Авторлор жөнүндө
Мамытова Элмира Миталиповна, д.м.н., доцент, заведующая кафедрой неврологии и клинической генетики им. акад. А. Мурзалиева Кыргызской государственной медицинской академии им. И.К. Ахунбаева, Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика
Токтогазиев Бакыт Токтогазиевич, ассистент кафедры факультетской хирургии Кыргызской государственной медицинской академии им. И.К. Ахунбаева, Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика
Кубатбеков Рустам Кубатбекович, клинический ординатор кафедры факультетской хирургии Кыргызской государственной медицинской академии имени Ахунбаева, Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика
Mamytova Elmira Mitalipovna, MD, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Neurology and Clinical Genetics named after Academician A. Murzaliev of the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaeva, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Toktogaziev Bakyt Toktogazievich, Assistant of the Department of Faculty Surgery of the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaeva, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Kubatbekov Rustam Kubatbekovich, Clinical Resident, Department of Faculty Surgery, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named afterI.K. Akhunbaev, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic
Мамытова Эльмира Миталиповна, медицина илимдеринин доктору, доцент, акад. А.Мурзалиев атындагы неврология жана клиникалык генетика кафедрасынын башчысы, И.К. Ахунбаев атындагы Кыргыз мамлекеттик медициналык академиясы, Бишкек, Кыргыз Республикасы
Токтогазиев Бакыт Токтогазиевич, И.К. Ахунбаев атындагы Кыргыз мамлекеттик медициналык академиясынын факультеттик хирургия кафедрасынын ассистенти, Бишкек, Кыргыз Республикасы
Кубатбеков Рустам Кубатбекович, И.К. Ахунбаев атындагы Кыргыз мамлекеттик медициналык академиясынын факультеттин хирургия кафедрасынын клиникалык ординатору, Бишкек шаары, Кыргыз Республикасы
1. Gumbs AA, Gagner M, Dakin G, Pomp A. Sleeve gastrectomy for morbid obesity. Obes Surg. 2007 Jul;17(7):962-9. doi:10.1007/s11695-007-9151-x. PMID: 17894158.
2. Talebpour M, Motamedi SM, Talebpour A, Vahidi H. Twelve year experience of laparoscopic gastric plication in morbid obesity:development of the technique and patient outcomes. Ann Surg Innov Res. 2012 Aug 22;6(1):7. doi: 10.1186/1750-1164-6-7.PMID: 22913751; PMCID: PMC3444326.
3. Калиев М. Т., Иманкулова А. С., Джумалиева Г. А. Классификатор хирургических операций и манипуляций в системе финансирования медицинских услуг в Кыргызской Республике.Проблемы социальной гигиены, здравоохранения и истории медицины.2022;30(2):318-321. [Kaliev M. T., Imankulova A. S., Dzhumalieva G. A. Classification of surgical operations and manipulations in the system of financing medical services in the Kyrgyz Republic. Problems of social hygiene, health care and medical history. 2022;30(2):318 -321. (in Russian)]. doi.10.32687/0869-866X-2022-30-2-318-321. https://www. elibrary.ru/ item.asp?id=48307791
4. Lakhani SV, Shah HN, Alexander K, Finelli FC, Kirkpatrick JR, Koch TR. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and thiamine deficiency after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery in obese patients. Nutr Res. 2008 May;28(5):293-8. doi: 10.1016/j.nutres.2008.03.002. PMID: 19083422.
5. Pech N, Meyer F, Lippert H, Manger T, Stroh C. Complications and nutrient deficiencies two years after sleeve gastrectomy. BMC Surg. 2012 Jul 5;12:13. doi: 10.1186/1471-2482-12-13. PMID: 22765843; PMCID: PMC3413543.
6. Aasheim ET. Wernicke encephalopathy after bariatric surgery: a systematic review.AnnSurg. 2008 Nov;248(5):714-20. doi:10.1097/SLA.0b013e3181884308. PMID: 18948797.
