Здравоохранение Кыргызстана
Zdravoohraneniye Kyrgyzstana

ISSN 1694-8068 (Print)

ISSN 1694-805X (Online)

Лечение артериальной гипертонии. Фокус на комбинированное лечение амлодипином/валсартаном в одной таблетке

Лечение артериальной гипертонии. Фокус на комбинированное лечение  амлодипином/валсартаном в одной таблетке
Полный текст  


Артериальная гипертония (АГ) основной модифицируемый риск фактор развития сердечно-сосудистых (СС) осложнений. Несмотря на широкую распространенность АГ в мире (около 1.4 млрд.человек), ее выявляемость среди населения остается низкой. Несмотря на серьёзные СС и церебральные осложнения, АГ называют «тихим убийцей», так она в течение длительного времени протекает бессимптомно. При отсутствии симптомов, у людей отсутствует мотивация проходить обследование на предмет наличия у них повышенного артериального давления (АД) и получать гипотензивное лечение. Даже при выявлении АГ и наличие большого количества эффективных гипотензивных препаратов, число пациентов с неконтролируемой АГ продолжает расти, особенно в странах с низким и умеренным уровнем доходов. Только у 14% из них АД контролируется при лечении. Плохой контроль АД связывают с плохой приверженностью пациентов к лечению и вследствие этого наблюдается большое количество церебральных и СС осложнений. Для улучшения приверженности к лечению и соответственно контроля АД, ведущими профессиональными ассоциациями предложено начинать лечение сразус двух гипотензивных препаратов разных классов в одной таблетке. Комбинированная терапия антигипертензивными препаратами разных классов, оказывает больший гипотензивный эффект, чем удвоение дозы при монотерапии, при этом уменьшается и количество побочных эффектов В качестве начальной двойной гипотензивной терапии рекомендуется комбинация ИАПФ или сартаны + АК или ИАПФ или сартаны + диуретики, причем комбинация ИАПФ или сартаны + АК, считается более предпочтительной. А учитывая, что ИАПФ вызывают больше побочных эффектов, то возможно начинать лечение сразу с комбинации сартана + АК. При такой терапии гипотензивный эффект усиливается из-за аддитивного синергизма, а также повышается приверженность к лечению, так как уменьшается количество принимаемых таблеток.

Об авторах

Миррахимов Эркин Мираидович, доктор медицинских наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой факультетской терапии им. М.Е. Вольского - М.М.Миррахимова, КГМА им. И.К. Ахунбаева, Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика

Mirrakhimov Erkin Mirsaidovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Faculty Therapy named after M.E. Volsky - M.M. Mirrakhimova, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaeva, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

Миррахимов Эркин Мирсаидович, медицина илимдеринин доктору, профессор, М.Е.Вольский – М.М. Миррахимова атындагы факультеттик терапия кафедрасынын башчысы , И.К. Ахунбаев атындагы Кыргыз мамлекеттик медициналык академиясы, Бишкек, Кыргыз Республикасы

