Health care of Kyrgyzstan
Zdravoohraneniye Kyrgyzstana

ISSN 1694-8068 (Print)

ISSN 1694-805X (Online)

Impact of COVID-19 on the implementation of activities by the anti-tuberculosis service of the Kyrgyz Republic

Impact of COVID-19 on the implementation of activities by the anti-tuberculosis service of the Kyrgyz Republic
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The article presents data on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the implementation of anti-tuberculosis measures, in particular on the detection of tuberculosis cases in the Kyrgyz Republic. To achieve this goal, the reporting data of the Department of Informatics and Epidemiology of the National Center of Phthisiology for 2019-2020 were taken. The analysis included data on the number of reported cases of tuberculosis (TB), morbidity and mortality from TB in 2019-2021. According to the NCF, epidemiological indicators such as morbidity and mortality from TB in 2020 compared to 2019 decreased significantly: the incidence of tuberculosis by 3.3 times (from 78.9 to 53.5, OR =3.3, 95% CI 1.8-6.2, χ2 and mortality did not change, remaining at 3.9). A significant decrease in the incidence of tuberculosis (by 32.2%) is associated with a decrease in detection due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The TB service had difficulties in staffing during the pandemic, which certainly led to a deterioration in the service of TB patients. The incidence of tuberculosis in 2021 shows an improvement in the diagnosis of tuberculosis and an increase in the number of registered cases (58.9 cases per 100 thousand population). Over the past 4 years, the highest incidence of tuberculosis in the republic has been observed in the Chui region (124.2-88.2), then in the regions with a large population – Bishkek (88.8-59.7), Jalal- Abad (73.3-55.6) and Osh region (75.0-55.9), and the lowest indicator is in Issyk-Kul region (48.9-37.5).

About the authors

Абдрахманова Эльмира Джусупбековна, заведующая отделом информатики и эпидемиологии Национального Центра Фтизиатрии Министерства здравоохранения, Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика

Abdrakhmanova Elmira Dzhusupbekovna, Head of the Department of Informatics and Epidemiology of the National Center for Phthisiology, Ministry of Health, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

Абдрахманова Эльмира Джусупбековна, информатика жана эпидемиология бѳлүмүнүн башчысы Кыргыз Республикасынын Саламаттык сактоо министрлигинин Улуттук фтизиатрия борбору,  Бишкек, Кыргыз Республикасы


1. World Health Organization.Global tuberculosis report; 2019. Replet&name =/WHO_HQ_Reports/G2/PROD/EXT/TBCountryProfile&ISO2=ID&outtype=pdf [Mundus Health Organization. Global tuberculosis fama; 2019. op=Replet&name=/WHO_HQ_Reports/G2/PROD/EXT/TBCountryProfile&ISO2=ID&outtype=pdf]
2. World Health Organization. Global tuberculosis report; 2019. /iris/bitstream/handle/10665/329368/ 978924...-eng.pdf [accessed 8.10.20].[Mundus Health Organization. Global tuberculosis fama; 2019. /iris/bitstream/manubrio/10665/329368/978924...-eng.pdf [accessed 8.10.20].]
3. World Health Organization. Tuberculosis and COVID-19: Considerations for tuberculosis care; 2020.…-tb-covid-19.pdf [accessed 8.10.20]. [Mundus Health Organization. Tuberculosis, et COVID-19: Considerationes pro tuberculosis cura; 2020. docs/default-source/documentis/tuberculosis/...-tb-covid-19.pdf [accessed 8.10.20].]
4. Motta I, Centis R, D’Ambrosio L, García-García JM, Goletti D, Gualano G, et al. Tuberculosis COVID-19 and migrants: Preliminary analysis of deaths occurring in 69 patients from two cohorts. Pulmonology. 2020; 26:233–40, 10.1016/j.pulmoe.2020.05.002. [Motta ego, Centis R, D ' Ambrosio L, García-García JM, Goletti D, Gualano G, al. Tuberculosis COVID-19 et migrantes: Praevia analysis funera facta sunt in 69 aegros, ab duabus cohortibus. Pulmonology. 2020; 26:233-40,]
5. Tadolini M, Codecasa LR, García-García JM, Blanc FX, Borisov S, Alffenaar JW, et al. Active tuberculosis, sequelae and COVID-19 co-infection: First cohort of 49 cases. Eur Respir J. 2020; 56:2001398 [Tadolini M, Codecasa LR, García-García JM, Blanc FX, Borisov S, Alffenaar JW, et al. Activa tuberculosis, sequelae et COVID-19 co-infectio: Prima cohors 49 casibus. Eur Respir J. 2020; 56:2001398. .]
6. Buonsenso D. Iodice F,SorbaBiala J,GolettiD. COVID-19 effects on tuberculosis care in Sierra Leone. Pulmonology,
2020 /10.1016/j.pulmoe.2020.05.013. [Buonsenso D. Iodice F, SorbaBiala J, GolettiD. COVID-19 effectus in tuberculosis cura in Sierra Leone. Pulmonology, 2020 /10.1016/j.pulmoe.2020.05.013.]
7. Magro P, Formenti B, Marchese V, Gulletta M, Tomasoni LR, Caligaris S, et al. Impact of the SARS Coronavirus 2 epidemic ontuberculo sistreatment outcome, Northern Italy. Eur Respir J. 2020;56:2002665, [Magro P, Formenti B, Marchese V, Gulletta M, Tomasoni LR, Caligaris S, al. Ictum SARS Coronavirus 2 pestilentia in tuberculo sis curatio exitus, Northern Italy. Eur Respir J. 2020; 56:2002665, .]