7. Sechi G, Serra A. Wernicke's encephalopathy: new clinical settings and recent advances in diagnosis and management. Lancet Neurol. 2007 May;6(5):442-55. doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(07)70104-7. PMID: 17434099.
8. Ziegler O, Sirveaux MA, Brunaud L, Reibel N, Quilliot D. Medical follow up after bariatric surgery: nutritional and drug issues. General recommendations for the prevention and treatment of nutritional deficiencies. Diabetes Metab. 2009 Dec;35(6 Pt 2):544-57. doi: 10.1016/S1262-3636(09)73464-0. PMID: 20152742.
9. Sullivan J., Hamilton R., Hurford M. Neuro-ophthalmic findings in Wernickés encephalopathy after gastric bypass surgery //Neuro-ophtalmology.- 2006. -№30. – P.85–89.
10. Zuccoli G, Gallucci M, Capellades J, Regnicolo L, Tumiati B, Giadás TC, Bottari W, Mandrioli J, Bertolini M. Wernicke encephalopathy: MR findings at clinical presentation in twenty-six alcoholic and nonalcoholic patients. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol.2007 Aug;28(7):1328-31. doi: 10.3174/ajnr.A0544. PMID: 17698536; PMCID: PMC7977668.
11. Sánchez-Santos R, Masdevall C, Baltasar A, Martínez-Blázquez C, García Ruiz de Gordejuela A, Ponsi E, Sánchez-Pernaute A,Vesperinas G, Del Castillo D, Bombuy E, Durán-Escribano C, Ortega L, Ruiz de Adana JC, Baltar J, Maruri I, García-Blázquez E, Torres A. Short- and mid-term outcomes of sleeve gastrectomy for morbid obesity: the experience of the Spanish National Registry. Obes Surg. 2009 Sep;19(9):1203-10. doi: 10.1007/s11695-009-9892-9. Epub 2009 Jul 2. PMID: 19572113.
12. Basso N, Casella G, Rizzello M, Abbatini F, Soricelli E, Alessandri G, Maglio C, Fantini A. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy asfirst stage or definitive intent in 300 consecutive cases. Surg Endosc. 2011 Feb;25(2):444-9. doi: 10.1007/s00464-010-1187-7.Epub 2010 Jul 7. PMID: 20607564.
13. Moy J, Pomp A, Dakin G, Parikh M, Gagner M. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy for morbid obesity. Am J Surg. 2008 Nov;196(5):e56-9. doi: 10.1016/j.amjsurg.2008.04.008. PMID: 18954593.
1. Gumbs AA, Gagner M, Dakin G, Pomp A. Sleeve gastrectomy for morbid obesity. Obes Surg. 2007 Jul;17(7):962-9. doi:10.1007/s11695-007-9151-x. PMID: 17894158.
2. Talebpour M, Motamedi SM, Talebpour A, Vahidi H. Twelve year experience of laparoscopic gastric plication in morbid obesity:development of the technique and patient outcomes. Ann Surg Innov Res. 2012 Aug 22;6(1):7. doi: 10.1186/1750-1164-6-7.PMID: 22913751; PMCID: PMC3444326.
3. Калиев М. Т., Иманкулова А. С., Джумалиева Г. А. Классификатор хирургических операций и манипуляций в системе финансирования медицинских услуг в Кыргызской Республике.Проблемы социальной гигиены, здравоохранения и истории медицины.2022;30(2):318-321. [Kaliev M. T., Imankulova A. S., Dzhumalieva G. A. Classification of surgical operations and manipulations in the system of financing medical services in the Kyrgyz Republic. Problems of social hygiene, health care and medical history. 2022;30(2):318 -321. (in Russian)]. doi.10.32687/0869-866X-2022-30-2-318-321. https://www. elibrary.ru/ item.asp?id=48307791
4. Lakhani SV, Shah HN, Alexander K, Finelli FC, Kirkpatrick JR, Koch TR. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and thiamine deficiency after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery in obese patients. Nutr Res. 2008 May;28(5):293-8. doi: 10.1016/j.nutres.2008.03.002. PMID: 19083422.