Список литературы

  1. Jeemon P, Séverin T, Amodeo C, Balabanova D, Campbell NRC, Gaita D, Kario K, Khan T, Melifonwu R, Moran F, Ogola E, Ordunez P, Perel P, Piñeiro D, Pinto FJ, Schutte AE, Wyss FC, Yan LL, Poulter NR, Prabhakaran D. World Heart Federation Roadmap for Hypertension – A 2021 Update. Global Heart. 2021;16(1):63
  2. Wilson PW. Established risk factors and coronary artery disease: the Framingham Study. Am J Hypertens 1994; 7:7S
  3. Worldwide trends in hypertension prevalence and progress in treatment and control from 1990 to 2019: a pooled analysis of 1201 population-representative studies with 104 million participants. NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC)*. Lancet.2021. 398:957-980
  4. Braunwald E. Inhibition of angiotensinogen in the treatment of hypertension. Eur Heart J. 2023; 44: 4909–4910
  5. Williams B,Mancia G,Spiering W, Rosei EA, Azizi M, Burnier M, Clement DL, Coca A, de Simone G, Dominiczak et al. 2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension: The Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Society of Hypertension (ESH). Eur Heart J,  2018;39:3021–3104
  6. Franklin SS, Larson MG, Khan SA, Wong ND, Leip EP, Kannel WB, Levy D. Does the relation of blood pressure to coronary heart disease risk change with aging? The Framingham Heart Study. Circulation 2001; 103:1245
  7. Taylor BC, Wilt TJ, Welch HG. Impact of diastolic and systolic blood pressure on mortality: implications for the definition of "normal". J Gen Intern Med 2011; 26:685
  8. McGrath BP, Kundu P, Daya N, Coresh J, Selvin E, McEvoy JW, Chatterjee N. Isolated Diastolic Hypertension in the UK Biobank: Comparison of ACC/AHA and ESC/NICE Guideline Definitions. Hypertension 2020; 76:699
  9. Polupanov AG, Khalmatov AN, Altymysheva AT, Lunegova OS, Mirrakhimov AE, Sabirov IS, Kontsevaya AV, Dzhumagulova AS, Mirrakhimov EM. The prevalence of major cardiovascular risk factors in a rural population of the Chui region of Kyrgyzstan:The results of an epidemiological study Anatol J Cardiol 2020; 24: 183-91
  10. Muromtseva GA, Kontsevaya AV, Konstantinov VV, Artamonova GV, Gatagonova TM, Duplyakov DV, et al. The prevalence of non-infectious diseases risk factors in Russian population in 2012-2013 years. The results of ECVD-RF. Cardiovascular Therapy and Prevention. 2014; 13: 4-11
  11. Aringazina A, Kuandikov T, Arkhipov V. Burden of the Cardiovascular Diseases in Central Asia. Central Asian J Glob Health. 2018; 7: 321
  12. Timmis A, Townsend N, Gale C, Grobbee R, Maniadakis N, Flather M et al.; ESC Scientific Document Group. uropean Society of Cardiology: Cardiovascular Disease Statistics 2017. Eur Heart J 2018; 39: 508-79
  13. Mirrakhimov E, Zakirov U, Abilova S, Azamat Asanbaev A, Bektasheva E, Asanaliev N, Mamat Uulu Y, Alibaeva N, Neronova K, Kerimkulova A, Lunegova O, Altymysheva A, Wang W, Beaney T, R Poulter May Measurement Month 2019: analysis of blood pressure screening in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Eur Heart J Suppl. 2022 Oct 7;24(Suppl F):F19-F21
  14. Carey RM., Moran AE., Whelton PK. Treatment of Hypertension. A Review. JAMA. 2022;328(18):1849-186
  15. Whelton PK, Carey RM, Aronow WS, Casey DE, Collins KJ, Himmelfarb CD, DePalma SM, Gidding S, Jamerson KA, Jones DW, 2017 ACC/AHA/AAPA/ABC/ACPM/AGS/APhA/ASH/ASPC/NMA/PCNA Guideline for the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2018 May, 71 (19) e127–e248
  16. Mancia G, Kreutz R, Brunström M, Burnier M, Grassi G, Januszewicz A, Muiesan ML, Tsioufis K, Agabiti-Rosei Enrico, Algharably EAE, et al. 2023 ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension The Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension. Endorsed by the International Society of Hypertension (ISH) and the European Renal Association (ERA). J of Hypertens. 2023;41(12): 1874-2071)
  17. Wang J-G, Palmer BF, Anderson KV, Sever P. Amlodipine in the current management of hypertension. J Clin Hypertens. 2023; 25:801–807
  18. Dahlöf B, Sever PS, Poulter NR, Wedel H,  Beevers DG, Caulfield M, Collins R, Kjeldsen SE, Kristinsson A,  McInnes GT, Mehlsen J, Nieminen M, O'Brien E, Ostergren J; ASCOT Investigators. Prevention of cardiovascular events with an antihypertensive regimen of amlodipine adding perindopril as required versus atenolol adding bendroflumethiazide as required, in the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial–Blood Pressure Lowering Arm (ASCOT-BPLA): a multicentre randomized controlled trial. Lancet. 2005;366(9489):895-906.
  19. Gupta A, Whiteley WN, Godec T, Rostamian S, Ariti C, Mackay J, Whitehouse A, Janani L, Poulter NR, Sever PS; the ASCOT-10 Investigators. Legacy benefits of blood pressure treatment on cardiovascular events are primarily mediated by improved blood pressure variability: the ASCOT trial. Eur Heart J. 2024 Jan 31:ehad814.doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehad814. Online ahead of print
  20. Cruz-Lуpez EO, Ye D, Wu C, Lu HS, Uijl E, Colafella KMM, A.H. Danser J Angiotensinogen Suppression: A New Tool to Treat Cardiovascular and Renal Disease. Hypertension.2022;79:2115–2126
  21. Wald DS, Law M, Morris JK, Bestwick JP, Wald Combination therapy versus monotherapy in reducing blood pressure: meta-analysis on 11,000 participants from 42 trials. Am J Med. 2009; 122(3):290-300
  22. Deng Z, Jiang J, Wang J, Pan D, Zhu Y, Li H, Zhang X, Liu X, Xu Y, Li Y, Tang Y for the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Angiotensin Receptor Blockers Are Associated With a Lower Risk of Progression From Mild Cognitive Impairment to Dementia. Hypertension. 2022; 79: 2159–2169
  23. Naveed H, Tirumandyam G, Mohan GVK, Gul S, Ali S, Siddiqui A, Suarez, ZK, Khan A Effect of Discontinuation of Renin Angiotensin-System Inhibitors in Patients With Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease: A Meta-Analysis. 2023 Apr; 15(4): e37813
  24. Thürmann PA, Kenedi P, Schmidt A, HarderS, Rietbrock Influence of the Angiotensin II Antagonist Valsartan on Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Patients With Essential Hypertension. Circulation. 1998;98:2037–2042
  25. Cui Y, Ma C, Long D, Wang L, Cao X, Zhang Effect of valsartan on atrial fibrillation recurrence following pulmonary vein isolation in patients. Exp Ther Med.2015 Feb; 9(2): 631–635
  26. Salama Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers and Arrhythmias in Ventricular Hypertrophy. J Am Heart Assoc.2022 Aug 2; 11(15)
  27. Wang SJ, Sander GE. Nebivolol/valsartan combination for the treatment of hypertension: a review. Future Cardiol. 2021; 17(4): 573–583
  28. Nixon R.M., Muller E., Lowy A., Falvey H. Valsartan vs. other angiotensin II receptor blockers in the treatment of hypertension: a meta-analytical approach. Int J Clin Pract. 2009;63(5):766–775
  29. Viberti G, Wheeldon NM and and for the MicroAlbuminuria Reduction With VALsartan (MARVAL) Study Investigators. Microalbuminuria Reduction With Valsartan in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus A Blood Pressure–Independent Effect. Circulation. 2002; 106(6):  672-678
  30. Gradman AH, Parisé H, Lefebvre P, Falvey H, Lafeuille M-H, Duh Initial combination therapy reduces the risk of cardiovascular events in hypertensive patients: a matched cohort study. Hypertension. 2013;61(2):309-18
  31. Gupta P, Patel P, Štrauch B,  Lai FY, Akbarov A, Marešová V, White CMJ, Petrák O, Gulsin GS, Patel V, Rosa J, Cole R, Zelinka T, Holaj R, Kinnell A, Smith PR, Thompson JR, Squire I, Widimský Jr J, Samani NJ, Williams B, Tomaszewski M. Risk Factors for Nonadherence to Antihypertensive Treatment. 2017 Jun;69(6):1113-1120.
  32. Schmieder RE, Wassmann S, Predel H-G, Weisser B, Blettenberg J, Gillessen A, Randerath O, Mevius A, Wilke T, Böhm M. Improved Persistence to Medication, Decreased Cardiovascular Events and Reduced All-Cause Mortality in Hypertensive Patients With Use of Single-Pill Combinations: Results From the START-Study. Hypertension. 2023;80:1127–1135
  33. Wilke T, Weisser B, Predel H-G, Schmieder R, Wassmann S, Gillessen A, Blettenberg J, Maywald U, Randerath O, Mueller S, Böhm M. Effects of Single Pill Combinations Compared to Identical Multi Pill Therapy on Outcomes in Hypertension, Dyslipidemia and Secondary Cardiovascular Prevention: The START-Study. Integr Blood Press Contro 2022:15 11–21
  34. Чазова И.Е., Мартынюк Т.В., Родненков О.В., Гориева Ш.Б., Рогоза А.Н., Архипов М.В., Гринштейн Ю.И., Остроумова О.Д., Галявич А.С., Ротарь О.П., Хаишева Л.А., Каменева Т.Р. Первые результаты российского многоцентрового проспективного клинического исследования VICTORY II: эффективность и безопасность препаратов Вамлосет® и Ко-Вамлосет у пациентов с артериальной гипертонией 2 и 3-й степени. Systemic Hypertension. 2020; 17 (2): 36–47
