnosis. Curr J Neurol. 2021 Apr 4;20(2):56-63. doi: 10.1
8502/cjn.v20i2.6740. PMID: 38011471; PMCID: PMC8743174.
10. He S, Lin Y. Application and Value of Limbs Peripheral Nerve Ultrasound in Guillain-Barre Syndrome. AlternTher
Health Med. 2024 Feb 9:AT9248. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38401074.
11. He J, Liu P, Tan X. Guillain-Barré syndrome. Br J HospMed (Lond). 2023 Jun 2;84(6):1. doi: 10.12968/hmed. 2022.
0508. Epub 2023 Jun 23. PMID: 37364874.

Для цитирования

Минбаева Н.Т., Сатаева С.Р. Течение синдрома Гийена-Барре у лиц молодого возраста. Описание клинического случая.Научно-практический журнал «Здравоохранение Кыргызстана» 2024, № 2, с. 57-64.

For citation

Minbaeva N.T., Sataeva S.R. The course of Guillain-Barré syndrome in young people. Description of a clinical case.
Scientific and practical journal “Health care of Kyrgyzstan” 2024 No.2, p.57-64

Цитата үчүн

Минбаева Н.Т., Сатаева С.Р. Жаштардагы Гийен-Барре синдромунун жүрүшү. Клиникалык окуянын сүрөттөлүшү. "Кыргызстандын саламаттык сактоо"  илимий-практикалык журналы 2024, № 2, б. 57 64

Authors Minbaeva N.T., Sataeva S.R.
Pages 57-64
Keywords Treatment, Clinical case, COVID-19, Diagnosis, Guillain–Barré syndrome, Electroneuromyography
Об авторах

Минбаева Наргиза Тенизбековна, врач невролог высшей категории отделения неврологии №3, Национального Госпиталя при Министерстве здравоохранения; ассистент кафедры неврологии с курсом медицинской генетики Кыргызской государственной медицинской академии им. И.К. Ахунбаева, Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика

Сатаева Сания Рашидовна, врач-невролог медицинского центра «Кортекс», Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика

Полный текст


Список литературы

1. Acuña-Rocha VD, González-Torres LA, Gómez-Hernández CE, Martínez-Scweinfurth RA. Beyond the Ordinary: An
Atypical Guillain-Barré Syndrome Case With Unique Characteristics. Cureus. 2023 Aug 23;15(8):e44008. doi:10.775
9/cureus.44008. PMID:37746509; PMCID: PMC10517181.
2. Connors C, McNeill S, Hrdlicka HC. Occupational and Physical Therapy Strategies for the Rehabilitation of COVID19-Related Guillain-Barré Syndrome in the Long-term Acute Care Hospital Setting: Case Report. JMIR Rehabil Assist Technol. 2022 Feb 10;9(1):e30794. doi: 10.2196/30794. PMID: 35023838; PMCID: PMC8834873.
3. Ginanneschi F, Giannini F, Sicurelli F, Battisti C, Capoccitti G, Bartalini S, Mignarri A,Volpi N, Cioncoloni D, Franci L,
De Stefano N, Rossi A. Clinical Features and Outcome of the Guillain-Barre Syndrome: A Single-Center 11-Year Ex
perience. Front Neurol. 2022 Jun 29;13:856091. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2022.856091. PMID: 35860488; PMCID: PMC928
4. Rudolph AM, Doubrovinskaia S, Knabbe J, Seliger C, Lenhard T. Case report: A 33 years-old alcoholic male with di
arrhea and progressive muscle weakness mimicking Guillain-Barré syndrome. Front Neurol.2023 Aug 7;14:1212497.
doi:10.3389/fneur.2023.1212497. PMID: 37609656; PMCID: PMC10440691.
5. Alkan O, Yildirim T, Tokmak N, Tan M. Spinal MRI findings of guillain-barré syndrome. J.Radiol Case Rep.2009;
3(3):25-8. doi: 10.3941/jrcr.v3i3.153. Epub 2009 Mar 1.PMID: 22470650; PMCID: PMC3303301.
6. Lupu VV, Miron I, Cianga AL, Gavrilovici C, Grigore I, David AG, Pertea LI, Grigore E, David DE, Lupu A. Diagnostic
Pitfalls in Guillain-Barré Syndrome: Case Report and Literature Review. Children (Basel). 2022 Dec 15;9(12):1969.
doi:10.3390/children9121969. PMID:36553412; PMCID:PM C9776903.
7. Zhu W, Li K, Cui T, Yan Y. Detection of anti-ganglioside antibodies in Guillain-Barré syndrome. Ann Transl Med. 2023
Apr 15;11(7):289. doi: 10.21037/atm-20-2285. Epub 2021 Apr 21. PMID: 37090048; PMCID: PMC10116427.
8. Saad TC, Pickrell WO, Payne G, Hamandi K. Chronic in flammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy: a rare cause of
falls. BMJ Case Rep. 2019 Dec 2;12(12):e231676. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2019-231676. PMID: 31796460; PMCID: PMC
9. Basiri K, Abdollahian M, Ghasemi M. Comparison of ultra sound findings in Guillain-Barre syndrome and chronic in
flammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy for differential diagnosis. Curr J Neurol. 2021 Apr 4;20(2):56-63. doi: 10.1
8502/cjn.v20i2.6740. PMID: 38011471; PMCID: PMC8743174.
10. He S, Lin Y. Application and Value of Limbs Peripheral Nerve Ultrasound in Guillain-Barre Syndrome. AlternTher
Health Med. 2024 Feb 9:AT9248. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38401074.
11. He J, Liu P, Tan X. Guillain-Barré syndrome. Br J HospMed (Lond). 2023 Jun 2;84(6):1. doi: 10.12968/hmed. 2022.
0508. Epub 2023 Jun 23. PMID: 37364874.