5. Pech N, Meyer F, Lippert H, Manger T, Stroh C. Complications and nutrient deficiencies two years after sleeve gastrectomy. BMC Surg. 2012 Jul 5;12:13. doi: 10.1186/1471-2482-12-13. PMID: 22765843; PMCID: PMC3413543.
6. Aasheim ET. Wernicke encephalopathy after bariatric surgery: a systematic review.AnnSurg. 2008 Nov;248(5):714-20. doi:10.1097/SLA.0b013e3181884308. PMID: 18948797.
7. Sechi G, Serra A. Wernicke's encephalopathy: new clinical settings and recent advances in diagnosis and management. Lancet Neurol. 2007 May;6(5):442-55. doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(07)70104-7. PMID: 17434099.
8. Ziegler O, Sirveaux MA, Brunaud L, Reibel N, Quilliot D. Medical follow up after bariatric surgery: nutritional and drug issues. General recommendations for the prevention and treatment of nutritional deficiencies. Diabetes Metab. 2009 Dec;35(6 Pt 2):544-57. doi: 10.1016/S1262-3636(09)73464-0. PMID: 20152742.
9. Sullivan J., Hamilton R., Hurford M. Neuro-ophthalmic findings in Wernickés encephalopathy after gastric bypass surgery //Neuro-ophtalmology.- 2006. -№30. – P.85–89.
10. Zuccoli G, Gallucci M, Capellades J, Regnicolo L, Tumiati B, Giadás TC, Bottari W, Mandrioli J, Bertolini M. Wernicke encephalopathy: MR findings at clinical presentation in twenty-six alcoholic and nonalcoholic patients. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol.2007 Aug;28(7):1328-31. doi: 10.3174/ajnr.A0544. PMID: 17698536; PMCID: PMC7977668.
11. Sánchez-Santos R, Masdevall C, Baltasar A, Martínez-Blázquez C, García Ruiz de Gordejuela A, Ponsi E, Sánchez-Pernaute A,Vesperinas G, Del Castillo D, Bombuy E, Durán-Escribano C, Ortega L, Ruiz de Adana JC, Baltar J, Maruri I, García-Blázquez E, Torres A. Short- and mid-term outcomes of sleeve gastrectomy for morbid obesity: the experience of the Spanish National Registry. Obes Surg. 2009 Sep;19(9):1203-10. doi: 10.1007/s11695-009-9892-9. Epub 2009 Jul 2. PMID: 19572113.
12. Basso N, Casella G, Rizzello M, Abbatini F, Soricelli E, Alessandri G, Maglio C, Fantini A. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy asfirst stage or definitive intent in 300 consecutive cases. Surg Endosc. 2011 Feb;25(2):444-9. doi: 10.1007/s00464-010-1187-7.Epub 2010 Jul 7. PMID: 20607564.
13. Moy J, Pomp A, Dakin G, Parikh M, Gagner M. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy for morbid obesity. Am J Surg. 2008 Nov;196(5):e56-9. doi: 10.1016/j.amjsurg.2008.04.008. PMID: 18954593.
1. Gumbs AA, Gagner M, Dakin G, Pomp A. Sleeve gastrectomy for morbid obesity. Obes Surg. 2007 Jul;17(7):962-9. doi:10.1007/s11695-007-9151-x. PMID: 17894158.
2. Talebpour M, Motamedi SM, Talebpour A, Vahidi H. Twelve year experience of laparoscopic gastric plication in morbid obesity:development of the technique and patient outcomes. Ann Surg Innov Res. 2012 Aug 22;6(1):7. doi: 10.1186/1750-1164-6-7.PMID: 22913751; PMCID: PMC3444326.