  1. Jeemon P, Séverin T, Amodeo C, Balabanova D, Campbell NRC, Gaita D, Kario K, Khan T, Melifonwu R, Moran F, Ogola E, Ordunez P, Perel P, Piñeiro D, Pinto FJ, Schutte AE, Wyss FC, Yan LL, Poulter NR, Prabhakaran D. World Heart Federation Roadmap for Hypertension – A 2021 Update. Global Heart. 2021;16(1):63
  2. Wilson PW. Established risk factors and coronary artery disease: the Framingham Study. Am J Hypertens 1994; 7:7S
  3. Worldwide trends in hypertension prevalence and progress in treatment and control from 1990 to 2019: a pooled analysis of 1201 population-representative studies with 104 million participants. NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC)*. Lancet.2021. 398:957-980
  4. Braunwald E. Inhibition of angiotensinogen in the treatment of hypertension. Eur Heart J. 2023; 44: 4909–4910
  5. Williams B,Mancia G,Spiering W, Rosei EA, Azizi M, Burnier M, Clement DL, Coca A, de Simone G, Dominiczak et al. 2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension: The Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Society of Hypertension (ESH). Eur Heart J,  2018;39:3021–3104
  6. Franklin SS, Larson MG, Khan SA, Wong ND, Leip EP, Kannel WB, Levy D. Does the relation of blood pressure to coronary heart disease risk change with aging? The Framingham Heart Study. Circulation 2001; 103:1245
  7. Taylor BC, Wilt TJ, Welch HG. Impact of diastolic and systolic blood pressure on mortality: implications for the definition of "normal". J Gen Intern Med 2011; 26:685
  8. McGrath BP, Kundu P, Daya N, Coresh J, Selvin E, McEvoy JW, Chatterjee N. Isolated Diastolic Hypertension in the UK Biobank: Comparison of ACC/AHA and ESC/NICE Guideline Definitions. Hypertension 2020; 76:699
  9. Polupanov AG, Khalmatov AN, Altymysheva AT, Lunegova OS, Mirrakhimov AE, Sabirov IS, Kontsevaya AV, Dzhumagulova AS, Mirrakhimov EM. The prevalence of major cardiovascular risk factors in a rural population of the Chui region of Kyrgyzstan:The results of an epidemiological study Anatol J Cardiol 2020; 24: 183-91
  10. Muromtseva GA, Kontsevaya AV, Konstantinov VV, Artamonova GV, Gatagonova TM, Duplyakov DV, et al. The prevalence of non-infectious diseases risk factors in Russian population in 2012-2013 years. The results of ECVD-RF. Cardiovascular Therapy and Prevention. 2014; 13: 4-11
  11. Aringazina A, Kuandikov T, Arkhipov V. Burden of the Cardiovascular Diseases in Central Asia. Central Asian J Glob Health. 2018; 7: 321
  12. Timmis A, Townsend N, Gale C, Grobbee R, Maniadakis N, Flather M et al.; ESC Scientific Document Group. uropean Society of Cardiology: Cardiovascular Disease Statistics 2017. Eur Heart J 2018; 39: 508-79
  13. Mirrakhimov E, Zakirov U, Abilova S, Azamat Asanbaev A, Bektasheva E, Asanaliev N, Mamat Uulu Y, Alibaeva N, Neronova K, Kerimkulova A, Lunegova O, Altymysheva A, Wang W, Beaney T, R Poulter May Measurement Month 2019: analysis of blood pressure screening in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Eur Heart J Suppl. 2022 Oct 7;24(Suppl F):F19-F21
  14. Carey RM., Moran AE., Whelton PK. Treatment of Hypertension. A Review. JAMA. 2022;328(18):1849-186
  15. Whelton PK, Carey RM, Aronow WS, Casey DE, Collins KJ, Himmelfarb CD, DePalma SM, Gidding S, Jamerson KA, Jones DW, 2017 ACC/AHA/AAPA/ABC/ACPM/AGS/APhA/ASH/ASPC/NMA/PCNA Guideline for the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2018 May, 71 (19) e127–e248
  16. Mancia G, Kreutz R, Brunström M, Burnier M, Grassi G, Januszewicz A, Muiesan ML, Tsioufis K, Agabiti-Rosei Enrico, Algharably EAE, et al. 2023 ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension The Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension. Endorsed by the International Society of Hypertension (ISH) and the European Renal Association (ERA). J of Hypertens. 2023;41(12): 1874-2071)
  17. Wang J-G, Palmer BF, Anderson KV, Sever P. Amlodipine in the current management of hypertension. J Clin Hypertens. 2023; 25:801–807
  18. Dahlöf B, Sever PS, Poulter NR, Wedel H,  Beevers DG, Caulfield M, Collins R, Kjeldsen SE, Kristinsson A,  McInnes GT, Mehlsen J, Nieminen M, O'Brien E, Ostergren J; ASCOT Investigators. Prevention of cardiovascular events with an antihypertensive regimen of amlodipine adding perindopril as required versus atenolol adding bendroflumethiazide as required, in the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial–Blood Pressure Lowering Arm (ASCOT-BPLA): a multicentre randomized controlled trial. Lancet. 2005;366(9489):895-906.
  19. Gupta A, Whiteley WN, Godec T, Rostamian S, Ariti C, Mackay J, Whitehouse A, Janani L, Poulter NR, Sever PS; the ASCOT-10 Investigators. Legacy benefits of blood pressure treatment on cardiovascular events are primarily mediated by improved blood pressure variability: the ASCOT trial. Eur Heart J. 2024 Jan 31:ehad814.doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehad814. Online ahead of print
  20. Cruz-Lуpez EO, Ye D, Wu C, Lu HS, Uijl E, Colafella KMM, A.H. Danser J Angiotensinogen Suppression: A New Tool to Treat Cardiovascular and Renal Disease. Hypertension.2022;79:2115–2126
  21. Wald DS, Law M, Morris JK, Bestwick JP, Wald Combination therapy versus monotherapy in reducing blood pressure: meta-analysis on 11,000 participants from 42 trials. Am J Med. 2009; 122(3):290-300
  22. Deng Z, Jiang J, Wang J, Pan D, Zhu Y, Li H, Zhang X, Liu X, Xu Y, Li Y, Tang Y for the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Angiotensin Receptor Blockers Are Associated With a Lower Risk of Progression From Mild Cognitive Impairment to Dementia. Hypertension. 2022; 79: 2159–2169
  23. Naveed H, Tirumandyam G, Mohan GVK, Gul S, Ali S, Siddiqui A, Suarez, ZK, Khan A Effect of Discontinuation of Renin Angiotensin-System Inhibitors in Patients With Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease: A Meta-Analysis. 2023 Apr; 15(4): e37813
  24. Thürmann PA, Kenedi P, Schmidt A, HarderS, Rietbrock Influence of the Angiotensin II Antagonist Valsartan on Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Patients With Essential Hypertension. Circulation. 1998;98:2037–2042
  25. Cui Y, Ma C, Long D, Wang L, Cao X, Zhang Effect of valsartan on atrial fibrillation recurrence following pulmonary vein isolation in patients. Exp Ther Med.2015 Feb; 9(2): 631–635
  26. Salama Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers and Arrhythmias in Ventricular Hypertrophy. J Am Heart Assoc.2022 Aug 2; 11(15)
  27. Wang SJ, Sander GE. Nebivolol/valsartan combination for the treatment of hypertension: a review. Future Cardiol. 2021; 17(4): 573–583
  28. Nixon R.M., Muller E., Lowy A., Falvey H. Valsartan vs. other angiotensin II receptor blockers in the treatment of hypertension: a meta-analytical approach. Int J Clin Pract. 2009;63(5):766–775
  29. Viberti G, Wheeldon NM and and for the MicroAlbuminuria Reduction With VALsartan (MARVAL) Study Investigators. Microalbuminuria Reduction With Valsartan in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus A Blood Pressure–Independent Effect. Circulation. 2002; 106(6):  672-678
  30. Gradman AH, Parisé H, Lefebvre P, Falvey H, Lafeuille M-H, Duh Initial combination therapy reduces the risk of cardiovascular events in hypertensive patients: a matched cohort study. Hypertension. 2013;61(2):309-18
  31. Gupta P, Patel P, Štrauch B,  Lai FY, Akbarov A, Marešová V, White CMJ, Petrák O, Gulsin GS, Patel V, Rosa J, Cole R, Zelinka T, Holaj R, Kinnell A, Smith PR, Thompson JR, Squire I, Widimský Jr J, Samani NJ, Williams B, Tomaszewski M. Risk Factors for Nonadherence to Antihypertensive Treatment. 2017 Jun;69(6):1113-1120.
  32. Schmieder RE, Wassmann S, Predel H-G, Weisser B, Blettenberg J, Gillessen A, Randerath O, Mevius A, Wilke T, Böhm M. Improved Persistence to Medication, Decreased Cardiovascular Events and Reduced All-Cause Mortality in Hypertensive Patients With Use of Single-Pill Combinations: Results From the START-Study. Hypertension. 2023;80:1127–1135
  33. Wilke T, Weisser B, Predel H-G, Schmieder R, Wassmann S, Gillessen A, Blettenberg J, Maywald U, Randerath O, Mueller S, Böhm M. Effects of Single Pill Combinations Compared to Identical Multi Pill Therapy on Outcomes in Hypertension, Dyslipidemia and Secondary Cardiovascular Prevention: The START-Study. Integr Blood Press Contro 2022:15 11–21
  34. Чазова И.Е., Мартынюк Т.В., Родненков О.В., Гориева Ш.Б., Рогоза А.Н., Архипов М.В., Гринштейн Ю.И., Остроумова О.Д., Галявич А.С., Ротарь О.П., Хаишева Л.А., Каменева Т.Р. Первые результаты российского многоцентрового проспективного клинического исследования VICTORY II: эффективность и безопасность препаратов Вамлосет® и Ко-Вамлосет у пациентов с артериальной гипертонией 2 и 3-й степени. Systemic Hypertension. 2020; 17 (2): 36–47