Для цитирования

Минбаева Н.Т., Сатаева С.Р. Течение синдрома Гийена-Барре у лиц молодого возраста. Описание клинического случая.Научно-практический журнал «Здравоохранение Кыргызстана» 2024, № 2, с. 57-64.

About authors

Minbaeva Nargiza Tenizbekovna, neurologist of the highest category, Department of Neurology No. 3, National Hospital under the Ministry of Health; Assistant at the Department of Neurology with a course in medical genetics at the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after. I.K. Akhunbaeva, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Sataeva Saniya Rashidovna, neurologist at the Cortex Medical Center, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic


1. Acuña-Rocha VD, González-Torres LA, Gómez-Hernández CE, Martínez-Scweinfurth RA. Beyond the Ordinary: An
Atypical Guillain-Barré Syndrome Case With Unique Characteristics. Cureus. 2023 Aug 23;15(8):e44008. doi:10.775
9/cureus.44008. PMID:37746509; PMCID: PMC10517181.
2. Connors C, McNeill S, Hrdlicka HC. Occupational and Physical Therapy Strategies for the Rehabilitation of COVID19-Related Guillain-Barré Syndrome in the Long-term Acute Care Hospital Setting: Case Report. JMIR Rehabil Assist Technol. 2022 Feb 10;9(1):e30794. doi: 10.2196/30794. PMID: 35023838; PMCID: PMC8834873.
3. Ginanneschi F, Giannini F, Sicurelli F, Battisti C, Capoccitti G, Bartalini S, Mignarri A,Volpi N, Cioncoloni D, Franci L,
De Stefano N, Rossi A. Clinical Features and Outcome of the Guillain-Barre Syndrome: A Single-Center 11-Year Ex
perience. Front Neurol. 2022 Jun 29;13:856091. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2022.856091. PMID: 35860488; PMCID: PMC928
4. Rudolph AM, Doubrovinskaia S, Knabbe J, Seliger C, Lenhard T. Case report: A 33 years-old alcoholic male with di
arrhea and progressive muscle weakness mimicking Guillain-Barré syndrome. Front Neurol.2023 Aug 7;14:1212497.
doi:10.3389/fneur.2023.1212497. PMID: 37609656; PMCID: PMC10440691.
5. Alkan O, Yildirim T, Tokmak N, Tan M. Spinal MRI findings of guillain-barré syndrome. J.Radiol Case Rep.2009;
3(3):25-8. doi: 10.3941/jrcr.v3i3.153. Epub 2009 Mar 1.PMID: 22470650; PMCID: PMC3303301.
6. Lupu VV, Miron I, Cianga AL, Gavrilovici C, Grigore I, David AG, Pertea LI, Grigore E, David DE, Lupu A. Diagnostic
Pitfalls in Guillain-Barré Syndrome: Case Report and Literature Review. Children (Basel). 2022 Dec 15;9(12):1969.
doi:10.3390/children9121969. PMID:36553412; PMCID:PM C9776903.
7. Zhu W, Li K, Cui T, Yan Y. Detection of anti-ganglioside antibodies in Guillain-Barré syndrome. Ann Transl Med. 2023