1. World Health Organization.Global tuberculosis report; 2019. Replet&name =/WHO_HQ_Reports/G2/PROD/EXT/TBCountryProfile&ISO2=ID&outtype=pdf [Mundus Health Organization. Global tuberculosis fama; 2019. op=Replet&name=/WHO_HQ_Reports/G2/PROD/EXT/TBCountryProfile&ISO2=ID&outtype=pdf]
2. World Health Organization. Global tuberculosis report; 2019. /iris/bitstream/handle/10665/329368/ 978924...-eng.pdf [accessed 8.10.20].[Mundus Health Organization. Global tuberculosis fama; 2019. /iris/bitstream/manubrio/10665/329368/978924...-eng.pdf [accessed 8.10.20].]
3. World Health Organization. Tuberculosis and COVID-19: Considerations for tuberculosis care; 2020.…-tb-covid-19.pdf [accessed 8.10.20]. [Mundus Health Organization. Tuberculosis, et COVID-19: Considerationes pro tuberculosis cura; 2020. docs/default-source/documentis/tuberculosis/...-tb-covid-19.pdf [accessed 8.10.20].]
4. Motta I, Centis R, D’Ambrosio L, García-García JM, Goletti D, Gualano G, et al. Tuberculosis COVID-19 and migrants: Preliminary analysis of deaths occurring in 69 patients from two cohorts. Pulmonology. 2020; 26:233–40, 10.1016/j.pulmoe.2020.05.002. [Motta ego, Centis R, D ' Ambrosio L, García-García JM, Goletti D, Gualano G, al. Tuberculosis COVID-19 et migrantes: Praevia analysis funera facta sunt in 69 aegros, ab duabus cohortibus. Pulmonology. 2020; 26:233-40,]
5. Tadolini M, Codecasa LR, García-García JM, Blanc FX, Borisov S, Alffenaar JW, et al. Active tuberculosis, sequelae and COVID-19 co-infection: First cohort of 49 cases. Eur Respir J. 2020; 56:2001398 [Tadolini M, Codecasa LR, García-García JM, Blanc FX, Borisov S, Alffenaar JW, et al. Activa tuberculosis, sequelae et COVID-19 co-infectio: Prima cohors 49 casibus. Eur Respir J. 2020; 56:2001398. .]
6. Buonsenso D. Iodice F,SorbaBiala J,GolettiD. COVID-19 effects on tuberculosis care in Sierra Leone. Pulmonology,
2020 /10.1016/j.pulmoe.2020.05.013. [Buonsenso D. Iodice F, SorbaBiala J, GolettiD. COVID-19 effectus in tuberculosis cura in Sierra Leone. Pulmonology, 2020 /10.1016/j.pulmoe.2020.05.013.]
7. Magro P, Formenti B, Marchese V, Gulletta M, Tomasoni LR, Caligaris S, et al. Impact of the SARS Coronavirus 2 epidemic ontuberculo sistreatment outcome, Northern Italy. Eur Respir J. 2020;56:2002665, [Magro P, Formenti B, Marchese V, Gulletta M, Tomasoni LR, Caligaris S, al. Ictum SARS Coronavirus 2 pestilentia in tuberculo sis curatio exitus, Northern Italy. Eur Respir J. 2020; 56:2002665, .]

