Health care of Kyrgyzstan
Zdravoohraneniye Kyrgyzstana

ISSN 1694-8068 (Print)

ISSN 1694-805X (Online)


Pages: 61-64
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Pages: 99-100
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Authors: Isupova A.A., Yakubov A.S., Isupov R.V., Lang M.Yu.
Pages: 149-157
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Authors: Tokhtyev I.T., Sharshenbiev D.A.
Pages: 25-32
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Pages: 128-132
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Pages: 133-141
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20-year experience of the scientific and practical center for infection control in the healthcare system of the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Baiyzbekova D.A., Dzhumalieva G.A., Kasymbekov Zh.O., Kasymov O.T., Kravtsov A.A.
Pages: 12-21
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The review article is devoted to 20 years of experience of the RSPCIC in R & D. The Center was established in 2003 by the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 490 dated 06.11.2003. "On the organization of infrastructure for epidemiological surveillance of nosocomial infections".
The main goal of the Center is to coordinate and organize cross-functional improvement of infection control and medical waste management systems, epidemiological surveillance of infections related to medical care, clinical microbiology and monitoring of antibiotic resistance. The Center has done a lot of work to create a regulatory framework for the national system of infection prevention and control (SIPC). A lot of monitoring and evaluation of SIPC systems at the hospital level was carried out, recommendations were made for their improvement, including staff training. To strengthen the national system, there is extensive experience in successfully attracting funding from donors and international organizations, including in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
But at the same time, it should be recognized that there is still a lot of work to be done, since the process of developing regulatory legal acts should be carried out on a regular basis. Guidelines, algorithms and standard operating procedures should be updated at 3 to 5-year intervals, in line with country experience and new WHO recommendations. Monitoring and evaluation of SIPC and medical waste management (MWM) should be carried out at least once every 2-3 years. However, the monitoring process itself is financially expensive, so other approaches should be implemented. In the country, many organizations use infection control monitoring and evaluation checklists (M & E IC), when conducting various types of audits, it would be good if these checklists were transmitted to the Center for analysis and preparation of consolidated analytical reports, with recommendations for strengthening the IC and MWM systems. Support is needed to institutionalize health care feedback and strengthen health care systems directly at the level of institutions providing health care to the population.
A case of chronic disorders of the cerebrospinal circulation in patient with combined (vascular and spondylogenic) pathology
Authors: Mamytova E.M., Janybek u. Bekjan, , Nurbekova U.A.
Pages: 55-59
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This article presents a clinical case of chronic impairment of the cerebrospinal circulation in patient with combined
pathology. A detailed neurological examination, as well as an analysis of additional laboratory and instrumental investigations
made it possible to identify the leading etiopathogenetic mechanism of damage to nerve structures that underlies
the development of motor deficit in a patient with chronic somatic pathology.
A clinical case of infiltrative-suppurative form of zooanthroponous trichophytia
Authors: Usubaliev M.B., Zhaparova А.К. , Dhroso H., Djusupbekov S. D.
Pages: 28-32
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Introduction. This research paper describes a clinical case of an infiltrative and nasal form of zooanthroponous
trichophytosis in a 9-year-old boy. Trichophytosis is a skin disease that can affect the scalp, body and nails. The infiltrative-inflammatory form is one of the most severe clinical variants of trichophytosis, which is characterized by inflammatory skin changes and suppuration.
The aim of the study. This paper describes the case of a 9-year-old child who presented with symptoms of infiltrative and
fungal trichophytosis of the scalp.
Materials and methods. The diagnosis of the disease was based on clinical findings and the result of mycological investigations. A culture study showed he presence of Trichophyton verrucosum fungus in skin samples. Treatment was carried
out with antimycotic drugs for 8 weeks. In addition, measures were taken to prevent the spread of the disease, including
personal hygiene, disinfection of articles of use and thorough treatment of clothing and bedding.
Results. The importance of timely diagnosis of this mycotic infection in order to prevent the development of widespread
suppuration processes, leading to a permanent cosmetic defect in the form of foci of cicatricial atrophy of the scalp, was
Conclusions. There was a good effect of treatment with fluconazole and local therapy with lotions with potassium permanganate, hypertonic sodium chloride solution and 20% ichthyol ointment.
A clinical case of MRI of a negative ischemic stroke in a 53-year-old woman
Authors: Osmonbekova A.T., Taalaibekova A.T., Ashimov Zh.M., Karypbaeva B.A., Busurmankulova G.O.
Pages: 121-128
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Introduction. The absence of an ischemic focus on the MRI of the brain in
ischemic stroke is not uncommon, therefore, when establishing the diagnosis
of ischemic stroke, neurologists should be careful to exclude this diagnosis.
It is known that the role of MRI in the diagnosis of stroke is the "gold standard".
The purpose of the study. To describe clinically the case of MR negative ischemic
stroke in 53-year-old women, based on the analysis, clinical and laboratory
and neuroimaging data of the patient.
Materials and methods. The patient, whose medical history was described
in this article, was diagnosed based on anamnesis, acute focal neurological
deficit, laboratory and instrumental data, and differential diagnosis.
Results. In our patient described in this article, neurological symptoms were
represented by hemispheric symptoms indicating damage to the brain regions
supplied with blood by the middle cerebral artery (SMA) on the left,
against the background of elevated blood pressure (150/90). Additional laboratory
and instrumental studies have revealed vascular risk factors (dyslipidemia,
atherosclerotic vascular damage of the brachiocephalic trunk and
heart valves). With neuroimaging as on a low-floor (1.5 Tesla) Similarly,
high-field MRI (3 Tesla) in DWI and other modes did not produce images
with foci of ischemia in brain structures. Angiography of the cerebral vessels
revealed a variant of the development of the Villisive circle structure according
to the type of incomplete trifurcation of the ICA on the right, which
could not lead to the development of this neurological symptoms, since the
existing symptoms topically did not correspond to this localization.
Conclusion. It is extremely important that clinicians are aware of the current
limitations of the diagnostic sensitivity of DWI for the detection of acute ischemia,
so as not to miss the opportunity to treat patients with acute ischemic
stroke with thrombolysis and endovascular thrombectomy.
A clinical case of Paget's disease with nervous system involvement
Authors: Toktomametova A.U., Kadyrova B.B.
Pages: 115-120
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Introduction. Due to the widespread introduction of family medicine in Kyrgyzstan,
the issues of management of patients with concomitant neurologic
pathology in many diseases are relevant today. While comorbid patients with
atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, GB, coronary syndrome are studied every where, rare pathologies remain poorly studied and unknown to a wide range
of physicians. In this regard, we wanted to present a case of related pathology
of internists, endocrinologists, rheumatologists, orthopedists and neurologists
- Paget's disease.
The purpose of the work is to tell the main clinical and functional manifestations
of the disease, for alert study in the consultation of patients with pain
syndrome in the lower back and joints, in the practical work of the doctor.
Materials and methods. In the materials of work the history of the disease,
somatic and neurological picture of the disease is reported. The main instrumental
method of diagnostics is radiography and analysis of alkaline phosphatase
in blood.
Results. The results show that the main clinical manifestations of the disease
are pain syndrome in the bones and along the spine, bone deformation,
pathologic fractures, deafness and blindness due to lesions of the bones of
the skull, confirmed radiologically. Laboratory confirmation of Paget's disease
is an increase in alkaline phosphatase activity.
Conclusions. The conclusion of the work was that the high prevalence of
pain syndrome in joints, bones and spine among the entire population of
Kyrgyzstan suggests a possible more frequent prevalence of Paget's disease
and dictates the need to inform doctors of this nosology.
A clinical case of structural temporal epilepsy in a young man
Authors: Kyialbekova S.U., Molchanova O. А., Zhekishev J.S.
Pages: 101-107
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Introduction. Symptomatic temporal lobe epilepsy is a form of epilepsy that
develops due to the presence of structural pathology in the temporal lobe.
The purpose of the article is to describe a clinical case of symptomatic temporal
epilepsy in a young patient with mesial sclerosis and polymorphic seizures.
Materials and methods. Clinical data, the results of EEG review and threehour
video-EEG monitoring, and brain MRI were used to diagnose this disease.
Brain MRI showed the presence of a structural defect in the form of
temporal mesial sclerosis with subatrophy of the left hippocampus. Carbamazepine
200mg 2tab 2 times a day was recommended for treatment, recommendations
were given to follow the daily regimen, keep a seizure diary,
monitor liver tests once every 3-6 months and follow-up.
Results. The importance of correct and timely diagnosis of temporal lobe
structural epilepsy, which is complicated by polymorphism of convulsive
seizures and presence of postictal symptoms of prolapse, postural dystonic
settings of limbs in this disease in addition to them, was determined in order
to prescribe appropriate conservative or consider surgical treatment.
Conclusions. Temporal lobe epilepsy has its own peculiarities in comparison
with other forms of this disorder and is a difficult-to-cure disease due to its
high pharmacoresistance; however, at the first stage of detection of this
pathology in some cases it is possible to achieve a good effect from the use
of antiepileptic drugs. The development of new technologies and a comprehensive
approach to examination may significantly improve our understanding
of this neurological condition and, consequently, optimize treatment
strategies and patient support.
A clinical case of successful delivery after pneumonectomy for right lung cancer
Authors: Beishembaev M.I. , Balpaev U.D., Kurbanova K.A.
Pages: 20-24
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Introduction. Pregnancy in malignant neoplasms is a difficult issue in the field of oncology. The basis for pregnancy management tactics should be a joint discussion between medical specialists, and the decision made regarding pregnancy depends on its duration, stage of the disease and treatment
methods. It is necessary to take into account factors that influence the risk of cancer recurrence and other adverse pregnancy outcomes for mother and child. Purpose of the research. To present a clinical case of successful pregnancy and childbirth in a patient with right lung cancer after surgical treatment in the volume of pneumonectomy. Materials and methods. Study of the medical history of the thoracic oncology department of the National Center of Oncology and Hematology of the
Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic. Results and discussions. Favorable outcome of pregnancy and childbirth after removal of the right lung due to malignant neoplasm. Conclusions. The presented material demonstrates the possibility of pregnancy and childbirth after radical treatment of a malignant neoplasm without risk to the health of the patient and children, but despite this, each case is extremely individual and, accordingly, a decision on the outcome of the pregnancy must be made based on the available data and factors, through a joint consultation with the participation of both oncologists and obstetrician-gynecologists.
A clinical case of transverse myelitis complicated by refractory intestinal dysfunction, which led to intestinal perforation and death
Authors: Alymjan uulu Bolotbek, Israilova A.T., Turdumambetova M.A.
Pages: 71-77
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Introduction. Transverse myelitis is an extremely rare neuroinflammatory
disorder. Almost half of the affected patients develop para- or tetraplegia associated with urinary tract and intestinal dysfunction. It is believed that intestinal dysfunction can be treated with dietary nutrition and laxatives.
The purpose of the study. Analysis of anamnestic, clinical, laboratory and
instrumental data on the medical history of a 50-year-old woman with diagnosed transverse myelitis complicated by refractory intestinal dysfunction,
which led to intestinal perforation and death.
Materials and methods. The diagnosis of the disease was based on clinical
data, the results of instrumental and laboratory studies. The treatment was
carried out with hormonal and anticholinesterase drugs.
Results. The importance of timely diagnosis of intestinal dysfunction and
neurogenic bladder in transverse myelitis is indicated .
Conclusion. Although constipation is considered benign in transverse
myelitis, complicated forms of constipation in people with transverse
myelitis can be fatal.
A clinical case of venous ischemic stroke in a young woman on the background of oral contraceptives
Authors: Omorova A.M., Israilova A.T., Abdimanapova G.A.
Pages: 65-70
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Introduction. Venous cerebral infarction occurs in young patients under the
age of 45, mainly women, and it can develop without manifestations of concomitant sinus thrombosis.
The purpose of the study. To describe the clinical and neuroimaging features
of the course of venous stroke on the example of a clinical case of cerebral
venous thrombosis in a young 41-year-old woman who developed against
the background of oral contraceptives.
Materials and methods. The diagnosis of the disease was based on clinical
data, the results of instrumental and laboratory studies. Treatment was carried out according to the clinical protocol for the management of patients
with ONMC ischemic stroke at the hospital stage.
Results. This clinical case demonstrates the importance of taking into account all risk factors for thromboembolic events in women of reproductive
age taking oral contraceptives.
Conclusion. Greater caution is needed regarding thrombophilic conditions
and careful laboratory and instrumental follow-up of women to identify diseases that may cause complications such as cerebral venous thrombosis
against the background of combined hormone therapy.
A method for restoring the acromioclavicular joint in case of its damage
Authors: Nabiev E.N., Khalkhojaev M.K.
Pages: 61-67
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Introduction. The choice of treatment methods for injuries of the acromioclavicular joint of the ACJ is an
urgent problem of modern traumatology. The shortcomings of the existing methods of treatment of ACL injuries indicate
the need for in-depth research to find optimal methods for correcting damage to this localization.
Purpose of the study - To present the developed new combined method for the restoration of the acromioclavicular joint.
Materials and methods.A new combined method for restoring the acromioclavicular joint is described, developed by the
authors in the clinic of traumatology and orthopedics, for which a copyright certificate of the Republic of Kazakhstan
No. 27950 dated July 22, 2022 was obtained.
Results. A new combined method for restoring the acromioclavicular joint by forming a new acromioclavicular ligament
and fixing the acromioclavicular joint with a hook-shaped plate excludes the possibility of displacement of the clavicle
both upwards and in the anterior-posterior direction and provides sufficient stability of the acromioclavicular joint, and
also allows removing hook-shaped plate in the early stages (3-4 months), thereby preventing complications associated
with long-term presence of the hook-shaped plate (1 year or more) in the area of the acromioclavicular joint, namely,
subacromial osteolysis of the acromial process of the scapula, subacromial impingement, fracture of the acromial process
and hook plate.
Conclusions. A new combined method for restoring the acromioclavicular joint (copyright certificate No. 27950 dated
July 22, 2022) provides stable fixation of the acromioclavicular joint, early rehabilitation treatment and removal of the
uncinate plate in the early stages (3-4 months), thereby contributing to prevention of complications associated with prolonged
stay of the uncinate plate in the scapula (1 year or more), namely, subacromial osteolysis of the acromial process
of the scapula, subacromial impingement, fracture of the acromial process of the scapula and the hook of the plate.
A modern view on the problems of early and differential diagnostics of intra-brain non-traumatic hematomas
Authors: Mamytova E.M., , Zholdoshev E.K.
Pages: 73-79
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The article presents a literature review of the current state of the problem of diagnosing intracerebral nontraumatic
hematomas, including diagnostic value, informativeness and sensitivity of clinical, routine laboratory and instrumental
and neuroimaging research methods. Also presented are literature data on controversial issues of the diagnostic efficiency
of MRI in the acute and acute periods of hemorrhagic stroke.
A modern view on the situation of the post-transplantation period and tactics of managing patients after kidney transplantation in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Bakazova N.K., Kaliev R.R., Imankulova A.S., Mukhambediev V.M.
Pages: 21-27
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The number of patients with end-stage chronic renal failure requiring kidney transplantation is increasing all
over the world. The relevance of the issue of availability of kidney transplantation and the development of organizational
and methodological approaches in the pre- and post-transplantation period in the conditions of Kyrgyzstan is increasing.
The purpose of the study is to conduct a situational analysis of the state of the kidney donation and transplantation system
in the Kyrgyz Republic. Materials and methods: a comparative retrospective analysis of the outcomes of kidney transplantation
in patients with chronic renal failure who underwent kidney transplantation, living in Kyrgyzstan in the late
post-transplantation period, was carried out. Results and conclusions: Since 1999, kidney transplantation has been performed
in 536 citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic of various age groups, 58% of whom were recipients aged 26 to 45 years,
and 8.6% - children under the age of 18 years. Kidney transplantation was predominantly performed in Turkey - 56.5%,
in Kyrgyzstan - 9%, in Tajikistan - 8.8%. An analysis of the degree of relationship between donors and recipients revealed
the prevalence of 1st and 2nd degrees of kinship in 34.1% and 34.7%, respectively. The share of unrelated transplantation
accounted for 8%, and the minimum figure was cadaveric transplantation - 1.9%. In the late post-transplant period, 82.8%
of recipients had satisfactory renal graft function, and 8.0% of patients had loss of renal graft function. The mortality
rate of patients after kidney transplantation was 9.2%, the main cause of mortality was COVID-19 (26.5%), in 18.4% the
cause was not established, in 12.2% - graft rejection, in 10.2% - sepsis and malignant neoplasms of various localizations.
The results obtained allow us to conclude that transplanted kidney recipients are at high risk due to the existing longterm
state of immunosuppression and the presence of many comorbidities.
A new stage in the treatment of tuberculosis: Innovative approaches in the management of tuberculosis. Сonference materials “THE UNION”, 2023
Authors: Myrzaliev B.B., Ahmatov M.B., Duishekeeva А.B., Kulzhabaeva A.A., Kadyrov A.S., Toktogonova A.A., Turdumambetova G.K., Akhmetova R.Kh., Musaeva A.M.
Pages: 17-24
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The article presents the key news and achievements discussed at "THE UNION" conference in 2023. They discussed the reduction of drug prices, the prospects for future treatment, different TB treatment regimens, as well as the results of expanding the use of innovative methods in a number of countries. Particular attention is paid to the role of communities, private organizations and digital technologies, including video treatment support, in improving the effectiveness and accessibility of TB treatment. Literature sources are based on the materials of the conference "THE UNION", Paris, 2023.
A simple analysis of the measles surveillance system in the Kyrgyz Republic, 2019
Authors: Malysheva M.A., Kasabekova L.K., Dadanova G.S.
Pages: 83-88
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Introduction. Measles is an extremely contagious severe disease of viral origin. Before the introduction of the
measles vaccine in 1963 and the widespread vaccination, major measles epidemics occurred every 2-3 years, there were
2.6 million deaths from measles annually.
Research objectives. The objectives of this assessment are to describe the EPID surveillance system for measles and to
assess its properties, such as usefulness, timeliness, importance, simplicity.
Materials and methods of research. The assessment was carried out according to the instructions of the US Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). To assess the epidemiological surveillance of measles, an epidemiological method
was used: the study of morbidity by territory among various population groups, in time and place.
Results. A sensitive, flexible and useful system of epidemiological surveillance of measles has been created and is functioning
in the Kyrgyz Republic, as it determines the trend of the epidemiological situation in the incidence of measles,
determines the outbreak. The evaluation by the criterion of importance showed that vaccination is 29 times more profitable
than the cost of treatment in terms of financial costs.
Conclusions. The analysis revealed problems in vaccination against measles. A detailed assessment of the root problems
of the 2019 measles outbreak should be carried out.
A simple assessment of the HIV surveillance system in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2018-2021.
Authors: Kemelbek k.N., Karagulova A.S., Mergenova G.A.
Pages: 97-101
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Introduction. IV infection causes progressive insufficiency of the immune system with an asymptomatic course,
subsequently leading to the development of secondary infections, various immunological disorders, as well as an increased
risk of developing various types of cancer, with the development of the terminal stage of AIDS. In 1996, the first registration
of HIV infection in a citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic took place. In the regions of the country, the registration of
HIV infection began in 1998. From September to December 2021, according to the instructions of the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention of the USA, a simple epid assessment was carried out.supervision of HIV infection in the Kyrgyz
Republic. This article presents the results of the evaluation of the HIV surveillance system for 2018-2021, its strengths
and weaknesses. Based on the results of the evaluation, recommendations for improving the system are given.
The purpose of the study is to describe and evaluate the surveillance system for HIV infection in the Kyrgyz Republic,
using the properties of epidsuch as simplicity, sensitivity, flexibility.
Materials and methods. The data sources for the assessment were the documents of the AIDS centers. The analysis of all
reports, regulatory documents, clinical protocols, electronic tracking of HIV cases was carried out.
Results. The system is complex, there are many duplicate reporting forms, the sensitivity of the system is high, which
was 94.8%, the positive prognostic value was 47%, the system is timely, which can be assessed by the example of an increase
in adherence to ART by 15%.
Conclusions. The system is complicated by the number of reporting forms, of which there are 9, which can be circumvented
by entering the necessary reporting data immediately into an electronic database. The system showed high sensitivity
(94.8%), which is a very good indicator for surveillance, with early detection of an outbreak. Reports in the HIV
surveillance system in the Kyrgyz Republic are provided in a timely manner. The detection of new cases of HIV infection
is monitored daily, EPID is carried out at all levels of AIDS centers supervision.
Кыргызстандын Кемельбек к.Н., Карагулова А.Ш., Мергенова Г.А. саламаттык сактоо.
Abdominal trauma after cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Authors: Moldotashova A.K., Derkembayeva J.S., Kabylov Y.S., Shabdanova J.T.
Pages: 149-153
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Carrying out cardiopulmonary resuscitation carries the possibility of developing injuries of the abdominal organs.
Intra-abdominal injuries are considered rare and, according to pathological and anatomical studies, reach 2.5%. Intensive
care physicians, if necessary, should take appropriate measures for their early diagnosis and selection of optimal
treatment tactics.
Purpose of the study. A review of the literature data on determining the mechanisms of development, methods for diagnosing
and treating injuries of the abdominal organs after cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Materials and Methods. To search for scientific publications, we used the PubMed database, the Google Scholar search
engine, as well as reference lists of references for the period from 1960 to 2021 in the following terms: “liver rupture”,
“spleen rupture”, “stomach rupture”, "cardiopulmonary resuscitation". Obtained results and discussions. Carrying out
cardiopulmonary resuscitation can be accompanied by various complications. There are many reports of frequent traumatic
injuries after resuscitation. At the same time, there are few data in the literature on injuries of the abdominal organs as a
result of cardiopulmonary resuscitation due to the rare frequency of detection of these injuries, which, if diagnosed late,
can lead to fatal consequences.
Conclusion. After resuscitation, one should be aware of the possibility of damage to the abdominal organs. Early diagnosis
and timely treatment of these complications contribute to increased survival.
Pages: 94-98
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Pages: 80-83
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Acute complicated pyelonephritis in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Imankulova A.S., Kabaev B.A., Kozhomkulova K.A., Ryskulbekov N.R. , Sadyrbekov N.J.
Pages: 71-78
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The most frequent (11.1%) and serious urological diseases are urinary tract infections [19]. In all age groups
among kidney diseases the most common is pyelonephritis and ranks 2nd in the structure of nosologies among urological diseases [3,19].
This nosology occupies is an important cause of primary disability and death [13], thereby requiring significant
financial costs. More than 100,000 people are hospitalized each year for urinary tract infections, mainly
pyelonephritis [1]. The etiology of acute pyelonephritis is characterized by polyfactory . This article demonstrates
the frequency and structure of complications of acute pyelonephritis, as well as microbiological characteristics
and antibiotic resistance of pathogens.
Pages: 19-22
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Acute vertebrobasilar insufficiency: modern views on etiology, pathogenesis and diagnosis (literature review)
Authors: Turgumbaev D.D., Karimov Zh.M., Sharabidinova A.S., Andrianova E.V.
Pages: 148-154
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Introduction. Acute vertebrobasilar insufficiency (IBD) is a condition characterized
by impaired blood supply to the brain due to compression or obstruction
of the vessels of the vertebrobasilar system.
The purpose of the study: To conduct a bibliographic search and an assessment
of the elaboration of the topic of VDNH, in order to expand their research.
Materials and methods. A review of modern literature has been conducted
for the period from 2019-2024. Publications by foreign authors, as well as
from neighboring countries of Kyrgyzstan, were available for study.
Results. Modern research, clinical aspects, including concepts of prevalence,
etiopathogenesis, topographic anatomical features, and diagnostic tools are
Conclusions. The implementation of diagnostic measures for vertebrobasilar
arterial insufficiency continues to be an urgent task, the solution of which
will increase the effectiveness of the prevention of IBD.
Adverse events to drugs in the treatment of tuberculosis in Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Osmonbekov M.D., Sagyndykova S.O., Kushubakov D.A., Tunkatarova J.K., Sulaimanova M.I.
Pages: 97-102
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Adverse reactions to drugs are a serious public health problem, which entails economic consequences: lengthening
the length of the patient's stay in the hospital, the need to individualize treatment regimens with the inclusion of
expensive reserve drugs, additional drugs and drugs to stop adverse reactions. The most problematic issue in the treatment
of tuberculosis is inadequate adherence to treatment, due to its duration, complexity and associated adverse events, leads
to the choice of a much more difficult and expensive treatment for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Inadequate treatment
adherence occurs despite extensive global efforts by the World Health Organization, ministries of health and others to
implement a highly labor-intensive TB treatment program that includes direct observation of treatment by public health
Treatment of tuberculosis involves the simultaneous and long-term use of four to eight drugs, each of which has a wide
range of possible adverse effects. Most anti-TB drugs are well known and have been studied in clinical trials. However,
individual signs and symptoms of adverse events, such as skin rashes, abdominal pain, jaundice, shock, visual impairment,
hearing impairment, can cause severe consequences for patients stopping taking drugs, reducing the quality of life and
complicating daily activities. The frequency of occurrence of adverse reactions to drugs in patients with tuberculosis was
studied on the basis of received message cards / yellow cards for 2020-2021. in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Analysis of barriers to ISO 15189 accreditation for state laboratories  in Kyrgyzstan’s healthcare system
Authors: Temiralieva R.A., Tsopova I.A., Adylbaeva V.A.
Pages: 89-96
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Introduction. We have formulated conclusions and recommendations that can be used in preparing laboratories for accreditation according to the international standard ISO 15189, and will also help managers of healthcare organizations take part in this complex process together with laboratory specialists.
The purpose of the work carried out within the framework of the Global Laboratory Leaders Program (GLLP), developed by WHO and implemented at the S.B. Daniyarov analyzed the barriers that prevent laboratories of healthcare organizations from meeting the requirements of regulatory documentation of the national accreditation system and being accredited according to ISO 15189 and hindering the full implementation of the management system in laboratories of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Results and discussions. All laboratories in the Kyrgyz Republic are committed to the international standard ISO 15189. However, the opportunities for accreditation for all laboratories striving for this within the structure of
healthcare organizations are not the same. Therefore, obstacles to accreditation arise, mediated by the fact that in Kyrgyzstan there are no documents obliging laboratories to be accredited according to ISO 15189, and laboratories of healthcare organizations are extremely slow and reluctant to adapt the requirements of the international standard to their work. To improve the
provision of laboratory services and ensure their accessibility for various
categories of the population, all survey participants indicated that they were
ready to intensify activities to implement International Standard 15189 in
all laboratories of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Conclusion. In the Kyrgyz Republic there are no country documents obliging laboratories to be ISO accredited, and only private laboratories must undergo licensing/certification. There are no financial incentive mechanisms
for employees of accredited laboratories. There is insufficient knowledge
about accreditation and ISO training among the administration of the health care facility and, in part, among laboratory personnel with up to 3 years of
work experience, and there is also a lack of commitment.
Analysis of Food Chemical Safety Indicators for Compliance with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union and Eurasian Economic Union in the Kyrgyz
Authors: Ormokoeva K.S., Zamaletdinova E.F., Kundashev K.U.
Pages: 80-88
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Introduction. The article analyzes statistical data on the hygienic assessment of food samples and packaged water imported into and produced within the Kyrgyz Republic (KR) for compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union and the Eurasian Economic Union (CU/EAEU TR). The capabilities of the laboratories of the Centers for Disease Prevention and State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision (CDP&SES) of the public health service of the KR in conducting tests/research on physical and chemical indicators are considered. The needs of
CDP&SES laboratories in conducting food and packaged water tests/research, obtaining accreditation, and being included in the Unified Register of Testing Laboratories of the EAEU to confirm product compliance are identified. Objective of the Study. To analyze the hygienic assessment of food products and bottled water, imported and produced within the Kyrgyz Republic, for compliance with the technical regulations of the Customs Union and the Eurasian Economic Union, monitoring the testing capabilities of the laboratories of the Centers for Disease Prevention and State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision. Materials and Methods. The study analyzed data from laboratory tests of food products and bottled water conducted by the sanitary-hygienic laboratories of the CDP&SES KR for the year 2023. The statistical reporting form 18 of the Ministry of Health of the KR was used as the research object.
Results and Discussion. The volume of rejected food products and food raw
materials according to CU/EAEU TR was 287 cases, amounting to 150,427
kg, or 0.84% of the total inspected products.
Conclusion. The analysis of the chemical safety of food products and packaged water in the Kyrgyz Republic showed that the level of non-compliance with CU/EAEU TR requirements does not exceed 3.6%.
Analysis of mortality from co-infection with HIV and viral hepatitis B and C in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Sattarova G. Zh., Suranbaeva G.S., Nurmatov Z.Sh.
Pages: 115-120
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Introduction. One of the main indicators of the burden of HIV infection and viral hepatitis B and C is the burden of disease due to premature death. The purpose of the study- analysis of mortality and determination of the indicator - years of potentially lost life (YPLL) from co-infection with HIV and viral hepatitis B and C in the Kyrgyz Republic. Materials and methods.A statistical analysis of the electronic database of 2879 deaths from HIV/AIDS for 2001-2021 in the republic. The morbidity, mortality, life expectancy of people living with HIV (PLHIV) and YPLL have been analyzed. Also, a correlation was determined between the life expectancy of PLHIV and the conduct of antiretroviral therapy in the country by the method of squares (Pearson). Results. From 2001 to 2021, there has been a 23-fold increase in mortality from HIV infection (0.14 in 2001 - 3.3 in 2021 per 100,000 people). The average age of the deceased was 39.9 years. Among the deceased PLHIV, 60% were coinfected with parenteral viral hepatitis B and C. YPLL from HIV infection over the observed period of time amounted to 83817 lost person-years in the country. In dynamics, there is an increase in the average life expectancy of HIV-infected people after diagnosis (from 0.4 to 4.3 years), which is associated with an increase in antiretroviral therapy coverage, a direct strong correlation was established (r=0.96). Conclusion. The data obtained indicate a high burden of HIV/CH co-infection due to premature mortality. The case of death registered among able-bodied persons of young and reproductive age leads to significant losses of human capital.
Analysis of quality indicators of medical services for children in short-term stay departments at the level of healthcare organizations in Batken, Jalal-Abad, Osh regions and Osh city
Authors: ShukurovaV.K., Boronbaeva E.K., Subanbaeva G.M.
Pages: 189-197
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Introduction. The Department of Short-term stay (hereinafter referred to as OKP) is a structural subdevision
designed to provide up to daily (within 24 hours) inpatient medical care to the pediatric population in healthcare organizations
that do not require a long stay.
The purpose of the study. To analyze the indicators of the quality of medical services for children in short-stay departments
at the level of health organizations of Batken, Jalal-Abad, Osh regions and Osh.
Materials and methods. The analysis was carried out on the basis of the official statistics of the Health development center(
HDC) and the FOMS under the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic on the activities of the Department of
short-stay at the level of 23 health organizations of Batken, Jalal-Abad, Osh regions and Osh for the period from 2018
to 2020years. Results. The analysis of the age composition of children hospitalized in the Department of short-showed a predominance
of children under 5 years of age, who amounted to more than 70%, of whom more than 50% were children under 1 year
of age. Parents applied to the Department of short-stay mostly by self-referral (more than 70%), bypassing PHC for the
compared years. According to the treated cases, the Department of short-stay revealed that children were most often
treated for respiratory diseases (34 - 40%), in second place - diseases of the digestive system (16 – 24%), the third place
was taken by injuries and poisonings (12 – 24%). Comparison of mortality and mortality rates of children in hospitals in
dynamics shows their decrease – mortality of children in 2017 from 1.51% to 0.54% in 2020.
Conclusions. The creation of the department of short-stay (DSS), as an optimization of the children's health care services
has undoubtedly led to a decrease in unnecessarily prolonged hospitalization of children in hospitals, the provision of
timely medical services for acute respiratory infections, acute diseases of the digestive system, trauma and poisoning,
thereby improving the quality of medical care provided to children at the hospital level.
Analysis of the antibiotic resistance among women with purulent-septic complications after childbirth
Authors: Orozalieva B.K, Imankulova A.S., Аkmatov Т.А. , Subanova N. A. , Khegay E.V.
Pages: 31-39
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Due to their high prevalence and non-reducing frequency, postpartum purulent-septic diseases are one of the most
urgent problems of modern obstetrics. Over the past 10 years, they steadily ranked the fourth among causes of maternal
mortality in the world [1, 2]. Currently, the nature of the pathogens that cause postpartum complications has changed
significantly. The proportion of microbial associations has increased, which significantly aggravates the course of
postoperative purulent-septic complications and their therapy. [6,7]. This article demonstrates the etiological structure
of pathogens and the level of antibiotic resistance in patients with postpartum endometritis. The aim of the study is
to improve the results of treatment for women with purulent-septic complications after childbirth by optimizing antibacterial therapy based on the results of bacteriological studies. An analysis was carried out among 167 women admitted to the Department of Purulent-Septic Gynecology of the National Surgical Center under the Ministry of Health
and Social Development of the Kyrgyz Republic from 01.01.2019 to 25.12.2020, with the results of bacteriological
culture separated from the uterine cavity, the types of pathogens identified, sensitivity and resistance to antibiotics
were shown. The analysis of the etiological structure of the isolated strains revealed the prevailing role of gram-positive microflora in 43.7% of cases. Gram-negative microflora was found in 25.7% of patients. The most common
causative agents of postpartum endometritis were Esherichia coli 33.3%, Enteroccocus spp. 23.5%, Streptococcus
spp. 10.6%, Staphylococcus epidermidis 9.1%, Staphylococcus haemolyticus 6.1%. When studying the antibioticogram, the highest sensitivity of gram-negative microorganisms was revealed to meropenem in 90%, tobramycin
in 85%, amikacin in 80% of cases, and gram-positive flora to carbapenems up to 85% and vancomycin 95%. The
highest resistance of gram (+) and gram (-) microorganisms was found to b-lactam antibiotics, fluoroquinolones of
2-3 generations, aminoglycosides of 1-2 generations. In order to curb the growth of microorganisms’resistance, it is
necessary to introduce a number of measures, including educational activities among doctors on the rules for the collection and transportation of biomaterials obtained from patients as well as on the rational use of antimicrobial drugs,
to revise the prescribing regimens of some drugs in cases of empirical therapy in order to improve the results of treatment, and to ensure bacteriological laboratories with the necessary equipment and consumables
Analysis of the effect of morphological changes in the kidneys on the heart in IgA nephropathy
Authors: Aiypova D.A., Beishebaeva N.A., Salbaeva A.E., Kaliev R.R.
Pages: 13-18
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Introduction. The use of intravital nephrobiopsy in the Kyrgyz Republic has enriched the understanding of the
features of the morphological picture in various nephropathies. IgA nephropathy (IgAN) is the most common form of
primary glomerulonephritis worldwide.
Purpose of the study - Evaluation of the dependence of heart size restructuring on morphological changes in the kidneys
in IgA nephropathy
Materials and methods of research. 71 patients with IgAN were studied. Of these, 36 men (51%) and 35 (49%) women,
with an average age of 33±1.4 years (18-50). The diagnosis of IgAN was verified according to the Oxford histopathological
Results. most often in patients with IgAN - 70.4%, mesangial hypercellularity was detected. Endocapillary hypercellularity
was found in 57.7% of patients. At the same time, segmental glomerulosclerosis was found in 54.9% of cases, and tubular
atrophy in 60.5% of patients with IgAN. Mesangial proliferation contributed to changes in the cavities of the heart, an
increase in the size of the left ventricle (R=0.4)
Conclusions. According to the results of our study, a positive correlation was found between changes in the size of the
heart and the pattern of damage in IgAN.
Analysis of the growth of congenital intussusception in newborn infants in Kyrgyzstan
Authors: Porozhay V.N., Uzakbaev K.A., Akmentieva T.A.
Pages: 22-27
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Introduction. Congenital intestinal obstruction in newborns remains a major cause requiring careful diagnosis
and emergency surgical intervention in the neonatal period.
Objective of the study. To analyze the growth of congenital intestinal obstruction, surgical tactics and results of its treatment in newborn congenital intestinal obstruction.
Materials and Methods. 165 newborns with congenital intestinal obstruction were investigated in National Center for
Maternal and Child Health Protection. Of them 88 (53,3%) were boys and 77 (46,7%) were girls diagnosed with congenital intestinal obstruction.
Results and Discussion. Out of 165 (16.2%) neonates admitted with congenital intussusception, 20 (1.96%) children
were diagnosed with high intussusception. Low bowel obstruction was diagnosed in 145 (14.2%) children. Most frequently, multiple congenital malformations were detected in newborns with high bowel obstruction, so combined congenital heart defects and Down syndrome were noted in 12 (%) patients. In low intestinal obstruction, newborns rarely
had multiple congenital malformations.
Conclusions. The performed analysis indicates that it is necessary to develop neonatal surgical service in the Kyrgyz Republic to provide timely and qualified assistance to newborns with congenital intestinal obstruction.
The article analyzes the growth of congenital abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract causing high intestinal obstruction
in newborns in the regions of the Kyrgyz Republic. The malformations most frequently causing high intestinal obstruction
and methods of their correction in children are determined.
Analysis of the incidence of prostate diseases and their early detection based on the results of a scientific project for the study of the male population in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Kurmanbekov N.K., Kylychbekov M.B., Keneev R.N., Satybaldyev E.Е., Stambekova K.N.
Pages: 140-147
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This article presents the results of a study of the early incidence and prevalence of prostate diseases through a
comprehensive survey for 2021-22 in Chui (12%), Issyk-Kul (36%), Talas (32%), Osh (13%) and Jalal- Abad regions
(9%) (a total of 3265 men of various ages were examined) on the basis of an ongoing study of the scientific project "Early
detection of prostate diseases in men living in the Kyrgyz Republic", funded by the KSMA named after I.K. Akhunbaeva
(registration number 4220). Among the men who applied, 37.8% were urban residents and 62.2% were rural residents.