3. Калиев М. Т., Иманкулова А. С., Джумалиева Г. А. Классификатор хирургических операций и манипуляций в системе финансирования медицинских услуг в Кыргызской Республике.Проблемы социальной гигиены, здравоохранения и истории медицины.2022;30(2):318-321. [Kaliev M. T., Imankulova A. S., Dzhumalieva G. A. Classification of surgical operations and manipulations in the system of financing medical services in the Kyrgyz Republic. Problems of social hygiene, health care and medical history. 2022;30(2):318 -321. (in Russian)]. doi.10.32687/0869-866X-2022-30-2-318-321. https://www. elibrary.ru/ item.asp?id=48307791
4. Lakhani SV, Shah HN, Alexander K, Finelli FC, Kirkpatrick JR, Koch TR. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and thiamine deficiency after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery in obese patients. Nutr Res. 2008 May;28(5):293-8. doi: 10.1016/j.nutres.2008.03.002. PMID: 19083422.
5. Pech N, Meyer F, Lippert H, Manger T, Stroh C. Complications and nutrient deficiencies two years after sleeve gastrectomy. BMC Surg. 2012 Jul 5;12:13. doi: 10.1186/1471-2482-12-13. PMID: 22765843; PMCID: PMC3413543.
6. Aasheim ET. Wernicke encephalopathy after bariatric surgery: a systematic review.AnnSurg. 2008 Nov;248(5):714-20. doi:10.1097/SLA.0b013e3181884308. PMID: 18948797.
7. Sechi G, Serra A. Wernicke's encephalopathy: new clinical settings and recent advances in diagnosis and management. Lancet Neurol. 2007 May;6(5):442-55. doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(07)70104-7. PMID: 17434099.
8. Ziegler O, Sirveaux MA, Brunaud L, Reibel N, Quilliot D. Medical follow up after bariatric surgery: nutritional and drug issues. General recommendations for the prevention and treatment of nutritional deficiencies. Diabetes Metab. 2009 Dec;35(6 Pt 2):544-57. doi: 10.1016/S1262-3636(09)73464-0. PMID: 20152742.
9. Sullivan J., Hamilton R., Hurford M. Neuro-ophthalmic findings in Wernickés encephalopathy after gastric bypass surgery //Neuro-ophtalmology.- 2006. -№30. – P.85–89.
10. Zuccoli G, Gallucci M, Capellades J, Regnicolo L, Tumiati B, Giadás TC, Bottari W, Mandrioli J, Bertolini M. Wernicke encephalopathy: MR findings at clinical presentation in twenty-six alcoholic and nonalcoholic patients. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol.2007 Aug;28(7):1328-31. doi: 10.3174/ajnr.A0544. PMID: 17698536; PMCID: PMC7977668.
11. Sánchez-Santos R, Masdevall C, Baltasar A, Martínez-Blázquez C, García Ruiz de Gordejuela A, Ponsi E, Sánchez-Pernaute A,Vesperinas G, Del Castillo D, Bombuy E, Durán-Escribano C, Ortega L, Ruiz de Adana JC, Baltar J, Maruri I, García-Blázquez E, Torres A. Short- and mid-term outcomes of sleeve gastrectomy for morbid obesity: the experience of the Spanish National Registry. Obes Surg. 2009 Sep;19(9):1203-10. doi: 10.1007/s11695-009-9892-9. Epub 2009 Jul 2. PMID: 19572113.
12. Basso N, Casella G, Rizzello M, Abbatini F, Soricelli E, Alessandri G, Maglio C, Fantini A. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy asfirst stage or definitive intent in 300 consecutive cases. Surg Endosc. 2011 Feb;25(2):444-9. doi: 10.1007/s00464-010-1187-7.Epub 2010 Jul 7. PMID: 20607564.
13. Moy J, Pomp A, Dakin G, Parikh M, Gagner M. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy for morbid obesity. Am J Surg. 2008 Nov;196(5):e56-9. doi: 10.1016/j.amjsurg.2008.04.008. PMID: 18954593.