Health care of Kyrgyzstan
Zdravoohraneniye Kyrgyzstana

ISSN 1694-8068 (Print)

ISSN 1694-805X (Online)

Effectiveness of complex treatment of strabismic amblyopia in concomitant strabismus with vision disorder

Effectiveness of complex treatment of strabismic amblyopia in concomitant strabismus with vision disorder
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The aim of the study- Analysis of the effectiveness of the complex treatment of strabismic amblyopia in concomitant strabismus with binocular vision disorder. Material and method of treatment. A total of 100 patients (158 eyes) — 54 patients (86 eyes) with concomitant divergent strabismus and 46 patients (72 eyes) — with convergent strabismus, were subject to treatment. Control group - 10 people (20 eyes) with emmetropia. The average age up to 3 years is 2.4 ± 0.45 years, from 3 to 7 years - 4.8 ± 0.07 and over 7 years - 8.3 ± 0.4. Strabismus angle up to 10° - 40 patients (80 eyes); from 11° to 15° - 25 patients (40 eyes), more than 15° - 35 (38 eyes). Hyperopic astigmatism – 69 patients (111 eyes), high-grade hyperopia – 31 patients (47 eyes). Mild amblyopia – 28 patients (40 eyes), moderate – 48 patients (84 eyes) and severe – 24 patients (26 eyes). The complex therapy was based on a three-stage method: the first stage – the impact on the pupillary-accommodative system with the determination of the pupil cycle time and (V) the speed of the pupillary reaction, (color pulse therapy, “Focus”, “Relax” devices, Sidorenko vacuum glasses, home exercises. In the second stage, the impact on the retinal cones – “Flower”, “Crosses”, “Spider” programs, quantum rays, occlusions and penalization. The third stage – restoration of the bifixation reflex: “Combination”, “Fusion”, “Trainer” computer programs, nose drops according to the scheme 0.1% Semax solution. Discussion of results. A decrease in the pupil cycle time from 1400±0.74 m/s to 900±2.08 m/s (P <0.01) was obtained; an increase in the V pupillary response from 1.5±0.17 mm/s to 2.8±0, 05 mm/s (P <0.01); increase in the volume of absolute accommodation and the reserve of absolute accommodation up to 14.4±0.23D b 5.2±0.27D, in the strabismus - 14.65±0.8 (P <0.05) increase in distance visual acuity to 0.83±0.12, in 72.2% of cases (68 patients) – the development of binocular vision. Conclusion. The effectiveness of the complex method of strabismic amblyopia treatment is conditioned by the effect on all parts of the visual system.

About the authors

Бердибаева Айжамал Ибраимовна, аспирант, врач- офтальмолог, кафедра- глазных болезней,Кыргызского государственного медицинского института переподготовки и повышения квалификации имени С. Б. Даниярова, Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика


Authors Berdibaeva A.I.
Pages 61-70
Keywords strabismic amblyopia, concomitant strabismus, training, strabismus
Об авторах

Бердибаева Айжамал Ибраимовна, аспирант, врач- офтальмолог, кафедра- глазных болезней,Кыргызского государственного медицинского института переподготовки и повышения квалификации имени С. Б. Даниярова, Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика

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