When applying, the features of complaints characteristic of prostate diseases were revealed and actually compared with
the detection of pathology, where there is evidence that such diseases as prostatitis (in the young age group - 27.2%) and
prostate hyperplasia (in the group of middle and old age - 28.4%), as well as prostate cancer are asymptomatic (6.7% in
the whole country). Of particular note are men who are not registered with the dispensary after undergoing surgery on
the prostate or the appearance of the first signs of the disease. A survey conducted on awareness (55.2% not aware) of
prostate diseases, not everyone was able to assess their health (11.3%) and indicated that they did not trust doctors (52.2%),
but were forced to seek medical help, often in neglected conditions and complicated cases, and in 41% the disease was
detected for the first time. The results of the study indicate the need to improve urological care for the population, including
its outpatient level, covering the educational work of the population, the effectiveness of which, first of all, determines
the completeness and timeliness of detection, and hence the effectiveness of the treatment of prostate diseases.
Analysis of the prevalence of blood-borne infections among donors - students of higher educational institutions in the city of Bishkek and other potential donors
Authors: Satybaldieva A.B., Kubatbekova N.K.
Pages: 56-61
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Introduction. Infectious safety of donated blood and its components is one
of the basic principles of blood transfusion, which underlies blood services
around the world and remains a pressing issue to this day. To ensure safe
and effective blood transfusion, one strategy for ensuring safe blood donation
is to obtain blood from voluntary unpaid donors at low risk of infection.
This article provides information on the prevalence of blood-borne infections
among student donors. The purpose of this article is to compare the detection
of blood-borne infections between unpaid student volunteer donors and other
potential donors. Materials - statistical data for 2021-2023. Research methods:
retrospective analysis of reported data.
Research results and discussion. Blood collection was carried out in organized
groups where potential donors work, study or serve: universities and
vocational schools, enterprises, military units and various other organizations.
As the need for blood and its components increases, the number of
free donors increases, mainly due to student donors. 65% of the total number
of donors are student donors. Markers of infection detected in student donors
decreased from 5.5% (2021) to 0.7% (2023). The most frequently detected
infection is brucellosis, but in recent years (2023) there has been a slight decrease,
which is explained by improved methods for testing donated blood
samples. In this regard, the number of unusable blood products tends to decrease
annually: from 6.3% (2021) to 1.6% (2023). Conclusion:
- There is a trend towards a decrease in the number of infectious markers
detected among young donors;
- The low prevalence of blood-borne diseases among donors also reduces
the likelihood of prepared blood being unusable, thereby ensuring efficient
and rational use of resources;
- It is advisable to select voluntary unpaid blood donors from low-risk
- Students should be considered as the main target audience for free blood
donation, since they are a socially active and healthy part of the population.
Analysis of the study of content of calcium and iron of some food products from various regions of the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Aksupova A.M., Atambaeva R.M., Esenamanova M.K., Kochkorova F.A.
Pages: 178-184
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Introduction. The study of the qualitative and quantitative composition of macro-and micronutrients in the
daily diet according to age and its physiological needs is the main principle of healthy human nutrition.
The aim of the study. Analysis of the actual content of certain minerals in food products of various regions of the KR.
These studies are aimed at creating database on the chemical composition of food products in the KR.
Materials and methods. Studied the content of calcium and iron in the main food products- meat and dairy products, cereals,
vegetables) from five regions of the KR. 1470, studies were conducted. When determining the content of mineral
substances in food products, the AES-ICP method was used on an ICAP 6000/7000 N 51/21 spectrometer according to
GOST 30538-9.
Results. The results of a study of the content of calcium and iron in the main types of food products of the population of
Kyrgyz Republic (meat and dairy products, cereals and vegetables) are presented. A comparative assessment of the actual
content of calcium and iron in the above food products from different regions of KR with the date of Russian scientists
from the Institute of Nutrition, Moscow is given.
Conclusions. More biologically valuable in terms of calcium content is animal meet and all studied dairy products from
all regions of the KR. Batken rice is better, and in terms of Fe content, Uzgen rice is better than rice produced in the
Russian Federation.
Analysis of the use of narcotic drugs in the Chui region of the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Cholponbaev K.S., Turgunalieva M.A., Muratova N.P.
Pages: 28-33
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Currently, there is insufficient provision and access of citizens to certain groups of vital medicines, which include
narcotic analgesics. The article assesses the availability of these drugs in the Chui region with a high population
and a high incidence of oncology in the republic. The purpose of the study was to assess the physical and economic availability
of narcotic analgesics. Material and methods of research: Desk and field studies were carried out, a number of
regulatory legal acts and a survey among pharmacists were studied, with questions about the assortment, pharmacies dispensing
narcotic analgesics and other factors that affect the level of availability of drugs in this group. Results of the
study and conclusion: Strong narcotic analgesics are sold only in 5 pharmacies throughout the region. Lowest availability
in Kemin, Suusamyr. Of the 25 pharmacies participating in the sale of preferential prescriptions for SGBP, only 5 pharmacies
sell strong narcotic analgesics. Morphine (in the form of short-acting tablets and injectable solution) is fully covered
by the SGBP for cancer patients at the outpatient level. The amount of reimbursement for the tablet form of tramadol
is fully covered, and for the injectable form, on average, 73.1% - 76.5% of the cost, and the remaining 26.9% - 23.5% is paid by the patient himself. Fentanyl patches are not covered under the RCA and cost the patient on average 7,562 somsper month.
Anti-atherogenic effects of dimethyldipyrozolylselenide
Authors: Solupaeva L.V.
Pages: 18-21
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The study shows the effect of the biologically active additive «Selecor» on lipid metabolism in the blood of
persons of extreme professions. It was revealed that the use of «Selecor» tablets containing selenium at a dose of 20 mcg,
two tablets for 21-30 days causes a significant decrease in the level of cholesterol and its precursors in the blood, which
indicates the antiatherogenic effect of «Selecor» and allows us to recommend it as an additional means of prevention and
treatment of patients with atherosclerosis.
Antigen-specific proliferative activity of b-lymphocytes in reactive arthritis of the rogenital form
Authors: Irisov A.P.
Pages: 92-97
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In this work, the significance of antigen-specific proliferative activity of B-lymphocytes (AGPABL) in various
clinical variants of reactive arthritis (ReA) is considered. A positive result of AGPABL was found in 100% of ReA patients,
only in 45.5% of ankilosing spondylitis (AS) patients, only in 19.2% of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients and in 14.3%
of osteoarthritis (OA) patients, respectively, and in no case in healthy individuals. The AGPABL index in ReA patients
with II and III degrees of activity was significantly higher compared to the I degree of activity. The level of the AGPABL
index in patients with ReA with a chronic course was significantly higher compared to the protracted and acute course
of the disease. The value of AGPABL in ReA with a minimal degree of activity is significantly higher than in patients
with OA, AS and RA.
Antiviral therapy of liver cirrhosis in the outcome of chronic viral hepatitis C
Authors: Tashpolotova A.Sh., , Murzakulova A.B. , Tashov K.E. , Jumagulova A.Sh. , Ergeshova A.B., Kochkorbekova S.K., , Abdybachaeva M.M.
Pages: 79-88
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The work presents the clinical and biochemical characteristics of patients with liver cirrhosis in the outcome of
chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV).
For liver cirrhosis in the outcome of chronic HCV, the early symptom is hepatomegaly with minimal clinical symptoms (Child-Pugh class A). Child-Pugh class B is characterized by asthenovegetative syndrome, splenomegaly,
nosebleeds, and dyspeptic symptoms. Child-Pugh class C is manifested by hepatic encephalopathy, portal hypertension, edematous ascitic syndrome, and bleeding from esophageal varicose veins.
In the functional parameters of the liver, violations of protein-synthetic function, cytolytic activity and mesenchymal-inflammatory syndrome were detected, the severity of changes was observed in class C liver cirrhosis. Hepatocarcinoma screening showed an increase in the frequency of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) elevation as the pathological
process progressed. The effect of the 1b genotype of HCV on the high frequency of AFP increase (17±2.5%,
p<0.001) was revealed.
Antiviral therapy of liver cirrhosis in the outcome of chronic viral hepatitis C
Authors: Tashpolotova A.Sh., , Murzakulova A.B. , Abdikerimova M.M., , Sholpanbai Uulu M., Fesenko N.V., Sarkina A.K.
Pages: 89-97
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The article describes clinical studies and antiviral therapy of patients with cirrhosis of the liver in the outcome of
chronic viral hepatitis C. The safety of the inclusion of direct-acting antiviral drugs (sofosbuvir + daclatasvir +
ribavirin) in the scheme of antiviral therapy of patients in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver in the outcome of
chronic viral hepatitis C, class A according to Child-Pugh is proved. The use of direct-acting antiviral drugs in patients with cirrhosis of the liver in the outcome of HCV with HCV 1-genotype, indicates a high efficiency and satisfactory tolerability of this treatment regimen. A complete virological response was registered in 96.2% of patients.
Pages: 9-12
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Pages: 5-7
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Aspects of the organization of cardiac surgery for newborn children at the Center for Perinatology and Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
Authors: Bodykov G.Z., Bozhbanbaeva N.S., Sepbayeva A.D., Yesenova S.A.
Pages: 113-120
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The article presents the organizational structure of the pediatric cardiac surgery service and the results of a detailed
analysis of indicators of infant morbidity and mortality from congenital heart defects at the Center of Perinatology
and Pediatric Cardiac Surgery for 9 months of 2019.
The cardiac surgery unit consists of two structural units - the department of anesthesiology, resuscitation, intensive
care for pediatric cardiac surgery (total 6 beds) and the department of pediatric cardiac surgery (total 21 beds).
Equipped with high-tech equipment, modern effective perinatal technologies have been introduced, optimal conditions
have been created for nursing sick newborns and premature babies with congenital heart defects. At the same time,
the article reflects the key problems, the solution of which can help to reduce the morbidity and mortality of children
from congenital malformations. Late prenatal diagnosis of congenital malformations occurred in 17.5%. The quality
of prenatal screening suffers in some regions and in private health centers. To improve the mortality situation in children with congenital heart disease, it is necessary to monitor prenatal screening in the regions, with the subsequent
solution of the issue of delivery in the CP and DKH. These measures will make it possible to bring the transportation
of the newborn closer to the level 3-4 cardiac surgery centers in order to provide timely cardiac surgery and increase
the survival rate of these patients.
Assessment of long-term dynamics of cancer morbidity and mortality in long-term Kazakhstan using autoregressive models and an integrated moving average
Authors: Baiyzbekova D.A., Erembaeva A.A. , Ismailova A.J.
Pages: 106-112
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Oncological diseases are one of the main causes of high mortality and disability of the population. More than 12 million new cases and 7 million deaths are reported annually [1]. Object of study: indicators of morbidity and mortality
from cancer. Purpose: Estimation of long-term dynamics of cancer morbidity and mortality using autoregressive
models and integrated moving average. Methods and approaches. The method of autoregression and the integrated
moving average (ARIMA) was used. The research materials were data of the Statistics Agency of the Republic of
Kazakhstan regarding morbidity and mortality from cancer for the period 2005-2014 (120 months). Statistical analysis
was carried out using SPSS, version 20.0. Results. In the framework of the Program on Development of Oncologic
Care in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2012-2016, there was a plan for the introduction of screening programs for
early detection of cancer in Kazakhstan in the period from 2011 to 2016 [2]. An assessment of the impact of the Program on cancer morbidity and mortality revealed the following. According to the ARIMAmodel, after the introduction
of the Program, a monthly increase in the incidence rate, equal to 0.57 cases per month, was observed. Obviously,
this is due to improved detection of cancer. For mortality rates, a monthly decrease equal to 0.25 cases per month
was observed. The decrease in mortality proves that the incidence rate increased due to the detection of cases of
disease in the early stages, which led to timely medical examination and treatment of patients.
Assessment of risk factors for coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in healthcare workers: a case-control study, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 2020
Authors: Alymkulova V.A., Zikriarova S. M., Otorbaeva D.S.
Pages: 137-142
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Introduction. Despite coronavirus disease (COVID-19) mitigation measures implemented in Kyrgyzstan hospitals,
3,173 healthcare workers (HCW) had been diagnosed with COVID-19 by September 2020, amounting to 17% of
all COVID-19 cases. We aimed to identify risks for COVID-19 among HCW exposed to COVID-19 patients in Bishkek.
Methods. We conducted a nested case-control study of HCW in six hospitals with high COVID-19 incidence among
HCW using incidence-density sampling. HCW in the national COVID-19 registry with SARS-CoV-2 PCR-positive and
SARS-CoV-2 IgG-negative results June 2020-May 2021 were recruited as cases if exposed to COVID-19 patients <14
days. Controls were randomly selected among HCW concurrently working at the same hospitals with SARS-CoV-2 PCRand
IgG-negative results. We collected sociodemographic, work, clinical, and laboratory information, and used logistic
regression to identify factors significantly (p<0.05) associated with COVID-19.
Results. A total of 511 people were included in the study, of which 128 cases and 383 controls. Out of 511 participants:
454 (89%) women and 383 (75%) participants under the age of 50. Of the participants, 118 (92%) cases and 348 (91%)
controls lived in a hostel (not at home) during the shift. Comorbidities were noted in 44 (34%) cases and 56 (15%)controls. According to the results of the analysis, testing for the tightness of the respirator, sharing a hostel for shift work
with other medical workers and the presence of comorbidities served as risk factors for the disease.
Conclusions. Results suggest need for increased quality assurance of and training in correct fitting and donning of personal
protective equipment, especially respirators, and improved communication for HCW promoting personal responsibility
in protecting staff, patients, and themselves.
Assessment of risk factors for endometrial hyperplasia of women at reproductive age
Authors: Akmatbekova Zh.S., Muzaparov M.S., Kibets E.A., Abaeva T.A.
Pages: 75-81
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Introduction. Endometrial hyperplasia is an abnormal proliferation of the endometrium with an increase in the
glandular component relative to the stroma. Hyperplasia is a precancerous disease. There are no official statistics on the
incidence of endometrial hyperplastic processes in the Kyrgyz Republic
The aim of the study - to determine the prognostic value of risk factors for the development of endometrial hyperplasia
and, on the basis of clinical and anamnestic data, to identify a group of women who are more likely to develop endometrial
Materials and methods. A total of 151 multiparous women of reproductive age were examined, including 71 patients
with endometrial hyperplastic processes and 40 healthy women. The average age of women is 28.6 ± 5.7 and 30.9 ± 6.5,
respectively. An assessment was made of the influence of risk factors such as overweight, increased anxiety, inflammatory
diseases of the pelvic organs, extragenital diseases, viral infections on the development of this pathology in multiparous
women of reproductive age in Kyrgyzstan.
Results. In women with HPE, infertility was more often observed 17% and 2.88%, respectively, lipid metabolism disorders
were 65% and 21% in healthy women, women of the main group predominate by 3 times in the number of spontaneous
miscarriages, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs were more often noted, 65, 71% of women with HPE had a
high level of anxiety, in contrast to 12.20% of the main group
Conclusions. A retrospective study of the case histories of 71 women with a verified hyperplastic process in the endometrium
was carried out. The control group consisted of 80 women without endometrial pathology, observed in the
clinic. Comparative analysis included the study of risk factors based on obstetric and gynecological history and somatic
status. Patients with menstrual dysfunction, metabolic processes and chronic diseases are at risk of developing a hyperplastic
process in the endometrium.
Assessment of TB infection control in health care organizations of the Kyrgyz Republic, 2023
Authors: Temirbekov S. T., Mukhtarov M.M., Kurmanov R.A.
Pages: 67-71
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One of the functions of the health care system of the Kyrgyz Republic is the implementation of tuberculosis infection control measures in health care organizations. Proper implementation of TB infection control measures prevents the nosocomial spread of TB from patients to health care workers or cross-infection between patients. The implementation of TB infection control measures was assessed in all 25 (100%) TB hospitals in the country and in 895 PHC organizations (49.9%) in all regions of the country. Evaluation results were interpreted according to three criteria (excellent, good and satisfactory). All TB hospitals in the country were rated satisfactory according to this criterion, with a score of 70% or more. Of the PHCs covered by the assessment of the organization of health care, only 41.3% meet the indicator - satisfactory (70% or more).
Assessment of the dynamics of stroke morbidity and mortality in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Yrysova M.B., Yrysov K.B. , Toichibaeva R.I., Ablabekova M.M.
Pages: 133-139
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Introduction. Stroke is considered the second leading cause of death worldwide
with an annual mortality rate of about 5.5 million people. The burden
of stroke is not only associated with high morbidity and mortality, but also
high disability (up to 50% of stroke survivors become chronically disabled).
The purpose of this study was to assess the epidemiological situation of
stroke with a retrospective analysis of morbidity and mortality data in the
Kyrgyz Republic (KR).
Materials and methods. Statistical indicators such as intensive, extensive,
tendency, average long-term level of morbidity and mortality were calculated
to assess the dynamics of morbidity (first reported cases) and mortality from
stroke for the period 2005-2022 in the republic according to the annual official
statistical collections of morbidity and deaths from stroke of the Electronic
Health Center of the Ministry of Health of the KR.
Results. The analysis of available statistical data has shown that the level of
stroke morbidity (incidence) and mortality in the population as a whole in
the republic from 2005 to 2022 has a positive downward trend. A comparative
analysis of statistical data on stroke morbidity and mortality per 100,000
population shows that the mortality rates significantly exceed the morbidity
rates from 1.3 times to 2.4 in different years. In the structure of strokes according
to postmortem diagnoses, the diagnosis of "Unspecified strokes,
such as hemorrhage or I64 infarction" has a high proportion.
Conclusions. Mortality rates from stroke exceeding the incidence of stroke
require verification of the diagnosis of stroke in people who died on an outpatient
basis based on an analysis of primary medical documentation and
cardinal correction of medical statistics in relation to cerebrovascular diseases
in the KR. A large percentage of unspecified strokes may indicate that
there were doubts when making a post-mortem diagnosis of stroke.
Assessment of the dynamics of tuberculosis incidence among specialists with higher medical education in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Abdylaeva G.M., Kadyrov A.S., Ahmatov M.B.
Pages: 126-130
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Over the analyzed 12 years, this indicator of the incidence of tuberculosis has a statistically significant upward
trend – from 54.9 to 59.2 p <0.001. The incidence of tuberculosis among employees of medical organizations is 51.2-
51.3 thousand specialists, primary health care physicians have a statistically significant trend in the incidence of tuberculosis-
60.2 - 49.7 and only in anti-tuberculosis institutions (ПTO)-274.8-84.3. Despite the active implementation of
infection control measures in all medical organizations over the past 12 years, there has not been a significant decrease
in the incidence of tuberculosis in organizations of the general medical industry, there is a downward trend in 24.3 cases
of tuberculosis in 2019 compared to 274.8 cases in 2008.
Assessment of the effectiveness of arterial hypertension control at the primary healthcare level in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Amelin E.Yu. , Tolebaeva A.A., Duishenalieva M.T., Arykova A.T., Usubaliev A.O., Altymysheva A.T., Polupanov A.G.
Pages: 73-84
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Introduction. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. A special place in the
structure of CVD is occupied by arterial hypertension (AH), which is the leading factor in the mortality of cardiac
patients. In the Kyrgyz Republic the prevalence of hypertension in recent decades has increased by 40-50%, and according to the epidemiological studies INTEREPID and STEPS is 44-46%. Mortality from CVD(including hypertension) according to reports from the Center for Electronic Health KR (CEZ) in 2019 accounted for 51% of total
Aim of the study: development of indicators for assessing the effectiveness of control of arterial hypertension at the
primary healthcare level in the Kyrgyz Republic. Material and Methods. The outpatient cards data processing for 2019 of all assigned patients of the Pervomaisky
district of Bishkek, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic (CIF outpatient, form No. 025/y),
was carried out. The indicators were analyzed using the SPSS Syntax software adapted for e-health. The p<0.05 value
was taken as the threshold level of statistical significance.
Results. The detection rate of arterial hypertension was 2,69% in relation to the entire assigned population, of which
men –1,78% and women –3,45% (p <0,001). Patients with hypertension under the age of 40 were 1,9-3,3%. The proportion of hypertensive patients whose blood pressure was measured 2 or more times a year was more than 90% for
all FMCs; in FMCs № 3, 7, 14 and 16, the proportion of patients with hypertension who assessed the total cardiovascular risk was 56,5%, 94,7%, 98,3% and 89,3%, respectively. Drug therapy for hypertension was prescribed in 73,6%
of patients, and the effectiveness of hypertension control among patients was 45%.
Conclusion. To assess the effectiveness of hypertension control at the PHC level, it is proposed to use 2 main indicators: an indicator that allows assessing the effectiveness of hypertension control at the healthcare facility level, that
is, the number of patients with hypertension who have reached target BP values in relation to all patients with hypertension who visited this facility during the calendar years, and an indicator of the effectiveness of hypertension control
at the subnational level, i.e. indicator of detectability of AG.2
Assessment of the effectiveness of poliomyelitis and acute flaccid paralysis surveillance in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Dadanova G.S., Kubatova A.K., Nabirova D.A. , Hort R., Ishenapysova G.S., Otorbaeva D.S.
Pages: 173-182
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Introduction. Acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) monitoring in the Kyrgyz Republic
aims to detect cases suspected of poliomyelitis and to identify areas
where poliomyelitis may be poliomyelitis circulation. An outbreak of poliovirus
type 2 in a neighboring country in 2021 is a threat to Kyrgyzstan as
well. The outbreak of poliovirus type 2 in a neighboring country in 2021 po
ses a threat to Kyrgyzstan as well, which calls for a study, assessing the surveillance
system to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the system.
Methods and purpose of the study -The purpose of the evaluation of the acute
flaccid paralysis and poliomyelitis surveillance system is to determine the
importance of the system, identify strengths and weaknesses, and develop
recommendations for system improvement. The assessment was conducted
using a descriptive-cross-sectional method according to CDC guidelines,
using data from logbooks and the AFP case database from 2011 through
Results. The AFP surveillance system was introduced in 1997 and monitors
AFP cases, vaccination. During the Emergency in 2020-2021 in the neighboring
republic, the system was put on high alert to detect signs of poliovirus
transmission, where the indicator for detection of AFP from 1 case was
raised to 2 cases per 100,000 children under 15 years of age. The system is
operational in all regions of the country, detecting an average of 1, 4 to 4, 5
cases of AFP per 100,000 children under 15 years of age at the national level.
But at the sub-regional level for 2021-2022, the detection rates of AFP in
5/9 and 2/9 regions were below the required indicators. In addition, there
are "silent regions" with zero detections for 2021-2022. Timeliness of detection of AFP cases for 2022 was 69% and timeliness of sampling was 77%.
Conclusions. The surveillance system for AFP in the Kyrgyz Republic is
simple, flexible but untimely. Active detection needs to be strengthened in
the system to achieve the detection indicator of AFP. For early referral at
the appearance of symptoms of acute respiratory infection to medical organizations
it is necessary to intensify sanitary education work among the
Assessment of the epidemiological surveillance system for HIV infection in Sughd region, Tajikistan, 2023
Authors: Qurbonov E.A., Kubatova A.K., Hort R., Yusufi S. J. , Nabirova D.A.
Pages: 191-199
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Introduction. People living with HIV are monitored and treated at AIDS
Centres for the rest of their lives, and they have a significant impact on the
health budget. Evaluation of the surveillance system is vital to identify gaps
in the system and ensure that the quality, effectiveness and usefulness of the
system are improved. This study was conducted to assess the HIV epidemiological
surveillance system by attributes in order to identify shortcomings
and develop recommendations for improving the system in the Sughd region.
Materials and methods. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted
using updated guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
between January and May 2023. The attributes of the system were
evaluated: usefulness, simplicity, timeliness, acceptability, representativeness,
Results and discussions. The system is useful because it evaluates the situation
and makes decisions based on it. The timeliness was 54% according
to the reporting form No.4. Only 60 per cent of epidemiological investigati
ons of new HIV cases were conducted on time. The eligibility rate was
100%, and all health facilities are ready to detect HIV cases. The system is
also representative and stable, as it covers all local government districts,
people of all ages, and all institutions have been provided with the necessary
materials and technical means.
Conclusion. The HIV surveillance system in Sughd Oblast is useful, acceptable,
representative and stable, but not simple or timely. Close cooperation
between the staff of the AIDS Center and medical organizations, as well as
the training of responsible persons, can alleviate the complexity of the system
and increase the level of timeliness.
Assessment of the prevalence of blood-borne infections among donors in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Ismailova A.J., Sarybaeva J.M.
Pages: 84-89
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Introduction. TThe Kyrgyz Republic is a country with a high burden of viral
hepatitis: the prevalence of HBV among the population ranges from 3.1%
to 5.6%, and HCV prevalence from 2.6% to 4.7%. In this regard, this article
provides information on the assessment of the prevalence and incidence of
blood-borne infections among donors in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Purpose of the study: To assess the prevalence of blood-borne infections
among donors in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Materials and methods. The material for the study was laboratory data from
studies of donor blood for blood-borne infections from the Republican
Blood Center and regional blood centers for the period from 2021 to 2023
and statistical data on the incidence of blood-borne infections from the Department
of Disease Prevention and State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance
of the Ministry of Health among population of the Kyrgyz
A comparative epidemiological analysis of the prevalence of blood-borne
infections among donors in the Kyrgyz Republic was carried out for the periods
from 2013-2015 and 2021-2023. Results and discussion. An important link in ensuring viral safety is the quality
and organization of the donor selection process . It is generally accepted
that voluntary unpaid donors who regularly donate blood are the safest compared
to family or paid donors. In the structure of blood donors in the Kyrgyz
Republic, 77.2% are family donors, a small share of 19.7% are unpaid
donors and 3.1% are paid donors. The increasing prevalence of blood-borne
(HIV, HBV, HCV, syphilis, brucellosis) infections among the population, as
well as the high proportion of primary donors today create a certain problem
in ensuring the safety of donor blood. Quantity donations increased over the
analyzed periods of time in 1.2 times (from 37463 to 50457). In the dynamics
of blood-borne infections among donors, there is a tendency to reduce
the incidence of HIV infection by 2 times, HBV by 2.4 times, HCV by 5
times, syphilis by 1.8 times and brucellosis by 5.4 times. The frequency of
detection of markers of the causative agent of HIV infection from 2013 to
2023 decreased from 0.4% to 0.2%. The number of donors with detected
hepatitis B virus surface antigen decreased (from 4.4 to 1.8%). The number
of donors with antibodies to the hepatitis C virus in 2023 decreased by 706
people compared to 2013 (from 2.5 to 0.5%). The number of donors with
markers of the causative agent of syphilis in 2023 decreased by 177 people
compared to 2013 (from 1.5 to 0.8%). The number of donors with a positive
result for brucellosis in 2023 compared to 2013 decreased from 6.5% to
1.2%. In 2023, the incidence of viral hepatitis B and brucellosis was the
highest among all blood-borne infections, amounting to 1.8% and 1.2%, respectively. Conclusions. Due to the correct formation of the contingent of blood donors,
a decrease in the frequency of detection of markers of hemotransmissible
infections among donors is noted. For the first time, the prevalence and incidence
of hemotransmissible infections in repeat blood donors of the country
have been determined.
Assessment of the state of water supply, sanitation and hygiene in the laboratories  of healthcare organizations of the Kyrgyz Republic in accordance with international  requirements
Authors: Shakhmatova A.K., Baigazieva А.А., Sorombaeva N.O., Murzaeva A.T., Saryeva G.A.
Pages: 72-79
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Introduction. The availability of water supply, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services in healthcare organizations contributes to the provision of high-quality medical care, including primary (medical centers and outpatient
clinics), secondary and tertiary (district or national hospitals), public and private healthcare organizations and increases the resilience of health systems to prevent infectious diseases.
The purpose of the study: to analyze the state of water supply, hygiene and sanitation in the laboratories of healthcare organizations in accordance with the requirements of national and international regulatory documents (standards). Materials and methods. Sanitary-hygienic, epidemiological, statistical research methods were used. In order to conduct a sociological study, a questionnaire on water supply, sanitation and hygiene for laboratories was developed. An online survey was conducted in 41 laboratories of healthcare organizations in the Kyrgyz Republic. The report forms No. 18 of the Department of Disease Prevention and State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision were analyzed on microbiological indicators of drinking water quality by regions of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Results and discussion. The study revealed that out of 41 laboratories in healthcare organizations, 88.6 % have access to centralized water supply, 87.8 % are provided with sufficient safe drinking water to provide medical and other services. Of the total number of organizations studied, 68.3 % of laboratories are connected to the local centralized sewerage system, the sewerage system was not in working order in 21.1 % of laboratories. It should be also noted that the laboratories do not have toilets for people with disabilities.
Assessment of urination disorders in postmenopausal women
Authors: Kozhonaliev Т.Z., Zhumagaziyev T.S., Dzhanuzakova N.E., Andrianova E.V.
Pages: 62-66
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The problem of urination disorders occupies one of the leading positions in the structure of "estrogen deficiency
diseases" in postmenopausal women. In this paper, the authors show a comprehensive assessment of the main forms of
urination disorders in postmenopausal women. The purpose of the study was to analyze urination disorders depending
on the frequency of exacerbations of cystitis in postmenopausal women. Material and research methods. A prospective
study was conducted to analyze urination disorders and the nature of pain syndrome depending on the frequency of exacerbations
in 150 patients with cystitis in the postmenopausal period. Results of the study and conclusion. In patients
with cystitis in the postmenopausal period, in 45.4% of cases, there are from 1 to 4 exacerbations per year, in 37.3%
cases from 4 to 8 exacerbations per year, in 17.3% of cases more than 8 exacerbations per year are noted. With an increase
in the frequency of exacerbations, the average volume of micturitions decreases by 1.5 times, the average number of
micturitions per day increases by 1.5 times, and the number of nighttime urination increases by 2 times, depending on
the frequency of exacerbations of the disease. Expressiveness pain syndrome during urination in patients with cystitis in
the postmenopausal period increased by 1.5 times and 1.9 times, depending on the frequency of exacerbations, more than
8 times a year.
Pages: 52-56
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Atypical forms of acute appendicitis (cases from practice)
Authors: Kudayarov E. E., Shamil uulu Erbol, Sopuev А.А., Atakoziev А.Т., Ernisova М.E.
Pages: 141-148
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Introduction. Atypical variants of acute appendicitis occur in 20-30% of patients.
The uncharacteristic clinical picture is explained by the variety of options
for the location of the vermiform process in the abdomen. The article
presents the features of the clinical manifestations of acute appendicitis.
Special attention is paid to uncharacteristic clinical manifestations depending
on the localization of the vermiform process in the abdominal cavity.
The purpose of the study. To describe the features of the course of atypical
forms of acute appendicitis on the example of clinical cases.
Materials and methods. The study was conducted in the Department of Intestinal
Surgery of the National Surgical Center named after M.M. Mamakeev.
Three clinical cases of atypical forms of acute appendicitis have been
described.Key words: acute appendicitis, appendectomy, differential diagnosis,
localization of the appendix.
Results and discussion. One of the main errors in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis,
as well as one of the causes of various perceptions, is the unusual
location of the appendix, which together accounts for 10 to 35 percent of
cases of acute appendicitis According to statistics, acute appendicitis was detected in 3.1% of cases, the patient was not hospitalized, and in 1.6% of
those hospitalized, the operation time was delayed.
Conclusion. Considering the above, the only reasons for the late diagnosis
of acute appendicitis are the unusual location of the appendix and the uncharacteristic
course of acute appendicitis. There are no decent methods that
can confidently diagnose acute appendicitis in less time. The diagnosis of
acute appendicitis is easy to treat, but the disease is very difficult to diagnose.
Bacteriological analysis of clinical samples
Authors: Ashyralieva D.O., Umuralieva A.M., Amankulova G.E.
Pages: 41-46
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Introduction. The bacteriological method of purulent-inflammatory diseases remains the gold standard for diagnosis. The sensitivity of the method is influenced by the characteristics of the clinical material, sampling technique, nutrients used and study conditions.
Therefore, antibacterial therapy is often empirical.
The purpose of the study was to determine the etiological structure of purulent-inflammatory diseases.
Materials and methods. The objects of analysis were the results of the study of clinical samples for 2019-2021. The samples were examined by the classical bacteriological method using conventional and chromogenic nutrient media in accordance with existing guidelines.
Results and discussions. Analysis of the structure of the studied samples showed that 25.55% of urine tested for bacteriuria, blood for sterility - 22.5%, and wound discharge, throat smear, sputum were examined less frequently; 10.86% , 3.87% and 2.84% respectively. The relatively high rate of culture from sputum (99.15%) and throat smear (97.28%) is apparently associated with natural contamination of sputum during passage through the respiratory tract. Positive results were found in the study of wound discharge (36.7%), urine ( 44.23%).The relatively low inoculation rate of blood culture studies (28.96%) is associated with a single collection of blood samples after antibiotic therapy.
Conclusion. The most frequently performed microbiological tests are urine for bacteriuria 25.55%, blood for sterility 22.5%, wound discharge, throat smear, sputum are less frequently examined; 10.86%, 3.87% and 2.84% respectively. The cause of inflammatory processes are often bacteria of the family Enterobacterales (34.9%), staphylococci (27.7%) and less commonly streptococci (13.9%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (4.50%) and other microorganisms (19.10%). The use of sensitive and special chromogenic agars and microbiological analyzers will provide reliable and timely results.
Bell's Palsy (idiopathic facial nerve neuropathy)
Authors: Abitova G.K., MukanbetovaG.D.-, Kadyrova Z.A.
Pages: 140-147
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Introduction. One of the most common forms among facial nerve neuropathies
is Bell's palsy (idiopathic facial neuropathy). The pathological process has an acute onset, more often the symptoms of the lesion develop on
one side with a tendency of progression within 48-72 hours. Data on risk
factors, pathogenetic mechanism of Bell's palsy development, drug therapy
and methods of surgical treatment are presented. Basic therapy with a short
course of valacyclovir or acyclovir and a stepwise reduction in the optimal
dose of prednisolone, initiated within three days of symptom onset, increases
the chances of complete recovery.
Purpose of this review. Аims to provide comprehensive information on Bell's
palsy, focusing on anatomy, aetiology, clinical features, diagnosis, clinical
implications and preferred approaches to therapy.
Materials and methods. The materials of the Web of Science Core Collection
database (Science Citation Index Explanded and Social Sciences Citation
Index) were used in this work, as they cover the most important sources in
sufficient quantity to obtain objective information. A comprehensive search
of the databases was conducted, limited to 2002-2021 and including only
original articles and reviews.Results and Conclusions. Having analysed the literature data for 20 years,
it was concluded that the majority of authors adhere to the pathogenesis of
Bell's palsy development associated with compression of the facial nerve in
the phalopian canal as a result of inflammatory oedema. The diagnosis of
idiopathic facial neuropathy is made by exclusion and requires careful history
taking and a thorough clinical examination. If provided by history or
risk factors, the patient should be investigated for Lyme disease, diabetes
mellitus and other conditions. Incomplete eyelid closure followed by dry
eye, dysphagia and slurred speech are common short-term complications.
Contractures and weakness of mimic muscles and hemispasm are not uncommon
long-term complications. Although most patients recover spontaneously,
treatment with a short course of valacyclovir or acyclovir and a
stepwise reduction in the optimal dose of prednisolone, started within three
days of symptom onset, is thought to increase the chances of complete recovery.
Biochemical justification of the Covid-19 impact on the state of hyaluronic acid in the alveoli of the lungs
Authors: Uspeeva A.E., Makhmudova Z.A., Taalaibekova M.T., Baatyrova N.J.
Pages: 152-159
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When looked at the latest news for 2021, we can see that tens of millions of people have contracted the coronavirus.
More than a million people have died or are facing long-term health effects from the virus. The review article is devoted to the study of the biochemical specificities of changing the algorithm of hyaluronic acid in the alveoli of the
lungs with Covid-19. An analysis of the literature covering the problem to date is carried out. On computed tomograms, which do each patient with suspected coronavirus, lucent areas are noted - “ground glass” syndrome, that
contain liquid. So, the analysis of the literature showed that the coronavirus damages the membrane (membranes) of
the alveoli, which causes the outpouring of hyaluronic acid from them. A group of scientists assume that hyaluronic
acid is the leading cause of death in severe Covid-19 lung infections. The study showed that COVID-19 demonstrates
a high level of proinflammatory of cytokines in the affected alveoles and in endothelial cells of blood vessels, in addition to increasing neutrophil extracellular traps that activate hemostatic factors. Consequently, thrombosis in the
pulmonary microcirculation leads to an increase in respiratory failure. The article further describes the role of
hyaluronic acid and the concept of “bradykinin storm” in the development of respiratory failure and the therapeutic
effects of COVID-19 heparin. Scientists have found that in addition to the anticoagulant effect, heparin can bind to
the “spike” protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and function as a competitive inhibitor for the entry of viruses, thereby
reducing the infectivity of the process [1].
Pages: 110-115
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Birth defects prevention
Pages: 83-85
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Blood donation in Jalal-Abad region
Authors: Karabaev B.B., Borzhiev U.A.
Pages: 90-94
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Introduction. Donation and safety of blood components are of great importance
Due to the growth of bloodborne infections (TTIs) - viral hepatitis B,
C, D and HIV infections, it is necessary to strengthen control over the infectious
safety of blood components and provide a strategic supply of blood
components in case of a pandemic and emergencies (ES), emergencies (PE).
These circumstances require a new assessment of the current situation with
blood donation in the Kyrgyz Republic, to study the prevalence of markers
of blood transfusion infections and some socio-demographic characteristics
of blood donors, to monitor donor activity and analyze the reasons for medical
Goal of work: Increasing free blood donation and increasing strategic reserves
of blood components and increasing the safety of blood components,
minimizing the risks of transmission of TTIs through blood components,
early detection of TTIs in donors. Uninterrupted provision of health care organizations
in the Jalal-Abad region with donor blood, its components and
drugs for use in emergencies, disasters, and pandemics. Materials and methods of research. A collection and analysis of available
available materials was carried out from 27,947 donors in the Jalal-Abad
region for 2019-10 months of 2023. The study included 27,947 blood samples
from donors who came for donation between January 2019 and October
2023. The age of the donors ranged from 18 to 60 years. The gender distribution
was as follows: men - 17,346 people, women - 10,601 people, donors
aged 18-25 years were 2,211 people, from 25-50 years old were 16,153 people,
from 50-60 years old were 9,583 people from the total number. Results
and discussions. Our research shows an increase in primary donors in the
Jalal-Abad region and low rates of repeat donation. And low rates of donation
among young people from 18-25 years old - 2211 people out of all
27947 donors, which is 8%
And a relatively high increase in gratuitous donations from 20% to 74%
over the past 4 years.