1. World Health Organization.Global tuberculosis report; 2019. Replet&name =/WHO_HQ_Reports/G2/PROD/EXT/TBCountryProfile&ISO2=ID&outtype=pdf [Mundus Health Organization. Global tuberculosis fama; 2019. op=Replet&name=/WHO_HQ_Reports/G2/PROD/EXT/TBCountryProfile&ISO2=ID&outtype=pdf]
2. World Health Organization. Global tuberculosis report; 2019. /iris/bitstream/handle/10665/329368/ 978924...-eng.pdf [accessed 8.10.20].[Mundus Health Organization. Global tuberculosis fama; 2019. /iris/bitstream/manubrio/10665/329368/978924...-eng.pdf [accessed 8.10.20].]
3. World Health Organization. Tuberculosis and COVID-19: Considerations for tuberculosis care; 2020.…-tb-covid-19.pdf [accessed 8.10.20]. [Mundus Health Organization. Tuberculosis, et COVID-19: Considerationes pro tuberculosis cura; 2020. docs/default-source/documentis/tuberculosis/...-tb-covid-19.pdf [accessed 8.10.20].]
4. Motta I, Centis R, D’Ambrosio L, García-García JM, Goletti D, Gualano G, et al. Tuberculosis COVID-19 and migrants: Preliminary analysis of deaths occurring in 69 patients from two cohorts. Pulmonology. 2020; 26:233–40, 10.1016/j.pulmoe.2020.05.002. [Motta ego, Centis R, D ' Ambrosio L, García-García JM, Goletti D, Gualano G, al. Tuberculosis COVID-19 et migrantes: Praevia analysis funera facta sunt in 69 aegros, ab duabus cohortibus. Pulmonology. 2020; 26:233-40,]
5. Tadolini M, Codecasa LR, García-García JM, Blanc FX, Borisov S, Alffenaar JW, et al. Active tuberculosis, sequelae and COVID-19 co-infection: First cohort of 49 cases. Eur Respir J. 2020; 56:2001398 [Tadolini M, Codecasa LR, García-García JM, Blanc FX, Borisov S, Alffenaar JW, et al. Activa tuberculosis, sequelae et COVID-19 co-infectio: Prima cohors 49 casibus. Eur Respir J. 2020; 56:2001398. .]
6. Buonsenso D. Iodice F,SorbaBiala J,GolettiD. COVID-19 effects on tuberculosis care in Sierra Leone. Pulmonology,
2020 /10.1016/j.pulmoe.2020.05.013. [Buonsenso D. Iodice F, SorbaBiala J, GolettiD. COVID-19 effectus in tuberculosis cura in Sierra Leone. Pulmonology, 2020 /10.1016/j.pulmoe.2020.05.013.]
7. Magro P, Formenti B, Marchese V, Gulletta M, Tomasoni LR, Caligaris S, et al. Impact of the SARS Coronavirus 2 epidemic ontuberculo sistreatment outcome, Northern Italy. Eur Respir J. 2020;56:2002665, [Magro P, Formenti B, Marchese V, Gulletta M, Tomasoni LR, Caligaris S, al. Ictum SARS Coronavirus 2 pestilentia in tuberculo sis curatio exitus, Northern Italy. Eur Respir J. 2020; 56:2002665, .]