  1. Jeemon P, Séverin T, Amodeo C, Balabanova D, Campbell NRC, Gaita D, Kario K, Khan T, Melifonwu R, Moran F, Ogola E, Ordunez P, Perel P, Piñeiro D, Pinto FJ, Schutte AE, Wyss FC, Yan LL, Poulter NR, Prabhakaran D. World Heart Federation Roadmap for Hypertension – A 2021 Update. Global Heart. 2021;16(1):63
  2. Wilson PW. Established risk factors and coronary artery disease: the Framingham Study. Am J Hypertens 1994; 7:7S
  3. Worldwide trends in hypertension prevalence and progress in treatment and control from 1990 to 2019: a pooled analysis of 1201 population-representative studies with 104 million participants. NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC)*. Lancet.2021. 398:957-980
  4. Braunwald E. Inhibition of angiotensinogen in the treatment of hypertension. Eur Heart J. 2023; 44: 4909–4910
  5. Williams B,Mancia G,Spiering W, Rosei EA, Azizi M, Burnier M, Clement DL, Coca A, de Simone G, Dominiczak et al. 2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension: The Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Society of Hypertension (ESH). Eur Heart J,  2018;39:3021–3104
  6. Franklin SS, Larson MG, Khan SA, Wong ND, Leip EP, Kannel WB, Levy D. Does the relation of blood pressure to coronary heart disease risk change with aging? The Framingham Heart Study. Circulation 2001; 103:1245
  7. Taylor BC, Wilt TJ, Welch HG. Impact of diastolic and systolic blood pressure on mortality: implications for the definition of "normal". J Gen Intern Med 2011; 26:685
  8. McGrath BP, Kundu P, Daya N, Coresh J, Selvin E, McEvoy JW, Chatterjee N. Isolated Diastolic Hypertension in the UK Biobank: Comparison of ACC/AHA and ESC/NICE Guideline Definitions. Hypertension 2020; 76:699
  9. Polupanov AG, Khalmatov AN, Altymysheva AT, Lunegova OS, Mirrakhimov AE, Sabirov IS, Kontsevaya AV, Dzhumagulova AS, Mirrakhimov EM. The prevalence of major cardiovascular risk factors in a rural population of the Chui region of Kyrgyzstan:The results of an epidemiological study Anatol J Cardiol 2020; 24: 183-91
  10. Muromtseva GA, Kontsevaya AV, Konstantinov VV, Artamonova GV, Gatagonova TM, Duplyakov DV, et al. The prevalence of non-infectious diseases risk factors in Russian population in 2012-2013 years. The results of ECVD-RF. Cardiovascular Therapy and Prevention. 2014; 13: 4-11
  11. Aringazina A, Kuandikov T, Arkhipov V. Burden of the Cardiovascular Diseases in Central Asia. Central Asian J Glob Health. 2018; 7: 321
  12. Timmis A, Townsend N, Gale C, Grobbee R, Maniadakis N, Flather M et al.; ESC Scientific Document Group. uropean Society of Cardiology: Cardiovascular Disease Statistics 2017. Eur Heart J 2018; 39: 508-79
  13. Mirrakhimov E, Zakirov U, Abilova S, Azamat Asanbaev A, Bektasheva E, Asanaliev N, Mamat Uulu Y, Alibaeva N, Neronova K, Kerimkulova A, Lunegova O, Altymysheva A, Wang W, Beaney T, R Poulter May Measurement Month 2019: analysis of blood pressure screening in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Eur Heart J Suppl. 2022 Oct 7;24(Suppl F):F19-F21
  14. Carey RM., Moran AE., Whelton PK. Treatment of Hypertension. A Review. JAMA. 2022;328(18):1849-186
  15. Whelton PK, Carey RM, Aronow WS, Casey DE, Collins KJ, Himmelfarb CD, DePalma SM, Gidding S, Jamerson KA, Jones DW, 2017 ACC/AHA/AAPA/ABC/ACPM/AGS/APhA/ASH/ASPC/NMA/PCNA Guideline for the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2018 May, 71 (19) e127–e248
  16. Mancia G, Kreutz R, Brunström M, Burnier M, Grassi G, Januszewicz A, Muiesan ML, Tsioufis K, Agabiti-Rosei Enrico, Algharably EAE, et al. 2023 ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension The Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension. Endorsed by the International Society of Hypertension (ISH) and the European Renal Association (ERA). J of Hypertens. 2023;41(12): 1874-2071)
  17. Wang J-G, Palmer BF, Anderson KV, Sever P. Amlodipine in the current management of hypertension. J Clin Hypertens. 2023; 25:801–807
  18. Dahlöf B, Sever PS, Poulter NR, Wedel H,  Beevers DG, Caulfield M, Collins R, Kjeldsen SE, Kristinsson A,  McInnes GT, Mehlsen J, Nieminen M, O'Brien E, Ostergren J; ASCOT Investigators. Prevention of cardiovascular events with an antihypertensive regimen of amlodipine adding perindopril as required versus atenolol adding bendroflumethiazide as required, in the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial–Blood Pressure Lowering Arm (ASCOT-BPLA): a multicentre randomized controlled trial. Lancet. 2005;366(9489):895-906.
  19. Gupta A, Whiteley WN, Godec T, Rostamian S, Ariti C, Mackay J, Whitehouse A, Janani L, Poulter NR, Sever PS; the ASCOT-10 Investigators. Legacy benefits of blood pressure treatment on cardiovascular events are primarily mediated by improved blood pressure variability: the ASCOT trial. Eur Heart J. 2024 Jan 31:ehad814.doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehad814. Online ahead of print
  20. Cruz-Lуpez EO, Ye D, Wu C, Lu HS, Uijl E, Colafella KMM, A.H. Danser J Angiotensinogen Suppression: A New Tool to Treat Cardiovascular and Renal Disease. Hypertension.2022;79:2115–2126
  21. Wald DS, Law M, Morris JK, Bestwick JP, Wald Combination therapy versus monotherapy in reducing blood pressure: meta-analysis on 11,000 participants from 42 trials. Am J Med. 2009; 122(3):290-300
  22. Deng Z, Jiang J, Wang J, Pan D, Zhu Y, Li H, Zhang X, Liu X, Xu Y, Li Y, Tang Y for the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Angiotensin Receptor Blockers Are Associated With a Lower Risk of Progression From Mild Cognitive Impairment to Dementia. Hypertension. 2022; 79: 2159–2169
  23. Naveed H, Tirumandyam G, Mohan GVK, Gul S, Ali S, Siddiqui A, Suarez, ZK, Khan A Effect of Discontinuation of Renin Angiotensin-System Inhibitors in Patients With Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease: A Meta-Analysis. 2023 Apr; 15(4): e37813
  24. Thürmann PA, Kenedi P, Schmidt A, HarderS, Rietbrock Influence of the Angiotensin II Antagonist Valsartan on Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Patients With Essential Hypertension. Circulation. 1998;98:2037–2042
  25. Cui Y, Ma C, Long D, Wang L, Cao X, Zhang Effect of valsartan on atrial fibrillation recurrence following pulmonary vein isolation in patients. Exp Ther Med.2015 Feb; 9(2): 631–635
  26. Salama Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers and Arrhythmias in Ventricular Hypertrophy. J Am Heart Assoc.2022 Aug 2; 11(15)
  27. Wang SJ, Sander GE. Nebivolol/valsartan combination for the treatment of hypertension: a review. Future Cardiol. 2021; 17(4): 573–583
  28. Nixon R.M., Muller E., Lowy A., Falvey H. Valsartan vs. other angiotensin II receptor blockers in the treatment of hypertension: a meta-analytical approach. Int J Clin Pract. 2009;63(5):766–775
  29. Viberti G, Wheeldon NM and and for the MicroAlbuminuria Reduction With VALsartan (MARVAL) Study Investigators. Microalbuminuria Reduction With Valsartan in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus A Blood Pressure–Independent Effect. Circulation. 2002; 106(6):  672-678
  30. Gradman AH, Parisé H, Lefebvre P, Falvey H, Lafeuille M-H, Duh Initial combination therapy reduces the risk of cardiovascular events in hypertensive patients: a matched cohort study. Hypertension. 2013;61(2):309-18
  31. Gupta P, Patel P, Štrauch B,  Lai FY, Akbarov A, Marešová V, White CMJ, Petrák O, Gulsin GS, Patel V, Rosa J, Cole R, Zelinka T, Holaj R, Kinnell A, Smith PR, Thompson JR, Squire I, Widimský Jr J, Samani NJ, Williams B, Tomaszewski M. Risk Factors for Nonadherence to Antihypertensive Treatment. 2017 Jun;69(6):1113-1120.
  32. Schmieder RE, Wassmann S, Predel H-G, Weisser B, Blettenberg J, Gillessen A, Randerath O, Mevius A, Wilke T, Böhm M. Improved Persistence to Medication, Decreased Cardiovascular Events and Reduced All-Cause Mortality in Hypertensive Patients With Use of Single-Pill Combinations: Results From the START-Study. Hypertension. 2023;80:1127–1135
  33. Wilke T, Weisser B, Predel H-G, Schmieder R, Wassmann S, Gillessen A, Blettenberg J, Maywald U, Randerath O, Mueller S, Böhm M. Effects of Single Pill Combinations Compared to Identical Multi Pill Therapy on Outcomes in Hypertension, Dyslipidemia and Secondary Cardiovascular Prevention: The START-Study. Integr Blood Press Contro 2022:15 11–21
  34. Чазова И.Е., Мартынюк Т.В., Родненков О.В., Гориева Ш.Б., Рогоза А.Н., Архипов М.В., Гринштейн Ю.И., Остроумова О.Д., Галявич А.С., Ротарь О.П., Хаишева Л.А., Каменева Т.Р. Первые результаты российского многоцентрового проспективного клинического исследования VICTORY II: эффективность и безопасность препаратов Вамлосет® и Ко-Вамлосет у пациентов с артериальной гипертонией 2 и 3-й степени. Systemic Hypertension. 2020; 17 (2): 36–47
Для цитирования