Conclusion. The main motivational factor for donation among various
groups of the population of the Jalal-Abad region is relative donors. With
the enthusiasm of donor relatives, there is an increase in GTI among donors
and the reason for blood defects in this group is associated with GTI and
the reason for medical withdrawals is lack of awareness of the donor’s
preparation before donation. TTIs are more often detected in primary donors,
there is an increase in TTIs in primary donors of relatives and a decrease in
TTIs in primary donors in the Jalal-Abad region due to an increase in gratuitous
donations among primary donors. More often, markers of HBsAg
infection are detected in blood donors in the Jalal-Abad region, as there are
low rates of donation among young people who have been vaccinated
against hepatitis B since 2000. The growth of gratuitous donations in the
Jalal-Abad region from 20% to 74%. Social media marketing of blood donation
using media networks are effective ways to have a long-term and positive
impact on the development of blood donation in the Jalal-Abad region.
Blood Service of the Kyrgyz Republic: current state and development prospects
Authors: Karabaev B.B.
Pages: 15-20
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Introduction. Analysis of data on the activities of the blood service in recent years indicates positive trends such as an increase in the number of donors, the number of blood donations, plasma donations, the volume of collected blood and its components. The volume of the average single dose has increased, and the number of plasma donors obtained by plasmapheresis haincreased. New technologies such as leukofiltration and virus inactivation
have been introduced. Improved methods of early detection of blood-borne infections (HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, syphilis). An effective method for diagnosing brucellosis in blood donors has been developed and put into practice. Goal: To create a stable, secure donor base to ensure a safe, sufficient and
reliable blood supply nationwide. Material and method. Statistical reporting data - F1zdrav “On the activities of the blood service”. Excel computer programs were used for generalization and processing. Results and discussion. The introduction of new technologies (leukofiltration, viral inactivation, the method of diagnosing brucellosis with Brucella cards - Coombs gel test) allows to increase the level of infectious safety of blood transfusions. Such changes in the field of industrial transfusiology have a beneficial effect on providing healthcare organizations with necessary and safe blood products. The analysis allows us to positively assess the forecast for the further development of industrial and clinical transfusiology in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Conclusions. In comparison with similar data from 2019 to 2022, there was
an increase in the number of donors and the volume of collected blood in 2023. Improving the work of blood service institutions will increase the infectious safety of donor blood and prevent post-transfusion complications. All these achievements indicate that the blood service is one of the key factors for the successful development of clinical areas in medicine, such assurgery, hematology, anesthesiology, resuscitation, clinical toxicology, transplantology, etc.
Pages: 8-10
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Brain dislocation syndrome (Literature review)
Authors: Borzhiev U.A.
Pages: 164-169
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Introduction. This is an article reviewing domestic and foreign literature on the pathogenesis and clinical picture of dislocation syndrome in neurosurgical pathologies of the brain, depending on the etiology, type and stage of dislocation. Purpose of the study: to improve the results of treatment of patients with brain dislocation syndrome in neurosurgical pathologies. Materials and methods of research. All modern scientific and literary data from patients with brain dislocation syndrome in various neurosurgical pathologies were analyzed and processed. Results and discussions. Of great scientific and clinical interest for neurologists and neurosurgeons are the influence of nosological forms of focal brain lesions on the course and outcomes of dislocation syndromes (DS) and the choice of optimal treatment tactics. Most of the significant scientific studies devoted to the problems of DS are associated with acute cerebral dislocation against the background of severe traumatic brain injury. At the
same time, at least six groups of focal brain lesions are known that can cause one or another form of brainstem herniation. These include: a large group of brain tumors of varying histological structure, spontaneous intracranial hemorrhages, traumatic brain lesions, including meningeal and intracerebral hematomas in combination with massive areas of brain contusions, giant arachnoid and parasitic cysts, as well as brain abscesses of various origins.
Conclusions. Thus, summing up the review of domestic and foreign literature on pathogenesis, the clinic of dislocation syndrome in neurosurgical pathologies of the brain, depending on the etiology, type and stage of dislocation. Allows us to judge that there is no consensus on the choice of treatment method for severe patients with dislocation syndrome in neurosurgical pathologies - today it remains controversial and completely unresolved and is far from being completed. In this regard, the development of clear algorithms for surgical tactics depending on the neurosurgical pathology and the degree of dislocation, aimed at improving the results of patient treatment, remains relevant.
Brief epidemiological characteristics of food botulism in the Kyrgyz Republic fnd Osh region at the present stag
Authors: Salieva S. T.
Pages: 96-103
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The article presents data on the analysis of the incidence of foodborne botulism in the Kyrgyz Republic and Osh
region involving 230 people. The epidemiological features of the disease as a result of the use of homemade canned
compotes, jam, vegetable salads, cucumbers and tomatoes are shown.
There were 87 males (37.8%) and 143 females (62.2%), grading age groups: 20 (8.7%) under 14, 25 (10.9%) 15-19,
67 (29.1%) 20-29, 42 (18.3%) 30-39, 35 (15.2%) 40-49, 24 (10.4%) 50-59, and 17 (7.4%) 60 and over. The mortality
rate in foodborne botulism averaged 5.30.9% with fluctuations from 0 to 13.8%. Mortality rates do not correlate
with the highest incidence rates, which is confirmed by statistical data: the correlation coefficient (r) is -0.6
Pages: 84-87
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Cardiospecific enzymes as markerCardiospecific enzymes as markers of the course of cardiac necrosis in high altitude conditions and during readaptation to low altitude with the use of mildronate
Authors: Makhmudova Z.A., Taalaibekova M.T.
Pages: 125-132
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This article is devoted to the study of the effect of mildronate on the course of myocardial necrosis during the adaptation
of experimental animals to high altitude conditions and readaptation to low altitude conditions on the 30th day. We
found that after treatment with mildronate during 10 days, the content of creatine phosphokinase - MB (CPK-MB), troponin
T (TrT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), the cardiac form of the protein binding fatty acids (PBFA) in the blood
serum of animals with simulated cardionecrosis on the 30th day of adaptation and readaptation were significantly reduced.
Causes of decompensation of chronic heart failure in a specialized city hospital
Authors: Pyrikova N.V. , Osipova I.V. , Mozgunov N.A.
Pages: 29-40
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Research objective. To carry out the analysis of the causes of decompensation of chronic heart failure (CHF)
in patients hospitalized in the therapeutic department within a year.
Materials and methods. Design is a one-time retrospective study. The analysis of the disease histories of patients
admitted to the therapeutic department due to decompensation of CHF was performed. The specially developed
protocol of the study recorded gender and age parameters, risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, clinical data,
diagnosis upon admission, conducted therapy at the outpatient stage before the present hospitalization, data of
laboratory and instrumental methods of study were noted, the index of comorbidity was calculated.
Results. One hospitalization per year with decompensation of CHF was observed in only 13.1% of patients, 2-
3 hospitalizations per year - 62.0%, 4 or more hospitalizations - in 24.9% of patients. At the same time, 47.1%
of patients at the outpatient stage did not follow the doctor's recommendations for medical treatment, 75.1% -
non-drug measures and self-control. 89.9% of patients took blockers of the reninangiotensinaldosterone system,
21.5% - beta-adrenergic blockers, 27.9% - mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists. As the main diagnosis, 92.3%
had hypertensive disease, 58.6% - atrial fibrillation, 33.7% had myocardial infarction, diabetes mellitus was
noted in 31.6%, angina of effort - in 21.5%; chronic kidney disease stage 3 and above was established in 64.6%
of patients; 79.9% had a comorbidity index of five or more. At the time of hospitalization, functional class (FC)
II of CHF was found in 9.4%, FC III - 70.4%, FC IV - 20.2% of patients. Most of the patients had a conserved
release fraction (RF) - 46.1%, intermediate RF - 33.3%, reduced RF - 20.6%. Among hospitalized patients with
decompensation of CHF, male patients constituted 41.4%, women — 58.6%, 90.6% were elderly and senile people. In comparison with men, women were less likely to have smoking (by 66.6%) and alcohol consumption (by
60.0%), sufficient physical activity (by 25.6%), overweight and obesity (by 21.4%).
Conclusion. The analysis will allow planning and development of complex measures aimed at optimizing the
provision of medical care to patients with CHF in the conditions of a large specialized hospital.
Causes of melаsma
Authors: Kurbanova D.Ch.
Pages: 47-53
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Introduction. The relevance of the study of melasma is determined by the location of pathological areas on the
skin of the face, which being a cosmetic defect causes social maladaptation in society, reduces the quality of life. Melasma
is a common disease manifested by the formation of hyperpigmented spots. The development of hyperpigmentation is
associated with various etiological and pathogenetic factors. According to some authors, the causes of melasma may be
hereditary predisposition, increased sensitivity to ultraviolet rays, pregnancy, region of residence, skin phototype, ultraviolet
radiation, taking hormonal drugs and a number of concomitant pathologies. Given the high prevalence of melasma,
it is extremely important to study the causes of melasma development to determine treatment tactics. The aim of the study
is to identify the causes of melasma in patients who applied to the DIVA EFFECT cosmetic clinic with hyperpigmentation
from 2018 to 2020 with melasma, according to a specially developed questionnaire. Materials and methods. 176 patients
with melasma were surveyed. Sociological survey, statistical method of research were used. Results. According to the
study, it was revealed that among patients, cases of melasma with a moderate severity were more often identified. The
main causes were pregnancy and childbirth, exacerbation of chronic diseases and exposure to sunlight. At the same time,
hormonal drugs for more than 3 years were taken by patients with manifestations of moderate and mild melasma. Conclusions.
The identified causes of melasma in patients is the basis for determining treatment tactics that contribute to improving
their quality of life.
Causes of pseudo-resystance of patients with epilepsy in
Authors: Molchanova O. А.
Pages: 60-65
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The main causes of epilepsy resistance in general as diseases and factors contributing to the development of «noncurable
» epilepsy in low- and middle-income countries are listed. The analysis of a group of patients with epilepsy
and their dynamic observation highlights the most common causes of pseudo-resistance.
Change in the structure of hospitalization of patients with acute vascular diseases
Authors: Khorev N.G., Beller A.V., Chichvarov A.A.
Pages: 21-24
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Venous thromboembolic complications (VTEC), which include deep vein thrombosis (DVT), subcutaneous vein thrombosis (SVT, thrombophlebitis) and pulmonary artery thromboembolia (PATE), remain a critical
clinical problem for many decades, which concerns a patient with any pathology and doctors of all specialties.
The authors consider a change in the hospitalization structure of patients with acute vascular diseases and prove
an increase in arterial embolias and an increase in severity of acute ischemia.
Characterization of a phenylpyrrole derivative fungicide in an acute oral  toxicology study in rats
Authors: Erastova O.V., Sinitskaya T.A.
Pages: 49-53
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Introduction. Fungicides, whose share is steadily growing, are used in agriculture to combat fungal infections of agricultural plants. However, for greater efficiency, in practice they should be applied taking into account the agrobackground of the floor. Phenylpyrrole derivatives are recognized as highly effective fungicides. At the same time, phenylpyrroles are chemical derivatives of pyrrolnitrin, a secondary metabolite produced by some bacteria from tryptophan. Phenylpyrroles inhibit all stages of fungal development, spore germination, germ tube elongation, and mycelium growth.
The purpose - Characterization of a phenylpyrrole derivative in an acute oral toxicology study in rats. To achieve the goal, it was necessary to determine the parameters of acute oral toxicity (LD50).
Materials and methods. Male white rats served as the test system in the acute experiment. In an acute experiment on rats, the following dose (in terms of body weight) of phenylpyrrole was tested - 5000 mg / kg.
Results. In an acute experiment with a single oral administration of the test compound at a dose of 5000 mg/kg of body weight, brown staining of urine, tail and coat was noted in rats. In this case, the death of animals was not noted during the entire period of observation.
Conclusions. Based on the studies carried out and in accordance with the "Hygienic Classification of Pesticides by Hazard", it was found that the phenylpyrrole derivative, according to the criterion of acute oral toxicity, belongs to low-hazard compounds (hazard class 4): LD50 for male rats, orally, is more than 5000 mg /kg of body weight.
Characterization of a phenylpyrrole derivative fungicide in an acute oral  toxicology study in rats
Authors: Safandeev V.V., Beloedova N.S., Poroshin M.A., Bogdanova A.V., Sinitskaya T.A.
Pages: 54-58
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Introduction. Fungicides, whose share is steadily growing, are used in agriculture to combat fungal infections of agricultural plants. However, for greater efficiency, in practice they should be applied taking into account the groback ground of the floor. Phenylpyrrole derivatives are recognized as highly effective fungicides. At the same time, phenylpyrroles are chemical derivatives of pyrrolnitrin, a secondary metabolite produced by some bacteria from tryptophan. Phenylpyrroles inhibit all stages of fungal development, spore germination, germ tube elongation, and mycelium growth. The purpose - Characterization of a phenylpyrrole derivative in an acute oral toxicology study in rats. To achieve the goal, it was necessary to determine the parameters of acute oral toxicity (LD50). Materials and methods. Male white rats served as the test system in the acute experiment. In an acute experiment on rats,the following dose (in terms of body weight) of phenylpyrrole was tested - 5000 mg / kg.
Results. In an acute experiment with a single oral administration of the test compound at a dose of 5000 mg/kg of body weight, brown staining of urine, tail and coat was noted in rats. In this case, the death of animals was not noted during the entire period of observation. Conclusions. Based on the studies carried out and in accordance with the "Hygienic Classification of Pesticides by Hazard", it was found that the phenylpyrrole derivative, according to the criterion of acute oral toxicity, belongs to low hazard compounds (hazard class 4): LD50 for male rats, orally, is more than 5000 mg /kg of body weight.
Characterization of propisochlor in an acute oral toxicology study in rats
Authors: Sinitskaya T.A., Safandeev V.V., Beloedova N.S., Poroshin M.A.
Pages: 43-48
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Introduction. As a result of the development of protective compositions for the treatment of agricultural crops, an original herbicide of selective action, propisochlor, was created. In order to justify and carry out activities aimed at protecting human health and the environment (which is the solution to some of the leading state tasks in the field of environmental protection and public health, as well as in order to comply with the requirements of international legislation, it is necessary to identify patterns of manifestation of the toxic properties of propisochlor in various regimens with the oral route of exposure, as well as to substantiate a number of hygienic regulations for safe production and its further use in agriculture. A special role in the development of such methods and methods belongs to the sanitary and toxicological study of new xenobiotics and generic molecules, as a result of which the values of threshold and subthreshold doses of pesticide preparations and their active substances are established.
The purpose - The purpose of this study was to characterize propisochlor in an acute oral sanitary-toxicological study on rats. To achieve the goal, it was necessary to determine the parameters of acute oral toxicity (LD50).
Materials and methods. Male white rats served as the test system in the acute experiment. In an acute experiment on rats, the following doses (in terms of body weight) of propisochlor were tested - 2000, 3000, 5000 and 6000 mg/kg.
Results. In an acute experiment with a single oral administration of the test compound, starting at a dose of 3000 mg/kg body weight or more, rats showed reduced motor activity, reduced food and water intake, trismus, ataxia, tremors and convulsions. The above symptoms are typical for substances that have a neurotoxic effect. However, this study did not investigate the levels of monoamine oxidases, monoamines, and neurotransmitters to explore the pathogenesis of symptoms. Starting with a dose of 3000 mg/kg of body weight, the death of animals was noted, which occurred mainly on the 1-3rd day after the administration of the test compound. The pathoanatomical picture was characterized by hemodynamic disturbances in the liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, pancreas, as well as degenerative changes in the liver and catarrhal inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa.
Conclusions. In the pathogenesis of intoxication, damage to the liver and kidneys, metabolic disorders are also important. The study compound dose of 2000 mg/kg is the maximum tolerated dose, while the dose of 6000 mg/kg is absolutely lethal. The parameters of acute oral toxicity of the test compound were determined. In an acute experiment, the LD50 of propisochlor was established,which for male rats was 3745,4 ± 511,9 mg/kg, LD84 – 4999,3 mg/kg, LD16 – 2491,5 mg/kg.
Choice of diagnostic parameters for differential diagnostics of outputs in the pleural cavity at multispiral computed tomography
Authors: Borisenko O.V., Konovalov V.K., Leonov S.L., Lazarev A.F. , Kolmogorov V.G., Fedoseyev M.A.
Pages: 50-57
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Pleural effusions (PEF) are etiologically heterogeneous manifestations of complications of the patient's
pathology. MSCT was performed in 309 patients with PEF between the ages of 5 and 80. In all patients, diagnoses
were verified by morphological, bacteriological and clinical methods. The digital analysis of scans was carried
out with the help of the Radiologist+ program (Russia). The choice of nosology is the most influenced by parameters: the coefficient of correlation of the average slices of effusion density in the description of parabolic
dependence and the correlation coefficient of the root-mean-square deviation of effusion density in slices whendescribed by parabolic dependence. The parameters that can be excluded from consideration are: the correlation
coefficient of the average effusion density slices in the description of linear dependence and the correlation coefficient of the root-mean-square deviation of the effusion density in slices when described by linear dependence
Chronic brain ischemia: from risk factors to cerebrovascular complications
Authors: Yusupov F.A., Nurmatov Sh.Zh., Amanbayeva G.T., Abdykalykova N.S., Yuldashev A.A., Abdykadyrov M. Sh.
Pages: 80-89
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The most important task of modern neurology is to develop and implement highly specific and sensitive biomarkers of
damage to the nervous system. Specific biomarkers of acute cerebral circulatory disorders, chronic cerebral ischemia,
neurodegenerative diseases (diseases: Alzheimer's; Parkinson's; Huntington's, etc.), demyelinating diseases of the central
nervous system (deviolithic de Devika, myelitis, multiple sclerosis), traumatic brain injuries are discussed
Clinical and epidemiologic characteristics of hepatitis A in children complicated with ascites
Authors: Alisherova A.Sh., Anarbayeva A.A., Sadybakasova G.K., Suranbaeva G.S.
Pages: 105-110
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The aim of the study was to study the clinical, laboratory and epidemiological features of hepatitis A (HA) in
children complicated by ascites. Epidemiological, clinical and laboratory, serological and instrumental research methods
were used. 29 children were under observation. The onset of the disease, in all patients, was acute, all periods of the
disease were clearly distinguished. Patients were admitted to the hospital in the jaundice period of the disease with ascites,
which was diagnosed on the basis of ultrasound, was registered in young and older children. HA manifested itself in a
moderate and severe form. Already upon admission to the hospital, the condition of the patients was severe. Jaundice in
all patients was moderate, only in one case it was intense (total bilirubin 204 mmol/L) and was accompanied by skin
itching. The most common symptoms of the jaundice period were nausea, fever, vomiting, sleep disorders and anorexia.
The liver in patients with severe HA increased to 3,0-3,5-3,5 cm, was painful, soft-elastic consistency. Splenomegaly
was observed in 4 patients. Hyperalatemia was observed throughout the entire period of the disease, amounting to 1.25
± 0.1 mkat at the time of hospitalization. The duration of the jaundice period averaged 14.4 ± 3.1 days. In severe forms
of the disease, there were harbingers of an unfavorable course of the disease: sleep disorders, anorexia, nosebleeds.
The severe course of the disease in patients with HA requires hospitalization of patients in hospitals and a differentiated
approach is needed in terms of diagnosis, treatment tactics and patient management.
Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of meningococcal infection in the period of 2019-2023 years and determination of sensitivity of neisseria meningitidis to antibiotics based on the materials of the republican clinical infectious diseases hospital of Bishkek
Authors: Sarkina A.K., Mukanbetkerimova G.M., Jumagulova A.Sh. , Sagyndykova A.M.
Pages: 183-190
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Introduction. The article describes the epidemiological and clinical characteristics
of meningococcal infection during the epidemic rise in morbidity
in 2019 -2023. The serogroup landscape of isolated strains of Neisseria me
ningitidis was studied. It is shown that all isolated strains have no resistance
to antibacterial drugs, which are used as first-line and reserve drugs in the
treatment of generalised and localised forms of meningococcal infection.
To study the epidemiological and clinical features of meningococcal infection
(MI) during the 2019 -2023 upsurge and antibiotic sensitivity of N.
meningitidis bacteria isolated from patients.
Materials and Methods.A retrospective analysis of statistical data of the Department
of Disease Prevention and State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance
and case histories of the Republican Clinical Infectious Diseases
Hospital of Bishkek was carried out.
Results.The proportion of adolescents and young adults increased among
the patients. All patients had severe course of the disease, with predominance
of meningococcemia and mixed forms. Serogroup landscape of isolated
strains of meningococci was represented by serogroups B, A, W135, X. All
serogroups of meningococci are sensitive to antibacterial drugs used for
treatment of generalised forms of meningococcal infection.
Conclusions. Serogroup B prevailed among the isolated strains of meningococci.
All isolated strains of Neisseria meningitides are not resistant to antibacterial
drugs, which are used as first-line and reserve drugs in the
treatment of generalised and localised forms of meningococcal infection.
Clinical and epidemiological features of Metapneumovirus infection in the Kyrgyz Republic, week 40 of 2022-week 15 of 2024
Authors: Otorbaeva D.S., Malysheva M.A., Abdyldaeva S.Zh.
Pages: 160-166
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Introduction. At the moment, severe acute respiratory infections remain very
relevant, not only in the world, but also in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Of particular interest are pathogens discovered not so long ago, one of which
is human Metapneumovirus.
Human metapneumovirus was first isolated from a sick person at the end of
2001 in the Netherlands.
Goal. Obtaining more complete information about Metapneumovirus infection
and its clinical and epidemiological characteristics. The epidemiology of human metapneumovirus is not yet fully understood,
but it is known that this virus is distributed throughout the world and can
cause disease in people of all age groups. Such a review has not previously
been conducted in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Materials and methods. In the Kyrgyz Republic, sentinel epidemiological
surveillance of severe acute respiratory infections and influenza-like diseases
has been organized, which is carried out in 3 cities of the republic:
Bishkek, Osh, Tokmak. All data is entered into a single program fly. dgsen.
This database was analyzed from week 40 of 2022 to week 15 of 2024, of
all types of severe acute respiratory infections MP, 270 cases were registered,
all of these cases were included in the analysis.
Results. The results of this review indicate that metapneumovirus infection
can occur in all age groups, but is more common in children under 4 years
of age.
Conclusion. The data obtained clearly show the significance and contribution
of metapneumovirus infection in the development of severe acute respiratory
infections in children.
Clinical and epidemiological features of secretory diarrheas in children of early age
Authors: Bedelbaev M.K., Dzholbunova Z.K., Khalupko E.A., Imankulova A.S.
Pages: 59-64
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The paper gives the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of secretory diarrhea in 242 young children
who received treatment at the Republican Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital in Bishkek for the period 2016-2019. As
a result of the study, it was found that more often (64.0%) secretory diarrhea is observed in children of the first year of
life, less often (36.0%) in children older than 1 year. In almost every 2nd child, secretory diarrhea is caused by rotaviruses
(47.1%) and Escherichia (27.7%), less often (25.2%) other pathogens (norovirus, astrovirus, adenovirus, enterovirus,
proteus, klebsiella, etc.). The disease proceeded mainly (76.4%) in a severe form, especially in children of the first year
of life, with an unfavorable outcome in 1.2% of cases. The peak incidence of secretory diarrhea was noted in the winter
period, which is more typical for a viral infection. For the etiological interpretation of viral secretory diarrhea, an immunochromatographic
express test (57.7%) was used, and a study of feces for fecal calprotectin and lactoferrin was
carried out in order to exclude invasive intestinal infection. Determining the level of blood procalcitonin in secretory diarrhea
in young children shows the presence of a viral or bacterial infection in the patient. The use of these methods for
diagnosing secretory diarrhea will increase the level of etiological interpretation, differential diagnosis of diseases and
will help reduce the unreasonable use of antibacterial drugs, and prevent antibiotic-associated diarrhea.
Clinical and genetic aspectsof familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Authors: Dzhaparalieva N.T., Nurbekova U.A., Karimov Zh.M., Sharabidinova A.S.
Pages: 108-114
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Introduction. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a severe rare neurodegenerative
disease that is characterized by clinical and pathogenetic heterogeneity.
Clinical heterogeneity consists in the initial localization of the
pathological process, the variability of symptoms of combined damage to
both upper and lower motor neurons, the age of debut, the rate of progression,
hereditary predisposition and the presence of non-motor symptoms.
The key method of making a correct diagnosis is also the identification of
genes associated with familial forms of the disease.
The purpose of the study: To describe the familial form of amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis, in order to increase the understanding and awareness of doctors
about this disease.
Materials and methods. A patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with a
family history, who underwent genetic analysis to identify mutations in genes
associated with the familial form of the disease.
Results. In a middle-aged 54-year-old woman, the clinical picture is represented
by progressive symptoms of damage, mainly to peripheral motor neurons
of the spinal cord. The diagnosis was confirmed by the detection of a
mutation in the PFNI 1 gene encoding the profilin -1 protein.
Conclusions. The presented case highlights the complexity of diagnosis
caused by genetic and clinical features and limitations in conducting genetic
research. An article about the analysis of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,
a rare neurodegenerative disease with pronounced clinical and pathogenetic
heterogeneity. The article discusses various aspects of familial
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, including its clinical characteristics, genetic
factors, studies and mutations associated with the development of the disease.
In most cases, familial forms are caused by changes in genes such as
SOD1 (superoxide dismutase), C9orf72 (chromosome 9 open reading frame
72), TARDBP (transactive response protein) and FUS (transcription factor).
The authors emphasize the importance of genetic analysis in diagnosis and
understanding of the molecular mechanisms of the disease. Finally, we provide
our own clinical observation, emphasizing the rarity and complexity of
diagnosing familial amyotrophic lateral disease sclerosis.
Clinical and laboratory aspects in newborns and children under 3 months from the City Children's Clinical Hospital of Emergency Medical Care, 2018-2019, Bishkek
Authors: Sadybakasova G.K., Sabodakha M.A., Mustafina F.S., Bestuzheva G.R.
Pages: 151-157
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The work is devoted to the study of the spread of сytomegalovirus infection in newborns and children from one to 3
months old from the City Children's Clinical Hospital of Emergency Medical Care in Bishkek in the years 2018-2019
using ELISA. Diagnosis of CMV infection was carried out by determining specific CMV IgG antibodies (AB) in blood
sera using an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). ELISA is based on the immune reaction of antigen
with antibody. In serodiagnosis, the substance to be determined is the specific immunoglobulin (Ig) of the patient. In
the diagnosis of сytomegalovirus infections, the method according to the instructions is usually used. For the study by
the ELISA method, blood from the lactic vein, obtained on an empty stomach, is used. The advantages of ELISA include
high sensitivity, specificity, reproducibility, uniformity and suitability for mass examinations. The age structure of the
examined children was comprised of 407 sick newborns and children under 3 months of age in 2018-2019, of whom
163 (40.1%) were girls and 244 were boys (59.9%). Among the 407 children examined for сytomegalovirus IgG antibody
high titers were found (1:400 and 1:800) in 87 (46.0%), an average antibody titer of 1:200 in 124 (30,5%), indeterminate
result 1:100 – in 64 (15.6%), and seronegative result only in 32 (7.9%) children
Clinical and laboratory characteristics of patients with COVID-19in Osh region of Kyrgyzstan
Authors: Esenalieva J.A., Brimkulov N.N., Sulaimanov Sh.A.
Pages: 39-45
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The aim of the work is to study the clinical manifestations, results of laboratory and instrumental methods of
diagnosis in patients of Osh region of Kyrgyzstan infected with SARS-CoV-2, depending on the severity of the disease.
Research material and methods. A retrospective study was conducted among 71 patients who were tested positive(RTPCR)
according to The United Clinical Hospital of Osh, The City Hospital of Osh, Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyzstan.
Duration: April - December,2020.Demographics, clinical data, co-morbidity, laboratory results and chest CT interpretations
were analysed.
Results. Patients, infected with SARS-CoV-2,most likely to have thrombocytopenia (p<0.001), lymphopenia (p<0.001),
leukocytosis (p<0.01),high levels of D-dimer (p<0.01), elevated fibrinogen (p<0.05), high AST and ALT levels
(p<0.001)as the severity of the disease increases. In severe cases, the volume of lung tissue injury exceeds 50%, corresponding
to KT3 (n=11) and KT4 (n=14).The risk of severe SARS-CoV-2 infection increases in the older age group
(p<0.001), related to the presence of associated diseases: Essential Hypertension (51.6%), Coronary Artery disease
(35.3%), obesity (20.5%).Patients were treated in accordance with the Ministry of Health Clinical PractiseGuidelines .
Conclusion.The clinical and laboratory characteristics of COVID-19 patients in the Osh region of Kyrgyzstan have fluctuated
regularly depending on the severity of the disease.All of the patients that we had examined, including the patients
with severe features, improved during the treatment and were discharged.
Clinical and laboratory characteristics of viral hepatitis of unspecified etiology
Authors: manbaeva L.A.
Pages: 48-54
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Introduction. An analysis of 12 cases of acute viral hepatitis of unspecified etiology is presented. In patients, negative
markers of viral hepatitis were obtained twice, the autoimmune nature was excluded by the absence of autoimmune
antibodies. Antibodies (IgG) to HSV (11 patients), EBV (9 patients) and CMV (7 patients) were detected. In patients
with recent infection with HSV (low avidity index), the clinic of acute hepatitis developed in young people against
a background of high immunocompetence, which led to recovery in a short time. Whereas, in the group of patients
with high avidity, the disease developed among the older age group with a longer course.
The aim of study. To study the clinical and laboratory characteristics of viral hepatitis of unspecified etiology.
Material and methods. Clinical and laboratory characteristics of hepatitis of unspecified etiology were studied in 12
patients. All patients underwent a standard general clinical examination, which included an assessment of complaints
and physical examination data, biochemical blood tests, general clinical blood and urine tests, determination of viral
hepatitis markers by ELISA, and ultrasound of the abdominal organs. Antibodies to HSV, CMV, EBV were determined
by ELISA, as well as the avidity of IgG to HSV.
Results and its discussion. According to the RCIB for the period 2014 - 2020 the proportion of hepatitis of unspecified etiology ranged from 2.3% to 7.1%, averaging 4.39 ± 0.58. The observed patients had persistent symptoms of
yellowness of the skin and sclera, weakness, abdominal pain and loss of appetite. The study of biochemical parameters
showed a significant increase in "liver tests" in all examined patients. According to the ultrasound data from the liver,
all patients showed signs corresponding to changes in acute hepatitis. The diagnosis of viral hepatitis was excluded
after repeated negative tests for markers, which served as the basis for further search for an etiological factor and the
patients were examined for viruses of the herpes group (HSV, CMV, EBV), taking into account their hepatotropicity,
as well as for the presence of AMA and ANA to exclude an autoimmune nature. The results of examination for herpes
viruses showed the presence of IgG antibodies to HSV in 11 patients, EBV - in 9 and CMV - in 7 patients. Antibodies
to all three HSV, EBV and CMV viruses were found in 6 patients, to two HSV and EBV viruses - in 3 patients, one
patient had antibodies only in CMV. The hepatotropicity of herpes viruses (CMV, EBV, HSV) was confirmed by the
detection of their antigens in the hepatocytes of the examined patients.
Conclusions: In the etiological structure of viral hepatitis, a certain place can be occupied by viral hepatitis
caused by the herpes simplex virus, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, etc., the clinical picture of viral hepatitis
is similar in form, severity, course and outcomes;in case of laboratory exclusion of viral hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, it
is necessary to continue laboratory studies to confirm the etiology of other viral hepatitis.
Clinical and neuroimaging parallels in herniated lumbar intervertebral discs
Authors: Yrysov K.B. , Kelieva L.Kh., Kanyev A.A., Karimov W.A.
Pages: 39-46
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Introduction. Recently, there has been a significant trend in the views of researchers and practitioners on the
pathogenesis, course, and biochemical changes in the elements of the spinal cord and ligamentous apparatus that
occur in osteochondrosis. This is due to the new opportunities that have opened up thanks to the advent of computed
tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the arsenal of diagnostic tools. With the introduction
of CT and MRI, the reliability of information increased to 82-93%.
The aim of the study -to improve the diagnosis and increase the effectiveness of surgical treatment of patients
with disc hernias in the lumbar spine by studying the relationship of clinical manifestations and the results of the
applied research and treatment methods.
Materials and methods. The work includes the results of data analysis of a complex of clinical, diagnostic examinations and surgical treatment of 139 patients with neurological complications of herniated lumbar intervertebral
discs and received inpatient (operative - 116 (83.5%) and conservative – 23 (16.5%) patients) in neurosurgery departments. The age of the patients ranged from 19 to 72 years.
Results. By using a highly informative MRI method, the dependence of the severity of pain syndrome and sensitive
disorders on the number of levels of disc damage, their localization in the diameter of the spinal canal and their
size was determined. The severity of pain and sensory disorders depended on the number of prolapsed discs. Moreover, the greater the number of intervertebral discs affected by the degenerative-dystrophic process, the greater
the likelihood of a pronounced and pronounced pain syndrome.
Conclusion. The most informative method of radiation diagnosis of degenerative-dystrophic processes in the intervertebral discs of the lumbar spine is magnetic resonance imaging, which allows you to identify the number, location and size of herniated protrusions. The optimal algorithm for examining patients before deciding on
neurosurgical intervention for herniated lumbar intervertebral discs includes radiography of the lumbar spine, MRI
of the spinal cord and spinal column, and, if indicated, magnetic resonance myelography
Clinical and structural changes in progressive myopia of a high degree
Authors: Usenko V.A., Kendzhaeva D.O., Chakieva A.R., Iuldashev A.M.
Pages: 154-162
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Introduction. According to WHO, myopia in children is 19 million people. people, in Russia, blindness and
poor vision from complications of myopia are stated in 12-18% of cases, worldwide - in 2.2 billion patients. Myopia is
projected to increase by 2050 in 4.8 billion people on the planet, according to studies, about 1 billion patients will have
high myopia.
The aim of the study- to study clinical and structural changes in progressive high myopia.
Material and methods. 145 people (290 eyes) were examined; with mild myopia - 45 patients (90 eyes); moderate - 49
patients (98 eyes) and 51 patients (102 eyes) with high myopia. To diagnose the type of ANS, neuropharmacological
tests of 0.1% adrenaline and 0.05% pilocarpine solution were performed. 92 patients (184 eyes) underwent an examination
of the cervical spine (CS) with various degrees of myopia with a study of hemodynamic parameters in the internal carotid
artery (ICA), vertebral artery (VA), ophthalmic artery (OA) using Doppler ultrasound (DOPSCAN). To determine the
products of lipid peroxidation (LPO) in tears (according to the method of Gavrilov V.B.), 33 people (66 eyes) were examined.
Results. With a high degree of myopia at the age of over 14 years, sympathicotonia prevailed in 66% (26 eyes, 13 patients);
with mild myopia at the age of 6-10 years, the cholinergic system prevailed - in 62% (19 eyes, 10 patients) with the development
of myopia - in 41% (37 eyes, 19 patients). The development of a high degree of myopia was detected in 33.3%
with pathology of the CS III-IV stage. With disorders of hemocirculation in the VA and OA (22.6 cm/s ± 2.18 and 25.0
cm/s ± 2.1; with angiospasms RI up to 0.91 ± 0.16 in OA (p<0.05). In high myopia, a significant increase in the indicators Conclusion. Timely diagnosis and treatment of the main risk factors will help prevent the progression and disability of
the eyes in myopia.
Clinical case of late diagnosis of abdominal tuberculosis
Authors: Moidunova N.K., Kalmanbetova G.I., Usubalieva E.U., Omuralieva G.O.
Pages: 155-158
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Presented a clinical case of a student A.A., 23 years old with a diagnosis of infiltrative tuberculosis of the
upper lobes of the lungs. Abdominal tuberculosis: tuberculosis of the intestine, tuberculosis of the peritoneum, mesenteric
lymph nodes. Genital tuberculosis: bilateral tuberculosis salpingitis in the infiltration phase complicated by a small intestinal
fistula. Аctive stage. Ascites. MDRTB (HRZ).
Clinical case of moya-moya syndrome
Authors: Nurbekova B.N., Medetbekova S.E., Toktomametova A.U., Chekeeva N.T.
Pages: 23-28
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Introduction. Moya-moya disease is a rare cerebrovascular disease characterized by progressive spontaneous bilateral occlusion of the internal cerebral arteries and their major branches. As a result, additional capillary collaterals are formed, which resemble “puffs of smoke” (in Japanese: moya-moya) on
cerebral angiography. When the disease develops in conjunction with other
diseases, it is called moya-moya syndrome (MMS). The aim of the study - To describe clinical observation to improve the diagnosis of rare diseases. Materials and methods. Observation, examination and evaluation of clinical,
laboratory and instrumental data were carried out. Results. A similar case and criteria for diagnosis are described. Conclusions. Moyamoya disease, with an incidence of 0.54 to 0.94 cases per 100,000 people, can be classified as an orphan disease. This highlights
its status as a rare disease that may pose challenges to diagnosis, treatment
and research due to its limited prevalence. The need for a better understanding of this rare disease underscores the importance of research and development of effective treatments to improve patients' quality of life.
Clinical case of Wernicke encephalopathy in a primigravida young woman
Authors: Molchanova O. А., Kadyrova B.B.
Pages: 42-47
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Introduction. This article describes a rare clinical case of Wernicke encephalopathy
in a primigravida young woman as a complication of prolon
ged vomiting of pregnancy. Wernicke encephalopathy is a life-threa tening
disease that is caused by acute or chronic deficiency of vitamin B1(thiamine) and can lead to irreversible brain damage.