Apr 15;11(7):289. doi: 10.21037/atm-20-2285. Epub 2021 Apr 21. PMID: 37090048; PMCID: PMC10116427.
8. Saad TC, Pickrell WO, Payne G, Hamandi K. Chronic in flammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy: a rare cause of
falls. BMJ Case Rep. 2019 Dec 2;12(12):e231676. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2019-231676. PMID: 31796460; PMCID: PMC
9. Basiri K, Abdollahian M, Ghasemi M. Comparison of ultra sound findings in Guillain-Barre syndrome and chronic in
flammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy for differential diagnosis. Curr J Neurol. 2021 Apr 4;20(2):56-63. doi: 10.1
8502/cjn.v20i2.6740. PMID: 38011471; PMCID: PMC8743174.
10. He S, Lin Y. Application and Value of Limbs Peripheral Nerve Ultrasound in Guillain-Barre Syndrome. AlternTher
Health Med. 2024 Feb 9:AT9248. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38401074.
11. He J, Liu P, Tan X. Guillain-Barré syndrome. Br J HospMed (Lond). 2023 Jun 2;84(6):1. doi: 10.12968/hmed. 2022.
0508. Epub 2023 Jun 23. PMID: 37364874.

For citation

Minbaeva N.T., Sataeva S.R. The course of Guillain-Barré syndrome in young people. Description of a clinical case.
Scientific and practical journal “Health care of Kyrgyzstan” 2024 No.2, p.57-64

Авторлор жөнүндө

Минбаева Наргиза Тенизбековна, Саламаттык сактоо министрлигине караштуу Улуттук госпиталдын №3 неврология бөлүмүнүн жогорку категориядагы невропатологу; И.К. Ахунбаев атындагы Кыргыз мамлекеттик медициналык академиясынын медициналык генетика курсу менен неврология кафедрасынын ассистенти, Бишкек, Кыргыз Республикасы

Сатаева Сания Рашидовна, Кортекс медициналык борборунун невропатологу, Бишкек, Кыргыз Республикасы


1. Acuña-Rocha VD, González-Torres LA, Gómez-Hernández CE, Martínez-Scweinfurth RA. Beyond the Ordinary: An
Atypical Guillain-Barré Syndrome Case With Unique Characteristics. Cureus. 2023 Aug 23;15(8):e44008. doi:10.775
9/cureus.44008. PMID:37746509; PMCID: PMC10517181.
2. Connors C, McNeill S, Hrdlicka HC. Occupational and Physical Therapy Strategies for the Rehabilitation of COVID19-Related Guillain-Barré Syndrome in the Long-term Acute Care Hospital Setting: Case Report. JMIR Rehabil Assist Technol. 2022 Feb 10;9(1):e30794. doi: 10.2196/30794. PMID: 35023838; PMCID: PMC8834873.
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Цитата үчүн

Минбаева Н.Т., Сатаева С.Р. Жаштардагы Гийен-Барре синдромунун жүрүшү. Клиникалык окуянын сүрөттөлүшү. "Кыргызстандын саламаттык сактоо"  илимий-практикалык журналы 2024, № 2, б. 57 64

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