Миррахимов Э.М. Лечение артериальной гипертонии. Фокус на комбинированное лечение амлодипином/валсартаном в одной таблетке. Здравоохранение Кыргызстана научно-практический журнал 2023, № 4, с.49-57. https://dx.doi.org/10.51350/zdravkg2023.

For citation

Mirrakhimov E.M. Treatment of Arterial Hypertension. The focus on combined treatment with amlodipine/valsartan in single pill.Health care of Kyrgyzstan scientific and practical journal 2023, No 4, pp. 49-57. https://dx.doi.org/10.51350/zdravkg2023.

Цитата үчүн

Миррахимов Э.М. Артериалдык гипертонияны дарылоо. Бир таблеткада амлодипин/валсартан менен айкалыштырылган дарылоого көңүл буруңуз. Кыргызстандын саламаттык сактоо илимий-практикалык журналы 2023, № 4, б. 49-57. https://dx.doi.org/10.51350/zdravkg2023.

Авторы Миррахимов Э.М.
Ссылка doi.org https://dx.doi.org/10.51350/zdravkg2023.
Страницы 49-57
Ключевые слова Артериальная гипертония, Приверженность к лечению, Амлодипин, Сартаны, Комбинированная гипотензивная терапия
Об авторах

Миррахимов Эркин Мираидович, доктор медицинских наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой факультетской терапии им. М.Е. Вольского - М.М.Миррахимова, КГМА им. И.К. Ахунбаева, Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика

Полный текст



Список литературы
  1. Jeemon P, Séverin T, Amodeo C, Balabanova D, Campbell NRC, Gaita D, Kario K, Khan T, Melifonwu R, Moran F, Ogola E, Ordunez P, Perel P, Piñeiro D, Pinto FJ, Schutte AE, Wyss FC, Yan LL, Poulter NR, Prabhakaran D. World Heart Federation Roadmap for Hypertension – A 2021 Update. Global Heart. 2021;16(1):63
  2. Wilson PW. Established risk factors and coronary artery disease: the Framingham Study. Am J Hypertens 1994; 7:7S
  3. Worldwide trends in hypertension prevalence and progress in treatment and control from 1990 to 2019: a pooled analysis of 1201 population-representative studies with 104 million participants. NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC)*. Lancet.2021. 398:957-980
  4. Braunwald E. Inhibition of angiotensinogen in the treatment of hypertension. Eur Heart J. 2023; 44: 4909–4910
  5. Williams B,Mancia G,Spiering W, Rosei EA, Azizi M, Burnier M, Clement DL, Coca A, de Simone G, Dominiczak et al. 2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension: The Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Society of Hypertension (ESH). Eur Heart J,  2018;39:3021–3104
  6. Franklin SS, Larson MG, Khan SA, Wong ND, Leip EP, Kannel WB, Levy D. Does the relation of blood pressure to coronary heart disease risk change with aging? The Framingham Heart Study. Circulation 2001; 103:1245
  7. Taylor BC, Wilt TJ, Welch HG. Impact of diastolic and systolic blood pressure on mortality: implications for the definition of "normal". J Gen Intern Med 2011; 26:685
  8. McGrath BP, Kundu P, Daya N, Coresh J, Selvin E, McEvoy JW, Chatterjee N. Isolated Diastolic Hypertension in the UK Biobank: Comparison of ACC/AHA and ESC/NICE Guideline Definitions. Hypertension 2020; 76:699
  9. Polupanov AG, Khalmatov AN, Altymysheva AT, Lunegova OS, Mirrakhimov AE, Sabirov IS, Kontsevaya AV, Dzhumagulova AS, Mirrakhimov EM. The prevalence of major cardiovascular risk factors in a rural population of the Chui region of Kyrgyzstan:The results of an epidemiological study Anatol J Cardiol 2020; 24: 183-91
  10. Muromtseva GA, Kontsevaya AV, Konstantinov VV, Artamonova GV, Gatagonova TM, Duplyakov DV, et al. The prevalence of non-infectious diseases risk factors in Russian population in 2012-2013 years. The results of ECVD-RF. Cardiovascular Therapy and Prevention. 2014; 13: 4-11
  11. Aringazina A, Kuandikov T, Arkhipov V. Burden of the Cardiovascular Diseases in Central Asia. Central Asian J Glob Health. 2018; 7: 321
  12. Timmis A, Townsend N, Gale C, Grobbee R, Maniadakis N, Flather M et al.; ESC Scientific Document Group. uropean Society of Cardiology: Cardiovascular Disease Statistics 2017. Eur Heart J 2018; 39: 508-79
  13. Mirrakhimov E, Zakirov U, Abilova S, Azamat Asanbaev A, Bektasheva E, Asanaliev N, Mamat Uulu Y, Alibaeva N, Neronova K, Kerimkulova A, Lunegova O, Altymysheva A, Wang W, Beaney T, R Poulter May Measurement Month 2019: analysis of blood pressure screening in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Eur Heart J Suppl. 2022 Oct 7;24(Suppl F):F19-F21
  14. Carey RM., Moran AE., Whelton PK. Treatment of Hypertension. A Review. JAMA. 2022;328(18):1849-186
  15. Whelton PK, Carey RM, Aronow WS, Casey DE, Collins KJ, Himmelfarb CD, DePalma SM, Gidding S, Jamerson KA, Jones DW, 2017 ACC/AHA/AAPA/ABC/ACPM/AGS/APhA/ASH/ASPC/NMA/PCNA Guideline for the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2018 May, 71 (19) e127–e248
  16. Mancia G, Kreutz R, Brunström M, Burnier M, Grassi G, Januszewicz A, Muiesan ML, Tsioufis K, Agabiti-Rosei Enrico, Algharably EAE, et al. 2023 ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension The Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension. Endorsed by the International Society of Hypertension (ISH) and the European Renal Association (ERA). J of Hypertens. 2023;41(12): 1874-2071)
  17. Wang J-G, Palmer BF, Anderson KV, Sever P. Amlodipine in the current management of hypertension. J Clin Hypertens. 2023; 25:801–807
  18. Dahlöf B, Sever PS, Poulter NR, Wedel H,  Beevers DG, Caulfield M, Collins R, Kjeldsen SE, Kristinsson A,  McInnes GT, Mehlsen J, Nieminen M, O'Brien E, Ostergren J; ASCOT Investigators. Prevention of cardiovascular events with an antihypertensive regimen of amlodipine adding perindopril as required versus atenolol adding bendroflumethiazide as required, in the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial–Blood Pressure Lowering Arm (ASCOT-BPLA): a multicentre randomized controlled trial. Lancet. 2005;366(9489):895-906.
  19. Gupta A, Whiteley WN, Godec T, Rostamian S, Ariti C, Mackay J, Whitehouse A, Janani L, Poulter NR, Sever PS; the ASCOT-10 Investigators. Legacy benefits of blood pressure treatment on cardiovascular events are primarily mediated by improved blood pressure variability: the ASCOT trial. Eur Heart J. 2024 Jan 31:ehad814.doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehad814. Online ahead of print
  20. Cruz-Lуpez EO, Ye D, Wu C, Lu HS, Uijl E, Colafella KMM, A.H. Danser J Angiotensinogen Suppression: A New Tool to Treat Cardiovascular and Renal Disease. Hypertension.2022;79:2115–2126
  21. Wald DS, Law M, Morris JK, Bestwick JP, Wald Combination therapy versus monotherapy in reducing blood pressure: meta-analysis on 11,000 participants from 42 trials. Am J Med. 2009; 122(3):290-300
  22. Deng Z, Jiang J, Wang J, Pan D, Zhu Y, Li H, Zhang X, Liu X, Xu Y, Li Y, Tang Y for the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Angiotensin Receptor Blockers Are Associated With a Lower Risk of Progression From Mild Cognitive Impairment to Dementia. Hypertension. 2022; 79: 2159–2169
  23. Naveed H, Tirumandyam G, Mohan GVK, Gul S, Ali S, Siddiqui A, Suarez, ZK, Khan A Effect of Discontinuation of Renin Angiotensin-System Inhibitors in Patients With Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease: A Meta-Analysis. 2023 Apr; 15(4): e37813
  24. Thürmann PA, Kenedi P, Schmidt A, HarderS, Rietbrock Influence of the Angiotensin II Antagonist Valsartan on Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Patients With Essential Hypertension. Circulation. 1998;98:2037–2042
  25. Cui Y, Ma C, Long D, Wang L, Cao X, Zhang Effect of valsartan on atrial fibrillation recurrence following pulmonary vein isolation in patients. Exp Ther Med.2015 Feb; 9(2): 631–635
  26. Salama Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers and Arrhythmias in Ventricular Hypertrophy. J Am Heart Assoc.2022 Aug 2; 11(15)
  27. Wang SJ, Sander GE. Nebivolol/valsartan combination for the treatment of hypertension: a review. Future Cardiol. 2021; 17(4): 573–583
  28. Nixon R.M., Muller E., Lowy A., Falvey H. Valsartan vs. other angiotensin II receptor blockers in the treatment of hypertension: a meta-analytical approach. Int J Clin Pract. 2009;63(5):766–775
  29. Viberti G, Wheeldon NM and and for the MicroAlbuminuria Reduction With VALsartan (MARVAL) Study Investigators. Microalbuminuria Reduction With Valsartan in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus A Blood Pressure–Independent Effect. Circulation. 2002; 106(6):  672-678
  30. Gradman AH, Parisé H, Lefebvre P, Falvey H, Lafeuille M-H, Duh Initial combination therapy reduces the risk of cardiovascular events in hypertensive patients: a matched cohort study. Hypertension. 2013;61(2):309-18
  31. Gupta P, Patel P, Štrauch B,  Lai FY, Akbarov A, Marešová V, White CMJ, Petrák O, Gulsin GS, Patel V, Rosa J, Cole R, Zelinka T, Holaj R, Kinnell A, Smith PR, Thompson JR, Squire I, Widimský Jr J, Samani NJ, Williams B, Tomaszewski M. Risk Factors for Nonadherence to Antihypertensive Treatment. 2017 Jun;69(6):1113-1120.
  32. Schmieder RE, Wassmann S, Predel H-G, Weisser B, Blettenberg J, Gillessen A, Randerath O, Mevius A, Wilke T, Böhm M. Improved Persistence to Medication, Decreased Cardiovascular Events and Reduced All-Cause Mortality in Hypertensive Patients With Use of Single-Pill Combinations: Results From the START-Study. Hypertension. 2023;80:1127–1135
  33. Wilke T, Weisser B, Predel H-G, Schmieder R, Wassmann S, Gillessen A, Blettenberg J, Maywald U, Randerath O, Mueller S, Böhm M. Effects of Single Pill Combinations Compared to Identical Multi Pill Therapy on Outcomes in Hypertension, Dyslipidemia and Secondary Cardiovascular Prevention: The START-Study. Integr Blood Press Contro 2022:15 11–21
  34. Чазова И.Е., Мартынюк Т.В., Родненков О.В., Гориева Ш.Б., Рогоза А.Н., Архипов М.В., Гринштейн Ю.И., Остроумова О.Д., Галявич А.С., Ротарь О.П., Хаишева Л.А., Каменева Т.Р. Первые результаты российского многоцентрового проспективного клинического исследования VICTORY II: эффективность и безопасность препаратов Вамлосет® и Ко-Вамлосет у пациентов с артериальной гипертонией 2 и 3-й степени. Systemic Hypertension. 2020; 17 (2): 36–47
Для цитирования

Миррахимов Э.М. Лечение артериальной гипертонии. Фокус на комбинированное лечение амлодипином/валсартаном в одной таблетке. Здравоохранение Кыргызстана научно-практический журнал 2023, № 4, с.49-57. https://dx.doi.org/10.51350/zdravkg2023.