Purpose of the study. This article describes the case of a 27-year-old patient
with clinical manifestations of Wernicke encephalopathy in order to increase
the awareness of doctors of various specialties regarding this pathology,
since untimely initiation of therapy significantly worsens the prognosis and
increases the risk of disability, and may also lead to death.
Materials and methods. Diagnosis of the disease was based on the collected
medical history (prolonged vomiting of pregnant women with a significant
decrease in body weight, nutritional imbalance) and characteristic clinical
manifestations of the disease, in combination with electrolyte disturbances.
Basic therapy with thiamine and correction of electrolyte disturbances were
carried out.
Results. The importance of timely diagnosis and the validity of early initiation
of treatment with high doses of thiamine are indicated.
Conclusion. The described clinical case is of interest to doctors of various
specialties: obstetricians-gynecologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, anesthesiologists-
resuscitators, since it has a low incidence, a blurred clinical picture
at the onset of the disease and the absence of early specific examination
methods, which significantly complicates timely diagnosis and, as a result,
may influence the effectiveness of therapy.
Clinical case of Wernicke's encephalopathy in woman after bariatric surgery
Authors: Mamytova E.M., Toktogaziev B.T., Kubatbekov R.K.
Pages: 124-129
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Introduction. Despite all the well-known advantages of bariatric surgery, there is a potential risk of complications such as stenosis in the resection area, anastomotic leaks, bleeding or infection, on the one hand, and complications associated with nutritional deficiencies, on the other hand.
The aim of the study is to early diagnostics and timely treatment of Wernicke's encephalopathy in patients with partial malabsorption syndrome.
Subjects and methods of research. A clinical observation of a patient with Wernicke's encephalopathy after laparoscopic
longitudinal resection of the stomach (SLIV resection) is presented. The diagnosis was confirmed by a low level of thiamine in the blood serum and a characteristic picture on magnetic resonance imaging.
Results. The next day after the start of vitamin B1 deficiency replenishment (along with vitamin B12, folic acid and
cerebroprotector Citicoline), the patient's condition quickly improved with a significant regression of symptoms of acute brain damage.
Conclusions of summary. Bariatric surgery is a less common cause of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, but may lead to it due to malabsorption syndrome. In patients undergoing bariatric surgery, clinicians should be vigilant about the possibility of EV and be able to diagnose and manage this complication.
Clinical cases of late diagnosis of tuberculosis in young children
Authors: Galieva R. Sh., Teshebayeva A.K., Keresbekova A.B., Toktogulova S.
Pages: 149-154
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Young children represent a special risk group for tuberculosis. In young children, tuberculosis proceeds less
favorably than in older children, and is characterized by a tendency to generalize the infection. Most often, the generalization
of the process occurs in unvaccinated children. BCG vaccination protects young children from the most severe
forms of TB such as miliary TB and TB meningoencephalitis. Lack of alertness, insufficient knowledge of medical workers
on early detection of tuberculosis leads to late diagnosis of the disease and disability of children. Two clinical cases
of late diagnosis of young children from close family contact who developed severe forms of generalized tuberculosis,
one of them with a fatal outcome, are presented. Purpose of the study. To study the consequences of late diagnosis in unvaccinated
young children from close family contact. Material and methods of research. Clinical cases of children - girl
P. N. 1 year 6 months. with a diagnosis of acute miliary tuberculosis. MM-. Tuberculous meningoencephalitis. brain
coma. and a boy R.A., 2 years, 9 months old with a diagnosis of Acute miliary pulmonary tuberculosis. MM-. PreSLU
by contact. Tuberculous meningoencephalitis. brain coma. Results. Due to the late diagnosis of tuberculosis in unvaccinated
young children, generalized processes developed from close family contact.Conclusion. The lack of alertness, insufficient
knowledge of tuberculosis among doctors leads to late diagnosis and the development of generalized processes
in unvaccinated young children.
Pages: 36-40
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Clinical significance of laboratory studies and neuroimaging methods in the diagnosis of concussion
Authors: Yrysov K.B. , Fayzullaeva G.A. , Mashrapov Sh.J.
Pages: 30-38
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Introduction. There is still a lack of complete unity in the views on the essence of brain concussion. In the literature
available to a wide range of specialists in recent years, there is no modern generalized description of concussion
and its diagnostic criteria. To fill this gap is the main task of this study.
The aim of the study - to determine the diagnostic value of protein S-100B level in blood serum at patients with
brain concussion.
Materials and methods. We conducted prospective assessment of protein S100B level in blood serum at 47 patients, received conservative treatment because of brain concussion. All patients underwent clinical-neurological
examination, brain CT and brain MRI, electroencephalography (EEG). The level of protein S100B in blood serum
was determined at once during patients’ admission, and then repeated evaluation - in 24 and 48 hours. The comparative analysis of data, received by clinical-instrumental examination and measurement of protein S100B level
at patients with brain concussion, was carried out.
Results. We revealed the increase of protein S100B level higher than normal value (more than 105 tg/l) at 11
(58%) patients during first 6 hours after trauma. The elevation of protein S100Blevel in blood serum showed that
there was structural damage of brain tissue (brain contusion). Brain CT revealed foci of brain injuries only at 73%
of patients with increased protein S100B level (n=11 patients), while MRI - at 100%. Brain CT and MRI revealed
no pathological areas in brain at patients with normal value of protein S-100B (n=8 patients).
There were no correlations between protein S100Blevel and type of brain injury, localization and volume of pathological focus and presence of cranial bones fractures. In addition, there was no significant correlation between
protein S-100B level and changes in EEG (р > 0.05).
Conclusion. Protein S100B is high-sensitivity biochemical marker of neural tissue damage. The elevation of protein S-100B level in blood serum at patients with mild head injury may be the additional criteria at determining
the diagnosis of brain contusion
Pages: 30-32
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Pages: 77-79
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Common immunoglobulin Е level in multi-resistant tuberculosis patients with drug allergy
Authors: Dudenko E.V., Sydykova S., Mukanbaev K.M.
Pages: 52-57
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A high level of common immunoglobulin E (IgE) indicates a high likelihood of an allergic reaction.The aim
of the study: was to identify drug allergy (DA) by quantitative determination of common IgE in patients with multi-resistant
tuberculosis (MDR TB). Materials and methods. The object of the study was 80 MDR-TB patients with clinical
signs of DA. In the group of the standard treatment regimen (SR): 50/62.5% of patients (23/46.0% women and 27/54.0%
men, 34.9±2.8 years). In the group with an individual regime (IR): 20/25.0% of people (6/30.0% of men and 14/70.0%
of women, 36.0±3.5 years). In the short-term regimen group (SR): 10/12.5% of patients (2/20.0% men and 8/80.0%
women, 31.0±5.2 years). The study material is blood serum. The research method is solid-phase enzyme immunoassay.
Design: a prospective and retrospective study. For statistical processing, the SPSS16.0 software package was used.
Results of the study. The presence of DA at a high level of IgE was determined in 39/48.8% of MDR-TB patients. With
SR treatment, the highest level of IgE (423.2±62.7IU/ml) was noted in comparison with IR and SR. The concentration
of IgE in MDR-TB patients with DA is significantly higher (p<0.05) compared with the level of IgE in MDR-TB patients
without DA. The concentration of IgE in MDR-TB patients with DA is significantly higher (p<0.05) compared with the
level of IgE in pulmonary tuberculosis patients with drug sensitivity of mycobacteria with DA. Conclusion. The quantitative
determination of the concentration of common nonspecific IgE can be used in the detection of DA in MDR-TB patients.
Comparative analysis of legal regulation of medical and social assistance to the elderly population of the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Kasiev N.K., Suleimanova G.T., Akmatov I.M., Kasymova R.O.
Pages: 16-23
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The analysis of the legal regulation of social protection and medical care for senior citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic
has been carried out. The content of these documents requires a uniform correct formulation, a clear definition in
order to unify, eliminate inconsistencies and contradictions of some provisions and terms used in the social sphere,
etc. To a certain extent, the complex of socio-economic measures of the state requires higher costs for medical care,
social and pension provision for disabled citizens of the country, with consideration of international practice. Today,
for older people, in conditions when their discrimination and stigmatization is a very common phenomenon, the country
lacks specialized gerontological services within the health care and social development system to improve their
quality of life.
Comparative analysis of modern methods of treatment of metastatic pleurisy in oncology
Authors: Beishembaev M.I. , Moldomusaev T.S., Lyagazov R.I.
Pages: 85-91
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The thoracic department of the National Center for Oncology and Hematology of the Ministry of Health and Social
Development of the Kyrgyz Republic conducted a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of combined and complex
methods of treating metastatic pleurisy in 90 patients, who were in hospital treatment from 2005 to 2018. During the
study, we found that that the rate of one-year, two-year and three-year survival in the control group was 66,6 ± 6.8%,
40 ± 5.7% and 20 ± 4.2% compared to the main group, where the one-year, two-three-year survival rate was 57.7 ±
6.5%, 33.3 ± 5.3% and 15.5 ± 3.7%, respectively
Comparative analysis of neuroophthalmological symptomology in patients with  pituitary adenomas in preoperative and postoperative periods
Authors: Alik kyzy Eliza, Yrysov K.B.
Pages: 47-53
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Introduction. Due to the fact that the anterior visual pathway is in close proximity to the pituitary gland, neuro-ophthalmological symptoms are important in the diagnosis of pituitary adenoma. Objective. Improving the results of treatment of patients with pituitary adenoma by detecting neuro-ophthalmological symptoms in patients with pituitary adenoma before surgery and in the postoperative period, depending on surgical access (transcranial or endoscopic transsphenoidal). Material and methods. 170 patients with pituitary adenomas. There are 72 (42.4%) males among examined and 98 (57.6%) females. Age of patients ranged from 14 to 74 years. Technical aspects, advantages and limitations, outcome and dynamics in transcranial surgery and endoscopic transsphenoidal treatment of patients with pituitary adenomas were studied. Results. For the first time, a statistically significant dependence of neuro-ophthalmological symptoms in patients with pituitary adenoma on localization, predominant growth, and the size of the volume formation was revealed on significant clinical material. For the first time, the dynamics of neuro-ophthalmological symptoms after removal of endosuprasellar pituitary adenoma by various surgical approaches in identical groups of patients was compared. The dependence of the dynamics of visual functions after surgical removal of the tumor on the nature and severity of visual disorders before surgery, as well as on the stage of visual disorders, is analyzed. The factors causing deterioration of visual functions in the early and long-term postoperative period were determined. Conclusions. Endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery gives favorable results both in the removal of the tumor and in the control of secreting tumors compared with transcranial surgery.
Comparative assessment of perioperative analgesia methods in retroperitoneoscopic adrenalectomy for aldosteronoma
Authors: Neymark M.I. , Kiselev R.V., Goncharov E.V.
Pages: 41-49
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Background. Anesthesiological provision for operations on the adrenal glands presents significant difficulties to date. This is due to the fact that the hormones of the cortex and adrenal medulla have a significant
effect on the state of basic vital functions and systems. Often, the complexities of anesthesia are aggravated by
concomitant obesity, steroid diabetes, secondary arterial hypertension, gross water-electrolyte disorders, which
determines the need for careful choice of the tactics of perioperative management.
Research objective. To study the influence of various variants of perioperative analgesia in retroperitoneoscopic
adrenalectomy on the perioperative period.
Materials and methods. A randomized examination of 57 aldosteroma patients who underwent retroperitoneoscopic adrenalectomy was performed. Depending on the method of perioperative analgesia, patients were divided
into two groups. In group 1 (n-30), the operation was performed under the conditions of combined anesthesia
based on low flow inhalation of desflurane, only systemic administration of opioids was used for perioperative
analgesia; in group 2 (n-27), the operation was performed under the conditions of combined anesthesia based on
low flow inhalation of desflurane in combination with blockade of the fascial space of the muscle straightening
spine (ESP erector spinae plane) with 0.35% ropivacaine solution. The indicators of adequacy of anesthesia, central and peripheral hemodynamics were investigated, neuromuscular conductivity was monitored, the effectiveness of postoperative rehabilitation was evaluated, as well as the quality of postoperative analgesia, number of
postoperative critical incidents.
Results. It was revealed that surgical intervention with low flow inhalation anesthesia based on desflurane in
combination with ESP ropivacaine blockade contributes to faster post-narcotic rehabilitation, effective postoperative analgesia and fewer complications in the early postoperative period compared to combined anesthesia
with desflurane and systemic opioid perioperative analgesia. This contributed to significantly lower periods of
hospitalization of patients in group 2 of 96 hours (95% CI 86-103) compared to group 1 of 125 hours (95% CI
115-133) (p=0.036).
Conclusions. ESP blockade is an effective method of anesthesia in the perioperative period, it promotes faster
post-narcotic rehabilitation and shortening the duration of hospitalization after retroperitoneoscopic adrenalectomy for aldosteroma compared to opioid analgesia.
Comparative assessment of prevalence of parenteral viral hepatitis among people with HIV and conditionally healthy in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Sattarova G. Zh., Nurmatov Z.Sh.
Pages: 98-104
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Introduction. HIV infection in combination with parenteral viral hepatitis today is a socially significant problem
all over the world. The incidence of HCV infection in HIV-infected people averages 20-40%, and more than 70% of
HIV-infected have serological markers of current or previous HBV infection. The aim of the research is to compare the
prevalence of parenteral viral hepatitis B and C among people living with HIV infection and among the healthy population
of the Kyrgyz Republic. Materials and methods. The materials for this study were the reporting data of Form No. 1
"Report on the movement of infectious and parasitic diseases" of the Department of Disease Prevention and State Sanitary
and Epidemiological Surveillance, personal data (questionnaires) of surveyed persons, blood serum of PLHIV who are
under dispensary observation at the Republican AIDS Center and healthy contingent living in Bishkek. Long-term reporting
forms No. 1 and personal data of the surveyed were studied by generally accepted statistical methods using the
MS Exel computer program. Blood serum samples from PLHIV and healthy contingent were examined for the presence
of markers of the causative agent of viral hepatitis B (HBc-IgG, HBsAg) and C (at-HCV) using a serological method of
research (ELISA). Results. The HBc-IgG marker was found among PLHIV in 50.5% (CI 95: 40.3-60.7), and among the
healthy population in 23.8% (CI 95: 21.2-26.4). The prevalence of markers of current HBV infection (HBsAg) in PLHIV
is high compared to a conventionally healthy population - 7.7% (CI 95: 4.5-10.9) and 3.1 (CI 95: 2.1-4.1) respectively.
And HCV infection is also widespread among PLHIV, it was 40.8% (CI 95: 34.8-46.8), and among the conventionally
healthy population 4.8% (CI 95: 3.5-6.1) statistically significantly different (P <0.01).Conclusions. The research results
show that the prevalence of viral hepatitis B and C among PLHIV is statistically significantly higher than among the
healthy population (P <0.001).
Comparative assessment of the effectiveness of various methods for diagnosing brucellosis in blood donors at the Republican Blood Center of the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Karabaev B.B., Borzhiev U.A., Akmatova B.A.
Pages: 62-67
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Introduction. We conducted a retrospective analysis of 23,788 donor blood
samples for brucellosis and proposed an effective diagnostic method for determining
brucellosis in blood donors. The goal of the work is to develop
and introduce into practice an effective method for diagnosing burcelosis in
blood donors.
Material and methods. The paper presents a retrospective analysis of the results
of a study of donor blood from 23,788 blood samples. The material for
the study was the sera of 23,788 blood donors and two methods for diagnosing
brucellosis were used, the first by the Heddelson reaction and the
second by the Brucella Coombs gel test.
Results and discussions. Donor sera were examined using the Heddelson
plate reaction method, brucellosis diagnosticum was used for the agglutination
reaction, liquid produced by the Almaty Anti-Plague Institute and gel
cards for diagnosing brucellosis - Brucella Coombs gel test.
During the 1st half of 2023, 11,577 donor serum samples were examined
with the Heddelson reaction, of which 302 were positive, which amounted
to 3% of defects, and for the 1st half of 2024, 12,211 donor serum samples
were examined with Coombs gel test cards, of which 12,211 were tested. -
256, which amounted to -2% of defects.
The Heddelson reaction is a rapid diagnostic method for brucellosis. It is
quite simple to carry out, does not take much time, and does not require special
conditions. Can be used from the first days of the disease. The disadvantage
of this method is the high percentage of false positive results.
However, the simplicity and speed of the technique make it possible to identify
people who need to be referred for more thorough research. The maximum
observation period is 8 minutes.
The Brucella Coombs gel test card allows you to quickly and accurately determine
antibodies to Brucella in human serum. It is based on the principle
of a gel molecular sieve combined with the Coombs test method. Simplicity
and speed of operation, possibility of standardization. The result after 30
minutes is significantly better than with traditional methods (18-24 hours
incubation required). Capable of detecting low potency antibodies to prevent
missed detection Simultaneous diagnosis of acute/chronic infection. Simultaneous
determination of IgM/IgG/IgA allows the diagnosis of acute and
chronic infections. The results can be saved for future use.
Conclusions. Thus, the study of donor blood for brucellosis is recommended
to be carried out with the Brucella Coombs gel test card, because the sensitivity
is 98.6%, the specificity is 98%, compared to the Wright reaction in
20 minutes, similar results for Coombs Wright and CAPT. Easy to read the
result, visually. Complete antibody detection blocking ability. No false positive
effect. Screening and titration.
Comparative estimation of effectievens of modern methods of treatment of metastatic pleurisies for patients by the malignant tumors of ovaries
Authors: Beishembaev M.I. , Lyagazov R.I. , Bairamukova R.A.
Pages: 117-123
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According to the International Association for the Study of Cancer (MAIR), more than 400,000 new cases of
malignant ovarian tumors are registered annually in the world, among which ovarian cancer accounts for about 60% and
more than 180,000 women die from them annually. Thus, with newly diagnosed common forms of malignant ovarian tumors,
accompanied by metastatic lesions of the pleural cavity, systemic chemotherapy with various options for intrapleural
therapy in most cases helps to achieve stabilization of the process with partial or complete regression of metastatic
pleurisy. A retrospective comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of combined methods of local and systemic treatment
of metastatic pleurisy in 60 patients with malignant ovarian tumors was carried out in the thoracic department of the Kyrgyz
National Center of Oncology and Hematology (NCOG). The patients were divided into 3 groups: the control group
included 20 (33.3%) patients who received systemic chemotherapy with symptomatic treatment. the main group included
18 (30%) patients who received systemic chemotherapy with intrapleural chemotherapy. an additional group - 22 (36.6%)
patients who received systemic chemotherapy with intrapleural sclerosing therapy using autoplasma as a biosolvent. our
study showed that the use of systemic chemotherapy in combination with intrapleural sclerotherapy using autoplasma as
a biological solvent contributes to the achievement of long-term stabilization of the process, increasing the 12-, 15- and
18-month survival rates by 31.8%, 18.1% and 13.6% compared to traditional systemic and topical treatment options, improving
patients' quality of life.
Comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of postoperative pain relief in urological and surgical practice
Authors: Imankulova A.S., Chyngyshova J.A., Kabaev B.A., Tolbashieva G.U., Kozhomkulova K.A.
Pages: 54- 60
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One of the urgent problems of modern medicine is adequate anesthesia in the postoperative period. Inadequate
analgesia can cause unsatisfactory results of surgical treatment. For the relief of postoperative pain, priority is
given to medicines with maximum analgesic activity. The article presents the results of a study of the comparative
effectiveness of postoperative analgesia in urological and surgical patients based on the use of Nalbuk and Morphine
for the relief of acute postoperative pain of various degrees of severity. The assessment of the intensity of the pain
syndrome was carried out using a visual analog scale (VAS). It is shown that in the postoperative period in surgical
and urological patients, Nalbuk shows high analgesic activity, does not have a sedative effect and does not depress
breathing, which allows achieving better analgesia compared to traditional opiate analgesia with much better tolerability and with a significantly lower frequency of side effects.
Comparative evaluation of the results of laparoscopic and open appendectomy in elderly and senile individuals
Authors: Beishenaliev A.S., Sopuev А.А., Atakoziev А.Т., Ernisova М.E., Adilov A.N.
Pages: 12-19
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Introduction. According to the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic, the number of elderly people among the country's citizens as a
whole is increasing from year to year. Between 12 and 18 percent of these people are hospitalized and treated for acute appendicitis. Despite the fact
that acute appendicitis is one of the most common and well-studied diseases requiring emergency surgical intervention, the diagnosis and treatment of acute appendicitis in elderly and senile people remains poorly studied. Operations for acute appendicitis occupy first place among general surgical operations. Currently, appendectomy is performed through an open incision (Volkovich-Dyakanov incision) and laparoscopically. The purpose of the study. Evaluation of the results of laparoscopic and open operations for acute appendicitis in elderly and senile people. Materials and methods. The study was conducted among elderly and senile patients of the National Surgical Center named after Academician M.M. Mamakeev of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic. A retrospective study of the case histories of patients aged 60 to 90 years with a diagnosis of acute appendicitis, treated surgically at the National Surgical Center named after Mamakeev from 01.01.2022 to 01.01.2024, was conducted. A total of 166 patients took part in the study, of which 58 patients were assigned to the main group, and 108 patients to the control group. Results and discussion. When calculating the duration of the operation, the duration of open appendectomy was significantly longer than the duration of laparoscopic surgery. Open appendectomy 50±20 minutes. Laparoscopic appendectomy - 30±5 minutes. When considering the time of stay of patients in the hospital after surgery, the stay after laparoscopic surgery was 4.0±2.0 days, and the stay after open surgery was 7.0±4.0 days. The use of video laparoscopic
technology in the treatment of acute appendicitis in elderly and senile patients is considered cost-effective. This is explained by the fact that
laparoscopic operations are characterized by a shorter duration of surgery and a shorter duration of inpatient treatment. Conclusion. Laparoscopic appendectomy is the method of choice for surgical treatment of elderly and senile patients diagnosed with acute appendicitis.
Complex treatment of epididymal cyst
Authors: Usupbaev A.Ch., Kutbolsun uulu U., Kuzebaev R.E.
Pages: 46-52
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Introduction. In the scientific work, the analysis of the results of the examination of 55 men who applied to
the Republican Scientific center of urology at the National hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz republic for
epididymal cyst. The circulation period falls on 2017-2021.
Purpose of the study. To evaluate the effectiveness of surgical treatment of patients with epididymal cyst using dissolving
preparations in the form of a solution of longidase (hyaluronidase) and sclerosant.
Materials and methods. The basis of this study included patients of reproductive age from 16 to 45 years, with a clinical
diagnosis of an epididymal cyst. The middle age of the examined patients was 33 ± 3 years. Complaints of patients upon
admission were taken into account. All men were examined by ultrasound. Ultrasound examination was performed using
the WED 9608 apparatus with a high-frequency probe and Doppler sonography. Testicular size, volume, shape, echogenicity,
and blood flow were assessed. Examined t a semen analysis. For all patients were performed surgical treatment according
to the author's method: "Method of combined treatment of cystic diseases of the epididymis", patent No. 2204.
Results of the study. The data on the condition of patients with an epididymal cyst before and after surgical treatment are
substantiated. A persistent positive trend was noted in the form of a decrease in pain symptoms in the postoperative
period, improvement of spermogram parameters in the form of quantitative and qualitative indicators as well as the absence
of infectious and inflammatory complications.
Conclusion. Thus, the analysis of the study showed that this method of surgical treatment is highly effective, which positively
affects the outcome of the disease and the quality of life of the patient.
Pages: 71-74
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Complex treatment of urethral strictures caused by scleroatrophic lichen
Authors: Usupbaev A.Ch., Kurbanaliev R.M., , Akylbek S.
Pages: 54-61
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In the Republican Scientific Center of Urology from 2015 to 2020, we analyzed the data of 42 men with
urethral strictures caused by scleroatrophic lichen (SAL). The age of the patients ranged from 17 to 77 years. Timely
treatment of this group of patients allowed us to avoid the use of surgical treatment to resolve the infravesical obstruction.
The correctness of the diagnosis and the choice of tactics for the treatment of stricture disease of the urethra contributes
to the restoration of the normal act of self-urination. The effectiveness of complex treatment of urethral strictures was
evaluated in terms from 3 months to 1 year. Objective of the study- to evaluate the effectiveness of the result of an integrated
approach to the treatment of patients with urethral stricture caused by scleroatrophic lichen. Material and methods
of research. In the structural units of urology of the Republican Scientific Center at the National Hospital of the Ministry
of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, 42 men aged 17 to 77 years suffering from urethral stricture caused by scleroatrophic
lichen were examined. To verify the clinical diagnosis and determine tactical approaches to the treatment of urethral
strictures, monitoring of the details of the violation of the passage of urine from the lower urinary tract with an assessment
of the presence of complications and the effectiveness of the treatment was carried out. Results of the study.The data on
the state of urethral patency in patients with scleroatrophic lichen before and after treatment in the long–term treatment
period up to 1 year are substantiated. When prescribing complex conservative therapy and urethral augmentation with
uncomplicated and unstrained urethral strictures after 3-6-12 months, a persistent positive trend was noted in the form of
a decrease in symptoms of infravesical obstruction and infectious and inflammatory processes in the genitourinary organs. Conclusion. The accuracy in the verification of the diagnosis, the professional skills of the specialist and the correct
choice of the method of treatment of urethral strictures in scleroatrophic lichen positively affects the outcome of the
disease and the quality of life of the patient. After conducting a scientific study of the developed approach to the treatment
of patients with urethral stricture caused by scleroatrophic lichen, we came to the conclusion that its effectiveness is quite
Comprehensive analysis of medical-biological and socio-demographic risk factors of tb development in HIV-infected patients
Authors: Bekbolotov A.A., Mamyrbaeva A.K., Abdrakhmanova E.D.
Pages: 131-137
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This article is devoted to the dynamics of morbidity and mortality from 2014 to 2018 from TB among the general
population and among patients with HIV infection in the Kyrgyz Republic. The number of HIV-infected patients
with tuberculosis, the proportion of patients at risk of TB infection among HIV-infected patients and the general population,
the percentage of HIV-infected patients who received tuberculosis chemoprophylaxis was determined using national
case records, state registers, data from departmental statistical reporting materials, data from TB and state statistical services,
as well as materials from countries' regular reporting to WHO and UNAIDS. The authors of the article also used information
from open sources: publications and databases of international organizations, program and internal
documentation of relevant institutions. The authors point to the influence of risk factors for the development of tuberculosis
in patients with HIV infection, as well as the effect of ART among patients with HIV infection and HIV/TB on the
incidence of tuberculosis.
Continuing Medical Education on Emergency Medical Services Curriculum
Authors: Omukeeva G.K., Chubakov T.Ch. , Kurmanov R.A., Dushimbekova K.A.
Pages: 134-145
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Introduction. Quality Continuing Medical Education (CME) for healthcare professionals is instrumental for the successful Emergency Medical Services (EMF) healthcare system development. Development and implementation of
innovative and effective training programs, based on the principles of evidence-based medicine and the needs of
practical healthcare are of great importance.
Purpose of the study: analysis of the content and effectiveness of the developed comprehensive training programs
for CME on EMF.
Materials and methods. The study describes main approaches to the development of new curricula and different
types of programs, depending on the specialists’category. A comprehensive retrospective analysis of preclinical and
clinical training (monitoring and evaluation) on the progress of participants depending on the level of EMF provision
(primary and secondary level of healthcare organization), received courses, specialties was carried out. The results
of theoretical knowledge were assessed in the form of pre- and post-tests (paper form) and assessment of practical
skills at the preclinical level using various level manikins.
Study results: The development team (international experts, Kyrgyz State Medical Institute of Post-graduate training
and continuous education, teachers and doctors) developed and prepared training programs for EMS specialists,
which corresponded to the needs of practical health care. After intensive and innovative training, the knowledge
growth rate of all medical workers significantly increased compared to the data before training (pre-testing), depending
on the category of participants and the content of the training course. On average, the knowledge growth rate ranged
from 55,8% to 115,7%, depending on the category of specialists (the difference between the indicators is statistically
reliable, p<0.001). The results of the practical exam indicate that simulation based training contributed to the increase
in the level of mastering practical skills and abilities among Emergency Medical Service medical workers.
Conclusions.The use of newly developed and implemented training programs for EMF medical workers, based on
the principles of clinical modeling and problem-oriented training, contributed to the creation of a flexible system of
various complex standardized conditions for emergency conditions and allowed trainees to take an active part in
practicing EMF skills. As a result of the effective implementation of training programs, the level of knowledge, practical skills and abilities of medical workers have significantly improved.
Correlation of vitamin D levels with clinical recurrence in patients with remittent  multiple sclerosis in Kyrgyzstan
Authors: Zhusupova A.T., Kadyrova B.B., MukanbetovaG.D.-
Pages: 36-41
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Introduction. The spectrum of demyelinating diseases, including relapsingremitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS), continues to be the subject of intense scientific research in light of their complex etiology and multifactorial nature. In this context, vitamin D has attracted attention as a potential factor influencing the development and activity of RRMS. Despite some evidence of an association between vitamin D levels and neurological disorders, including RRMS, awareness of its role in the context of mountainous regionssuch as Kyrgyzstan remains limited. The presented study aims to uncover the possible correlation between vitamin D levels and clinical relapses in patients with RRMS living in the mountainous areas of Kyrgyzstan, with the aim of better understanding the effect of this vitamin on the course of the disease and developing effective disease management strategies. The aim of the study. To investigate the correlation of vitamin D levels with the frequency of clinical relapses in patients suffering from relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis and living in mountainous Kyrgyzstan. Materials and methods. The study included 42 patients diagnosed with RRMS who were analyzed in the neurology department of the National Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic. Vitamin D levels were measured at baseline and physical disability was assessed using the
Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS). Results. Vitamin D levels of less than 30 ng/mL were found in 93% of patients, with 57% of them having an EDSS level of physical disability of 3 orhigher. Only 7% had normal vitamin D levels. The results indicate a significant prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among patients with RRMS and suggest the need for regular monitoring and correction of vitamin D levels.
Conclusion. The study highlights the importance of the role of vitamin D in the context of multiple sclerosis and suggests that correcting vitamin D levelsmay play a key role in improving disease activity. Additional research is recommended to confirm the results and develop recommendations for practical application in clinical practice.
Covid 19 associated ischemic stroke. Literature review and clinical case
Authors: Tairov B.M., Maanaev T.I., Narbekov I.M., Toktomametova A.U.
Pages: 25-30
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The authors conducted an analytical review of literature sources devoted to the pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of brain strokes against the background of coronovirus infection. The predominant pathogenetic mechanism of brain
strokes in SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV was noted. The article presents a clinical case of a patient with a brain stroke,
which appeared in a young woman without risk factors for acute cerebrovascular accident on the background of an infectious process. In addition, many studies have found a decrease in the frequency of ischemic stroke in individuals with risk factors for brain disasters.
COVID-19 Pandemic and Lung Cancer (Literature Review)
Authors: Beishembaev M.I. , Azizova M.A., Balpaev U.D., Kurbanova K.A.
Pages: 157-163
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Introduction. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related mortality worldwide. According to WHO statistics, approximately 2.21 million new cases of lung cancer are diagnosed annually (14% of all cancers), leadingto 1.79 million deaths (15.7% of total cancer mortality). The COVID-19 pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 has significantly complicated the provision of care for patients with lung malignancies. Due to the disease itself and ongoing treatments, these patients often have compromised immunity, increasing their susceptibility to COVID-19 and the risk of severe complications. This review presents data from global scientific literature on the
origin and evolution of human coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2 andits variants. It also discusses risk factors exacerbating disease severity, the impact of comorbidities, and the influence of SARS-CoV-2 evolution on COVID-19 diagnostics. Therefore, the medical community must be prepared for future variants and outbreaks of coronavirus infections. Objective. To investigate the impact of human coronaviruses, particularly SARS-CoV-2 and its variants, on the diagnosis, clinical progression, and prognosis of lungmalignancies. Materials and Methods. Data from global scientific literature on the origin and evolution of human coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2 and its variants, were extensively analyzed. Discussion. Based on the analysis of scientific literature and conducted studies, the COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly affected the diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients, particularly those with lung cancer. Key challenges include the differentiation between coronavirus pneumonia and lung
cancer, as well as the high risk of severe disease progression in immunocompromised patients. Additional restrictive measures, such as transitioning to telemedicine, postponement of surgeries, and screening procedures, have further exacerbated the situation. Conclusion. According to international studies and research, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on the treatment and prognosis of lung cancer patients. The medical community must take lessons from this experience to respond effectively to future pandemics. Special attention should be given to developing strategies for diagnosing and treating cancer patients during outbreaks of new infections.

Criteria for assessing local recurrence of prostate cancer after HIFU-therapy
Authors: Neymark A.I., Tachalov M.A. , Neymark B.A., Levin V.P., Nozdrachev N.A.
Pages: 64-69
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A comprehensive examination and treatment of 240 prostate cancer patients was carried out. Ablation
of prostatic gland with high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) was performed, as this method is characterized
by high 5-year recurrence free survival in the treatment of localized forms and the possibility of reapplication.
HIFU-therapy allows achieving PG necrosis with minimal damaging effect on surrounding tissues.
Current state of diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer (literature review)
Authors: Toguzakova A.A., Kudaybergenova I.O.
Pages: 63-70
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Introduction. Cervical cancer is one of the most frequent diseases in oncogynecology and continues to occupy the first place among the causes of female mortality from malignant neoplasms. The aim of the study - The purpose of this systematic review is to assess the completeness and significance of recent studies on cervical cancer for public health and scientific achievements, with the identification of areas that require further detailed study. Materials and methods. The review and data of modern literature on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cervical cancer are presented, with a summary of the key points of medical monitoring of patients with this disease. Results. The recommendations of researchers in recent years are presented, which can help oncogynecologists develop individual management tactics for each specific patient with cervical cancer and improve the quality of life of patients. Conclusions. Planning diagnostic and therapeutic measures in patients with background and precancerous diseases of the cervix continues to be an urgent task, the solution of which will increase the effectiveness of cervical cancer prevention.
Detection of tuberculosis infection and active tuberculosis in private healthcare  organizations using the IGRA test in Bishkek and Chui region
Authors: Duishekeeva А.B., Ahmatov M.B., Myrzaliev B.B., Kulzhabaeva A.A., Kadyrov A.S., Turdumambetova G.K., Akhmetova R.Kh., Usubalieva E.U.
Pages: 25-34
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Introduction. The problem of undetected cases of tuberculosis is raised annually in WHO global reports. A similar problem is emerging in the Kyrgyz Republic. Thus, according to official WHO reports for 2022 [1] the difference in the estimated number of detected cases and those actually detected was 46.9%.
Materials and methods: Purpose of the study: Study of the level of TBI determined by the QuantiFERON - TB test Gold Plus ELISA among persons who had household and close contact with a patient with active pulmonary tuberculosis identified in health care organizations in Bishkek and Chui region, performed in the private laboratory YRFA. The study is retrospective, secondary data was collected from the “Together against Tuberculosis” project of the Stop TB Partnership from 2021. The study received ethical committee approval.
Study results: a total of 100 studies were conducted using the QuantiFERON - TB test Gold Plus ELISA (QFT). Skin tests (Mantoux test and Diaskin test) were done to 87 children out of 92 (5 refused), Mantoux test was done to 84 children and Diaskin test was done to 3 children, the positive result was in 83 children. Of those positive by skin test, only 18 (20.68%) children had a positive QFT result and 69 (79%) with a negative QFT result. In 1 adult male, the QFT was positive. In 13 children who had contact with a patient with tuberculosis, active tuberculosis was confirmed (7 children with sensitive TB, 6 with drug-resistant TB). In 13 children taken for treatment, both the skin test and QFT were positive. The remaining 5 children, positive for QFT, who were in contact with a patient with a drug-resistant form of TB, were registered and observed, since no signs of active TB process were found, the children were diagnosed with tuberculosis infection.
Conclusion. Using the example of the private laboratory of URFA, other private healthcare organizations can make a significant contribution to the management of tuberculosis in our country. To do this, it is necessary to develop regulatory mechanisms for public-private partnerships in this matter.
Determinants of serum 25(OH)D indicators of Kyrgyzstan
Authors: Isupova A.A., Isupov R.V.
Pages: 34-39
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This article describes for the first time the determinants of fluctuations in the mean serum 25 (OH) D levels in
the indigenous population of Kyrgyzstan.
Relevance. Vitamin D is now receiving increasing attention. Deficiency of 25 (OH) D contributes to the development of
both skeletal (rickets, osteopenia, osteoporosis) and non-skeletal pathological effects (dermatoses, hypertension, obesity,
oncological, endocrine, autoimmune and infectious diseases). Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels> 75 nmol / L, or 30 ng
/ mL, are essential for maintaining human health.
Objective of the study- to find out whether gender and seasonal fluctuations in UVR levels are determinants of vitamin
25 (OH) D deficiency among healthy indigenous people of Kyrgyzstan.
Material and methods. A pilot multicenter cross-sectional study of the serum 25 (OH) D level of the indigenous inhabitants
of Kyrgyzstan (41 ° N, 75 ° E; duration of sunshine 1700-2900 h / year) was carried out. The sample consisted of 218
people, of which 99 (45.4%) were men and 119 (54.6%) were women. The average age of the representative sample was
38 ± 1.0 (95% CI 36.0 - 40.1) years.
Results. The mean serum 25 (OH) D3 level in the total sample was 46.9 ± 1.1 nmol / L (95% CI 44.8 - 49.1 nmol / L),
which corresponds to a deficit (<50 nmol / L). At the same time, in men, the average indicator 25 (OH) D3 was 50.0 ±
1.5 nmol / L (95% CI 46.9 - 53.0 nmol / L), in women 44.5 ± 1.5 nmol / L ( 95% CI 41.5 - 47.5 nmol / L), p <0.013.
There were statistically significant (p <0.026) seasonal fluctuations in serum 25 (OH) D3 from 41.7 ± 2.3 (95% CI 37.1
- 46.4) in the spring to 50.0 ± 2.1 (95% CI 45.9 - 54.2) in the fall.