Для цитирования

Абдрахманова Э.Д. Влияние COVID-19 на реализацию мероприятий противотуберкулезной службой Кыргызской Республики. Здравоохранение Кыргызстана 2022, № 2, с. 108-113.

For citation

Abdrakhmanova E.D. Impact of COVID-19 on the implementation of activities by the anti-tuberculosis service of the Kyrgyz Republic. Health care of Kyrgyzstan 2022,No.2, pp. 108-113.

Цитата үчүн

Абдрахманова Э.Д. COVID-19дун Кыргыз Республикасынын кургак учукка каршы кызматынын иш-чараларын ишке ашыруусуна тийгизген таасири. Кыргызстандын саламаттык сактоо 2022, no 2, б. 108 113.

Authors Abdrakhmanova E.D.
Pages 108-113
Keywords COVID-19, tuberculosis, Morbidity, mortality from tuberculosis, Detectability of tuberculosis
Об авторах

Абдрахманова Эльмира Джусупбековна, заведующая отделом информатики и эпидемиологии Национального Центра Фтизиатрии Министерства здравоохранения, Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика

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Список литературы

1. World Health Organization.Global tuberculosis report; 2019. Replet&name =/WHO_HQ_Reports/G2/PROD/EXT/TBCountryProfile&ISO2=ID&outtype=pdf [Mundus Health Organization. Global tuberculosis fama; 2019. op=Replet&name=/WHO_HQ_Reports/G2/PROD/EXT/TBCountryProfile&ISO2=ID&outtype=pdf]
2. World Health Organization. Global tuberculosis report; 2019. /iris/bitstream/handle/10665/329368/ 978924...-eng.pdf [accessed 8.10.20].[Mundus Health Organization. Global tuberculosis fama; 2019. /iris/bitstream/manubrio/10665/329368/978924...-eng.pdf [accessed 8.10.20].]
3. World Health Organization. Tuberculosis and COVID-19: Considerations for tuberculosis care; 2020.…-tb-covid-19.pdf [accessed 8.10.20]. [Mundus Health Organization. Tuberculosis, et COVID-19: Considerationes pro tuberculosis cura; 2020. docs/default-source/documentis/tuberculosis/...-tb-covid-19.pdf [accessed 8.10.20].]
4. Motta I, Centis R, D’Ambrosio L, García-García JM, Goletti D, Gualano G, et al. Tuberculosis COVID-19 and migrants: Preliminary analysis of deaths occurring in 69 patients from two cohorts. Pulmonology. 2020; 26:233–40, 10.1016/j.pulmoe.2020.05.002. [Motta ego, Centis R, D ' Ambrosio L, García-García JM, Goletti D, Gualano G, al. Tuberculosis COVID-19 et migrantes: Praevia analysis funera facta sunt in 69 aegros, ab duabus cohortibus. Pulmonology. 2020; 26:233-40,]
5. Tadolini M, Codecasa LR, García-García JM, Blanc FX, Borisov S, Alffenaar JW, et al. Active tuberculosis, sequelae and COVID-19 co-infection: First cohort of 49 cases. Eur Respir J. 2020; 56:2001398 [Tadolini M, Codecasa LR, García-García JM, Blanc FX, Borisov S, Alffenaar JW, et al. Activa tuberculosis, sequelae et COVID-19 co-infectio: Prima cohors 49 casibus. Eur Respir J. 2020; 56:2001398. .]
6. Buonsenso D. Iodice F,SorbaBiala J,GolettiD. COVID-19 effects on tuberculosis care in Sierra Leone. Pulmonology,
2020 /10.1016/j.pulmoe.2020.05.013. [Buonsenso D. Iodice F, SorbaBiala J, GolettiD. COVID-19 effectus in tuberculosis cura in Sierra Leone. Pulmonology, 2020 /10.1016/j.pulmoe.2020.05.013.]
7. Magro P, Formenti B, Marchese V, Gulletta M, Tomasoni LR, Caligaris S, et al. Impact of the SARS Coronavirus 2 epidemic ontuberculo sistreatment outcome, Northern Italy. Eur Respir J. 2020;56:2002665, [Magro P, Formenti B, Marchese V, Gulletta M, Tomasoni LR, Caligaris S, al. Ictum SARS Coronavirus 2 pestilentia in tuberculo sis curatio exitus, Northern Italy. Eur Respir J. 2020; 56:2002665, .]

