1. Oficialnii sait Ministerstva zdravoochranenia Kyrgyzskoi Respubliki. http://med.kg/ru/1
2. Oficialnii sait BBC. https://www.bbc.com/russian/news-51706538.
3. Tancheva L, Petralia MC, Miteva S, Dragomanova S, Solak A, Kalfin R, Lazarova M, Yarkov D, Ciurleo R, Cavalli E, Bramanti A, Nicoletti F. Emerging Neurological and Psychobiological Aspects of COVID-19 Infection. Brain Sci. 2020 Nov 12;10(11):852. doi: 10.3390/brainsci10110852. PMID: 33198412; PMCID: PMC7696269
4. Gupta, A., Madhavan, M.V., Sehgal, K. et al. Extrapulmonary manifestations of COVID-19. Nat Med 26, 1017–1032 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-020-0968-3
5. Nepal, G., Rehrig, J.H., Shrestha, G.S. et al. Neurological manifestations of COVID-19: a systematic review. Crit Care 24, 421 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13054-020-03121-z
6. Brann DH, Tsukahara T, Weinreb C, Logan DW, Datta SR. Non-neural expression of SARS-CoV-2 entry genes in the olfactory epithelium suggests mechanisms underlying anosmia in COVID-19 patients. bioRxiv Preprint. 2020. Available at 10.1101/2020.03.25.009084.
7. Conde Cardona G, Quintana Pájaro LD, Quintero Marzola ID, Ramos Villegas Y, Moscote Salazar LR. Neurotropism of SARS-CoV 2: Mechanisms and manifestations. J Neurol Sci. 2020;412:116824. 10.1016/j.jns.2020.116824. - PMC - PubMed
8. Monteleone G, Sarzi-Puttini PC, Ardizzone S. Preventing COVID-19-induced pneumonia with anticytokine therapy. Lancet Rheumatol. 2020;2(5):e255–6. - PMC - PubMed
9. Nath A. Neurologic complications of coronavirus infections. Neurology. 2020;94(19):809–10. - PubMed
10. Liotta, E.M., Batra, A., Clark, J.R., Shlobin, N.A., Hoffman, S.C., Orban, Z.S. and Koralnik, I.J. (2020), Frequent neurologic manifestations and encephalopathy‐associated morbidity in Covid‐19 patients. Ann Clin Transl Neurol, 7: 2221-2230. https://doi.org/10.1002/acn3.51210
11. Shen Z, Xiao Y, Kang L, et al. Genomic diversity of SARS‐CoV‐2 in Coronavirus Disease 2019 patients. Clin Infect Dis2020; 71(15): 713– 720. https://dio.org/10.1093/cid/ciaa203
12. García‐Azorín D, Martínez‐Pías E, Trigo J, et al. Neurological comorbidity is a predictor of death in Covid‐19 disease: a cohort study on 576 patients. Front Neurolo 2020; 11: 781. https://dio.org/10.3389/fneur.2020.00781
13. Davies NWS, Sharief MK, Howard RS. Infection–associated encephalopathies—their investigation, diagnosis, and treatment. J Neurol 2006; 253: 833– 845.
14. WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID‐19) Dashboard. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020 [7/28/2020]; Available from: https://covid19.who.int/.
15. Li, Y., Li, M., Wang, M., Zhou, Y., Chang, J., Xian, Y., Wang, D., Mao, L., Jin, H., & Hu, B. (2020). Acute cerebrovascular disease following COVID-19: a single center, retrospective, observational study. Stroke and Vascular Neurology, 5(3), 279–284. https://doi.org/10.1136/svn-2020-000431.
16Reichard, R. R., Kashani, K. B., Boire, N. A., Constantopoulos, E., Guo, Y., & Lucchinetti, C. F. (2020). Neuropathology of COVID-19: A spectrum of vascular and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM)-like pathology. Acta Neuropathologica, 140(1), 1–6.
17. Parsons, T., Banks, S., Bae, C., Gelber, J., Alahmadi, H., & Tichauer, M. (2020). COVID-19-associated acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM). Journal of Neurology, 267(10), 2799–2802. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00415-020-09951-9.
18. Pilotto, A., Odolini, S., Masciocchi, S., Comelli, A., Volonghi, I., Gazzina, S., et al. (2020). Steroid-Responsive Encephalitis in Coronavirus Disease 2019. Annals of Neurology. https://doi.org/10.1002/ana.25783.
19. Camdessanche, J. P., Morel, J., Pozzetto, B., Paul, S., Tholance, Y., & Botelho-Nevers, E. (2020). COVID-19 may induce Guillain-Barre syndrome. Revue Neurologique (Paris), 176
20. Beydon, M., Chevalier, K., Al Tabaa, O., Hamroun, S., Delettre, A.-S., Thomas, M., Mariette, X. (2020). Myositis as a manifestation of SARS-CoV-2. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. https://doi.org/10.1136/annrheumdis-2020-217573.
21. Jin, M., & Tong, Q. (2020). Rhabdomyolysis as potential late complication associated with COVID-19. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 26(7). https://doi.org/10.3201/eid2607.200445.