Conclusion. Regardless of statistically significant gender and seasonal fluctuations, as well as the geographic location of
the country (41 ° N, 75 ° E) and the duration of sunshine (1700-2900 hours / year.), The average serum 25 (OH) D3 does
not reach an adequate level (> 75 nmol / L).
Development and implementation of the proficiency testing program for the detection of SARS-COV-2 coronavirus RNA using qRT-PCR methods in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Hegay S.V., Kuchuk T.E., Myrzaeva S.A.
Pages: 74-83
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Introduction. The proficiency testing program (PTP) is an important component
of the quality system of services provided by diagnostic laboratories,
aimed at improving laboratory diagnostics and obtaining reliable research
The aim of the study is to develop and implement a PPT in medical laboratories
for the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 using the RT-PCR method.
Materials and methods. The development and implementation of the PPT
included two stages: at the first stage, an assessment tool was developed a
panel of control samples, the starting material of which was 400 samples of
positive and negative nasopharyngeal swabs in the viral transport media. At
the second stage, the quality of laboratory diagnostics of SARS-CoV-2 RNA
of program participants was assessed by correctly identifying control panel
Results.The developed panel of control samples included 4 samples, of which
one was negative and three were positive with high, medium and low levels
of SARS-CoV-2 RNA. The created control panel met the requirements of
ISO 13528, ISO Guide 35 and became a tool for independent assessment of
the quality of SARS-CoV-2 RNA testing in medical laboratories. Over 3
rounds conducted in the period 2022-2023 the proportion of laboratories that
identified without errors was 83.3% (15/18) in the first round and 80.9%
(17/21) each in second and third rounds.
Conclusions.The PPT results demonstrated a relatively low level and lack
of growth in the quality of control testing over three rounds in general for
all laboratories, which dictates the need to take measures to improve quality
both at the level of an individual laboratory and at the country health system
Development of integration processes and the legal framework of the eurasian economic union in the field of sanitary measures to ensure the health of the population of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union
Authors: Zhukova N.P., Karymbaeva S.T., Bokitko B.G., Kornakov D.V.
Pages: 158-164
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The organization of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) created 7 years ago in order to strengthen the economies of the member states, provided effective levers within the framework of public health, allowing to ensure the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population by reducing the risk of import and circulation of dangerous products, the spread of infectious and mass non communicable diseases (poisoning). The creation of the EAEU allowed
the sanitary and epidemiological services of the member states to effectively use their human resources, research potential, be on guard of public health and solve one of the most important state tasks - ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological
well-being of the population of the member states. The work carried out by the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) - the permanent supranational regulatory body of the EAEU and by the authorized state bodies of the member states on the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population within the framework of integration processes and the contractual and legal framework in the field of sanitary
measures, and regulations adopted on their basis, make it possible to ensure effective control and an appropriate level of safety in the field of sanitary measures. It ensures the prompt exchange of information on identified dangerous products
between the authorized bodies of the Member States, promotes the removal of barriers to the movement of goods when applying sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures, establishes general principles and approaches to determining responsibility for violations of acts in the field of sanitary measures. The ongoing work leads to the actualization of sanitary-epidemiological and hygienic requirements for product safety on the basis of scientific research, including the analysis of the risk of harmful effects on the human body of environmental factors, as well as the implementation of a risk-based surveillance model in the field of product safety for human health. The adoption of methodological documents and recommendations in the EEC is carried out on the basis of the results of scientific research, taking into account the principles laid down in the agreements of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the standards of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. All this and the further development of integration processes in the field of sanitary measures within the EAEU, allows the Kyrgyz Republic to be on modern, advanced positions in the application of SPS measures and the preservation of the health and life of each person and society as a whole.
Development prospects S. Tentishev Asian Medical Institute
Authors: Selpiev T.T. , Koshmuratov A.G., Ashymov J.D.
Pages: 146-151
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The Asian Medical Institute named after Tentishev (AzMI) is located on the territory of Kant. The Institute provides
educational services to students of the Kyrgyz Republic, near and far abroad. Training is conducted in two languages, Russian and English. Most of the students come from India and Pakistan. The institute also offers residency
and postgraduate studies. The institute plays an important role in the economic life of the Chui region, creating
jobs, providing foreign students with housing, the teaching staff is provided with decent salaries, one of the highest
in the field of education. The testing center of the Ministry of Education tested all medical educational institutions
of the country for the quality of education and AzMI took first place in the republic, this fact suggests that this is
an indicator of the purity of education in AzMI. All structures of the institute are dynamically developing giving
priority to the quality of education. The quality of education lies in qualified teachers, a well-equipped academic
building, and an extensive library fund. Every year the institute develops and fulfills its mission in the field of education, the mission of AzMI is to implement educational programs that meet international standards through highquality training of competitive specialists, by integrating the best world practice in education, science and clinics,
based on the principles of evidence-based medicine. Thus, through professionalism, enthusiasm and long-term endurance, one of the most advanced vocational education institutions in the Kyrgyz Republic was formed in the
Chui region. The founder of AzMI is Erkin Satkynbaevich Tentishev
Diagnosis and treatment of chronic herpetic stomatitis of the oral cavity (literature review)
Authors: Azimbayev N.M.
Pages: 141-146
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This review of the literature reflects information about the etiopathogenesis of chronic recurrent herpetic lesions
of the oral mucosa and the parotid region. Methods of diagnosis and treatment of chronic herpetic stomatitis by
various authors are described. Algorithms of local and general drug therapy of patients with this pathology are described.
Diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis of bone and joints in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Toktogonova A.A., Kushubakov D.A., Abdiev M.J., Razakov O.R.
Pages: 41-47
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Introduction. Despite the overall decrease in tuberculosis incidence in the
Kyrgyz Republic (KR), there is an increase in cases of bone and joint as a
part of extrapulmonary tuberculosis cases.
Objective: Study of the prevalence and risk factors of osteoarticular tuberculosis (OAT).
Materials and methods. For the study of the situation with OAT in the Kyrgyz Republic, the registration forms TB 06, medical records of patients
treated in the bone surgery department of the NCP, electronic medical
records of patients in the electronic TB MIS database for 2021-2023 were used. Among the 600 patients included in this study, there were 9 children
with OAT: 6 of them with spondylitis, 2 with TB of the ankle joint TB and
1 patient with TB of the elbow joint. The study design is retrospective.
Results. Despite the progressive reduction in the incidence of extrapulmonary TB in the Kyrgyz Republic over the past 3 years, there has been a
statistically significant increase in cases of bone and joint tuberculosis. (OR
- 1.3, 95% CI - 1.1-1.7, p < 0.001, ꭓ 2 ).
Tuberculosis of the spine is the most common localization of the lesion of
the musculoskeletal system of TB genesis (87.8%), Me – 87.7, M ± m -
According to the frequency of resistance profiles among the study group,
the most common forms are those with preserved MBT sensitivity (82.5%),
followed by multidrug-resistant TB (12%).
Complications of OAT such as radicular syndrome and abscesses were diagnosed in 86.2% and 84.6% of cases at the stage of development of the
studied patients of neurological disorders, which indicates a large proportion
of late diagnosis of CST.
Conclusion. The obtained data clearly demonstrate the relevance of early
diagnosis and adequate chemotherapy in combination with modern methods
of surgical treatment of bone and joint forms of tuberculosis.

Diaphragmatic hernia in childhood
Authors: Peredereev R.A., , OrozoevU.D., Samsaliev A.Zh.
Pages: 39-43
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Introduction. Diaphragmatic hernia is a combined malformation that affects both the organs of the respiratory
system, the cardiovascular system, and the organs of the digestive system.
The aim of the study- To study the case histories of children with diaphragm pathology who were treated in Children's
Clinical Emergency Hospital of Bishkek city
Materials and methods. An analysis was made of 73 cases of children with diaphragm defects, of which 69 (94.5%) received surgical treatment in the departments of emergency neonatology and thoracic surgery for the period 2012-2022.
Results. According to the localization of the defect in the diaphragm - hernia of the dome itself - 58 (79.5%), of which
12 (20.7%) had relaxation of the right dome. 46 (79.3%) children had hernias of the left dome, of which 36 (78.3%) were
false, 10 (21.7%) were true. Hiatus hernias - 13 (17.8%), and in 2 (2.7%) people - anterior hernias. In 8 (10.9%) people,
hernias appeared as a result of previous heart surgeries (congenital malformations of VSD-6, PDA-1, Tetralogy of Fallot-1), of which only 4 (50%) were operated on due to the development respiratory failure, and the rest were diagnosed
with relaxation
Conclusions. 1. The most common diaphragmatic hernias are hernias of the dome itself - 79.5% of the total number of
those examined. 2. In 5.5% of cases, children are not shown surgical treatment, because. Were a complication of previous
heart surgery. 3. 17.8% of children were identified in whom diaphragmatic hernias proceeded under the guise of other
somatic and neurological diseases, and therefore a routine x-ray of the chest cavity organs in 2 projections was recommended for vomiting syndrome, routine blood tests. 4. Mortality in children under 2 months was 11.6% of the total
number of operations.
Pages: 20-25
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Direct detection of SARS-CoV-2 viral antigen in nasopharyngeal swabs by enzyme immunoassay using DIA®-SARS-CoV-2-Ag-R test system
Authors: Shevchuk A.A., Serdyuk V.G., Gorlov A.Yu., Kiseleva E.K., Golubovskaya O.A., Demchishina I.V., Chernenko L.N., Cousin I.V., , Spivak N.Ya., Favorov M.O.
Pages: 3-15
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The main goal of this study was to demonstrate the advantages of enzyme immunoassay for testing patients with
COVID-19. Serologic testing is one of the most accurate and highly efficient methods of screening for pathogenic
microorganisms. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is used to detect specific antibodies in individuals at the early stages of COVID-19 infection, during the first 10 days of the disease. The advantage of DIA®-
SARS-CoV-2-Ag-R test system developed by our group in comparison with competing testing methods is that it
allows the most accurate detection of asymptomatic infected and contact individuals. We explored this property
of our test system in a prospective study, and also performed a quantitative comparison of the competing test systems
available in the market with DIA®-SARS-CoV-2-Ag-R. The safety of testing was ensured by the utilization
of the VLM-DIA transport medium, which has viralizing properties and allows to preserve protein structures for
analysis. The affordability of DIA®-SARS-CoV-2-Ag-R compared to competing testing methods allows to detect
SARS-CoV-2 in a bigger number of infected people. A positive result obtained with the DIA®-SARS-CoV-2-Ag-
R test system does not require confirmation by other methods such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The
analysis can be performed using both standard equipment for ELISA, and automatic open-type immunoassay analyzers
utilizing a validated analysis protocol. It is the presence of an "open" testing system with the availability
of a relatively simple sample processing technology that makes it possible to perform the analysis in healthcare
facilities of almost any level. In the present study we evaluated the sensitivity of DIA®-SARS-CoV-2-Ag-R in
comparison with competing test systems, analyzed the data obtained and revealed significant advantages of this
method for testing patients with COVID-19.
Pages: 15-19
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Dynamics of the outbreak of measles in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Niiazalieva M.S., Ishenapysova G.S., Jumagulova G.J., Toigonbayeva V.S., Abdikarimov S.T., Mukhamedzhanova A.A.
Pages: 54-61
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The article presents the results of the analysis of outbreaks of measles in the Kyrgyz Republic. The obtained data testify to the constant circulation of the virus in the territory of the republic. Risk areas are Bishkek where the number of cases of measles is 1,8 times more than in Chui region, 2,4 times in Osh region, 2,0 times in Jalal-Abad region and 10,0 times in Batken region. In the long-term dynamics of the outbreak of measles, there is a widespread distribution in all regions of the republic and periodic rises at intervals of 2 to 3 years, as in the epidemic process of the pre-vaccination period, which indicates the constant circulation of the virus. One of the risk factors for the incidence of measles was the formation of nosocomial measles foci. The unvaccinated children contributed to the formation of foci of measles infection.
Pages: 40-43
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Pages: 33-35
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Pages: 74-77
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Effectiveness of complex treatment of strabismic amblyopia in concomitant strabismus with vision disorder
Authors: Berdibaeva A.I.
Pages: 61-70
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The aim of the study- Analysis of the effectiveness of the complex treatment of strabismic amblyopia in concomitant strabismus with binocular vision disorder.
Material and method of treatment. A total of 100 patients (158 eyes) — 54 patients (86 eyes) with concomitant
divergent strabismus and 46 patients (72 eyes) — with convergent strabismus, were subject to treatment. Control
group - 10 people (20 eyes) with emmetropia. The average age up to 3 years is 2.4 ± 0.45 years, from 3 to 7 years
- 4.8 ± 0.07 and over 7 years - 8.3 ± 0.4. Strabismus angle up to 10° - 40 patients (80 eyes); from 11° to 15° - 25
patients (40 eyes), more than 15° - 35 (38 eyes). Hyperopic astigmatism – 69 patients (111 eyes), high-grade hyperopia – 31 patients (47 eyes). Mild amblyopia – 28 patients (40 eyes), moderate – 48 patients (84 eyes) and
severe – 24 patients (26 eyes). The complex therapy was based on a three-stage method: the first stage – the impact
on the pupillary-accommodative system with the determination of the pupil cycle time and (V) the speed of the
pupillary reaction, (color pulse therapy, “Focus”, “Relax” devices, Sidorenko vacuum glasses, home exercises. In
the second stage, the impact on the retinal cones – “Flower”, “Crosses”, “Spider” programs, quantum rays, occlusions and penalization. The third stage – restoration of the bifixation reflex: “Combination”, “Fusion”, “Trainer”
computer programs, nose drops according to the scheme 0.1% Semax solution.
Discussion of results. A decrease in the pupil cycle time from 1400±0.74 m/s to 900±2.08 m/s (P <0.01) was obtained; an increase in the V pupillary response from 1.5±0.17 mm/s to 2.8±0, 05 mm/s (P <0.01); increase in the
volume of absolute accommodation and the reserve of absolute accommodation up to 14.4±0.23D b 5.2±0.27D,
in the strabismus - 14.65±0.8 (P <0.05) increase in distance visual acuity to 0.83±0.12, in 72.2% of cases (68 patients) – the development of binocular vision.
Conclusion. The effectiveness of the complex method of strabismic amblyopia treatment is conditioned by the effect on all parts of the visual system.
Effects of aceclofenac at the level of tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin 6 and 4 in a patient with epididymal cyst
Authors: Usupbaev A.Ch., Kutbolsun uulu U., Kuzebaev R.E.
Pages: 16-20
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Introduction. In the scientific work, the analysis of the results of the examination of 116 men who applied to
the Republican Scientific center of urology at the National hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz republic for
epididymal cyst. The circulation period falls on 2017-2021. Purpose of the study. To evaluate the effectiveness of aceclofenac
on the level of tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin 6 and 4 in patients with epididymal cyst. Materials and
methods. For the diagnosis, the collection of anamnestic data was used for patients with epididymal cyst . All men were
examined by ultrasound. Ultrasound examination was performed using the WED 9608 apparatus with a high-frequency
probe and Doppler sonography. The levels of interleukin - 6, interleukin - 4 and tumor necrosis factor alpha were determined
in the blood and cystic fluid. The fluid was obtained during surgical excision of cysts, it was examined by immunometric
analysis using mono and polyclonal antibodies. When examining all 116 patients in both groups, both in the
group with spermatocele and epididymocele, there was an increase in the levels of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines:
tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin-4 and 6. Results of the study. The conducted scientific work is characterized by
a decrease in the level of cytokines, namely, the indicators of tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin - 4 and 6 in all examined
patients, after appropriate treatment with an anti-inflammatory drug - aceclofenac. Conclusion. Thus, the analysis
of the study showed that this method of conservative treatment with aceclofenac is highly effective, which positively affects
the outcome of the disease and the quality of life of the patient.
Efficiency of measures for preventing inflammatory complications of abdominal surgery in patients with diabetes mellitus
Authors: Kultaev U.T.
Pages: 55-61
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Treatment of surgical diseases against the background of diabetes mellitus is one of the important problems of modern
surgery. Its relevance is due to an increase in the number of patients with diabetes mellitus, and, consequently, an in crease in surgical patients suffering from this disease. Despite the advances in abdominal surgery in the treatment of
many abdominal organ pathologies, the incidence of inflammatory complications, especially wound complications,
remains at a high level and occupies one of the first places of complications. The aim of the work is to improve the
treatment results of surgical diseases against the background of diabetes mellitus by preventing inflammatory complications. There were174 patients under observation who had undergone surgery for abdominal cavity diseases suffering from diabetes mellitus. 101 (58.1%) of them were women and 73 (41.9%) - men. To assess the effectiveness
of preventive measures, two groups had been distinguished, which were equal by the main clinical parameters (sex,
age, duration of the disease, type of diabetes mellitus, the nature of abdominal pathology), differences were only in
the preventive measures. The first, control group (71 people), had traditional treatment and prophylaxis measures,
and the second, main group (103 people), in which we used the developed prophylaxis measures. Analysis of the results of treatment showed that traditional treatment caused 26,8% of complications (19 of 71 people), the lethality
rate was 4,2%, and when using preventive measures, the complication 9,9% (10 of 103 people) of the operated patients,
there were no lethal outcomes.
Efficiency of measures for prevention of wound complications in acute appendicitis
Authors: Musaev U.S., Aitnazarov M.S., Kenzhekulov K.K., Baltabaev A.I.
Pages: 74-78
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One of the primary problems of abdominal surgery is the prevention of wound complications, especially in
emergency surgery. Purpose of the study- improving the results of treatment of patients with acute appendicitis through
the use of preventive measures, including ozonized solutions and infrared irradiation of the surgical wound. Materials
and methods. The study included 105 patients with destructive forms of appendicitis (phlegmonous forms in 87, gangrenous
9 and phlegmonous complicated by local peritonitis in 9). Clinical, laboratory and instrumental methods of examination
(ultrasound) were used in the examination. In the course of treatment, two groups were identified: The first
group - the main group (51) patients, in addition to antibiotics at the time of the operation and during the suturing of the
abdominal cavity - received irrigation of the abdominal cavity and wounds with an ozonated solution with an ozone concentration
of 8-10 μg / ml and starting from the second day after the operation - irradiation of the surgical wound with
infrared radiation - exposure 10 minutes, for a course of treatment 5-6 sessions. The control group - 54 patients, they received
after the operation antibiotics intramuscularly (gentamicin or ampicillin) and through a microirrigator into the abdominal
cavity with kanamycin 1.0 once a day. In addition, patients in both groups received pain relievers and infusion
therapy. Both groups were equal in terms of the main indicators (gender, age, forms of appendicitis). Results. When comparing
the course of the postoperative period, it was found that in the first main group the pain syndrome disappeared
faster, the temperature returned to normal and a more favorable course of the wound process was noted, and the leukocyte
index of intoxication decreased faster. Complications in the control group were noted in 9 out of 54 (16.79), and in the
main group in 4 out of 51 (7.89). Conclusion. The use of ozonized solution and infrared radiation for the prevention of
wound complications made it possible to reduce the incidence of complications by half, which is the basis for recommending
the use of the method in a broader sense.
Efficiency of measures for prevention of wound complications in acute appendicitis
Authors: Kulbaev U.A., Kultaev U.T. , Musaev A.I., Daniyarova I.A.
Pages: 144-150
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The frequency of the Diabetic Foot Syndrome was studied in 222 patients with diabetes mellitus who were under in-patient
therapy in the endocrinology medical units. The examination covered clinical, laboratory and instrumental methods.
The Diabetic Foot Syndrome was diagnosed in 38 patients among 222 patients and 14 of which had the following complications:
trophic ulcers of small size (no more than 2 cm in diameter) in 5, infected wounds in 4, infected fissures and
roughness in 4 and in one wound after exarticulation of the toe. Preventive measures and treatment were used in two
variants (Diabetic Foot Syndrome group without complications and Diabetic Foot Syndrome group with complications)
to prevent the progression of diabetic foot syndrome. Attention is paid to familiarizing patients with complications of
diabetes mellitus and methods of treatment recommended by an endocrinologist and surgeon. By the time of discharge,
all complications have been cured. After discharge, the patients received preventive courses of treatment under the supervision
of a surgeon. The patients were monitored for 2 years. The disease progression was not identified. The devel oped approach to the prevention of purulent-necrotic complications confirmed its feasibility in clinical practice. The
only joint work (endocrinologist, surgeon) and the patient will reduce any complications incidences.
Pages: 11-14
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Electrophysiological and neuroimaging characteristics of patients with epilepsy
Authors: Mamytova E.M., Zhusupova A.T.
Pages: 66-72
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The analysis of electrophysiological and neuroimaging data of 430 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of epilepsy was
carried out. When analyzing the EEG data, it was found that in a routine interictal EEG study, only 60% of cases show
epileptic activity, and in the remaining almost 40% of cases, EEG did not reveal any pathological activity. For this group
of patients, to clarify the diagnosis and correct treatment, it is necessary to conduct video monitoring with EEG registration.
In addition, despite the fact that MRI is a mandatory method of examination in patients with epilepsy, in 13.2%
of cases, patients did not have the opportunity to undergo an MRI examination of the brain. Therefore, equipping public
hospitals in Kyrgyz Republic with modern MRI and EEG devices should be one of the priority directions in the development
Emergency surgery in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
Authors: Sopuev А.А., Belekov Т.Zh., Ernisova М.E., Atakoziev А.Т., Оrmonov М.К.
Pages: 68-73
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Introduction. During the pandemic, health systems around the world underwent
restructuring due to increased infection control, the need to comply
with certain measures to protect patients and medical personnel. Many hospitals
have been deployed for patients with pneumonia, and medical staff
have been reassigned to fight the new infection. The number of patients with
coronavirus infection increased every day, but this did not affect the frequency
of acute surgical conditions of patients, which increased the complexity
of providing medical care in the current situation.
The purpose of the study. To study the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
on the provision of emergency surgical care.
Materials and methods. The study was conducted in the department for patients
with COVID-19 and acute surgical pathology, deployed on the basis
of the M.M. Mamakeev National Surgical Center, the only red zone for surgical
patients throughout the Republic. During the pandemic period from
March 18 to May 18, 2020 and on that day.
Results and discussions. During the COVID-19 pandemic, people's fear of
getting sick reduced the number of hospitalizations. A total of 114 patients
underwent urgent surgery during a 2-month period in the pandemic group.
For a 2-month period of the same period in 2019, we determined that this
number was 157. When analyzing the subgroups of operations, there was no
statistical difference in the frequency of patients undergoing surgery for gastrointestinal
bleeding, mesenteric ischemia and gastrointestinal perforation
between the groups.
Conclusion. The results of this study may be useful in identifying patients
who can be treated conservatively or on an outpatient basis in case of an
emergency surgical situation during these and similar periods of the pandemic
or at normal times.
Emergency tactics for the treatment of urethral strictures caused by scleroatrophic lichen
Authors: Usupbaev A.Ch., Kurbanaliev R.M., Zhumagaziyev T.S., Akylbek S.
Pages: 130-135
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Introduction. Scleroatrophic lichen is a chronic inflammatory fibrous skin disease of unclear etiology of extragenital
and genital localization. With genital sclerotrophic lichen in men with urethral strictures, it manifests itself in
the form of chronic and acute urinary retention. Uncircumcised men are more likely to be affected by scleroatrophic
lichen, manifested by cicatricial phimoses.
The purpose of the study. To provide information on emergency care for patients with urethral strictures and cicatricial
phimoses caused by scleroatrophic lichen.
Materials and methods. Emergency care was provided at the Republican Scientific Center of Urology to 120 patients
with scleroatrophic lichen aged 17 to 85 years. Trocar cystostomy was performed in 70 patients with acute and chronic
urinary retention due to urethral stricture caused by scleroatrophic lichen. The remaining 50 patients with cicatricial phimosis
caused by scleroatrophic lichen underwent circumcision.
Results. Performing circumcision and further conservative treatment for patients with cicatricial phimosis caused by scleroatrophic
lichen makes it possible to solve the problem of this category of men. Trocar cystostomy in acute and chronic
urinary retention in patients with urethral stricture caused by scleroatrophic lichen makes it possible to carry out a planned
and thorough diagnosis of urethral stricture and to choose the optimal tactics for surgical correction of the urethra.
Conclusion. It is advisable to provide emergency care in the form of trocar cystostomy and circumcisio to patients with
urethral stricture and cicatricial phimosis caused by scleroatrophic lichen.
Pages: 89-91
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Endovascular factors in the progression of ischemic stroke
Authors: Turgumbaev D.D., Murzaliev A. M., Dzhanaliev B. P., Dzhamalbekova А.D.
Pages: 40-46
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The morphometry of the cerebral vascular bed was studied throughout, on the side of ischemic stroke (IS) and on the
opposite side to determine the cause of infarction and its progression in 106 deceased patients with progressive ischemic
stroke (PIS) and for comparison in 63 patients of the same age (control group) who died from other causes. The measurement
results showed that in patients with PIS, there is not only a statistically significant decrease in the internal diameter of the intracranial vessels on the side of the ischemic focus, but even more on the opposite, "healthy" side, compared with the internal diameter of the vessels of patients in the control group.
Epidemiological Situation of Measles Incidence in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Makembayeva Zh. I.
Pages: 99-105
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The article examines the state of the measles epidemiological situation in dynamics, in the period from 2014 to 2020.
The collection of data with long-term indicators of incidence and prevalence of measles was carried out with an assessment of the epidemic process in the Kyrgyz Republic. Comparison of the results obtained in different regions
made it possible to identify the most probable reasons for the increase in the incidence, namely, incomplete immunization coverage of the population in recent years.
Epidemiological situation of severe acute respiratory infections in the Kyrgyz Republic  for the period 2023-2024
Authors: Otorbaeva D.S., Malysheva M.A., Abdyldaeva S.Zh.
Pages: 59-64
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Introduction. Severe acute respiratory infections (SARI) are reported worldwide and cause significant mortality and morbidity. The Kyrgyz Republic conducts sentinel surveillance to monitor SARI activity and changes in its
infectious etiology. Target. To describe the epidemiological situation of severe acute respiratory infections in the Kyrgyz Republic for the last epidemiological season 2023-2024.
Materials and methods. SARI cases were identified through systematic sampling of SARI hospital admissions between week 40 of 2023 and week 20 of 2024 in eight sentinel inpatient units. Nasopharyngeal swabs were tested
for respiratory viruses, influenza virus and COVID-19 using multiplex diagnostic systems.
Results. The results of this work indicate that severe acute viral infections occur in all age groups, but children under 4 years of age are more often at risk of developing the disease. The data obtained clearly show the importance
of severe acute respiratory infections in the overall infectious morbidity. Conclusion. It is extremely important to continue and develop the sentinel epidemiological surveillance system for severe acute respiratory infections at the country level. This is important for improving policies and programs to respond to SARI.
Epidemiological situation of tuberculosis in children and adolescents in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Chubakov T.Ch. , Turdumambetova G.K., Baitelieva A.K.
Pages: 119-125
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This article reflects the results of an assessment of the current state and dynamics of the epidemiological situation
of tuberculosis (TB) in children and adolescents in the Kyrgyz Republic (KR) for the period 2011-2020. Statistical
reporting data of the Center for e-Health under the Ministry of Health of the KR and the Department of Informatics and
Epidemiology at the National Center for Phthisiology of the Ministry of Health of the KR for 11 years (2010-2020) in
the KR, in the Chui region and Bishkek were used. The main epidemiological intensive indicator of the incidence of TB
in children and adolescents is analyzed, and the impact of the coronavirus infection pandemic on the prevalence of TB
among children and adolescents is shown. The incidence of TB among children and adolescents in the KR, Chui region
and Bishkek during the indicated observation period remains at a fairly high level and a gradual decrease in this indicator
is observed. Compared to 2010, the most significant decrease in the incidence of TB in children and adolescents has been
noted since 2017. However, a sharp decrease in the incidence of TB among children and adolescents in 2020 compared
to 2019 tends to decrease, so in the KR in children by 65.3%, in Chui region in children by 46.8%, in adolescents by
51.0% and in Bishkek in children by 73.5%, in adolescents by 75.1%, respectively. In general, in the republic, Chui
region and Bishkek, over the past decade, there has been a decrease in the incidence of TB among children and adolescents.
In 2020, this indicator tended to decrease sharply, which is associated with the coronavirus infection (COVID-19) pandemic.
Epidemiology and burden of diabetes in the world and Kyrgyzstan R.B.
Authors: Sultanalieva R.B., Rysbekova G.S., Abylova N.K., Murzakarimova L.K.
Pages: 19-25
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The prevalence of DM has now reached catastrophic proportions, acquiring the character of a non-infectious
epidemic. Providing quality medical care to patients, improving its accessibility, providing medicines, scientific goals
require knowledge of the epidemiology of diabetes mellitus.
Purpose of the study- The aim of our study was to analyze a dynamic of the epidemiological characteristics of diabetes
mellitus in Kyrgyzstan (prevalence, mortality), the prevalence of complications,
Materials and methods. Object of research: database of diabetes mellitus registry.
Results. The total number of diabetes mellitus patients in Kyrgyzstan as of 01.01.2021 was 74801 (1, 12% of the population),
including: type 1 diabetes - 2975, type 2 diabetes — 7183. The dynamics of prevalence was 938, 0→1117, 8/100
ths people. The incidence of diabetic complications in type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes patients: neuropathy 59.5%
and 50.8%, nephropathy 21.5% and 7.4%, retinopathy 38.0% and 24.0%, hypertension 18.3% and 32.7%, ischemic heart
disease 5.1% and 11.4%, myocardial infarction 0.8% and 1.8%, cerebrovascular accident 1 .1% and 2.1% respectively.
Conclusions. The performed analysis demonstrates the importance of assessment of epidemiological characteristics and
monitoring of clinical data on patients with diabetes through a registry for assessing the quality of diabetes care and the
prospects for its development.
Pages: 101-103
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Epidemiology of stroke in the city of Bishkek according to the register (2017-2018)
Authors: Turgumbaev D.D., Samudinova T.T., Abirova A.B., Kulov B.B.
Pages: 90-95
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An epidemiological study of stroke in Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek) was conducted according to a special program using the
register method in 2017-2018. According to expert estimates of the World Health Organization (WHO), stroke ranks
second in the world among causes of death and second in long-term and severe disability of patients.
In the Kyrgyz Republic, reliable epidemiological data on the prevalence of stroke are lacking. in this regard, the stroke
register is the best method for determining the incidence, mortality, mortality and economic consequences of stroke
In just 2 years, 2589 new cases of stroke were registered (1630 and 1570 cases, respectively). The incidence of stroke
was 2.6-2.67 per 1000 population (mean 2.61). The incidence of strokes in the population increases in each age group
by 2-3 times: at the age of 25 to 40 years - 0.18, from 40 to 49 years - 1.2, from 50 to 59 years - 3.8, from 60 to 69 years
- 10.6, and 70 years and older - 25.4 per 1000 residents of the corresponding age per year.The proportion of people of
working age (25-59 years old) who have suffered a cerebral stroke is 26.3%. The number of people recognized as disabled
for the first time in urban areas was 301 people. It is concluded that a long-term register is needed to obtain data on the
dynamics of the incidence rate and evaluate the effectiveness of reform of medical and social care programs for patients.
Ethical grounds for community engagement in public health emergency preparedness
Authors: Kudaibergenova T.A., Aidarov Z. A., Usupova Ch.S., Orozalieva A.A., Seisembaeva A.N., Seitbekova G.S.
Pages: 49-57
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Purpose of the study. To reveal ethical grounds in the Kyrgyz culture for effective communication with local
communities in the framework of public health emergency preparedness in Kyrgyzstan.
Material and methods. Five sources with Kyrgyz proverbs and sayings were studied by the method of qualitative documentary analysis. Topics for analysis: "health"; "welfare"; "good" and related topics; topics related to social solidarity.
Results and discussion. The fifty-nine proverbs and sayings were analysed with the following results: “den-sooluk”
(health) 8.47%; "el" "kөpchuluk", "kөp", "zhurt" (people) 44.1%; "suyuu" (love), "zhakshy", "zhakshylyk" (good) 15.3%;
"birdik" (unity), "yntymak" (concord) 32.2%. The following Kyrgyz values system was revealed as ethical grounds for
social solidarity: “People” (44.1%); "Unity" and "Concord" with people (32. 2%); "Love" and "Good" (15.3%) to people;
individual "Health" (8.47 %). The existence of this system is proved by the collective customs and rituals of "Bata",
"Ashar" and "Tulөө", as well as positive biochemical, neuroendocrine, and physiological changes in the body of their
performers. Our theory: people, referring to their cultural values through the performance of collective rituals and customs,
mobilize positive neuroendocrine, biochemical, and social factors that enhance group identity, collective consciousness,
and social solidarity, thereby increasing the resilience of the people, timely and effectively adapting and recovering,
which helps reduce the negative impact of emergencies on people, the economy and public health.
Conclusions. In creating effective communication systems with Kyrgyz communities, it is important to use this revealed
values system: community is the highest good; unity and harmony, achieved through love and care of one's community
are determinants for individual health and well-being. It is important for the public health emergencies preparedness policymakers to consider the identified value system as ethical grounds for effective and just interaction with local communities.
Etiopathogenetic and clinical features of ischemic stroke in the vertebrobasilar circulation
Authors: Sverdlova I.A.
Pages: 143-148
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Introduction. Stroke is a medical and social problem primarily because of it´s prevalence and the consequences
that it causes. Stroke is the number one cause of disability worldwide. Ischemic strokes account for 80%, and strokes in
the vertebrobasilar region -20%, the clinical picture of which may be unrecognized even in specialized departments.
The aim of the study was to study the features of the etiopathogenesis and clinical picture of ischemic stroke in the vertebrobasilar
Materials and Methods. We examined 106 patients with ischemic stroke in the vertebrobasilar region who received inpatient
treatment at the National Hospital of the MZKR in the period from 2018 to 2022. When the patient was admitted,
the time of onset of the disease, the presence of risk factors for stroke, the level of consciousness according scale Glasgow,
neurological status according to the NIHSS scale (National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale), pathogenetic subtype of ischemic stroke according to TOAST, features of the clinical picture, ultrasound data of brachiocephalic vessels, neuroimaging.
At discharge, an assessment was made according to the NIHSS, Rankin scales.
1.Taking into account the onset of the disease, the presence of risk factors, the clinical picture of stroke, ultrasound data
of brachiocephalic vessels, brain neuroimaging data, pathogenetic subtypes of ischemic stroke in the vertebrobasilar
region were determined according to TOAST
2. When assessed using the Glasgow Coma Scale, NIHSS, and Rankin, mild and moderate strokes with a favorable functional
outcome at discharge from the hospital predominated.
3. The clinical picture of ischemic stroke in the vertebrobasilar region did not always coincide with the focus of infarction
during neuroimaging, which confirms the importance of the latter in the diagnosis of stroke.
1. Thus, ischemic strokes in the vertebrobasilar region are heterogeneous in terms of etiopathogenetic subtypes, clinical
course, and outcomes according to the Rankin scale.
2. The clinical picture of stroke in the vertebrobasilar region may not coincide with the localization of cerebral infarction,
so neuroimaging remains the standard for diagnosing stroke.
Evaluation of factors affecting the behavior of target groups in health care-seeking and tuberculosis treatment
Authors: Ibraimova Ch.T., Huffman S. A., Alimakhunov A.K., Ibraimova A.S.
Pages: 70-77
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Kyrgyzstan has one of the highest rates of drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) in the world. People at risk of TB
are often among the most hard-to-reach populations, which can make it difficult for them to access health care services.
The study identified enabling factors and barriers to testing and completing treatment for TB patients, causes and types
of stigma and discrimination against TB patients and their families, and widespread misinformation about TB among the
Evaluation of potential risks of air pollution by asbestos fibres
Authors: Kovalevskiy E.V., Sharshenova A.A., Tshomariia I.M., Otarov Y.Zh, Kasymbekov Zh.O.
Pages: 116-125
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Introduction. Asbestos is a general commercial term for two of the many existing groups of natural mineral fibres: the serpentinite group (chrysotile) and the amphibole group (actinolite, amosite, anthophyllite, crocidolite and tremolite), which have common applications. Long-term exposure to asbes tos-containing dust generated during asbestos mining and enrichment, and
during the production, use and disposal of asbestos-containing materials in uncontrolled conditions increases the risk of developing a number of serious diseases. An essential role in assessing the actual risks is played by assessing
the potential for exposure, identifying the actual exposure to asbestos fibres, the type of asbestos and an objective assessment of the intensity of exposure. The most widely used methods for solving these problems are the determination of number concentrations of fibres in the air using optical phase-contrast microscopy, scanning and transmission microscopy with energy-dis
persive microanalysis of the fibre type.
The purpose of the work - analysis of dust samples settled on horizontal surfaces to identify the potential for air pollution by fibrous particles. Materials and methods. In the summer of 2024, a total of 28 dust samples were taken from horizontal surfaces in the cities of Bishkek (22 samples) and Kant (6 samples). Dust samples were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with microanalysis of the mineral composition of the samples, and by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Results and discussion. The SEM method made it possible to analyze the samples in detail and conduct a mineralogical analysis of each of the objects identified during the study. In five dust samples - two (Bishkek) and three (Kant) fibers of chrysotile asbestos were found in a concentration of more than 0.01%. The chrysotile asbestos fibers were in a state bound to the cement matrix. No asbestos fibers of the amphibole group were detected or their content was less than 0.01%. In seven samples from Bishkek and three
samples from Kant, man-made mineral fibers (MMF) were found, with dimensional characteristics close to the definition of “respirable fiber”. Conclusion. Air pollution monitoring methods are quite expensive, labor intensive and require highly qualified personnel. At the same time, only regular monitoring can provide an objective picture. One-time events to collect individual air samples cannot serve as a reliable source of information on the potential for exposure, the presence or absence of exposure to asbestos fibres (and/or other natural and man-made mineral fibres that can also have
a negative influence on human health), the type of fibres them, and the inten sity of exposure. Thus, in the absence of data from previously performed regular monitoring of air pollution in the working area and/or atmospheric air of populated areas with fibrous particles, determining the content of asbe stos fibres and other natural and man-made mineral fibers settled from the air in samples of dust settled on horizontal surfaces (e.g., on roadsides or other surfaces) is a significant, relatively low-labor and inexpensive tool for identifying the potential for air pollution with fibrous particles, and allows decision making whether regular monitoring is necessary or not. In this regard, the purpose of this study was to collect and analyze samples of dust settled on horizontal surfaces in two cities.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the introduction of pc in hospitals to provide medical care of various levels
Authors: Boronbaeva E.K., Imankulova A.S., Asheraliev M.E., Matkasymova A.T., Omurkulova G. S.