About authors

Mirrakhimov Erkin Mirsaidovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Faculty Therapy named after M.E. Volsky - M.M. Mirrakhimova, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaeva, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

  1. Jeemon P, Séverin T, Amodeo C, Balabanova D, Campbell NRC, Gaita D, Kario K, Khan T, Melifonwu R, Moran F, Ogola E, Ordunez P, Perel P, Piñeiro D, Pinto FJ, Schutte AE, Wyss FC, Yan LL, Poulter NR, Prabhakaran D. World Heart Federation Roadmap for Hypertension – A 2021 Update. Global Heart. 2021;16(1):63
  2. Wilson PW. Established risk factors and coronary artery disease: the Framingham Study. Am J Hypertens 1994; 7:7S
  3. Worldwide trends in hypertension prevalence and progress in treatment and control from 1990 to 2019: a pooled analysis of 1201 population-representative studies with 104 million participants. NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC)*. Lancet.2021. 398:957-980
  4. Braunwald E. Inhibition of angiotensinogen in the treatment of hypertension. Eur Heart J. 2023; 44: 4909–4910
  5. Williams B,Mancia G,Spiering W, Rosei EA, Azizi M, Burnier M, Clement DL, Coca A, de Simone G, Dominiczak et al. 2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension: The Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Society of Hypertension (ESH). Eur Heart J,  2018;39:3021–3104
  6. Franklin SS, Larson MG, Khan SA, Wong ND, Leip EP, Kannel WB, Levy D. Does the relation of blood pressure to coronary heart disease risk change with aging? The Framingham Heart Study. Circulation 2001; 103:1245
  7. Taylor BC, Wilt TJ, Welch HG. Impact of diastolic and systolic blood pressure on mortality: implications for the definition of "normal". J Gen Intern Med 2011; 26:685
  8. McGrath BP, Kundu P, Daya N, Coresh J, Selvin E, McEvoy JW, Chatterjee N. Isolated Diastolic Hypertension in the UK Biobank: Comparison of ACC/AHA and ESC/NICE Guideline Definitions. Hypertension 2020; 76:699
  9. Polupanov AG, Khalmatov AN, Altymysheva AT, Lunegova OS, Mirrakhimov AE, Sabirov IS, Kontsevaya AV, Dzhumagulova AS, Mirrakhimov EM. The prevalence of major cardiovascular risk factors in a rural population of the Chui region of Kyrgyzstan:The results of an epidemiological study Anatol J Cardiol 2020; 24: 183-91
  10. Muromtseva GA, Kontsevaya AV, Konstantinov VV, Artamonova GV, Gatagonova TM, Duplyakov DV, et al. The prevalence of non-infectious diseases risk factors in Russian population in 2012-2013 years. The results of ECVD-RF. Cardiovascular Therapy and Prevention. 2014; 13: 4-11
  11. Aringazina A, Kuandikov T, Arkhipov V. Burden of the Cardiovascular Diseases in Central Asia. Central Asian J Glob Health. 2018; 7: 321
  12. Timmis A, Townsend N, Gale C, Grobbee R, Maniadakis N, Flather M et al.; ESC Scientific Document Group. uropean Society of Cardiology: Cardiovascular Disease Statistics 2017. Eur Heart J 2018; 39: 508-79
  13. Mirrakhimov E, Zakirov U, Abilova S, Azamat Asanbaev A, Bektasheva E, Asanaliev N, Mamat Uulu Y, Alibaeva N, Neronova K, Kerimkulova A, Lunegova O, Altymysheva A, Wang W, Beaney T, R Poulter May Measurement Month 2019: analysis of blood pressure screening in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Eur Heart J Suppl. 2022 Oct 7;24(Suppl F):F19-F21
  14. Carey RM., Moran AE., Whelton PK. Treatment of Hypertension. A Review. JAMA. 2022;328(18):1849-186
  15. Whelton PK, Carey RM, Aronow WS, Casey DE, Collins KJ, Himmelfarb CD, DePalma SM, Gidding S, Jamerson KA, Jones DW, 2017 ACC/AHA/AAPA/ABC/ACPM/AGS/APhA/ASH/ASPC/NMA/PCNA Guideline for the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2018 May, 71 (19) e127–e248
  16. Mancia G, Kreutz R, Brunström M, Burnier M, Grassi G, Januszewicz A, Muiesan ML, Tsioufis K, Agabiti-Rosei Enrico, Algharably EAE, et al. 2023 ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension The Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension. Endorsed by the International Society of Hypertension (ISH) and the European Renal Association (ERA). J of Hypertens. 2023;41(12): 1874-2071)
  17. Wang J-G, Palmer BF, Anderson KV, Sever P. Amlodipine in the current management of hypertension. J Clin Hypertens. 2023; 25:801–807
  18. Dahlöf B, Sever PS, Poulter NR, Wedel H,  Beevers DG, Caulfield M, Collins R, Kjeldsen SE, Kristinsson A,  McInnes GT, Mehlsen J, Nieminen M, O'Brien E, Ostergren J; ASCOT Investigators. Prevention of cardiovascular events with an antihypertensive regimen of amlodipine adding perindopril as required versus atenolol adding bendroflumethiazide as required, in the Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial–Blood Pressure Lowering Arm (ASCOT-BPLA): a multicentre randomized controlled trial. Lancet. 2005;366(9489):895-906.
  19. Gupta A, Whiteley WN, Godec T, Rostamian S, Ariti C, Mackay J, Whitehouse A, Janani L, Poulter NR, Sever PS; the ASCOT-10 Investigators. Legacy benefits of blood pressure treatment on cardiovascular events are primarily mediated by improved blood pressure variability: the ASCOT trial. Eur Heart J. 2024 Jan 31:ehad814.doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehad814. Online ahead of print
  20. Cruz-Lуpez EO, Ye D, Wu C, Lu HS, Uijl E, Colafella KMM, A.H. Danser J Angiotensinogen Suppression: A New Tool to Treat Cardiovascular and Renal Disease. Hypertension.2022;79:2115–2126
  21. Wald DS, Law M, Morris JK, Bestwick JP, Wald Combination therapy versus monotherapy in reducing blood pressure: meta-analysis on 11,000 participants from 42 trials. Am J Med. 2009; 122(3):290-300
  22. Deng Z, Jiang J, Wang J, Pan D, Zhu Y, Li H, Zhang X, Liu X, Xu Y, Li Y, Tang Y for the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Angiotensin Receptor Blockers Are Associated With a Lower Risk of Progression From Mild Cognitive Impairment to Dementia. Hypertension. 2022; 79: 2159–2169
  23. Naveed H, Tirumandyam G, Mohan GVK, Gul S, Ali S, Siddiqui A, Suarez, ZK, Khan A Effect of Discontinuation of Renin Angiotensin-System Inhibitors in Patients With Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease: A Meta-Analysis. 2023 Apr; 15(4): e37813
  24. Thürmann PA, Kenedi P, Schmidt A, HarderS, Rietbrock Influence of the Angiotensin II Antagonist Valsartan on Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Patients With Essential Hypertension. Circulation. 1998;98:2037–2042
  25. Cui Y, Ma C, Long D, Wang L, Cao X, Zhang Effect of valsartan on atrial fibrillation recurrence following pulmonary vein isolation in patients. Exp Ther Med.2015 Feb; 9(2): 631–635
  26. Salama Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers and Arrhythmias in Ventricular Hypertrophy. J Am Heart Assoc.2022 Aug 2; 11(15)
  27. Wang SJ, Sander GE. Nebivolol/valsartan combination for the treatment of hypertension: a review. Future Cardiol. 2021; 17(4): 573–583
  28. Nixon R.M., Muller E., Lowy A., Falvey H. Valsartan vs. other angiotensin II receptor blockers in the treatment of hypertension: a meta-analytical approach. Int J Clin Pract. 2009;63(5):766–775
  29. Viberti G, Wheeldon NM and and for the MicroAlbuminuria Reduction With VALsartan (MARVAL) Study Investigators. Microalbuminuria Reduction With Valsartan in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus A Blood Pressure–Independent Effect. Circulation. 2002; 106(6):  672-678
  30. Gradman AH, Parisé H, Lefebvre P, Falvey H, Lafeuille M-H, Duh Initial combination therapy reduces the risk of cardiovascular events in hypertensive patients: a matched cohort study. Hypertension. 2013;61(2):309-18
  31. Gupta P, Patel P, Štrauch B,  Lai FY, Akbarov A, Marešová V, White CMJ, Petrák O, Gulsin GS, Patel V, Rosa J, Cole R, Zelinka T, Holaj R, Kinnell A, Smith PR, Thompson JR, Squire I, Widimský Jr J, Samani NJ, Williams B, Tomaszewski M. Risk Factors for Nonadherence to Antihypertensive Treatment. 2017 Jun;69(6):1113-1120.
  32. Schmieder RE, Wassmann S, Predel H-G, Weisser B, Blettenberg J, Gillessen A, Randerath O, Mevius A, Wilke T, Böhm M. Improved Persistence to Medication, Decreased Cardiovascular Events and Reduced All-Cause Mortality in Hypertensive Patients With Use of Single-Pill Combinations: Results From the START-Study. Hypertension. 2023;80:1127–1135
  33. Wilke T, Weisser B, Predel H-G, Schmieder R, Wassmann S, Gillessen A, Blettenberg J, Maywald U, Randerath O, Mueller S, Böhm M. Effects of Single Pill Combinations Compared to Identical Multi Pill Therapy on Outcomes in Hypertension, Dyslipidemia and Secondary Cardiovascular Prevention: The START-Study. Integr Blood Press Contro 2022:15 11–21
  34. Чазова И.Е., Мартынюк Т.В., Родненков О.В., Гориева Ш.Б., Рогоза А.Н., Архипов М.В., Гринштейн Ю.И., Остроумова О.Д., Галявич А.С., Ротарь О.П., Хаишева Л.А., Каменева Т.Р. Первые результаты российского многоцентрового проспективного клинического исследования VICTORY II: эффективность и безопасность препаратов Вамлосет® и Ко-Вамлосет у пациентов с артериальной гипертонией 2 и 3-й степени. Systemic Hypertension. 2020; 17 (2): 36–47
For citation