1. Oficialnii sait Ministerstva zdravoochranenia Kyrgyzskoi Respubliki. http://med.kg/ru/1
2. Oficialnii sait BBC. https://www.bbc.com/russian/news-51706538.
3. Tancheva L, Petralia MC, Miteva S, Dragomanova S, Solak A, Kalfin R, Lazarova M, Yarkov D, Ciurleo R, Cavalli E, Bramanti A, Nicoletti F. Emerging Neurological and Psychobiological Aspects of COVID-19 Infection. Brain Sci. 2020 Nov 12;10(11):852. doi: 10.3390/brainsci10110852. PMID: 33198412; PMCID: PMC7696269
4. Gupta, A., Madhavan, M.V., Sehgal, K. et al. Extrapulmonary manifestations of COVID-19. Nat Med 26, 1017–1032 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-020-0968-3
5. Nepal, G., Rehrig, J.H., Shrestha, G.S. et al. Neurological manifestations of COVID-19: a systematic review. Crit Care 24, 421 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13054-020-03121-z
6. Brann DH, Tsukahara T, Weinreb C, Logan DW, Datta SR. Non-neural expression of SARS-CoV-2 entry genes in the olfactory epithelium suggests mechanisms underlying anosmia in COVID-19 patients. bioRxiv Preprint. 2020. Available at 10.1101/2020.03.25.009084.
7. Conde Cardona G, Quintana Pájaro LD, Quintero Marzola ID, Ramos Villegas Y, Moscote Salazar LR. Neurotropism of SARS-CoV 2: Mechanisms and manifestations. J Neurol Sci. 2020;412:116824. 10.1016/j.jns.2020.116824. - PMC - PubMed
8. Monteleone G, Sarzi-Puttini PC, Ardizzone S. Preventing COVID-19-induced pneumonia with anticytokine therapy. Lancet Rheumatol. 2020;2(5):e255–6. - PMC - PubMed
9. Nath A. Neurologic complications of coronavirus infections. Neurology. 2020;94(19):809–10. - PubMed
10. Liotta, E.M., Batra, A., Clark, J.R., Shlobin, N.A., Hoffman, S.C., Orban, Z.S. and Koralnik, I.J. (2020), Frequent neurologic manifestations and encephalopathy‐associated morbidity in Covid‐19 patients. Ann Clin Transl Neurol, 7: 2221-2230. https://doi.org/10.1002/acn3.51210
11. Shen Z, Xiao Y, Kang L, et al. Genomic diversity of SARS‐CoV‐2 in Coronavirus Disease 2019 patients. Clin Infect Dis2020; 71(15): 713– 720. https://dio.org/10.1093/cid/ciaa203
12. García‐Azorín D, Martínez‐Pías E, Trigo J, et al. Neurological comorbidity is a predictor of death in Covid‐19 disease: a cohort study on 576 patients. Front Neurolo 2020; 11: 781. https://dio.org/10.3389/fneur.2020.00781
13. Davies NWS, Sharief MK, Howard RS. Infection–associated encephalopathies—their investigation, diagnosis, and treatment. J Neurol 2006; 253: 833– 845.
14. WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID‐19) Dashboard. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020 [7/28/2020]; Available from: https://covid19.who.int/.
15. Li, Y., Li, M., Wang, M., Zhou, Y., Chang, J., Xian, Y., Wang, D., Mao, L., Jin, H., & Hu, B. (2020). Acute cerebrovascular disease following COVID-19: a single center, retrospective, observational study. Stroke and Vascular Neurology, 5(3), 279–284. https://doi.org/10.1136/svn-2020-000431.
16Reichard, R. R., Kashani, K. B., Boire, N. A., Constantopoulos, E., Guo, Y., & Lucchinetti, C. F. (2020). Neuropathology of COVID-19: A spectrum of vascular and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM)-like pathology. Acta Neuropathologica, 140(1), 1–6.
17. Parsons, T., Banks, S., Bae, C., Gelber, J., Alahmadi, H., & Tichauer, M. (2020). COVID-19-associated acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM). Journal of Neurology, 267(10), 2799–2802. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00415-020-09951-9.
18. Pilotto, A., Odolini, S., Masciocchi, S., Comelli, A., Volonghi, I., Gazzina, S., et al. (2020). Steroid-Responsive Encephalitis in Coronavirus Disease 2019. Annals of Neurology. https://doi.org/10.1002/ana.25783.
19. Camdessanche, J. P., Morel, J., Pozzetto, B., Paul, S., Tholance, Y., & Botelho-Nevers, E. (2020). COVID-19 may induce Guillain-Barre syndrome. Revue Neurologique (Paris), 176
20. Beydon, M., Chevalier, K., Al Tabaa, O., Hamroun, S., Delettre, A.-S., Thomas, M., Mariette, X. (2020). Myositis as a manifestation of SARS-CoV-2. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. https://doi.org/10.1136/annrheumdis-2020-217573.
21. Jin, M., & Tong, Q. (2020). Rhabdomyolysis as potential late complication associated with COVID-19. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 26(7). https://doi.org/10.3201/eid2607.200445.