Pages: 65-71
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This publication presents the results of a programm of the Mandatory Health Insurance Fund and the Ministry
of Health to introduce a new funding mechanism for hospital services provided to children during the first 24 hours of
hospitalisation. As an example, an assessment of the activities of the department of short-term stay of the Osh Interregional
Children's Clinical Hospital for the period 2016-2017 is presented. The opening of a short-stay unit has improved access
to medical care and has more than halved the time between admission and treatment. The introduction of the system of
providing short-term medical services has reduced the total number of unwarranted hospitalisations by 70% among therapeutic
and 50% among surgical patients in the inpatient departments of the Osh Interregional Children's Clinical Hospital,
with savings reaching 2,8005.0 thousand soms in 2017. The provision of 24-hour medical care in a short-stay unit has
increased the satisfaction of parents and carers with the services provided. The opening of a short-stay unit at a children's
hospital is an accessible, high-quality, promising, and cost-effective form of providing highly specialised medical care
to the pediatric population. The application of the practice of a one-day stays of the patient in the hospital had a beneficial
effect on the hospital budget. The activities carried out to indicate the need to increase the coverage of educational work
at the primary level in order to increase the sanitary and educational knowledge of the population.
Evaluation of the implementation of infection control programs in hospitals providing care to COVID-19 patients and with pneumonia in cities Bishkek, Osh and Chui oblasts, Kyrgyz Republic, 2020
Authors: Temirbekov S. T., Mukhtarov M.M.
Pages: 72-78
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The COVID-19 pandemic has spread widely in all countries of the world, including Kyrgyzstan. Inadequate protection and infection control measures in health care organizations led to an increase in morbidity among health care workers. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 2020 based on surveillance of infection control practices in healthcare organizations and management of COVID-19 cases, suspected COVID-19 cases, pneumonia, and interview of healthcare personnel in medical hospitals with deployment of 80 beds and above and outpatient hospitals with deployment of 100 beds and above. The purpose of the study was to evaluate infection control measures, identify deficiencies and make recommendations. The assessment was conducted in 16 health care organizations (22 departments) (OZ), of which 2 organizations were converted from social facilities and functioned as day outpatient hospitals in Bishkek, Osh and Chui oblast. Analysis of the data revealed insufficient administrative measures, lack of engineering and technical measures and ineffective use of personal protective equipment.
Evaluation of the results of prevention and treatment of patients with bladder neck sclerosis using proteolitic enzymes
Authors: Almerekov A. E., Kolesnichenko I.V., Botalaev B.A., Eivazov N.R.
Pages: 41-47
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Introduction. The scientific study is based on the study of long-term results of surgical treatment of 345 patients
with benign prostatic hyperplasia operated by methods adenomectomy and transurethral resection. Of these, 69 individuals
1-1.5 months after surgery had the development of cicatricial-sclerotic complications in the neck of the bladder. For
the treatment and prevention of cicatricial changes after adenomectomy and transurethral resection, the drug
"Bovhyaluronidase azoximer" was gradually introduced into the submucosal layer of the bladder neck - 3000 IU intraoperatively,
transurethral (or through the fistulous tract) and then intramuscularly every 5 days for 1-1, 5 months. In the
postoperative period after 1-6-12-24 months, there was a decrease in the clinical symptoms of infravesical obstruction
and restoration of the urodynamics of the lower urinary tract in 78.8% of cases.
Purpose of the study: the aim of the study was to evaluate the long-term results of the use of the drug "Bovgialuronidase
azoximer" in the prevention and treatment of patients with sclerosis of the bladder neck who underwent adenomectomy
and transurethral resection.
Material and methods. The study criteria included 108 (31.3%) patients operated on by single-stage transvesical adenomectomy
and 237 (68.7%) - by TURP. In 23.1% of cases after adenomectomy and in 44 (18.6%) cases after TURP,
signs of cicatricial-sclerotic changes in the bladder neck area and signs of urodynamic disorders of varying severity were
Results. After administration of the drug "Bovgialuronidase azoximer" into the submucosal layer of the bladder neck
membrane, patients who underwent adenomectomy and transurethral resection had persistent relief of symptoms of in fravesical obstruction, restoration of urine passage and the absence of relapses of the disease in the long postoperative
Evaluation of the results of surgical treatment of pharmacoresistant epilepsy in adults
Authors: Mamytov M.M., Kadyrov R.M., Mamytova E.M.
Pages: 130-139
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Introduction. Drug treatment with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) is the mainstay of treatment for epilepsy. However,
in some patients, despite the use by neurologists of drugs with different mechanisms of action, in some patients
with epilepsy, the disease is resistant to drug treatment or pharmacoresistant. In drug-resistant forms of epilepsy, surgery
gives the patient a chance for a complete cure or a significant reduction in the frequency of seizures.
Purpose of the work was to analyze and evaluate the outcomes of treatment in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy with
various methods of their surgical treatment.
Material and methods. A prospective analysis of the results of surgical treatment was carried out. The study included
138 patients with drug-resistant epilepsy who were hospitalized at the neurosurgery clinic of the National Hospital under
the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic from 2004 to 2013. We studied the data of neurological, neurophysiological
and neuroimaging examinations, as well as the data of surgical treatment in the near and long term.
Results. The overall level of complications caused by surgeries for epilepsy was quite low (only 2 patients developed
split-brain syndrome after resection surgeries (callosotomy). A more effective and safe operation for the treatment of
drug-resistant epilepsy, according to our observation, was multiple subpial transsection, complete cessation of epileptic
seizures occurred in 20 patients (62.5%).
Conclusions. The effectiveness of the applied methods of surgical treatment in various forms of epilepsy is shown.
Surgical treatment of patients with drug-resistant epilepsy allows to achieve regression of the pathological process or
stabilization of the condition in most cases.
Evaluation of the spread and registration of catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI)
Authors: Orozbekova A.K., Esenalieva A. D., Osmonalieva A.P., Janabilova G. A.
Pages: 29-34
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Introduction.The problem of healthcare-associated infections plays an important role in public health, not only in industrialized countries, but also in developing countries, where, as a result, inaction and unresolved problems can lead to serious consequences. At the same time, there may be a decrease in the quality of medical services provided, and this can lead to mortality, the development of complications, an increase in the duration of treatment and hospital stay, as well as an increase in the cost of treatment. The most common source of nosocomial infection is manipulation of the urinary tract. [3, 6] Catheter-associated urinary tract infections account for 80% of all healthcare-associated infections (HAIs).
The aim of the study was to analyze the effectiveness of registration and detection of catheter-associated urinary tract in fections in hospitals in Bishkek.
Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of the reporting data for 2017-2021 was carried out using the MS Excel software package. We used reports on infections associated with the provision of medical care from 10 healthcare organizations in the city of Bishkek, collected by the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Infection Control NPO "PM". The data were collected in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 34 dated January 29, 2008 “On the epidemiological surveillance of HCAI”.
Results. In 2017 and 2018 CAIMP did not register. In 2019, there is a sharp increase in registrations of 99% compared to 2018. In 2020 and 2021 there has been a decline in registrations due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, KAIMP registration was reduced by 65.2% compared to 2019, and in 2021 by 90%. Official statistics in the Kyrgyz Republic do not reflect the true state of affairs with the prevalence of HCAI. According to official registration, the frequency of HCAI in healthcare organizations of the republic does not exceed 2.4%. [4] Deciphering the etiological structure was carried out only in 2017 in 10 pilot healthcare organizations in Bishkek.
Conclusions. The problem of detectability and registration remains relevant, taking into account what it is necessary to introduce point cross-sectional studies in all healthcare organizations in Bishkek. Subsequent analysis of HAI pathogens for antibiotic resistance will improve the diagnosis, detection, registration, treatment, etiological interpretation, develop effective measures that increase the effectiveness of HAI prevention and prevent economic damage.
Evaluation of the surveillance system for parenteral viral hepatitis "B" and "C" in the Kyrgyz Republic, 2020
Authors: Alymkulova V.A., Nabirova D.A. , Otorbaeva D.S.
Pages: 89-96
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About 4 million cases of acute hepatitis B (AHB) are registered annually in the world, 7 million people are diagnosed
with chronic hepatitis B (CHB). More than 85% of those infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) develop a chronic
form that leads to cirrhosis and primary liver cancer. Treatment at the present stage requires large economic costs and
long-term treatment. Chronic viral hepatitis (CVH) causes significant damage to public health due to its ubiquitous distribution
among various population groups, the variety of clinical forms and outcomes (including liver cirrhosis and primary
liver cancer). According to the data of long-term dynamics of morbidity since 2013, associated with CH in the
Kyrgyz Republic, it was predicted with the preservation of morbidity registration over the next decades. In the 8-year
dynamics (2013-2020), there is a tendency to reduce the incidence rate.Out of 155 cases of acute viral hepatitis, the cause
of infection was established in 79 cases (51%). An epidemiological investigation shows that in most cases the patient
cannot remember the likely routes of infection due to the long incubation period. And this is a problem in ascertaining
risk factors. Also, HBV diagnostics have not been established in healthcare facilities, which is confirmed by the large
number of carriers detected among medical workers (in 2020, carriers of HBV-179 cases, HCV-112 cases, detected for
the first time during a preventive examination), and the incidence among health workers is at a very low level (new detected
cases of HBV-0 and HCV-1 case, while CVH - 5 cases).Since parenteral viral hepatitis is still a common infection,
the incidence is still relevant today. Surveillance data for parenteral hepatitis in the Kyrgyz Republic are useful for monitoring, planning and detecting outbreaks.The article contains data on the evaluation of the existing HBV surveillance in
the Kyrgyz Republic. Recommendations are given describing the strengths and weaknesses of the system.
Evaluation of the treatment of patients with diabetic foot syndrome complicated by necrotic process
Authors: Kulbaev U.A., Kultaev U.T. , Maksut uulu E.
Pages: 139-143
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Purpose: to present the results of surgical treatment of patients with diabetic foot syndrome (DFS) complicated with
necrotic process. There are given results of treatment of patients with the DFS. The methods of diagnosis and treatment
tactics are presented. Operations in a cases of necrotic process was performed after the treatment complex, aimed at
limiting the process, thus avoiding high amputation of the thigh in a most cases.
Examination of the spectrum of uropathogens in women with cystitis in the postmenopausal period
Authors: Kozhonaliev Т.Z., Usupbaev A.Ch., Mikukhin D.S., Sadyrbekov N.J.
Pages: 56-61
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One of the most common inflammatory diseases among postmenopausal women is cystitis, which accounts
for 30 to 40% of the total number of uropathologies. In this paper, the authors show the main spectra of uropathogens in
postmenopausal women. The aim of the study was to analyze the spectrum of uropathogens in women with cystitis in the
postmenopausal period. Materials and methods.The results of bacteriological examination of urine and PCR from a vaginal
smear for urogenital infections were collected and processed in 150 patients with cystitis in the postmenopausal period
of the tertiary hospital. Research results and conclusion. The main causative agents of cystitis in the postmenopausal period
are E.coli - 62.3%, Candida albicans - 8.7% and Staphylococcus.spp.- 7.2%. A high level of antibiotic resistance of
the isolated Esherichia coli strains was noted for cephalosporins of the second (50%) and third (55%) generations, fluoroquinolones
of the first generation (45%). A high level of sensitivity of Esherichia coli was observed to aminoglycosides
of the second (80%) and third (100%) generations, fluoroquinolones of the second (75%) and third (95%) generations,
carbapenems (100%) and fosfomycin (100%). A positive PCR result for urogenital infections in patients with cystitis
was obtained in 52.7% of cases.
Experience in initiating PPP projects in the sphere of healthcare of the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Ismailov M.A., Dolonbaeva Z.A. , Abilov B.A.
Pages: 117-123
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The relevance of this study lies in the need to search for new innovative management solutions aimed at improving the quality of the provided hemodialysis services for people suffering from chronic renal diseases of the 5th
stage. The set goal of providing high-quality hemodialysis services to patients in need using the PPP model has
been achieved. Based on the use of the methods, the main results were obtained on optimizing the conditions for
receiving dialysis services, which can be used to form a strategy for improving the current and future models of
the healthcare system.
Experience in treating extensive purulent-necrotic wounds in phase I of the wound process
Authors: Imankulova A.S., Kochorov O.T., Mamatov N.N., Muratov K.K., Zhumabaev A.Zh., Mamyshov A.Zh.
Pages: 66-72
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One of the acute problems of treating extensive purulent-necrotic wounds of various localizations is postoperative
treatment until complete healing. Local wound therapy is also used as the basis of the integrated approach along with
surgical methods - the use of agents with a differentiated effect on the wound process, taking into account the phase
of the wound process and the characteristics of the course of the disease. Inadequate postoperative wound management
can cause poor surgical outcomes, which is especially important in phase I of the wound process. Proteolytic enzymes
are a priority for wound purification in the inflammation phase. The article presents the results of the study of the
comparative effectiveness of proteolytic enzymes in surgical patients based on the use of Enzilite in the I phase of
the wound process.
It was shown that the use of the complex of proteolytic enzymes "Enzilite" in patients with purulent-necrotic wounds
of various localizations allows improving treatment results by 6.1% and reducing the risk of repeated surgical interventions by 19.6%.
Experience of international cooperation in population seroepidemiologic studies
Authors: Popova A.Yu., Egorova S.A., Smirnov V.S., Smolenskyi V.Yu., Nuridinova Zh.N. , Dzhangaziyev B.I., Drozd I.V. , Milichkina A.M., Zhimbaeva O.B. , Tarasenko A.A. , Dashkevich A.M. , Nanushyan L.M. , Vanyan A.V., Melik-Andreasyan G.G. , Ruziev M.M. , Nurmatov Z.Sh., Totolyan A.A., Kasymov O.T.
Pages: 11-20
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The Russian Federation has been working consistently to assist partner countries in building scientific capacity and expanding co-operation in the study of infectious diseases. At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, with the support of the Government of the Russian Federation, Rospotrebnadzor developed a multi-stage programme of seromonitoring of population immunity to SARS-CoV-2, which was implemented in the Russian Federation, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Tajikistan. Different age and professional groups of the countries were included in the studies. IgG antibody levels to two major SARS CoV2 antigens: nucleocapsid (Nc) and receptor-binding domain S-protein (RBD) were assessed in volunteers because of their maximal presence during the infection or postvaccination processes. In general, in those countries where the study began in 2020-2021, there was a steady trend towards increasing levels of population immunity (the proportion of seropositive individuals) during the pandemic. In those countries that joined the study later in the pandemic in 2022, a significant proportion of the population had already experienced COVID-19 in manifest or asymptomatic form, so there were no statistically significant age, occupational orgeographic differences in seroprevalence due to both the intensive "pro-epidemic" and the vaccination campaign that began in mid-2021. In the first half of 2021, vaccination against coronavirus (both primary and booster), which was actively carried out in all countries, became the main reasons for the increase in the level of population immunity. At the same time, there was a shift in the structure of seropositivity towards an increase in the proportion of individuals who had antibodies only to RBD. At the late dates of the pandemic in 2022-2023, almost 90% of seropositive volunteers had humoral immunity represented by antibodies to both antigens (Nc+RBD). It is evident that population immunity is "hybrid" in the latepandemic, under conditions of high incidence of a highly transmissible strain and high vaccination coverage.
Experimental studies of the local irritant effect and allergenic activity of the dental  product "Vitar"
Authors: Subanova A.A, Shayakhmetov D.B., Dastanbekov A.D.
Pages: 52-58
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Introduction. Studies of the local irritant effect and allergenic activity of the dental product "Vitar" were conducted by skin applications, lubrication of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and the skin of the tail of experimental rats with an undiluted product, taking into account the characteristics of the rats' skin. The aim of the study is to examine the allergenic and local irritant properties of the dental product "Vitar. Materials and methods. To study the allergenic and locally irritating properties of the patented product "Vitar", 16 white mongrel male rats weighing 240-250 g, 8-9 weeks old, quarantined for at least 15 days were used. The
studies were conducted according to the guidelines for assessing the allergenic properties of drugs. The locally irritating effect was assessed visually on a 5-point scale.
Results. Histological analysis of micropreparations of the oral mucosa, structure of the salivary glands and skin surface of experimental rats revealed no changes. Conclusions. The conducted experimental studies of the dental product "Vitar" have proven that it does not have a local irritant or allergic effect on the skin of the back, tail and mucous membranes of the oral cavity of experimental rats.
Features of clinical manifestations and course of tuberculous meningitis in adults in modern conditions
Authors: Tynystanova R.I., Azykova A.B., Dushimbekova K.A., Chubakov T.Ch.
Pages: 103-107
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Tuberculous meningitis is one of the most severe forms of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. It often leads to disability
and death of patients.
The work retrospectively studied 95 case histories of patients who were in a specialized department of the National Center
for Phthisiology under the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The medical and social characteristics, indicators of clinical and laboratory research methods and the effectiveness of
complex treatment of patients with tuberculous meningitis were studied. Almost all patients showed signs of damage to
the substance of the brain (menigoencephalitis), which indicates a late diagnosis of tuberculosis. The most sensitive
method for detecting the causative agent of tuberculosis in the cerebrospinal fluid turned out to be the molecular genetic
method (GenXpert MTB/RIF). A high mortality rate was established for tuberculous meningitis (55.8%). The main cause
of death of patients was late detection of the disease, generalized forms of the tuberculosis process and severe concomitant
Features of fat metabolism in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in patients with different body weight in the highlands of Kyrgyzstan
Authors: Toktogulova N.A., Sultanalieva R.B., Tukhvatshin R.R.
Pages: 34-40
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Aim. To study the features of lipid metabolism disorders in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in patients with
different body weights in the conditions of inhabited highlands. Material and methods. The study was carried out within
the framework of the project "Etiopathogenetic features and rates of development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
(NAFLD) in the conditions of Kyrgyzstan" (No. of state registration MHN / TZ-2020-3). An open comparative study of
patients with two forms of NAFLD: fatty liver (FL) and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) (n=236) living in low
mountains (Bishkek, altitude above sea level - 750-800 m, n=111) and inhabited highlands (At-Bashy district , Naryn region,
height above sea level - 2046-2300 m, n=125) Kyrgyzstan. The average age of the patients was 55,7±0,95 years.
Given that genetic factors may play a role in the development of NAFLD, we analyzed a population represented only by
ethnic Kyrgyz. Patients in each group were divided into lean (BMI≤23) and obese (BMI≥23) groups. To determine physical
activity, a physical activity questionnaire was used, which was compiled on the basis of the materials of the International
Physical Activity Prevalence Study Physical examination included measurement of anthropometric
parameters (height, body weight, waist circumference (WC)), calculation of body mass index (BMI), skeletal muscle
mass index (SMM), percentage of body fat. According to the grades of the WHO, the degree of obesity was assessed by
BMI for Asians. Blood samples were taken for research in the morning on an empty stomach after at least 12 hours of
fasting. The following indicators were determined: glucose, lipid spectrum (total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol,
triglycerides), ALT, AST levels. The BARD scale was used as a predictor for assessing the development of liver
fibrosis in patients with NAFLD [1]. The scoring system included three variables: BMI, AST / ALT, and the presence of
DM 2.The diagnosis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease was made on the basis of history, laboratory tests, ultrasound
examination of the liver, and exclusion of other liver diseases. The results were analyzed using the SPSS 16.0 statistical
software package for Windows. A p-value<0.05 was considered statistically significant at the 95% confidence level.
Results. It has been established that residents of highlands with NAFLD are represented by lower BMI relative to residents
of lowlands. In women, the levels of SMM and the percentage of fat are significantly and statistically significantly correlated
(r = - 0.971, p <0.001), while in men these two indicators are not related. Men showed a trend towards higher
percentages of fat, regardless of body weight and region of residence. For women, this indicator was within acceptable
limits and did not exceed 31%. There was found a statistically significant difference in total cholesterol levels between
low and high mountain people in the group of obese patients (p <0.001) suffering from NAFLD. Statistically significant
low ALT indices were revealed in the group of obese patients living in mid-mountain conditions. Conclusions. Taken together,
our results suggest that chronic high-mountain hypoxia may slow down the course of overweight-induced NAFLD.
Features of microflora and its sensitivity to antimicrobial agents in patients with chronic pathology of ear, nose and throat, residents of the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Ergeshova A.M., Sulaimanov J.S., Karagulova M.M., Lee G.V.
Pages: 112-118
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Introduction. Bacteriological verification of species composition of microorganisms and sensitivity to used medicinal
products, which included in drops and mixtures for treatment of chronic purulent-inflammatory diseases of ear,
nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, palatine tonsils.
The aim of the study is to study microflora and its sensitivity to the medicinal products, recommended for treatment in
patients with chronic inflammation of the middle ear, paranasal sinuses and the nasal cavity, palatine tonsils.
Materials and Methods. Bacteriological verification was carried out on materials obtained from 77 patients with chronic
inflammation of the maxillary sinus cavity, 30 patients with chronic polyposis rhinosinusitis, 126 patients with chronic
middle ear inflammation and 65 patients with chronic tonsillitis.
Results and their discussion. The carried out research allowed the isolation and identification of 316 strains. Among them
48 were of fungal nature and the rest were of bacterial nature. The bacterial microflora in each of the examined groups
of patients had a somewhat different representation of microorganisms.
Conclusions. The suggested mixture on Synthomycin liniment permits when introduced into the crypts of the palatine
tonsils and into the sinus after its puncture and irrigation to achieve a prolonged, rather reliable therapeutic effect, which
permits to recognize it as highly effective and recommend it for alternative treatment.
Features of physical development of Bishkek Choreographic School students
Authors: Kerimbayeva I.B., Esenamanova M.K., Shatmanov A.A.
Pages: 135-141
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Introduction. Physical development is one of the key criteria for determining the pace of age-related changes and the health of children and adolescents. The purpose of the study - Study and evaluation of physical development of students of Bishkek Choreographic School named after Ch. Bazarbayev. Materials and methods. A survey of 160 students of the Bishkek Choreographic School, aged from 10 years to 17 years,
was conducted. Anthropometric indicators were evaluated using regional evaluation tables, and the Quetelet index (BMI) using standards recommended by WHO (2007). Results and their discussion. The greatest difference in growth fluctuations in the studied groups of boys and girls was
revealed at the age of 14, 15, 16 and 17 years. The greatest increase in the length and body weight of boys falls on 13 years, for girls – on 12 years. Disharmonious physical development was detected in 21.8% of boys in the age group of 11-14 years, and among adolescents in 14.3%. The proportion of girls aged 10 to 17 with disharmonious physical development
averaged 19.4%, mainly due to body weight deficiency. Lack of body weight according to BMI was detected in 13.0% of boys aged 11-14 years and in 31.0% of adolescents. As they get older, the proportion of boys with excess body weight decreases from 33.3% (10 years) to 3.4% (15-17 years). Among girls, body weight deficiency was detected in the age group of 11-14 years (41.7%), and in the remaining 36.3% (10 years) and 30.3% (15-17 years) which, apparently, is related to the specifics of their future profession. Conclusions. According to the results of the assessment of anthropological indicators of students of the choreographic
school, some features of physical development depending on gender and age are revealed.
Pages: 88-90
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Fertility status of men who have undergone surgery for the reproductive system
Authors: Ryskulbekov N.R. , Abaraliev A.K., Suranov D.A., Kubanychbek u B.
Pages: 72-76
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The article discusses the state of reproductive function in men. In recent years, the state of male reproductive
function has been shown to be of particular medical importance, and the issue of early detection and treatment of diseases
of the male reproductive system treated by surgical interventions of the reproductive system is an urgent problem. It has
also been studied that surgical treatment of diseases of the male reproductive function - varicocele, hydrocele, spermatocele
- improves blood circulation in the blood vessels - by 78%. There is a significant increase in the size of the affected
testis after surgery, the volume of the left testicle increased by an average of 24%, and the right testicle - by 12%. Adolescents
with varicocele, hydrocele and spermatocele need dynamic monitoring by a uroandrologist and testing of testosterone
(ultrasound), gonadotropins, testosterone every 6 months, as well as treatment tactics for early detection of testicular
microcalcinosis. For patients with varicocele, surgical treatment using the Marble method is recommended and its effectiveness
is 91.5%. Patients who have undergone surgery on the reproductive system are recommended to be dynamically
monitored by an urologist-andrologist, endocrinologist, as well as spermogram, gonadotropin levels, testosterone, and
then under the supervision of an andrologist.
Fertility status of young Kyrgyz males aged 18 to 40 living in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Abdubaitov N.A., Baatyrbekov N., Stambekova K.N.
Pages: 96-100
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The article presents the results of an assessment of the state of fertility of Kyrgyz men aged 18 to 40 years
living in Kyrgyzstan for the period 2019-2022. The analysis of the results of spermograms of 1557 men from Chui, Osh,
Nyryn and Batken regions in a comparative aspect was carried out.
The results of the study made it possible to preliminary identify the following features: the concentration of spermatozoa
in the ejaculate increases with age and with the indicators of the comparison group 1.5 times higher; the ratio of progressively
motile spermatozoa is slightly lower in the population and the viability of spermatozoa is higher in the group of
men aged 30 to 40 years, that is, the older the man, the higher the spermogram and fertility. The results obtained will
make it possible to objectively assess the fertility and quality of the spermogram, depending on the characteristics identified
in the context of age and various living conditions in the country.
Formation and development of hygiene within the system of higher medical education of the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Bapaliyeva G.O., Atambaeva R.M., Turgumbayeva J.D., Kasymov O.T.
Pages: 158-165
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The creation and development of hygienic science in the system of higher medical education of the country is
connected with the opening of the Kyrgyz Medical Institute in 1939 and the organization of the Department of General
Hygiene. Subsequently, the historiography of hygiene is closely interrelated with the opening in 1953 of the sanitary and
hygienic faculty with specialized departments, forming a comprehensive development of preventive medicine in the
country. The process under consideration of the experience of accumulating the development of science in various areas
of hygiene covers a long road from the 38-40s of the XX century to the present period of the XXI century, the achievements
of scientists-hygienists of Kyrgyzstan. The presented analysis allows us to conclude that the study of various issues
of the development of hygienic disciplines was a kind of center of organizational foundations for conducting scientific
research in the field of hygiene. Today in the modern world, hygiene as a science and practice is undergoing qualitative
changes, which significantly actualizes the study of historiographical aspects of its development in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Formation of the epidemiological surveillance system for viral hepatitis B in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Kylychbekova S.N., Nurmatov Z.Sh., Ismailova A.J.
Pages: 121-127
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Introduction. According to 2019 World Health Organization (WHO) estimates, there are 296 million people living with viral hepatitis B (HBV) worldwide, with about 1.5 million new infections occurring each year. In 2019, 820,000 people died in the world, and in the European regions, about 171,000 people died from the consequences of chronic viral hepatitis B as a result of cirrhosis of the liver and hepatocellular carcinoma (primary liver cancer). Kyrgyzstan is a country where there is a high prevalence of viral hepatitis. According to WHO estimates, about half a million people in Kyrgyzstan suffer from viral hepatitis B.
Purpose of the study - Analysis of the development of the epidemiological surveillance system for viral hepatitis B in the Kyrgyz Republic.The materials Literature data, regulatory technical documents (NTD) and reporting data of healthcare organizations. Methods. A descriptive characterization and statistical processing of the data obtained have been carried out, trends of growth and decline of individual epidemiological features have been determined.
Results.A brief description of all NTDs affecting the system for detecting, recording and reporting the incidence of HBV in healthcare organizations is given. The dynamics of HBV incidence and their epidemiological characteristics by age characteristics were retrospectively studied. A separate characteristic of the impact of the introduction of vaccination of newborns on the dynamics of morbidity is given. Based on the data obtained, recommendations were developed to improve the system of epidemiological surveillance of viral hepatitis B in the Kyrgyz Republic. Conclusion. Regulatory and technical documents ensured the improvement of the HBV epidemiological surveillance
system by improving the quality of early detection, recording and reporting. The incidence of HBV over the past 20 years has shown a downward trend, due to the introduction of vaccination for newborns in the framework of the adopted Legislative acts, the Decree of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and orders of the Ministry of Health.
Foundations of conflictology in health management: conflicts and their resolution
Authors: Abdyjalieva A.S., Mamatova K.T., Rozieva R.S.
Pages: 216-220
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The article provides classification of conflicts, ways and methods of resolving conflict situations in healthcare
management. Conflicts are present in every organization, are an integral part of any team. Consequently, conflict situations have a special impact on the life within the organization.
Frequency, structure and dynamics of brucellosis incidence in 2020-2022 in the Jalal-Abad region of the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Temirov N.M., Temirova V.N., Kalybekova K.D., Zholdoshev S.T.
Pages: 54-62
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Introduction. The article presents an epidemiological analysis, the structure of morbidity and epizootic assessment of brucellosis in residents of the urban population of the Jalal-Abad region for 2020-2022 in order to improve further control of brucellosis. The purpose of the work- to conduct an epidemiological analysis of the features of the incidence of brucellosis of the urban population in the region. Materials and methods. Based on data from the Regional Center for Morbidity Prevention and Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance, monthly and annual reporting form No. 1, forms "On infectious and parasitic diseases", district and city central state sanitary and epidemiological supervision submitted to the regional central department of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. Results and discussions. Over the past three years, there has been a trend of an increase in the incidence in the districts of the region, especially in the highlands, and a decrease in the urban population. There was also an increase in brucellosis among children under 14 years of age, from 1.4 to 3.2 times. In the structure of the incidence of brucellosis, acute brucellosis is in the first place - 92.4%, chronic 5.2% is in second place and subacute is 2.3%. The diagnosis of brucellosis was made clinically and laboratory in 5.3%, using the bacteriological method in 68.7%, and clinical and epidemiological in 31.2%. Conclusion. Thus, the incidence of brucellosis of the population living in the cities of the Jalal-Abad region has decreased from 32.0 to 17.4 per 100 thousand over the past three years. At the same time, there was a tendency to increase the incidence in the districts of the region (from 18.7 -24.2 per 100 thousand population).
Pages: 50-53
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Pages: 76-79
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Gender differences in neuropsychological changes in concussion
Authors: Kemelova V.K.
Pages: 85-89
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Introduction. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of death and
disability. Cognitive impairment is one of the most common consequences
of brain injury.
The aim of the study- Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a main cause of death
and disability. Cognitive impairment is one of the most common consequences of brain injury. The purpose of this study is to assess the neuropsychological features of cognitive alterations in men and women who have had
a concussion.
Materials and Methods. 136 patients with consequences of concussion were
examined. The average age of the subjects was (32.8±3.6 years). A neuropsychological study was performed: Mini Mental State Examination; Frontal
Assessment Battery; “10 words” test; Schulte test; verbal association test.
Results. In both groups there were no difficulties in the simple choice reaction, in performing dynamic praxis, and in assessing the grasping reflex, but
there were slight difficulties in conceptualization. The differences in delayed
recall scores were significantly different from the control group (P<0,05),
also indicating cognitive deficits. During the attention test, number finding
in the two groups was outside the normal range of the control group.
Conclusions. The identified features of cognitive deficit were in the nature
of neurodynamic disorders in the form of slowed mental activity and lack
of concentration.
Pages: 133-136
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Global Public Health Threats in the 21st century: quality and availability of medical  services for Ischemic Heart Disease (Kyrgyzstan)
Authors: Sadyrbekov K.K., Duishenov D.A.
Pages: 105-113
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Introduction. Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death world wide. About 17.9 million people die from them annually, which is 31% of all deaths worldwide. Of these deaths, 85% were due to Ischemic heart disease (IHD) and stroke. IHD is one of the most common causes of death in many countries. Millions of people suffer from this disease, and it has a significant impact on the lives of patients, their families and society as a whole. In this regard, the study of the prevalence and mortality from IHD, as well as the identification of the causes, risk factors is very relevant. Objective of the study: to assess the prevalence, mortality and risk factors for the development of ischemic heart disease to develop recommendations for health protection and promotion, prevention of IHD in Kyrgyzstan. Materials and methods. The material for the research was medical and statistical indicators of the Center for Electronic Health of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic, the World Health Organization. A content analysis of official sources was conducted. A retrospective epidemiological study of prevalence, morbidity, and mortality was carried out for the period 2000-2019. Statistical data processing was performed using the Microsoft Excel application package. Results. The analysis of population morbidity revealed the prevalence of various pathologies, among which the most attention is drawn to respiratory
diseases, diseases of the digestive system, infectious and parasitic diseases,
diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as injuries and poisoning. In the structure of causes of mortality, the main place is occupied by diseases of the circulatory system (52.3%), followed by neoplasms (10.5%), respiratory diseases (6.8%), COVID-19 (6.1%), injuries and poisoning (5.6%) and conditions that arose in the perinatal period (4.0%). When analyzing the nosological forms of circulatory diseases, coronary heart disease (CHD) ranks first, followed by stroke, hypertension, cardiomyopathy, myocarditis and endocarditis, as well as other circulatory diseases. It was found that mortality from CHD is 2.5-3.0 times higher than that from stroke and 22.3 times higher than that from other circulatory diseases. Analysis of risk factors contributing to mortality showed that rational nutrition is of the greatest importance, accounting for 25% of the total number of risk factors. This figure in
Kyrgyzstan is 6% higher than similar data in the countries of the WHO European Region and 10% higher than in the countries of the European Union. High blood pressure is in second place in terms of significance, followed by tobacco use, high cholesterol, high body mass index and air pollution. These data emphasize the need to develop and implement comprehensive measures to prevent diseases and improve public health. Conclusion. Population growth, ageing society and high prevalence of non-communicable diseases, along with increased exposure to risk factors, contribute to the growth of mortality and disability (including coronary heart disease, stroke, cancer and other pathologies). This highlights the need for urgent and cost-effective preventive measures by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic to maintain and strengthen public health. There are problems at all levels of health care (preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation) in the fight against cardiovascular diseases that require immediate solutions. Preventive measures (primary, secondary and tertiary prevention) are not implemented at the proper level. The Public Health Service
of Kyrgyzstan, responsible for the coordination and implementation of preventive initiatives, faces insufficient funding and is mainly focused on the prevention of infectious diseases. This leads to ineffective activities, out dated infrastructure and a lack of human resources. As a result, the current health care system is unable to cope with new challenges, especially in the context of epidemics of new diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, neoplasms, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes mellitus and COVID-19.
Healthcare workers are a group at high risk of contracting COVID-19
Authors: Asyranova U.S., Baiyzbekova D.A., Zhumalieva C.K
Pages: 147-151
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Introduction. The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a significant increase in the burden on health care workers
and demonstrated a dangerous disregard for their health, safety, and well-being. Health care workers had a critical rolenot only in the clinical management of patients, but also in ensuring appropriate infection prevention and infection control (IPIC) measures in health care organizations. "Preventive measures taken in the Kyrgyz Republic in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including the introduction
of the State of Emergency (SOE) and border closures, were not effective, and the epidemic spread to all regions, with high rates of infection among and healthcare workers of alarming concern. One in four cases occurred among health workers (26%)." [13] And this rate among health workers remained high.
The aim of the study was to study and analyze literature-scientific data on the fact of high COVID-19 infection among medical workers and on necessity, relevance of organization of epidemiological surveillance of COVID-19 spread among medical workers, as an effective measure of COVID-19 prevention in the general population. Methods. We studied and analyzed 13 literature-scientific data that were identified during the global epidemiological surveillance of WHO, Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation and data of epidemiological investigation of causeeffect relationships of COVID-19 infection of medical workers in Kyrgyzstan until May 2020. The results of the information-analytical search, allowed to substantiate the relevance and priority for the Kyrgyz Republic in the organization of epidemiological surveillance over the spread of COVID-19 among health workers, which is essential and relevant to the scientific validity in the organization of epidemiological surveillance over the spread of COVID-19 among health workers in DHD of the Kyrgyz Republic by assessing the potential risk factors of infection of health workers with SARS-CoV-2 virus, as to identify the characteristics of transmission, i.e. Conclusion. National level scientific studies to assess the epidemiological situation of COVID-19 among health care workers, including their exposure characteristics and risk factors, as part of a case-control study, will be directed for epidemiological
surveillance purposes and to obtain an epidemiological picture. The results of which will help us determine
the most appropriate CRP measures at the level of health care organizations.
Henoch-Schönlein purpura and hyperhomocysteinemia
Authors: Dzhakypbaev O.A.
Pages: 123-127
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More than 220 years have passed since the first description of Henoch-
Schönlein purpura (HS-H). The disease belongs to the group of systemic
vasculitis, where it occupies one of the leading places in terms of frequency
of occurrence. Currently, the immunocomplex nature of HS-H has been
proven, in which “aseptic inflammation” develops in microvessels with destruction
of microvascular walls with thrombosis and the appearance of purpura
of various localizations due to the damaging effect of circulating
immune complexes (CIC) and activated components of the complement system
(C). The cause of the disease is not fully understood; among the provoking
factors of development, hyperhomocysteinemia deserves special
attention in recent years. The purpose of the study was to conduct a literature
review on Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HS-H) and hyperhomocysteinemia.
The main causes of homocysteine metabolism disorders are indicated, including
genetic abnormalities in the development of hyperhomocysteinemia.
A classification of hyperhomocysteinemia is presented depending on the
level of homocysteine in the blood serum. This review article suggests that
hyperhomocysteinemia has a triggering role in the mechanism of development
of PS-H.
Herd immunity to the SARS-CoV-2 among the population of the Kyrgyz  Republic
Authors: Nuridinova Zh. N. , Nurmatov Sh.Zh., Kuchuk T.E.