Mirrakhimov E.M. Treatment of Arterial Hypertension. The focus on combined treatment with amlodipine/valsartan in single pill.Health care of Kyrgyzstan scientific and practical journal 2023, No 4, pp. 49-57. https://dx.doi.org/10.51350/zdravkg2023.

Авторлор жөнүндө

Миррахимов Эркин Мирсаидович, медицина илимдеринин доктору, профессор, М.Е.Вольский – М.М. Миррахимова атындагы факультеттик терапия кафедрасынын башчысы , И.К. Ахунбаев атындагы Кыргыз мамлекеттик медициналык академиясы, Бишкек, Кыргыз Республикасы

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  20. Cruz-Lуpez EO, Ye D, Wu C, Lu HS, Uijl E, Colafella KMM, A.H. Danser J Angiotensinogen Suppression: A New Tool to Treat Cardiovascular and Renal Disease. Hypertension.2022;79:2115–2126
  21. Wald DS, Law M, Morris JK, Bestwick JP, Wald Combination therapy versus monotherapy in reducing blood pressure: meta-analysis on 11,000 participants from 42 trials. Am J Med. 2009; 122(3):290-300
  22. Deng Z, Jiang J, Wang J, Pan D, Zhu Y, Li H, Zhang X, Liu X, Xu Y, Li Y, Tang Y for the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Angiotensin Receptor Blockers Are Associated With a Lower Risk of Progression From Mild Cognitive Impairment to Dementia. Hypertension. 2022; 79: 2159–2169
  23. Naveed H, Tirumandyam G, Mohan GVK, Gul S, Ali S, Siddiqui A, Suarez, ZK, Khan A Effect of Discontinuation of Renin Angiotensin-System Inhibitors in Patients With Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease: A Meta-Analysis. 2023 Apr; 15(4): e37813
  24. Thürmann PA, Kenedi P, Schmidt A, HarderS, Rietbrock Influence of the Angiotensin II Antagonist Valsartan on Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Patients With Essential Hypertension. Circulation. 1998;98:2037–2042
  25. Cui Y, Ma C, Long D, Wang L, Cao X, Zhang Effect of valsartan on atrial fibrillation recurrence following pulmonary vein isolation in patients. Exp Ther Med.2015 Feb; 9(2): 631–635
  26. Salama Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers and Arrhythmias in Ventricular Hypertrophy. J Am Heart Assoc.2022 Aug 2; 11(15)
  27. Wang SJ, Sander GE. Nebivolol/valsartan combination for the treatment of hypertension: a review. Future Cardiol. 2021; 17(4): 573–583
  28. Nixon R.M., Muller E., Lowy A., Falvey H. Valsartan vs. other angiotensin II receptor blockers in the treatment of hypertension: a meta-analytical approach. Int J Clin Pract. 2009;63(5):766–775
  29. Viberti G, Wheeldon NM and and for the MicroAlbuminuria Reduction With VALsartan (MARVAL) Study Investigators. Microalbuminuria Reduction With Valsartan in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus A Blood Pressure–Independent Effect. Circulation. 2002; 106(6):  672-678
  30. Gradman AH, Parisé H, Lefebvre P, Falvey H, Lafeuille M-H, Duh Initial combination therapy reduces the risk of cardiovascular events in hypertensive patients: a matched cohort study. Hypertension. 2013;61(2):309-18
  31. Gupta P, Patel P, Štrauch B,  Lai FY, Akbarov A, Marešová V, White CMJ, Petrák O, Gulsin GS, Patel V, Rosa J, Cole R, Zelinka T, Holaj R, Kinnell A, Smith PR, Thompson JR, Squire I, Widimský Jr J, Samani NJ, Williams B, Tomaszewski M. Risk Factors for Nonadherence to Antihypertensive Treatment. 2017 Jun;69(6):1113-1120.
  32. Schmieder RE, Wassmann S, Predel H-G, Weisser B, Blettenberg J, Gillessen A, Randerath O, Mevius A, Wilke T, Böhm M. Improved Persistence to Medication, Decreased Cardiovascular Events and Reduced All-Cause Mortality in Hypertensive Patients With Use of Single-Pill Combinations: Results From the START-Study. Hypertension. 2023;80:1127–1135
  33. Wilke T, Weisser B, Predel H-G, Schmieder R, Wassmann S, Gillessen A, Blettenberg J, Maywald U, Randerath O, Mueller S, Böhm M. Effects of Single Pill Combinations Compared to Identical Multi Pill Therapy on Outcomes in Hypertension, Dyslipidemia and Secondary Cardiovascular Prevention: The START-Study. Integr Blood Press Contro 2022:15 11–21
  34. Чазова И.Е., Мартынюк Т.В., Родненков О.В., Гориева Ш.Б., Рогоза А.Н., Архипов М.В., Гринштейн Ю.И., Остроумова О.Д., Галявич А.С., Ротарь О.П., Хаишева Л.А., Каменева Т.Р. Первые результаты российского многоцентрового проспективного клинического исследования VICTORY II: эффективность и безопасность препаратов Вамлосет® и Ко-Вамлосет у пациентов с артериальной гипертонией 2 и 3-й степени. Systemic Hypertension. 2020; 17 (2): 36–47
Цитата үчүн

Миррахимов Э.М. Артериалдык гипертонияны дарылоо. Бир таблеткада амлодипин/валсартан менен айкалыштырылган дарылоого көңүл буруңуз. Кыргызстандын саламаттык сактоо илимий-практикалык журналы 2023, № 4, б. 49-57. https://dx.doi.org/10.51350/zdravkg2023.

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