Для цитирования

Абдрахманова Э.Д. Влияние COVID-19 на реализацию мероприятий противотуберкулезной службой Кыргызской Республики. Здравоохранение Кыргызстана 2022, № 2, с. 108-113.

About authors

Abdrakhmanova Elmira Dzhusupbekovna, Head of the Department of Informatics and Epidemiology of the National Center for Phthisiology, Ministry of Health, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic

Full text



1. World Health Organization.Global tuberculosis report; 2019. Replet&name =/WHO_HQ_Reports/G2/PROD/EXT/TBCountryProfile&ISO2=ID&outtype=pdf [Mundus Health Organization. Global tuberculosis fama; 2019. op=Replet&name=/WHO_HQ_Reports/G2/PROD/EXT/TBCountryProfile&ISO2=ID&outtype=pdf]
2. World Health Organization. Global tuberculosis report; 2019. /iris/bitstream/handle/10665/329368/ 978924...-eng.pdf [accessed 8.10.20].[Mundus Health Organization. Global tuberculosis fama; 2019. /iris/bitstream/manubrio/10665/329368/978924...-eng.pdf [accessed 8.10.20].]
3. World Health Organization. Tuberculosis and COVID-19: Considerations for tuberculosis care; 2020.…-tb-covid-19.pdf [accessed 8.10.20]. [Mundus Health Organization. Tuberculosis, et COVID-19: Considerationes pro tuberculosis cura; 2020. docs/default-source/documentis/tuberculosis/...-tb-covid-19.pdf [accessed 8.10.20].]
4. Motta I, Centis R, D’Ambrosio L, García-García JM, Goletti D, Gualano G, et al. Tuberculosis COVID-19 and migrants: Preliminary analysis of deaths occurring in 69 patients from two cohorts. Pulmonology. 2020; 26:233–40, 10.1016/j.pulmoe.2020.05.002. [Motta ego, Centis R, D ' Ambrosio L, García-García JM, Goletti D, Gualano G, al. Tuberculosis COVID-19 et migrantes: Praevia analysis funera facta sunt in 69 aegros, ab duabus cohortibus. Pulmonology. 2020; 26:233-40,]
5. Tadolini M, Codecasa LR, García-García JM, Blanc FX, Borisov S, Alffenaar JW, et al. Active tuberculosis, sequelae and COVID-19 co-infection: First cohort of 49 cases. Eur Respir J. 2020; 56:2001398 [Tadolini M, Codecasa LR, García-García JM, Blanc FX, Borisov S, Alffenaar JW, et al. Activa tuberculosis, sequelae et COVID-19 co-infectio: Prima cohors 49 casibus. Eur Respir J. 2020; 56:2001398. .]
6. Buonsenso D. Iodice F,SorbaBiala J,GolettiD. COVID-19 effects on tuberculosis care in Sierra Leone. Pulmonology,
2020 /10.1016/j.pulmoe.2020.05.013. [Buonsenso D. Iodice F, SorbaBiala J, GolettiD. COVID-19 effectus in tuberculosis cura in Sierra Leone. Pulmonology, 2020 /10.1016/j.pulmoe.2020.05.013.]
7. Magro P, Formenti B, Marchese V, Gulletta M, Tomasoni LR, Caligaris S, et al. Impact of the SARS Coronavirus 2 epidemic ontuberculo sistreatment outcome, Northern Italy. Eur Respir J. 2020;56:2002665, [Magro P, Formenti B, Marchese V, Gulletta M, Tomasoni LR, Caligaris S, al. Ictum SARS Coronavirus 2 pestilentia in tuberculo sis curatio exitus, Northern Italy. Eur Respir J. 2020; 56:2002665, .]