Pages: 21-28
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Introduction. In the Kyrgyz Republic, in the period after the second wave of the coronavirus infection pandemic in 2021, the second round of a seroepidemiological study was conducted to assess population immunity to the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
The purpose of the study was to determine the level and structure of population immunity to SARS-CoV-2 among the population of the Kyrgyz Republic during the period of intensive spread of COVID-19.
Materials and methods. The research methods are seroepidemiological, population-based, age-stratified prospective (cross-sectional). The materials for the study were serums and personal data of persons who agreed to the study.
Results and discussions. The results of laboratory studies showed that in the republic the proportion of people with antibodies to coronavirus infection in February 2021 amounted to 71.2% against 30.8% in July 2020. Seroprevalence by region in the first round of the study ranged from 13 to 62.7%, in the second round 63.9 to 77.8%.
In the first round of the study, out of 1446 seropositive individuals 925 64.0% (61.5-66.5) had symptoms of COVID-19, and in the second round of 3372/1696- 50.3% (48.6-52.0), respectively. They asked for medical help in the first round out of 1446/315 -21.8% (19.7-23.9), in the second round out of 3372/855 -25.4% (23.9-26.9). The results of both rounds of the study show that with increasing age, the proportion of people seeking medical care in parallel increases in the first round ranging from 10.0 to 27.5%, and in the second round from 6.2 to 37.5%. Conclusions. An increase in seropositivity was noted in all age categories, and the proportion of seropositivity increased with increasing age in the examined individuals. An analysis of epidemiological indicators based on the personal data of the examined persons showed that, compared with the results of the first round of the study, the manifestation of clinical symptoms decreased by 13.7%, the number of patients seeking medical care by 3.6% and the number of hospitalized patients by 4.6 %. This indicates a decrease in the severity of the clinical course of the incidence of coroavirus infection. A decrease in the manifestation of symptoms of the disease is especially noted in the age category 0-9 and 10-19 years.
Historical aspects of the development of medical education and science in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Bapaliyeva G.O., Kasymov O.T., Turgumbayeva J.D.
Pages: 160-165
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This article is devoted to the historical facts of the development of medical education and science in the Kyrgyz Republic. The article examines the historical aspects of the formation of the state system of training medical personnel
in the Kyrgyz Republic in the late 19th - early 20th centuries.
Hygienic assessment of working conditions for workers at a pipe and slate enterprise  using chrysotile in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Shakhmatova A.K., Sharshenova A.A., Arzygulova K.Sh., Salymbekova K.S., Kasymbekov Zh.O., Dzhemuratov K.A.
Pages: 148-156
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Introduction. Chrysotile asbestos is a natural mineral, a non-flammable material with a fibrous structure. Belongs to the serpentine group, chrysotile is
also called white asbestos. It is used in construction as a heat-insulating, fireresistant material. WHO has assessed that many fibrous substitutes for
chrysotile asbestos pose a relatively low risk to human health, although the
carcinogenic hazard of some fibrous substitutes has been recognized as high.
In the Kyrgyz Republic, the fibrous material chrysotile is used both in construction and in industry. Research in the Kyrgyz Republic on the assessment
of the work of workers employed at an enterprise where chrysotile asbestos
is used is scarce. The purpose of the work is a hygienic assessment of the working conditions of workers engaged in the production of asbestos-cement products in order to reduce the impact of harmful and hazardous factors in the production environment. Materials and methods. The work used hygienic, medical-demographic, statistical and other research methods. The dustiness of the air in the working area was studied at an enterprise producing asbestos-cement products (pipes and slate sheets); measurements of microclimatic parameters (temperature,
relative humidity and air velocity) in the working area were taken at the main
and auxiliary workplaces in Kant pipe and slate enterprise. Medical documents and reporting forms were collected to study the health status of workers.
Results and discussion. The data from the results of the assessment of the
working conditions of workers engaged in the production of asbestos-cement
products made it possible to provide a hygienic description of working conditions based on the levels of dustiness of the air in the working area and
microclimatic parameters. The paper provides an assessment of the health
status of workers based on data on morbidity with temporary disability.
Conclusion. The results of measuring the dustiness of the air in the working
area and microclimatic parameters made it possible to assess the working
conditions of workers in the production of asbestos-cement products and to
give practical recommendations for their improvement the working conditions of the enterprise's employees.
Hygienic features of nutrition of astrakhan students in connection with their physical development and acute viral infection illness
Authors: Kuznetsov I.A., Kasymbekov Zh.O., Rasulov M.M.
Pages: 70-76
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Introduction. It is established that infectious diseases adversely affect the nutritional status. To confirm this fact and to study the issue in more detail study, a hygienic analysis of the nutritional structure and the main morphological and physiological indicators of the development and the composition of body tissues in girls - students of the Astrakhan State Technical University and the Astrakhan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, taking into account the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections, was carried out. Studies were conducted with the participation of girls who were fond of various diets compared to young men to maintain a slender figure and anorexia is more often observed in this cohort of persons. Purpose: To carry out a hygienic assessment of the nutritional structure and the main morphophysiological characteristics of young students in the city of Astrakhan, taking into account the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections. Materials and methods. The studies involved students from the Astrakhan Technical University and the Astrakhan University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, 299 female students were observed. 2 groups were identified: control girls
- 100 people (sampled from 268 examined girls, whose physical development indices fit into the reference parameters); girls with protein deficiency - 25 people (a random sample of 32 persons whose physical development indices indicated the presence of protein insufficiency syndrome. A group of female students with visceral of protein insufficiency syndrome often suffering from acute respiratory viral infections was also identified. To analyze the epidemiological situation on of acute respiratory viral infections, the data of the health center of the Astrakhan State Technical University and the Astrakhan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering were used. Conventional somatometric methods for assessing physical development and nutrition, biochemical and general blood analysis were used. Statistical processing of the data was performed using the application package Statistica 10, StatisticsPlus 2.1 and MS Excel 2003.
Results. Female students with trophic status disorders had significantly lower body weight (88.2% compared to the control group), due to a decrease in the amount of muscle (88.5%), fat (87.7%) and lean mass (88.7%). They also had significantly less muscle tissue (92.9%). At the same time, the physical development of girls with acute respiratory viral infections fell within the normal limits, the exception was the subjects with a lean body weight less than the average value, and their body mass index corresponded to a mild degree of malnutrition due to protein deficiency syndrome. The indicators of the development of the tissues of girls with a lower content of the composition of the studied tissues were significantly decreased compared to the control group and groups with higher values of these indicators. Conclusion.An increase in the morbidity in girls correlates with the content of muscle tissue in the body. With a decrease in the amount of muscle tissue below a certain value, the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections increases, and physical development decreases up to the development of protein deficiency syndrome.
Iatrogenic injury of the ureter: consideration of the problem
Authors: Toktosopiev Ch.N., Imankulova A.S., Osmonov D.T, Usupbaev A.Ch.
Pages: 164-170
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There is an opinion that gynecological and obstetric operations are the main cause of iatrogenic injuries, and
they also occur during operations on the pelvic organs and retroperitoneal space. A literature review was conducted on
iatrogenic damage to the ureter. A search was conducted on the topic of iatrogenic damage to the ureter and the most representative,
cited articles were selected in the Scopus, PubMed and WoS databases.
Methods. The success of treatment of iatrogenic damage to the ureter depends on the period of diagnosis. We have studied
most aspects of iatrogenic damage to the ureter. An unfavorable prognosis for the patient is an unrecognized iatrogenic
injury of the ureter. Delayed diagnosis is an unfavorable prognosis of treatment. Treatment is carried out by an operative
or conservative method.
Results. Iatrogenic injuries may be accompanied by legal consequences. Treatment can be lengthy and accompanied by
financial costs and not always instantaneous. It often leads to depression and stress.
Discussion/Conclusion.Thus, iatrogenic damage to the ureter is still intractable. It is necessary to introduce algorithms
for examining patients and implement a multidisciplinary approach.
Immediate and long-term results of surgical treatment of patients with post-traumatic chronic osteomyelitis of tubular bones against the background of the use of traditional technologies
Authors: Aburasulov M.G., Sagymbaev E.M., Bularkieva E.A.
Pages: 62-68
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Chronic osteomyelitis is one of the most common purulent inflammatory diseases. The proportion of patients
with chronic post-traumatic osteomyelitis among patients with purulent diseases is 6-10%. Modern research shows that
osteomyelitis after open bone fractures occurs in 10-22% of cases, after surgical treatment of closed fractures - from 2 to
7% and very often in tubular bones [13].
The treatment of a purulent surgical infection to this day remains one of the most important and difficult to solve problems,
which is associated not only with a decrease in the body's immune resistance, the widespread use of antibiotic-resistant
microflora strains that can cause purulent complications, but also with unsatisfactory results of surgical interventions,
the reasons for which are many authors see in the errors of early diagnosis at the prehospital stage, in preoperative preparation,
as well as in the technique of performing the operation [14,15].
The social significance of the problem lies in the fact that purulent diseases and osteomyelitis suffer mainly from the
most efficient part of the population, while more than 90% of patients subsequently become disabled [16]. This is largely
due to the high level of injuries, an increase in the proportion of severe injuries of the musculoskeletal system and an increase
in the number of post-traumatic osteomyelitis, as well as the expansion of indications for surgical methods of
treatment, primarily for various types of submerged metal osteosynthesis.
Immediate results of surgical treatment of colorectal cancer with synchronous liver metastases
Authors: Osombaev M.Sh., Abdrasulov K.D., Dzhekshenov M.J.
Pages: 163-167
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The management of patients with synchronous metastatic colorectal cancer (SMCRC) remains a challenge for
an interdisciplinary team. The results of a simultaneous surgical strategy, in combination with resection of the primary
malignant neoplasm and liver metastases, avoid complications during a major re-operation, theoretically reduce the risk
of dissemination of the disease, and allow adjuvant therapy to be completed in a timely manner. Therefore, it is unclear
to what extent this surgical strategy is applied in the general population and whether comparable results are achieved. Simultaneous
removal of primary colorectal cancer (CRC) and synchronous liver metastases (LIC) is of increasing
interest.The purpose of the study -to conduct a comparative analysis of the immediate results of synchronous and staged
surgical treatment of patients with SMCRC.Material and methods. The results of treatment of 41 patients with MCRC
with synchronous liver damage, who underwent synchronous (group A, n=21) and staged resections (group B, n=20) of
the liver in the department of intestinal tumors of the National Center of Oncology and Hematology of the Ministry of
Health of the Kyrgyz Republic during the period from 2010 to 2020. Results. The total level of postoperative complications
in groups A and B after the completion of the surgical stages did not differ statistically. A shorter duration of surgery was
registered in group A — 316.3±10.3 minutes, while in group B it was 484.1±18.3 minutes (p<0.001). Patients after staged
resections stayed longer in the hospital - 21.1±0.7 bed-days, while after synchronous resections - 10.32±0.6 bed-days
(p<0.001). Conclusions.An analysis of our studies indicates the need to develop a differentiated approach to the surgical
treatment of SMCR.
Immune-vegetative characteristics of ischemic stroke
Authors: Chekeeva N.T., Shleifer S.G., Kulov B.B., Andrianova E.V.
Pages: 130-140
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Introduction. According to population registers, the prevalence of stroke
reaches 257.9 per 100,000 population per year, and the proportion of ischemic
stroke is 80-92%. This is due to the multifactorial nature of the disease.
In mountain climates, the main risk factors are an increase in
hematocrit, blood viscosity, arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis are
more often diagnosed. The immune and autonomic nervous systems are involved
in the regulation of these processes. It becomes interesting to study
their adaptation possibilities at different levels and severity of brain ischemia
The aim of the study: To investigate the dependencies of immunologic and
vegetative parameters in patients with primary ischemic stroke in the acute
and acute periods in low mountain conditions. To clarify the pathogenesis
and severity of the disease.
Materials and methods. A cohort study of 52 patients with primary ischemic
stroke and 59 patients with dyscirculatory encephalopathy was performed.
The groups were distinguished: Group 1 - patients with ischemic stroke in
the middle cerebral artery basin on the left (18 patients); Group 2 - patients
with ischemic stroke in the middle cerebral artery basin on the right (11 patients),
Group 3 - patients with ischemic stroke in the vertebrobasilar basin
(15 patients) and comparison group - patients with stage I-II dyscirculatory
encephalopathy (59 patients). Eight patients with fatal outcome were described
separately (Fig.1). Stroke severity was assessed using the Gusev and
Skvortsova scale. Cardiointervalography and immunological study in patients
with stroke was performed on the 1st and 10th days of the disease,
and in patients with dyscirculatory encephalopathy on the first day of hospitalization.
Impact of COVID-19 on the Delivery of Obstetric and Gynecological Services to women
Authors: Abdirazakov N.A., Kamchybekova T.K., Amanbekov E.B., Baiyzbekova D.A.
Pages: 35-42
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Introduction. Regime-restrictive measures were implemented in the country. March 16, 2020, which lasted a total of 47 days. During the period of active spread of the new coronavirus infection, there was a significant reduction in
the provision of services to the population at the outpatient level, including obstetric and gynecological services. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of COVID-19 on the provision of obstetric and gynecological services to women. Materials and Methods. Data from the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic (NSC KR) and the Electronic Health Center of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic (EHC) for 2019 (pre-pandemic period) and 2020
(pandemic period) were taken for situation analysis and 542 women aged 18 years and older were questioned.
Results and discussion. Based on the data analysis, the COVID-19 pandemic and the imposition of restrictive measures
influenced women to use health care organizations to obtain obstetric and gynecological services. According to the National Statistical Committee and the e-Health Center of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, the maternal mortality rate increased significantly in 2020 due to extragenital causes (including COVID-19), and as a result of
inaccessibility of obstetric and gynecological services and untimely registration of pregnant women.
Conclusion. For pregnancy complications, obtaining infertility services, and menstrual disorders. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the maternal mortality rate. In recent years there was a decrease in the maternal mortality rate until
2019, but in 2020 the rate increased by 45.6%. The number of maternal deaths from extragenital diseases almost doubled.
It is also possible that the growth of the maternal mortality rate is observed as a consequence of inaccessibility of obstetric
and gynecological services, untimely registration. The share of deaths during pregnancy increased by 11.7% and from
abortions by 0.7% (50% - criminal abortions and 50% - formal abortions), 4.5% was due to rupture of the uterus. According to international studies, 75.2% of participants did not plan the pregnancy, most likely due to the economic situation during the COVID-19 regime. The study in Kyrgyzstan revealed that COVID-19 influenced the decision not to become
pregnant by 26.27%. Also the worsened economic situation since the introduction of restrictive measures had a significant
impact on family planning decisions, and 4.58% of respondents who did not have children believed that the birth of a child should be postponed due to the fear of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Impact of COVID-19 on the implementation of activities by the anti-tuberculosis service of the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Abdrakhmanova E.D.
Pages: 108-113
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The article presents data on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the implementation of anti-tuberculosis
measures, in particular on the detection of tuberculosis cases in the Kyrgyz Republic. To achieve this goal, the reporting
data of the Department of Informatics and Epidemiology of the National Center of Phthisiology for 2019-2020 were
taken. The analysis included data on the number of reported cases of tuberculosis (TB), morbidity and mortality from
TB in 2019-2021. According to the NCF, epidemiological indicators such as morbidity and mortality from TB in 2020
compared to 2019 decreased significantly: the incidence of tuberculosis by 3.3 times (from 78.9 to 53.5, OR =3.3, 95%
CI 1.8-6.2, χ2 and mortality did not change, remaining at 3.9). A significant decrease in the incidence of tuberculosis (by
32.2%) is associated with a decrease in detection due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The TB service had difficulties in
staffing during the pandemic, which certainly led to a deterioration in the service of TB patients. The incidence of tuberculosis
in 2021 shows an improvement in the diagnosis of tuberculosis and an increase in the number of registered cases
(58.9 cases per 100 thousand population). Over the past 4 years, the highest incidence of tuberculosis in the republic has
been observed in the Chui region (124.2-88.2), then in the regions with a large population – Bishkek (88.8-59.7), Jalal-
Abad (73.3-55.6) and Osh region (75.0-55.9), and the lowest indicator is in Issyk-Kul region (48.9-37.5).
Impact of COVID-19 on tuberculosis
Authors: Altymysheva N.A. , Toktogonova A.A., Ismailova A.J., Sheisheyeva N.A.
Pages: 44-48
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The COVID-19 pandemic has seriously undermined the progress made in the fight against tuberculosis worldwide over the past 10 years. In 2020, compared to 2019, due to restrictions on access to tuberculosis treatment services,
reduced funding for TB services and programs, there was a decrease in the registration of TB cases, a reduction in the
detection of TB of all ages, children and MDR TB by up to 40%, as well as a reduction in preventive TB treatment of household contacts and people living with HIV. In addition, the staff of the tuberculosis service was redistributed to other
According to the World Health Organization: 8 million new cases of tuberculosis are registered annually in the world, 2
million patients die. If this trend continues, many experts express fears that the COVID-19 pandemic may lead to a deterioration in the epidemiological situation of tuberculosis.
Studies conducted in 2020 showed that if the COVID-19 pandemic on a global scale leads to a 25% decrease in the expected levels of TB detection within 6 months, then we can expect an increase in tuberculosis mortality by 26%, which
will return us to the levels of tuberculosis mortality observed in 2012 [1]. In 2020, treatment for tuberculosis decreased
by 21% compared to 2019 [2].
According to the early modeling conducted in 2020, it is expected that in the period from 2020 to 2025 another 1.4 million
people will die from tuberculosis as a direct consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, which is significantly more than
from any other infection [3]. All this will worsen the situation with tuberculosis in the world, achieved five years ago,
and will cast doubt on the implementation of the goal put forward by world leaders – to end tuberculosis by 2030.
Objective: to review the situation of tuberculosis incidence during the pandemic.
Materials and methods of research. The materials for studying the effect of COVID-19 on tuberculosis were statistical
data on the registration of diseases.
Results and discussion. In 2020, in the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as throughout the world, the detection rate of tuberculosis
decreased seriously. According to experts, the number of new cases has decreased not because the disease is losing ground,
but because not all cases have been identified. As a result, there is every reason to assume that the number of cases may
increase in the coming years. About this and what lessons were learned in Kyrgyzstan in 2020, when the detection of tuberculosis was difficult.
Conclusions. The new COVID-19 infection has exacerbated the problems of tuberculosis. There is a possibility of deterioration of the epidemic situation regarding the spread of tuberculosis against the background of COVID-19. This problem may have an adverse effect on the incidence of tuberculosis i
Impact of COVID-19 on tuberculosis services in Kyrgyzstan
Authors: Huffman S. A., Kadyralieva A. A., Cholurova R. A., Ibraimova A.S., Abdrakhmanova E.D.
Pages: 78-85
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A Quality of TB Services Assessment was conducted in Kyrgyzstan with a special module designed to assess
the impact of COVID-19 on TB services. Results demonstrate widespread disruption to TB services across all areas, including
reallocation of TB resources to COVID-19, decreased TB case detection and treatment, and impacts on infection
control. Results also show significant uptake of measures implemented to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on TB services,
including patient-centered services. There is a need to refocus efforts and investment on TB in order to remedy the
impacts on the TB control system.
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women's reproductive health
Authors: Kamchybekova T.K., Baiyzbekova D.A.
Pages: 79-84
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Introduction. Currently, the COVID-19 pandemic is one of the key challenges for healthcare systems around the world. Social distancing, home isolation, and reduced outpatient visits as precautionary measures during the pandemic have inevitably led to disruptions in the provision of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services. Historical experience has shown that pandemics can have a significant impact on the reproductive health of the population, especially the reproductive health of women. Materials and methods. In order to assess whether the introduction of measures to combat COVID-19 has affected women’s reproductive health, we collected available data from various sources: the National Statistical Committee (NSC KR), the Electronic Health Center (EHC) under the Ministry of Health of the KR, the Department of Prevention diseases and sanitary and epidemiological surveillance services (DPDSaESS) and other open data sources. Also published reviews of scientific research data related to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on women’s reproductive health both in Kyrgyzstan and around the world. Studies were retrieved using PubMed, Google Scholar and the National Medical Library of Kyrgyzstan databases. Results and its discussion. From the analysis of available data, it is clear that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant negative impact on women's reproductive health in Kyrgyzstan. Access to health care during the pandemic has also had an impact on women's reproductive health. Many women face difficulties in obtaining necessary health care, such as contraception and medical care. According to the statistical committee, there are significant changes in the mortality rate both throughout Kyrgyzstan and in its individual regions. Conclusion. Analysis of available data confirmed both direct and indirect adverse effects of COVID-19 on female reproductive health. COVID-19-related deaths among pregnant women statistically significantly changed the overall maternal mortality rate in the country. The pandemic also affected the availability of health services such as contraceptive counseling, safe termination of unwanted pregnancies, and diagnosis and treatment of pregnancy complications.
Implementation of modern methods of donor blood testing in the Republican Blood Center
Authors: Satybaldieva A.B.
Pages: 29-34
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Introduction. One of the main problems in the republic’s blood service is the viral safety of donor blood and its components. Solving this problem will make it possible to protect the recipient from possible infection with
viral infections such as HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), hepatitis B,
hepatitis C, syphilis, etc. This article presents improvements in testing of donor blood, and a comparative analysis of donation indicators and an assessment of donor potential.
One of the main problems in the republic’s blood service is the viral safety of donor blood and its components. Solving this problem will make it possible to protect the recipient from possible infection with viral infections such as HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), hepatitis B, hepatitis C,
syphilis, etc. Material and research methods. The research materials were statistical data
from the Republican Blood Center. A retrospective data analysis was carried
out. Results. All donated blood from the RBC, as well as from two transfusiology
departments of the National Hospital (NH) and the Research Institute of
Heart Surgery and Organ Transplantation (NRIHS&OT) in Bishkek are
tested for blood-borne infections with each blood donation. Since August 2022, two-stage testing of donor blood has been introduced.
Donor blood samples from each donation are examined using two different methods on two different machines. At the 1st stage, the study of donor blood is carried out using the ICLA method, then at the 2nd stage, all negative samples for ICLA are examined using the PCR method. Studies using the ICLA method are carried out on an automatic analyzer “Architect
i2000SR” (USA), and studies using the PCR method are carried out on an automatic analyzer “Cobas 201” (Switzerland). High quality of examination of donor blood is ensured by introducing automated laboratory systems,
using highly sensitive techniques and eliminating the risk of errors due to the human factor. This ultimately guarantees the receipt of reliable research results and the detection of infection in a latent stage when examining donor
blood samples. Conclusions. Daily internal laboratory quality control, participation in External EQA and testing on automatic “closed type” analyzers allows us to draw conclusions about the reliability of the results obtained.
Pages: 43-46
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Indicators of immune status and results of culture mycobacteria tuberculosis in the process of chemotherapy in patients with lung tuberculosis
Authors: Dudenko E.V.
Pages: 65-69
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The immune status and result of culture Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) were compared in
newly diagnosed patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (TBL) during chemotherapy. Upon admission, 51 patients were
examined. Research material for the presence of M. tuberculosis: sputum and blood of patients with TBL using methods:
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and culture on Levenshtein-Jensen medium. For PCR, amplification was carried out
on a T1 thermal cycler (Biometra). The immune status was studied by the method of indirect immunofluorescence reaction
(RIF) with monoclonal antibodies CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, CD19+ and the ratio of CD4+\CD8+ (immunoregulatory index
- IRI) was calculated. Job design is a prospective study. Statistical processing SPSS16.0 programs using. The value of
the Fisher angular transformation φ was determined and confidence intervals of CI were calculated (M±tm; t=2.0; p<0.05).
Result of study: all patients with TBL had a positive PCR result. A positive result of the culture method (culture+) was
noted in 38/74.5% of 51 examined patients with TBL at admission. After 2 months of chemotherapy PCR+ was in all examined
TBL patients, culture+ was detected in 11/47.8% of 23 patients. The combined use of PCR and culture showed
a reduced detection of M. tuberculosis during chemotherapy (p<0.05). Upon admission, 74.5% of M. tuberculosis using
culture was detected. After 2 months of treatment, 47.8% of M. tuberculosis was detected. In the course of chemotherapy
in the culture-positive group, there was an increase (p<0.05) in most parameters of cellular immunity (CD3+, CD4+,
CD8+). In the culture-negative group, there was an increase (p<0.05) in CD3+ and IRI. Thus, studies have shown the relationship
between cellular immunity and the result culture of M. tuberculosis.
Indirect electrochemical oxidation of blood in the treatment of patients with surgical diseases of the abdominal organs on the background of diabetes mellitus
Authors: Kultaev U.T. , Zholdoshbekov E.Zh.
Pages: 62-65
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The results of the application of sodium hypochlorite solution in 35 patients with acute destructive cholecystitis
and appendicitis are presented. In order to prevent complications and treat endotoxicosis, 0.06% sodium hypochlorite solution was used in the subclavian vein in an amount of 200 ml daily. The course of treatment is 4-5 injections.
Analysis of the results of the use of sodium hypochlorite showed that there is a decrease in the blood sugar level,
the number of leukocytes and the normalization of the leukocyte index of intoxication.
Infectious and inflammatory complications in patients with traumatic brain injury
Authors: Kalykov T.S., Kalyev K.M., Yrysov K.B.
Pages: 39-46
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Introduction. Despite the seeming theoretical completeness of the problem of studying traumatic brain injury, there are a number of issues that are controversial or insufficiently covered. There is no clear differentiation of reactive aseptic meningitis and bacterial purulent meningitis in its early stages. Objective. Improving the results of treatment of patients with traumatic brain injury by developing tactics, substantiating the pathogenetic orientation of prevention and treatment of infectious and inflammatory complications in the postoperative period. Material and methods. An analysis of management results of 127 patients (men - 109, women - 18) with traumatic brain injury and infectious and inflammatory complications was presented. Results. For the first time, infectious and inflammatory complications of traumatic brain injury in the postoperative period were identified as an independent object of study. The characteristic and comprehensive assessment of infectious and inflammatory complications after neurosurgical interventions in traumatic brain injury is given. Based on a comprehensive study, the main patterns of the development of infectious and inflammatory complications in the postoperative period have been studied. The role of the nature of surgical intervention and surgical method in their development is shown, the structural prerequisites for the development of complications are indicated. New methods of studying infectious and inflammatory complications using modern technologies are proposed. Conclusions. The most common infection in the area of surgical intervention was osteomyelitis of the bone flap. The most frequent causative agent of infection was coagulase-negative staphylococci (34.8%), followed by Propionebacterium species (26.1%) and Staphylococcus aureus (21.7%).
Influence of COVID-19 on the morphofunctional state of (peribronchial) lymph nodes of the lungs
Authors: Mukashev M.Sh., Turganbaev A.E., Toktosun uulu B.
Pages: 26-31
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The article contains a message about morphological changes in regional lung bleeding in deaths from COVID-
The objects of the study were peribronchial inflammatory nodes, subjected to histoprocessing and morphological examination
when stained with hematoxylin and eosin.
It has been established that lymphocytes, plasmocytes, macrophage cells, deposits of fibrin and fibrin-like masses, erythrocyte
sludge and blood clots in the vessels prevail in the inflammatory nodes in the cell section. Such changes are
characteristic of the exudative and proliferative phase of diffuse alveolar damage in the lungs at death from COVID-19.
Innovative technologies in improving the performance of the diagnostic service
Authors: Albaev R.K.
Pages: 11-17
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Introduction. The high informative effective activity of innovative technologies introduced into the practical work of the diagnostic service of a multidisciplinary hospital in the form of a preventive medicine department functioning in the Check-up format, a laboratory of personalized genomic diagnostics, centers of nuclear medicine, CT and MRI studies is shown. The data obtained from the analysis of the use of innovative high-precision diagnostic technologies are presented and an assessment of their informative effectiveness in identifying early forms of diseases and pre-pathological signs of hereditary and oncological diseases that contribute to the timely taking of therapeutic and recreational measures is given.
Objective. To analyze the state and evaluate the effectiveness of the introduction and use of innovative diagnostic technologies in the practice of a multidisciplinary hospital.
Methods. The activities of the Department of Preventive Medicine in the Check-up format, quantitative and structural indicators of the laboratory of genomic diagnostics, nuclear medicine centers, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic tomography (MRI) studies with an assessment of the informativeness of each method in the diagnosis of early or pre-pathological forms of various hereditary and oncological diseases.
Results. The use of innovative technology in the form of a Check-up made it possible in a very short time (only 1-2 days) to conduct a full screening examination of persons from among the attached population, identify early forms of the disease or signs of various diseases and timely organize therapeutic measures in the presence of identified pathological processes or measures to level their risk factors and improve patients' health. The use of innovative non- and minimally invasive diagnostic methods made it possible to make an accurate early diagnosis (or pre-pathological diagnosis of diseases) and determine further adequate tactics of treatment and rehabilitation of patients according to approved clinical protocols.
Conclusion. Innovative technologies introduced into the practice of the diagnostic service of the multidisciplinary hospital have shown high informative effectiveness based on the widened range of high-precision methods, including the services of the department of preventive medicine in the Check-up format, the laboratory of personalized genomic diagnostics, nuclear medicine centers, CT and MRI studies.
Interleukin-4 and interleukin-6 levels in the blood of multi-resistant tuberculosis patients with drug allergy
Authors: Dudenko E.V., Sydykova S., Zhanybekov I. Zh.
Pages: 28-32
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Drug allergy (DA) is one of the main types of adverse events in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB).
An allergic reaction develops under the influence of cytokines (CT). The aim of the study: the purpose of the study was
the production of interleukins IL-4, IL-6 and cytokine balance (CB) in patients with MDR-TB with DA. Materials and
methods. The object of the study was 80 MDR-TB patients with DA on anti-tuberculosis drugs according to clinical
signs. Treatment regimen: standard (SR) - 50/62.5%, short-term (ST) - 10/12.5% and individual (IR) – 20/25.0% of patients.
The average age is 34.0±3.8 years. The study material is blood serum. The research method is solid-phase enzyme
immunoassay (Sandwich method), «Awareness Technology» equipment and «Vector-Best» reagent kits. Spontaneous
production of IL-4 and IL-6 was studied. Design: a prospective and retrospective study. Statistical processing was carried
out using the SPSS16.0 software package. Results of the study. The concentration of IL-6 exceeded the norm in 38/47.5%,
IL-4 in 2/2.5% of 80 MDR-TB patients (p<0.05). There was a statistical difference between IL-4 and IL-6 (p<0.05) in
terms of SR and IR. The CB made up: SR (18,1±3,0/1,3±0,1=13,9), IR (31,4±5,8/2,7±0,2=11,8) and ST
(15,3±4,5/3,2±0,3=4,8). Consequently, the most active inflammatory allergy reaction was noted in SR (CB=13.9). Conclusion.
The study of the production of IL-4, IL-6 and the IL-6/IL-4 ratio contributes to the assessment of the activity of
the allergy inflammatory response in DA in MDR-TB patients.
Interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-α and genetic abnormalities of homocysteine metabolism in patients with allergic purpura
Authors: Dzhakypbaev O.A., Eralieva M.O., Sadiyev R.K., Narbekov T.O.
Pages: 35-41
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Introduction. Allergic purpura (AP) is one of the most common hemorrhagic diathesis, related to hypersensitive systemic vasculitis. The purpose of the study was to study pro-inflammatory cytokines: interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-α and genetic abnormalities of homocysteine
metabolism in patients with AP. Material and methods. The study included 119 patients with AP treated in the hematology department of the National Center of Oncology and Hematology
(NCOiH) of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic. In addition
to basic research methods, we conducted the following special studies:
cytokines, homocysteine, and folate cycle genes, such as MTHFR, MTRR.Results and its discussion. In patients with a high degree of aseptic inflammation activity, an increase in the concentration of interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) was observed. It was revealed that hyperhomocysteinemia in patients with AP is associated with genetic abnormalities
of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T (41,5%) and methionine synthase reductase (MTRR) A66G (58,4%). In 40% of patients with AP, parallel polymorphism of the MTHFR C677T and MTRR A66G
genes was registered. Conclusion. In the diagnosis of AP, it is advisable to include determination of the level of IL-6, TNFα, homocysteine and the presence of MTHFR
C677T and MTRR A66G mutations. If a polymorphism of the MTHFR C677T and MTRR A66G genes with hyperhomocysteinemia is detected, folic acid supplements should be prescribed.
Intracranial meningiomas: correlations between clinical picture, histopathology and genetic markers
Authors: Yrysov K.B. , Arstanbekov N. A.
Pages: 41-46
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Goal. Solving the question of whether there are certain genetic markers that correlate with specific clinical
characteristics of meningiomas, including multiplicity, relapses and erosion of the cranial vault.
Methods. Thirty-eight meningioma patients were selected for this study. During the operation, blood and tumor samples
were taken for histopathological, cytogenetic and molecular analysis. The loss of heterozygosity (LOH) on chromosomes
1p and 22q was investigated, and the NF2 gene on 22q12.2 was tested for the presence of pathogenic mutations.
The results obtained. The most frequent localization of tumors were convexital (25%) and parasagittal (21%). Histology
results showed that 86.8% of patients had grade I tumors, and the rest had grade II tumors. Pathogenic nonsense mutation
R341X in the NF2 gene was detected in only one patient. LOH on each of chromosomes 1p and 22q was observed in
44.7% of patients. Significant associations were found between the presence of certain tumor characteristics and the male
sex (p = 0.0059) and 22q LOH (p = 0.0425). We calculated that the presence of 22q LOH increases the probability of developing
a tumor that exhibits multiplicity, recurrence or erosion of the cranial vault in humans by about four times (OR
= 4.8; 95% CI: 1.2–23.4). The correction for gender increased this effect (OR = 6.1; 95% CI: 1.1–48.7).
Conclusions. The data obtained show that male patients and meningioma patients with 22q LOH are more likely to
develop tumors showing multiplicity, recurrence or erosion of the cranial vault. We recommend that this group of patients
be monitored more closely. Further studies are needed to determine the benefit of adjuvant radiation therapy in this scenario.
Introduction of BPaL for the treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Myrzaliev B.B., Toktogonova A.A., Sakmamatov K.M.
Pages: 92-96
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Administration of Bedaquiline, Pretomanide and Linezolid - BPaL is a new fully oral 6-month regimen consisting
of bedaquiline, a new TB drug pretomanide and linezolid approved by WHO to use in operational research conditions
for the patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB).
Review of the situation and estimation of the TB drugs cost for treatment of the one patient according to the BPaL regimen
in comparison with the conventional treatment regimens for DR-TB.
The National Center of Phthisiology (NCF), with the support of KNCV, has started preparing for the use of the BPaL
regime in the Kyrgyz Republic (KR) since 2021. During this period, a guide on the use of BPaL in the Kyrgyz Republic
was prepared, which was signed by the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic in early 2021. Training materials
were prepared, according to which all key specialists of the tuberculosis service were trained, with a focus on the central
council and the Republican Tuberculosis Hospital (RPTB) in Kara-Balta, where treatment of all patients on BРaL
was planned. despite the availability of regulatory documents, trainings, availability of drugs and eligible patients the
patient’s enrolment going slowly. Introduction of the BPaL regime over the next 3 years can save the state up to
460,000 US dollars.
The BPaL treatment regime can help the country significantly improve the effectiveness of treatment success rate of
the patients with DR-TB and rational use of the State and the Global Fund budget used for the procurement of the second-
line TB drugs for the Kyrgyz Republic.
Ionization potentials and numerical sequences of alternated type
Authors: Kasymova R.O., Azhimatova M.R. , Zheleznyak A.O., Kudayarova M.Zh.
Pages: 14-20
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Introduction. Ionization potentials are a characteristic of substances that characterize the energy of removing an electron from the outer and inner orbitals and the stability of the molecular system as a whole. On the basis of ionization potentials, the structure of a substance, its possible rearrangement occurring during ionization and depending on the excitation energy of atoms (oscillators) is studied. These are rearrangements that lead to the appearance of ions, radicals, ion-radicals, clusters, and other compounds. Also ionization potentials determine the stability of molecules, their redox and photochemical ability, biological activity. Thus, the biological activity (toxicity) of atoms and their compounds correlates with their valency. Equally important is the spread of toxic compounds and their stability in the external environment, which determines morbidity of humans and the population, the so-called microelementoses, etc. Knowledge of ionization potentials also makes it possible to synthesize substances with a given biological activity and other parameters. Ionization potentials are calculated by quantum chemical methods, as well as from molecular spectroscopy data. Regularities in the behavior of ionization potentials are studied in the courses of general chemistry and in the division "Matter structure". They are also reflected in reference books and in various publications on the subject. The aim of the study - In this paper, we consider the possibility of using a method based on the theoretical-numerical approach to the calculation of the first ionization potentials of some atoms and molecules which is also simpler and more accessible than quantum-chemical methods for calculating ionization potentials. Materials and methods. А combination (theoretical-numerical) approach was used in our study, which in our opinion can provide the most important information, tentatively, for predicting higher degrees of valency of atoms and molecules, for which there are no reference data in the literature. The data on ionization potentials given in the reference literature served as the material for the study and comparison with the available data. Results. Some examples of the use of theoretical-numerical sequences for studying the redox processes of some organic substances are given as well as estimated data of the first ionization potentials for some atoms. Conclusion. It is shown that the approach we propose can be used to calculate the ionization potentials of atoms of the Periodic System, while the discrepancy between calculated and experimental data is within 5-8%.
Is Metformin beneficial in ischemic etiology chronic heart failure patients at the insulin resistant stage?
Authors: Kurmanbekova B.T., Rustambekova A.R., Noruzbaeva A.M.