1. Oficialnii sait Ministerstva zdravoochranenia Kyrgyzskoi Respubliki. http://med.kg/ru/1
2. Oficialnii sait BBC. https://www.bbc.com/russian/news-51706538.
3. Tancheva L, Petralia MC, Miteva S, Dragomanova S, Solak A, Kalfin R, Lazarova M, Yarkov D, Ciurleo R, Cavalli E, Bramanti A, Nicoletti F. Emerging Neurological and Psychobiological Aspects of COVID-19 Infection. Brain Sci. 2020 Nov 12;10(11):852. doi: 10.3390/brainsci10110852. PMID: 33198412; PMCID: PMC7696269
4. Gupta, A., Madhavan, M.V., Sehgal, K. et al. Extrapulmonary manifestations of COVID-19. Nat Med 26, 1017–1032 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-020-0968-3
5. Nepal, G., Rehrig, J.H., Shrestha, G.S. et al. Neurological manifestations of COVID-19: a systematic review. Crit Care 24, 421 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13054-020-03121-z
6. Brann DH, Tsukahara T, Weinreb C, Logan DW, Datta SR. Non-neural expression of SARS-CoV-2 entry genes in the olfactory epithelium suggests mechanisms underlying anosmia in COVID-19 patients. bioRxiv Preprint. 2020. Available at 10.1101/2020.03.25.009084.
7. Conde Cardona G, Quintana Pájaro LD, Quintero Marzola ID, Ramos Villegas Y, Moscote Salazar LR. Neurotropism of SARS-CoV 2: Mechanisms and manifestations. J Neurol Sci. 2020;412:116824. 10.1016/j.jns.2020.116824. - PMC - PubMed
8. Monteleone G, Sarzi-Puttini PC, Ardizzone S. Preventing COVID-19-induced pneumonia with anticytokine therapy. Lancet Rheumatol. 2020;2(5):e255–6. - PMC - PubMed
9. Nath A. Neurologic complications of coronavirus infections. Neurology. 2020;94(19):809–10. - PubMed
10. Liotta, E.M., Batra, A., Clark, J.R., Shlobin, N.A., Hoffman, S.C., Orban, Z.S. and Koralnik, I.J. (2020), Frequent neurologic manifestations and encephalopathy‐associated morbidity in Covid‐19 patients. Ann Clin Transl Neurol, 7: 2221-2230. https://doi.org/10.1002/acn3.51210
11. Shen Z, Xiao Y, Kang L, et al. Genomic diversity of SARS‐CoV‐2 in Coronavirus Disease 2019 patients. Clin Infect Dis2020; 71(15): 713– 720. https://dio.org/10.1093/cid/ciaa203
12. García‐Azorín D, Martínez‐Pías E, Trigo J, et al. Neurological comorbidity is a predictor of death in Covid‐19 disease: a cohort study on 576 patients. Front Neurolo 2020; 11: 781. https://dio.org/10.3389/fneur.2020.00781
13. Davies NWS, Sharief MK, Howard RS. Infection–associated encephalopathies—their investigation, diagnosis, and treatment. J Neurol 2006; 253: 833– 845.
14. WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID‐19) Dashboard. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2020 [7/28/2020]; Available from: https://covid19.who.int/.
15. Li, Y., Li, M., Wang, M., Zhou, Y., Chang, J., Xian, Y., Wang, D., Mao, L., Jin, H., & Hu, B. (2020). Acute cerebrovascular disease following COVID-19: a single center, retrospective, observational study. Stroke and Vascular Neurology, 5(3), 279–284. https://doi.org/10.1136/svn-2020-000431.
16Reichard, R. R., Kashani, K. B., Boire, N. A., Constantopoulos, E., Guo, Y., & Lucchinetti, C. F. (2020). Neuropathology of COVID-19: A spectrum of vascular and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM)-like pathology. Acta Neuropathologica, 140(1), 1–6.
17. Parsons, T., Banks, S., Bae, C., Gelber, J., Alahmadi, H., & Tichauer, M. (2020). COVID-19-associated acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM). Journal of Neurology, 267(10), 2799–2802. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00415-020-09951-9.
18. Pilotto, A., Odolini, S., Masciocchi, S., Comelli, A., Volonghi, I., Gazzina, S., et al. (2020). Steroid-Responsive Encephalitis in Coronavirus Disease 2019. Annals of Neurology. https://doi.org/10.1002/ana.25783.
19. Camdessanche, J. P., Morel, J., Pozzetto, B., Paul, S., Tholance, Y., & Botelho-Nevers, E. (2020). COVID-19 may induce Guillain-Barre syndrome. Revue Neurologique (Paris), 176
20. Beydon, M., Chevalier, K., Al Tabaa, O., Hamroun, S., Delettre, A.-S., Thomas, M., Mariette, X. (2020). Myositis as a manifestation of SARS-CoV-2. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. https://doi.org/10.1136/annrheumdis-2020-217573.
21. Jin, M., & Tong, Q. (2020). Rhabdomyolysis as potential late complication associated with COVID-19. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 26(7). https://doi.org/10.3201/eid2607.200445.