For citation

Abdrakhmanova E.D. Impact of COVID-19 on the implementation of activities by the anti-tuberculosis service of the Kyrgyz Republic. Health care of Kyrgyzstan 2022,No.2, pp. 108-113.

Авторлор жөнүндө

Абдрахманова Эльмира Джусупбековна, информатика жана эпидемиология бѳлүмүнүн башчысы Кыргыз Республикасынын Саламаттык сактоо министрлигинин Улуттук фтизиатрия борбору,  Бишкек, Кыргыз Республикасы

Толук текст



1. World Health Organization.Global tuberculosis report; 2019. Replet&name =/WHO_HQ_Reports/G2/PROD/EXT/TBCountryProfile&ISO2=ID&outtype=pdf [Mundus Health Organization. Global tuberculosis fama; 2019. op=Replet&name=/WHO_HQ_Reports/G2/PROD/EXT/TBCountryProfile&ISO2=ID&outtype=pdf]
2. World Health Organization. Global tuberculosis report; 2019. /iris/bitstream/handle/10665/329368/ 978924...-eng.pdf [accessed 8.10.20].[Mundus Health Organization. Global tuberculosis fama; 2019. /iris/bitstream/manubrio/10665/329368/978924...-eng.pdf [accessed 8.10.20].]
3. World Health Organization. Tuberculosis and COVID-19: Considerations for tuberculosis care; 2020.…-tb-covid-19.pdf [accessed 8.10.20]. [Mundus Health Organization. Tuberculosis, et COVID-19: Considerationes pro tuberculosis cura; 2020. docs/default-source/documentis/tuberculosis/...-tb-covid-19.pdf [accessed 8.10.20].]
4. Motta I, Centis R, D’Ambrosio L, García-García JM, Goletti D, Gualano G, et al. Tuberculosis COVID-19 and migrants: Preliminary analysis of deaths occurring in 69 patients from two cohorts. Pulmonology. 2020; 26:233–40, 10.1016/j.pulmoe.2020.05.002. [Motta ego, Centis R, D ' Ambrosio L, García-García JM, Goletti D, Gualano G, al. Tuberculosis COVID-19 et migrantes: Praevia analysis funera facta sunt in 69 aegros, ab duabus cohortibus. Pulmonology. 2020; 26:233-40,]
5. Tadolini M, Codecasa LR, García-García JM, Blanc FX, Borisov S, Alffenaar JW, et al. Active tuberculosis, sequelae and COVID-19 co-infection: First cohort of 49 cases. Eur Respir J. 2020; 56:2001398 [Tadolini M, Codecasa LR, García-García JM, Blanc FX, Borisov S, Alffenaar JW, et al. Activa tuberculosis, sequelae et COVID-19 co-infectio: Prima cohors 49 casibus. Eur Respir J. 2020; 56:2001398. .]
6. Buonsenso D. Iodice F,SorbaBiala J,GolettiD. COVID-19 effects on tuberculosis care in Sierra Leone. Pulmonology,
2020 /10.1016/j.pulmoe.2020.05.013. [Buonsenso D. Iodice F, SorbaBiala J, GolettiD. COVID-19 effectus in tuberculosis cura in Sierra Leone. Pulmonology, 2020 /10.1016/j.pulmoe.2020.05.013.]
7. Magro P, Formenti B, Marchese V, Gulletta M, Tomasoni LR, Caligaris S, et al. Impact of the SARS Coronavirus 2 epidemic ontuberculo sistreatment outcome, Northern Italy. Eur Respir J. 2020;56:2002665, [Magro P, Formenti B, Marchese V, Gulletta M, Tomasoni LR, Caligaris S, al. Ictum SARS Coronavirus 2 pestilentia in tuberculo sis curatio exitus, Northern Italy. Eur Respir J. 2020; 56:2002665, .]

Цитата үчүн

Абдрахманова Э.Д. COVID-19дун Кыргыз Республикасынын кургак учукка каршы кызматынын иш-чараларын ишке ашыруусуна тийгизген таасири. Кыргызстандын саламаттык сактоо 2022, no 2, б. 108 113.

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