Pages: 21-32
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Chronic heart failure (CHF) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) often coexist. CHF is currently considered as
a state of insulin resistance (IR) and is associated with a deterioration in the prognosis and quality of life of patients. The
beneficial effect of metformin on the course of cardiovascular diseases, CHF in particular, in patients with type 2 diabetes,
has been established in numerous studies. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of metformin on the clinical
course of ischemic etiology CHF in patients at the IR stage. Material and methods. In the course of an open, prospective,
randomized clinical trial of 76 patients with ischemic etiology CHF (mean age 62 (57.5-65) years, men (n=44), mean
left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) 44.0 % (34-52.5)), were randomized into 2 groups: with metformin (n=39) and
without (n=37), respectively. All patients were given and explained in detail the principles of lifestyle modification. IR
was diagnosed with HOMA-IR ≥ 2.5. The necessary objective (with a survey about the quality of life of patients with
CHF), laboratory and instrumental methods of research, a 6-minute walking test were tested at baseline and after 12
months of follow-up. Results. Metformin therapy was associated with an improvement in CHF-associated clinical indicators
such as : IR (HOMA-IR), aldosterone levels, functional capacity and quality of life. Also in the metformin group,
there was a significant improvement in renal function (in terms of creatinine and daily proteinuria) and mean LV EF.
Conclusion. The possibility of a favorable effect of metformin on the course of CHF of ischemic etiology in patients
without concomitant type 2 diabetes will optimize the strategy of interventions to improve the quality of life and longterm
prognosis in CHF, as well as reduce the rate of conversion to type 2 diabetes.
Issues of diagnosis and testing for blood-borne viral hepatitis (B and C) in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Tobokalova S.T., Aitieva J.T., Zairova M.T.
Pages: 32-40
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Introduction. Testing and early detection of hepatitis B and Cinfection determine indications for the services
of prevention and treatment and are akey component for effective response to the epidemic of these infections and receiving
specialized care and treatment.
The aim of the study. Analysis of the state of diagnosis of viral hepatitis B and C in Kyrgyzstan to develop a mass testing
program as a stage towards eliminating the epidemic of blood-borne viral hepatitis in the country.
Materials and methods. State Reporting Forms No. 1 “Report on infectious and parasitic disease” for 2010–2021 were
reviewed. The data of 237 patients with hepatitis B and C were analyzed, who received inpatient treatment in 2007–
2021, Bishkek. The data was processed by Epi Info 3.8.1. Results. The Kyrgyz Republic belongs to countries with high incidence of blood-borne viral hepatitis. The incidence of
acute and chronic viral hepatitis B in 2021 amounted to 29.2 per 100,000 population, and hepatitis C -10.8,cumulative
incidence of hepatitis B and C 40.1 per 100,000 population. The prevalence of the Delta hepatitis among HBV-infected
persons reached 33–47%, which can be estimated to be about 120–160 million patients with hepatitis D. Based on the
results of testing by some healthcare organizations, the hepatitis B virus infection of the population of
varies from 4.6% to 7.3% and hepatitis C - from 3.1% to 7.7%. Data of official statistics (Department of Disease Prevention
and State Sanitary-Epidemiologic Surveillance and the Centre of Electronic Healthcare)on the prevalence of
acute and chronic hepatitis B and C differ considerably. There is no information about the exact number of patients with
all forms of blood borne hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver cancer in their outcome.
Conclusions. To ensure the access of patients with chronic viral hepatitis and cirrhosis in their outcome to the services
of diagnostics, highly effective methods of treatment and preventionit is needed to conduct a phased mass testing of the
adult population for blood-borne viral hepatitis in order to determine the true number of such patients.
Issues of early diagnosis of Tuberous Sclerosis in childhood. Description of a clinical case
Authors: Nurbekova U.A., Kang D.M., Mamytova E.M., Rezhapov I. A.
Pages: 95-100
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Introduction. Tuberous sclerosis (TS), also known as epiloia, is a rare genetic
disorder of autosomal dominant inheritance with a prevalence of one in 6,000
to one in 12,000.
The aim of the study - To analyze the current scientific literature on tuberous
sclerosis and present a case report from our clinical practice.
Materials and methods. The patient whose medical history was described in
this article was diagnosed based on diagnostic criteria for tuberous sclerosis.
Results. We present magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of a thirteen-
year-old boy with multiple facial angiofibromas, epileptic syndrome
and skin pigmentation spots, who was referred to the URFA Medical Center,
followed by DNA testing by clinical sequencing.
Conclusion. Since the disease is rare, doctors in Kyrgyzstan are not entirely
familiar with the clinic and the nuances of diagnosis. However, timely determination
of diagnostic criteria for tuberous sclerosis helps prevent complications
of this disease and improve the quality of life of patients with this
Knowledge, attitudes, and practice to COVID-19 prevention among the adult population of Bishkek and Naryn, Kyrgyz Republic, 2021
Authors: Malysheva M.A., Zikriarova S. M., Nabirova D.A.
Pages: 130-136
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Introduction. The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) originated in China and affected almost the entire world
in early 2020. To understand and inform about effective public health measures, we conducted a survey of knowledge,
attitudes and practices among the adult population of the cities of Bishkek and Naryn, the Kyrgyz Republic.
Research methods. In August 2021, a cross-sectional study was conducted with a survey of the adult population of the
cities of Bishkek and Naryn, the Kyrgyz Republic. A simple two-stage cluster sampling method was used to recruit study
participants. The analysis was carried out using the statistical software Epi Info 7. The variables were summarized as
frequency and percentage.
Results. The survey was conducted among the adult population of Bishkek 1,390 (86%) and Naryn 234 (14%). A total of
1,624 questionnaires were analyzed, the response rate was 95%, of which 918 (57%) were men and 706 (43%) were
women. The average age of the study participants was 35 years, the standard deviation was 14.9. 1490 (92%) of respondents
knew that COVID-19 can spread from person to person when people are in close contact, 1371 (84%) knew that a
person infected with COVID-19 can transmit the virus to others, not even symptoms. 1446 (89) noted that it is important
to wear a mask, but only 1255 (77) respondents wear a mask, 1440 (89) noted that it is important to observe physical distance
indoors, however, only 955 (59) of the respondents surveyed observe it, 1556 (96) said that it is important to wash
their hands after visiting public places.
Lake Louise acute mountain sickness score for assessing acute mountain sickness in workers in mountain area in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Ashyrbaev A.A., Kadyrov M.S., Tolbashieva G.U., Djuzumalieva K.S.
Pages: 128-134
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Introduction. Since 1991, the Lake Louise Acute Mountain Sickness Score (LLAMSS) has been used around the world as a diagnostic tool. In the Kyrgyz Republic, this scoring system is not used in most cases for various reasons. Health care workers working in remote locations in mountainous areas should make greater use of the LLAMSS for diagnosing this pathological condition. Purpose of the study- To study the significance of the LLAMSS for assessing AMS in shift workers in mountainous areas in the Kyrgyz Republic. Materials and research methods.200 people were examined, working on a rotational basis at the mine at an altitude of 3800 meters above sea level. All surveyed workers underwent a medical examination six hours after arrival at work and were given a questionnaire containing vital signs, physical parameters of a person, occupational questions and the LLAMSS. The statistical program SPSS was used to process the data and identify the relationship between various indicators. Results.The use of the LLAMSS has shown to be a reliable and informative tool for diagnosing AMS. None of the surveyed workers experienced difficulties in understanding its main parameters. Comparison of the LLAMSS and physical parameters in workers was carried out, it did not show the relationship between the incidence of AMS, physical data of
workers and occupational factors. Conclusion. In world practice, LLAMSS is a tool for diagnosing AMS. At the same time, in the Kyrgyz Republic, medical workers in the highlands do not have enough knowledge about the methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of AMS. This pathology is known only to a small group of specialists involved in mountain medicine. In the Kyrgyz Republic, thousands of people work on rotations in the highlands. To bridge this gap, it is necessary to create clinical protocols for medical workers working in mountainous areas. They should describe the main pathological conditions encountered in mountainous areas, including prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of AMS.
Laparoscopic method of treatment of combined liver and greater oil echinococcosis. Clinical case
Authors: Toktogaziev B.T., Omorov K.R ., Hamidjonov Y.H., Mikukhin D.S.
Pages: 72-76
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The problem of echinococcosis is urgent, because the disease is quite common, at the same time the frequency
of diagnostic errors, complications and mortality in multiple echinococcosis is high. The aim of this work was to estimate
the clinical and epidemiological peculiarities of the liver and greater omentum echinococcosis, diagnostics of the disease
and results of treatment in the present conditions. A clinical case is presented, the patient R. 1976 patient was diagnosed
with hepatic echinococcosis and greater omentum, which was revealed spontaneously. On admission she was examined
additionally. Laparoscopic echinococcosisectomy of the liver and greater omentum was carried out. Intraoperatively the
diagnosis was confirmed. The patient was discharged home on the 5th day.
Legal and regulatory basis of the prevention and control of viral hepatitis in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Aidaraliev A.A., Akmatov I.M., Kasymova R.O., Matkerimov A.T., Keldibekov R.J.
Pages: 59-69
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Introduction. A methodology is presented about the need to develop a “road map for the prevention, treatment and control of viral hepatitis in the Kyrgyz Republic”. Materials of regulatory and legal documents of the healthcare system, government decisions and state programs concerning or addressing the problems of viral hepatitis were used. The scientometric approach offers the basic principles and strategic steps for the implementation of national programs on a
single platform of epidemiologic surveillance and treatment (clinical protocols), including the specific and non-specific prevention of viral hepatitis, taking into account the approach of the Global Health Sector Strategies, respectively for HIV, virus hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections for 2022–2030. Purpose: Regulatory situation regardibg the problems of viral hepatitis in the Kyrgyz Republic. Methods. Analysis of regulatory acts (laws, government decisions) and state programs for virus hepatitis.
Results. The Kyrgyz state has developed regulatory acts (laws, government decisions, orders) for all levels of the country’s
healthcare as well as State programs aimed at solving the problems of viral hepatitis. However, despite the certain positive
dynamics of some indicators for developments in viral hepatitis vaccination, treatment, diagnosis, etc. the epidemiological
situation still remains tense in the last two decades. To a certain extent, weaknesses in regulatory sphere related to are
identified aimed at solving this problem.
Conclusion. Today due to high viral hepatitis burden its prevention and control is a priority for the national health system. In the context of global approaches, the WHO, respectively, adopted the Global Health Sector Strategies, respectively for HIV, virus hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections for 2022–2030. It is proposed to implement the national project
“Roadmap for the prevention and control of viral hepatitis in the Kyrgyz Republic”.
Legal basis for regulating the problem of food poisoning in the context of food safety of the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Aidaraliev A.A., Akmatov I.M., Kasymova R.O., Keldibekov R.J.
Pages: 66-75
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Introduction. Food products are the most important factor affecting human life, which requires state regulation
of compliance with the quality and safety of food products at the legislative and economic level. In this aspect, the problem
of production and sale of high-quality food products, as well as issues of normative-legal regulation of food poisoning,
is acute for the Kyrgyz Republic today. It is clear that the fundamental task of the state is to constantly improve the regulatory
and legal mechanisms for ensuring safe nutrition of citizens of the country. Along with this, there is an urgent
need to develop state regulatory institutions in cooperation with interested communities to ensure quality control and
food safety. In the presented work, an attempt is made to analyze the legal basis for ensuring food safety in the Kyrgyz
Objective: A preformative to improve the normative-legal regulation of food poisoning and food safety problems in the
Kyrgyz Republic.
Methods. Analysis of the normative-legal regulation of food poisoning problems in the context of food safety in the
Kyrgyz Republic and in the CIS countries (laws, Government resolutions, Codes). Results. Today, normative legal acts (laws, government resolutions, codes and orders) require immediate improvement
to solve the problems of food poisoning in the context of food safety. In the current regulatory and legal acts regarding
the problem of food safety and food poisoning have advantages and disadvantages, which requires regulation in the
context of international standards.
Conclusion. The food safety of the state is one of the most important priorities for today. From this it is necessary to
distinguish two main principles that need to befixed in legislation - the principle of ensuring the safety of food for
human health and responsibility for the production of dangerous food raw materials.
Level of Awareness and Adherence to COVID-19 Vaccination Among Breastfeeding  Mothers
Authors: Sadyrbekov K.K., Erkinbaeva K.E., Duishenov D.A., Ryskulbekova A.B.
Pages: 97-104
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Introduction. Acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, due to the high incidence rate, exceeding the rate of other infectious pathologies, remain an important global threat to public health. Every year, seasonal epidemics of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza are registered in all countries. This group of infections causes significant economic damage
to the state budget due to the high incidence of disability among the population and material costs associated with diagnosis, treatment and complications (in the form of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, neoplasms, strokes, coronary heart disease, etc.). Given the above, acute respiratory viral infections and influenza pose the greatest epidemic danger in Bishkek
(Kyrgyzstan) as a densely populated city of the country. In this regard, the study and analysis of the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza in the capital are very relevant.
Purpose of the study: analysis of the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza in Bishkek to develop recommendations for the prevention and control of these infections.
Materials and methods. The study included a retrospective epidemiological analysis of official data from the State Statistical Record of Morbidity for the period from 2013 to 2023. The following data sources were used: 1)
Form No. 1 "Report on Infectious and Parasitic Diseases"; 2) Annual Form No. 18 "Report on the Work of the Center for Disease Prevention and State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance". Statistical data were processed using the Microsoft Excel package. Results. An analysis of the long-term dynamics of morbidity showed a
steady increase in cases of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza in recent years. The risk groups were: children aged 1 to 14 years, women and residents of the Pervomaysky District of Bishkek. An increase in morbidity was recorded in the autumn-winter period with a peak in December. The etiological structure of pathogens was dominated by adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, respiratory syncytial viruses, parainfluenza viruses, metapneumoviruses, as well as influenza A (H1N1)-09 (swin), influenza A (H3N2) and influenza B viruses. The identified viruses A and B are highly virulent and capable of causing epidemics that pose a serious threat to public health. Conclusion. Given the high incidence of acute respiratory viral infections
and influenza in Bishkek and the observed growth trends, especially among children (1-14 years old), women and residents of the Pervomaisky district of Bishkek, the autumn-winter seasonality, the prevalence of epidemically
dangerous viruses, the responsible government bodies are recommended to develop and implement comprehensive measures aimed at monitoring, preventing, early diagnosis and controlling these diseases.
Level of Awareness and Adherence to COVID-19 Vaccination Among Breastfeeding Mothers
Authors: Alytmyshev A.N., Ismailova A.J., Altymysheva N.A. , Sheisheyeva N.A.
Pages: 100-110
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Introduction. Vaccination against COVID-19 is recognized globally as a
critical factor in ending the pandemic, leading to expedited development
and clinical trials of vaccines. However, the success of any mass immunization
program is directly influenced by the public's willingness to be vaccinated.
Key factors affecting vaccination rates include the availability of
vaccines and the healthcare system's ability to organize vaccination campaigns.
Nonetheless, vaccine hesitancy among certain population groups remains
a significant issue for healthcare systems in many countries. The
concept of "vaccine hesitancy" is considered by the WHO as one of the top
ten threats to global health. This highlights the urgent need to investigate
factors influencing motivation for COVID-19 vaccination.
The aim of this study is to assess the awareness and commitment to COVID-
19 vaccination among breastfeeding mothers with children under the age of
two, and to evaluate the impact of informational interventions on the population,
comparing pre- and post-intervention data, in order to further enhance
the vaccination awareness campaign for these groups.
Materials and Methods. This study employed a cross-sectional research
method. A validated questionnaire was utilized. Descriptive statistics and
analyses were performed at various stages of the study, with statistical data
analyzed using Epi Info and Excel.
Results and Discussion. In the first stage of the survey, 586 breastfeeding
women aged 18 to 44 years participated, with an average age of 29.5 years
and a median age of 29 years. In the second stage, 627 breastfeeding women
aged 18 to 49 years participated, with an average age of 30 years and a median
age of 29 years. In both stages, the majority of participants with children
under the age of two were women aged 24-29 years (34%) and 30-34 years (29%). Analysis revealed that 63.2% of breastfeeding mothers believe
it is necessary to receive all vaccinations according to the schedule. Up to
9% of respondents are strongly opposed to vaccination. In the second stage,
there was a notable shift in attitudes toward COVID-19 vaccination, with
an increase in those considering it beneficial (from 68% to 72%) and a 5%
rise in those planning to get vaccinated soon. Trust in vaccines improved as
well: the proportion of those who distrust all vaccines decreased by 4%, and
those without any opinion about vaccines decreased by 3%. Over half of
the respondents rely on the opinions of doctors and specialists when forming
their views on COVID-19 vaccination. However, about 17% are influenced
by information from social media. Trust in vaccination information presented
by the media remains balanced, with neither complete trust nor complete
distrust being predominant. The vast majority of respondents trust their
family doctors and other healthcare professionals regarding vaccination issues.
Some breastfeeding women believe that pregnant and breastfeeding
women should not receive vaccines. The informational campaign on vaccination
has led to increased trust in vaccines and reduced concerns about
their negative effects. However, the belief in the superiority of natural immunity
persists, indicating a need for continued educational efforts.
Conclusions. Among nursing mothers, 63.2% believe it is necessary to receive
all vaccinations according to the schedule. Up to 9% of respondents
are categorically against vaccination. The level of trust in vaccines has improved.
The vast majority of respondents trust their family doctors and other
health professionals in matters of vaccination. The information campaign
about vaccination has led to increased trust in vaccines and reduced concerns
about their negative consequences. However, the belief in the advantage of
natural immunity remains, which requires further educational efforts.
Long-term results of treatment of patients with cholelithiasis after laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Authors: Kurmanov R.A., Talaybekova A.T. , Sadykov A.A., Sadabaev M.Z.
Pages: 82-87
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Introduction. Cholelithiasisis considered one of the most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which
are detected in 20-30% of the population mainly of working age, tends to increase and expand the age range towards rejuvenation.
In this paper, the authors investigated the long-term results of treatment of patients with cholelithiasis after
laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
The purpose of the work. To evaluate the mineral Long-term results of treatment of patients with cholelithiasis after laparoscopic
cholecystectomy water "Jalal-Abad" to improve the results of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in patients with
cholelithiasisin the early postoperative period.
Materials and methods of research. In the Jalal-Abad regional Hospital in the surgical department, 302 patients with
cholelithiasis from 2017 to 2022 were examined. The patients underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy. All patients were
divided into two groups: control and main.The control group consisted of 104 patients who were received in the postoperative
period – traditional complex treatment. Of these, 68 (65.4%) patients underwent surgery with chronic calculouscholecystitis
and 36 (34.6%) patients with a range of acute calculouscholecystitis. The main group consists of 198 patients, of them with chronic calculouscholecystitis - 124 (62.1%) and 74 (37.9%) patients
with acute calculouscholecystitis. In the early postoperative period after laparoscopic cholecystectomy, the reception
of Jalal-Abad mineral water was additionally connected to the traditional treatment according to the developed scheme.
Long–term results of the study in 45 patients with cholelithiasis, the control group - without the use of mineral water
"Jalal–Abad" in the early postoperative period after laparoscopic cholecystectomy and in 51 patients with cholelithiasis
- the main group with the use of mineral water "Jalal-Abad" in the early postoperative period after laparoscopic cholecystectomy
terms from 6 to 12 months. 68 patients were examined on an outpatient basis and 32% inpatient in the Jalal-
Abad regional Hospital in the surgical department. The quality of life was studied for periods from 3 to 6 and from 6 to
12 months.
Results. Thus, studies have shown that carrying out a rehabilitation course treated in the early stages of the mineral water
"Jalal-Abad" after laparoscopic cholecystectomy contributes to the normalization of liver function, improving well-being.
After discharge of patients from the hospital, sanatorium treatment should be continued, and the main method of treatment
should be the use of mineral waters "Jalal-Abad".
Pages: 63-69
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Magnetic resonance imaging measures of brain atrophy in multiple sclerosis
Authors: Dzhaparalieva N.T., Altymysheva N.A. , Dikanbaeva K.E., Tairov B.M.
Pages: 16-24
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Introduction. The severity of neurological disorders in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) is more closely related to
the general atrophy of the brain, which is manifested by the expansion of the ventricles and subarachnoid spaces and a
decrease in the volume of the parenchyma of the brain.
The aim of the study is to evaluate the morphometric parameters in patients with multiple sclerosis depending on the
type of course, duration of the disease and degree of disability.
Subjects and methods of research. MRI-morphometric study was performed in 25 patients with remitting and secondary
progressive types of MS.
Results. The MRI-morphometric study with MS allowed to assess the degree of brain atrophy depending on the clinical
and neurological features.
Сonclusions in summary. To assess atrophic changes in MS, it is convenient to use linear methods of measurement
(measuring the width of the ventricles, the thickness of the parenchyma of the brain, the area of the calloused body),
which do not require the presence of special equipment, computer programs and personnel training.
Management of occupational health risk of asbestos cement production workers in the  Republic of Belarus
Authors: Hutsich K., Sychyk S.
Pages: 126-133
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Introduction. The industrial use of asbestos is associated with health risks for workers. To ensure safe working conditions at workplaces of asbestos cement production facilities, it is necessary to develop a risk management
system. Goal: to scientifically substantiate and develop hygienic measures for occupational health risks managing of asbestos cement production workers in the Republic of Belarus.
Materials and methods. The researches were carried out on the basis of the leading in the republic production of asbestos cement products. To study working conditions the data of industrial laboratory control and the results of own research were used. The state of health was studied on the basis of the data of analysis of morbidity with temporary disability, periodic medical examinations, republican data on morbidity of malignant mesothelioma.
Results and discussion. The main unfavorable production factors in the manufacturing building products from mineral fibres were established, their comprehensive hygienic assessment was given, and the dust load of workers
was determined. The levels of occupational health risks for workers have been established.
Conclusions. A set of regulatory and instructive-methodological documents has been developed that allow to fully take into account both carcinogenic risks to the workers and the fibrogenic hazard of mineral fibres aerosols in the hygienic assessment of the dust factor, which using is aimed at ensuring an acceptable level of occupational health risk for workers.
Mathematical modelling of COVID-19 vaccination strategies in Kyrgyzstan and mortality
Authors: Moldokmatova A.O., Dooronbekova A.Z., Zhumalieva C.K, Mukambetov A.S., Kubatova A.K., Usenbaev N.T., Osmonov A.J., Ibragimov S.M., Abdyldaev T.O., Kutmanova A.Z., Luzia Freitas, Lisa Jane White
Pages: 24-33
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Since the end of 2020, work has begun around the world to vaccinate people against COVID-19. But due to
the insufficient supply of vaccines in resource-limited countries, data on COVID-19 in the country were analyzed to determine
effective vaccination strategies. Through age-dependant SIERS deterministic model, the paper compares four
hypothetical age-dependant vaccination strategies and their impact on the epidemic in Kyrgyzstan. So, by March 2022, public health can reduce cases of COVID-19 and the resulting mortality, in the case of increased attention
to high-risk groups (over 50 years old) and moderate vaccination of people with a high incidence (20-49 years
old). It should also be noted the importance of combining vaccination with non-pharmaceutical interventions (wearing
masks and distancing), which will lead to a further decrease in morbidity and mortality from COVID-19 and indirectly
reduce mortality from other causes too. Thus, if this scenario is observed, the mortality rate in the country can be reduced
from 27,000 to 16,000 over the simulation period (March 2020 - March 2022). According to the simulation results, vaccination
is an effective measure of protection against COVID-19, but the effect is increased when combined with vaccination
of non-pharmaceutical interventions. When focusing on the high-risk group, morbidity decreases, then mortality.
And thus, the burden on the health care system is reduced. But to achieve the effect of crowd control of the next peak in
morbidity and mortality, it is necessary to increase coverage with high morbidity (20-49 years).
Mathematical modelling of COVID-19 vaccination strategies in Kyrgyzstan and the burden on the health system
Authors: Moldokmatova A.O., Dooronbekova A.Z., Zhumalieva C.K, Mukambetov A.S., Kubatova A.K., Usenbaev N.T., Osmonov A.J., Ibragimov S.M., Abdyldaev T.O., Kutmanova A.Z., Luzia Freitas, Lisa Jane White
Pages: 14-23
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In December 2020, an unprecedented vaccination against COVID-19 has started worldwide. As the vaccine
supply is currently not sufficient for most countries to vaccinate their entire eligible populations, the defining of effective vaccination strategies may help with reducing the infection spread and related burden on the health system. The existing evidence suggests that disease severity and mortality differ by age, so that age-dependant vaccination can be considered as an important and priority strategy. Through age-dependant SIERS deterministic model, the paper compares four hypothetical age-dependant vaccination strategies and their impact on the epidemic in Kyrgyzstan. In the short-term horizon (until March 2022), the primary focus on high-risk groups (over 50 years old) with some roll out of the vaccination among high-incidence groups (20-49 years old) may decrease symptomatic cases and COVID-19 attributable deaths. On the other hand, the impact on the overall estimated number of COVID-19 cases with a comparatively small coverage of high-incidence groups (15-25% only based on the current vaccine availability) will not be that substantial. Combination of the vaccination with non-pharmaceutical interventions, such as mask wearing and social distancing, will further decrease the incidence and mortality. Moreover, it may have an indirect impact on the all-cause mortality. Thus, the deaths due to other reasons in this scenario can be reduced from 27,000 to 16,000 over the simulation period (March 2020 – March 2022). The above results and emerging evidence on vaccines suggest that vaccination is more effective in flattening the epidemic and reducing the mortality if supported by non-pharmaceutical interventions. In a short-term horizon, the focus on high-risk groups may reduce the burden on the health system and thus result in fewer deaths. However, the herd effect in delaying another peak may only be achieved by reaching high-incidence groups more broadly.
Measles and rubella outbreaks in the Osh region of the Kyrgyz Republic -2023  (January-May)
Authors: Abdimunova B.T., Dautov T.T., Turusbekova A.K., Abzhaparov A.Z.
Pages: 58-65
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Introduction. The World Health Organization (WHO) has been implementing a program for the elimination of measles and rubella in the world, including in the Kyrgyz Republic, for 20 years. Despite routine vaccination, measles
eradication is not smooth. Unstable vaccination, refusal of the vaccine precedes the preservation of the urgency of the
problem of measles and rubella. Over the past 10 years, 159 cases of rubella and 287 cases of measles have been registered
in the Kyrgyz Republic. At the same time, the largest number of cases of the disease this year falls on the Osh region, from January 2023 to the present, an outbreak of measles has been registered in 238 cases. The purpose of the study was to describe and assess the epidemic situation of measles in the Osh region of the Kyrgyz
Republic and to identify aggravation factors.
Materials and methods. Research methods epidemiological investigation, descriptive and evaluative epidemiological
methods. The materials for the study were statistical reporting data on the incidence of measles and rubella, laboratory
data and cases of diseases treated in the hospital by residents of the Osh region.
Results and discussion. The conducted epidemiological investigations showed that in the regions of the Osh region, a
high proportion of registered cases were the city of Osh (76 people /31.9%) and the Kara-Sui district (108/45.4%). This
is characterized by nosocomial infections, a large number of internal migration in Osh and Kara Sui district. The age distribution of morbidity cases ranged from 1 year to 34 years and a high proportion is under the age of 1 year. The analysis
of the immune status of the sick confirms that persons not vaccinated for measles were the causes of new outbreaks.
Conclusion. The increase in the incidence of measles was noted in all age categories with a high proportion between the
ages of 1 and 3 years. The factors of exacerbation of the epidemic situation of measles in the Osh region were: insufficient
compliance with anti-epidemic measures when identifying a patient at the hospital level, the first case of measles was
hospitalized in a general ward for treatment. Internal migration and refusal of vaccinations remain risks of new cases of
Medical and social aspects of the elderly age in the conditions of the city Bishkek
Authors: Suleimanova G.T., Kurmanova A.R., Kasiev N.K., Kasymova R.O.
Pages: 114-122
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The aging of the population is one of the most important demographic processes in the modern world, it is a
complex, multifactorial, medical and social problem. The trends of rapid aging of the population are mostly characteristic
of the whole planet, especially for low- and middle-income countries, where a threefold increase in the proportion of
people over 60 years of age is expected – 46 million (2015) to 147 million (2050). The manifestation of such patterns
can be predicted for the Kyrgyz Republic, where people over 50 increased from 12.0% in 1999 to 16% in 2019. The
highest proportion of elderly people goes to the citizens of the capital from 14.7% to 17.9%, respectively. Moreover, all
these processes are accompanied by a significant increase in the life expectancy of Kyrgyzstanis, averaging from 67.0 to
71.5 years in the country and from 68.4 to 74.6 years in Bishkek, respectively. Against this background, practically in the
modern system of healthcare and social welfare of the Kyrgyz state there is no personnel potential and organizations to
provide gerontological care to the population. Consequently, in order to respond more effectively to the aging of the population,
the public health system needs an approach that will prevent and reverse the decline in the functional ability and
their dependency on outside help in old age. It is necessary to implement such an approach as soon as possible for the
country's state institutions to create favorable conditions for the elderly with an improved mechanism for monitoring the
demographic situation and its forecasting for the next three decades.
Metabolic role of nitric oxide precursors in atherosclerosis from the biochemistry point of view
Authors: Akynbekova N.B., Makhmudova Z.A., Taalaibekova M.T., Mamyshov A.Zh.
Pages: 33-38
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Atherosclerosis is currently considered one of the main problems of our century. It is predicted that by 2025,
the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases will reach 30% of the world's population [1]. Cardiovascular diseases are one
of the main causes of death. Every year, more than 17.5 million people die from cardiovascular pathology, in Kyrgyzstan
this figure reaches more than 18 thousand people. Due to the wide prevalence, high level of complications and mortality
rates, the prevention of cardiovascular diseases is becoming an increasingly priority area of medicine. Recently, the metabolic
direction has been intensively developed in medicine, the purpose of which is to analyze disorders of cellular metabolism
in cardiovascular pathologies. Impairment of function, which can lead to an increase in the permeability of
plasma components, especially low density lipoproteins and their deposition in the subendothelial space, can be considered
one of the earliest phenomena that occurs in atherosclerosis [2,3]. L-arginine, as a precursor of nitric oxide, has a positive
effect on the regulation of vascular tone and hemodynamics, is a mediator in the regulation of lipid and protein levels.
The effectiveness of the use of nitric oxide precursors during the development of a number of pathological conditions
(for example, endothelial dysfunction) has been proven. The study of the literature data of domestic and foreign authors
has shown that, to date, no experimental studies have been conducted in the Kyrgyz Republic to study the features of the
action of L-arginine in high altitude conditions, where special attention should be paid to the effectiveness of this amino
acid in such clinically extremely severe conditions as injuries, burns, hunger, stress.
Method of drainage of the abdominal cavity with widespre adappendicular peritonitis in children
Authors: OrozoevU.D., Omurbekov T.O., Kadyrkulov A.Zh.
Pages: 68-73
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Acute appendicitis is the most common surgical disease in children. Complicated forms of appendicitis in children is an urgent problem in pediatric surgery. There are features of the peritoneum characteristic of the child's body in the form of an inability to limit and a greater tendency to spread and generalize purulent processes. In complicated forms, in combination with the main therapy, various types of drains are installed intraoperatively into the abdominal cavity in order to evacuate the exudate. This article describes the method of drainage of the peritoneal cavity in children with peritonitis. The use of this method of drainage allows to improve the course of the postoperative period and reduce intraabdominal purulent complications.
Methodological and organizational approaches to implementing a quality management system in a multidisciplinary clinic
Authors: Zhunusova M.M.
Pages: 22-29
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The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan has included the Quality Management System into the list
of promising new innovative management technologies that should be implemented in the practice of management
of healthcare organizations.
Solution of these tasks to a great extent depends on the correct setting of goals, quality of strategic management,
implementation of philosophy and principles of quality management system, organization and training of teamwork,
organization of work on elimination of losses and maximum effective management of resources. In our opinion,
the ISO 9001:2015 standards answer the question of what needs to be done to create a basis in the organization for
continuous improvement of activities and satisfaction of consumers needs for high quality medical care.
The work uses the material based on the results of the analysis of the multidisciplinary clinic. During the implementation of the quality management system, it was based on the principles of universal quality management,
which is a management model for the implementation of a systematic approach to process management in order
to meet the requirements and expectations of consumers and all stakeholders.
The developed and implemented quality management system of the multidisciplinary clinic is aimed at reducing
losses and creating conditions that will allow the organization to realize its potential and improve competitiveness,
quality of services, increase customer satisfaction and increase personnel motivation.
Microbial composition and genetic resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics in patients with recurrent radicular cysts of jaws
Authors: Rachkov A.A.
Pages: 3-8
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Introduction. Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial area, such as radicular cyst jaws are
polymicrobial. Determination of the qualitative composition of the microbial flora and its genetic resistance to
antibacterial drugs in the area of the bone defect may be important in the choice of tactics for treating patients.
The aim of the study to determine the qualitative and quantitative composition of the microbial flora in patients
with relapses of radicular cysts with an assessment of the genetic resistance of pathogens to various groups of
antibacterial drugs. Material and methods. We observed 40 patients with recurrent radicular cysts jaws who underwent cystectomy
reoperation. In order to obtain data on the composition of the microbial flora in the area of the bone defect at the
time of the operation and in the postoperative period, additional molecular biological studies were carried out.
Results. According to the results of molecular biological research, anaerobic microflora of the oral cavity was
revealed, which included two main groups of periodontopathogenic and stabilizing microorganisms. The results
of PCR studies for the presence of genetic resistance of pathogens showed the following. In all samples (n = 40),
the resistance of microorganisms to β-lactams and tetracyclines was determined. Resistance to macrolides and
fluoroquinolones was detected in 50% (n = 20) of the samples. Metronidazole resistance has not been determined
in any sample.
Conclusion. The study made it possible to establish the presence of 3 or more periodontopathogenic pathogens
in the cavities of cysts at a concentration of 103 GE / ml and higher, which indicates the association of these microorganisms and their primary role in the occurrence of the disease
Microbial landscape of urinary tract infections
Authors: Toibaeva N.S., Toigonbayeva V.S.
Pages: 30-34
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The article presents the microbial landscape of urinary tract infections among the population living in Bishkek. Microbiological research in our time is of great importance, since with the development of an infectious process in the urinary tract, the danger lies in the spread of microorganisms throughout all organs and systems. The analysis of the results of a bacteriological study of the urine microbiota was carried out.
Modelling of the potential effects of lockdown release interventions on the COVID-19 epidemic curve in Kyrgyzstan
Authors: Moldokmatova A.O., Dooronbekova A.Z., Mukambetov A.S., Kubatova A.K., Lisa Jane White, Kukeshova M.N. , Estebesova A.M., Dzhangaziyev B.I., Zhoroyev A.A., Abdykerimov S.T., Kasymov O.T., Zhumalieva C.K
Pages: 3-13
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In light of limited evidence on the nature of COVID-19 epidemic in Kyrgyzstan, the mathematical
modelling has been applied as an additional tool to support the policy makers in the decision process. The model
aimed at accessing the potential effect of two approaches on the further course of the epidemic and its implication
on the specified health system capacity: the full lockdown release and the managed release with various intensity
and duration of interventions. For the analysis we employed the web-based interface of the dynamic SEIR agestructured
model, developed by COVID-19 Modelling (CoMo) Consortium in collaboration with Oxford Modelling
Group of the Global Heath. The model demonstrated that the strict mobility suppression on its own may
not become an effective intervention and must be followed by proper and carefully considered exit strategies.
Contact tracing, shielding of risk groups, including COVID-19 cases and their contacts and physical social distancing
are assumed to be effective in flattening the curve of the epidemic in Kyrgyzstan. However, the existing
health system capacity is predicted to be overwhelmed even in the most favourable scenario, suggesting the necessity
for the better preparation of the system by increasing the availability of surge and ICU beds and ventilators.
Pages: 56-60
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Modern approaches to continuous education in emergency medicine
Authors: Omukeeva G.K., Chubakov T.Ch. , Turgunbaev T.E.
Pages: 121-129
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Access to high quality continuing professional education (CPE) is essential for healthcare professionals to
maintain and expand their competencies in the ever-evolving global information field. Currently, continuing medical education
(CME) is moving from a traditional passive model to a model of active and independent learning based on the
competencies of specialists. In this regard, there is a need to identify and develop new models and methods of CPE
training courses for emergency medical service (EMS) specialists. This paper reflects the experience of organizing and
conducting CPE for EMS specialists of the Kyrgyz Republic, based on international standards, recommendations, and
global practice, taking into account the needs of practical health care. The main conditions and approaches for the implementation
of the newly developed curricula were: the use of didactic lectures in an interactive mode with the demonstration
of certain skills, seminars, additional information on the board, video materials on the topics and summarizing the
learning outcomes for each topic; simulating practical classes with the help of manikins of different levels, medical equipment,
medical products, medicines; development of handouts, clinical situations on each topic; use of synchronous and
asynchronous training methods; practicing procedural skills based on the repetitive practice method; evaluating each
course at the end of it based on a five-point system questionnaire of a Likert scale to receive the feedback from participants,
allocation of additional time for the rehabilitation exam (retake). As a result of the training, the majority of health care
workers achieved good results in acquiring practical skills and abilities, which were evaluated during their work with patients.
Effective training is critical to prepare highly qualified EMS providers.
Modern aspects of morbidity and health status of workers engaged in chrysotile  enrichment
Authors: Zharylkassyn Zh.Zh., Otarov Y.Zh, Shaikhattarova U.S., Kuandykova A.K., Zharylkasynova A.M., ,Asanova S.S., Telemisov M.K., Ismailov Ch.U.
Pages: 142-147
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Introduction. The article presents data on the morbidity of workers exposed
to chrysotile-asbestos-containing dust. The purpose of the study is to analyze the incidence and assess the health tatus of employees of Kostanay Minerals JSC due to temporary disability. Materials and methods of research. The analysis of the HRT indicators for
the period from 2012 to 2022 among the employees of the chrysotile enter sprise was carried out. The data on the rank of workers engaged in the enrichment of chrysotile of JSC Kostanay Minerals was used as the object of the study. Results and discussion. In the period 2012-2015, the incidence rates by year had a wave-like course with an up-and-down interval of 2 years with a general upward trend. Since 2016, there has been a decline in morbidity rates
with a non-linear trend, which amounted to a decrease in morbidity rates by 7.1% in sick people by 2020; cases by 6.8%, days by 18.9%. Conclusions. Based on the above, according to the E.L. Notkin scale of «Assessment of HRT indicators», the morbidity rates of OK employees can be assessed by cases as "average", by days of disability as «above average».
Modern diagnosis of brucellosis in blood donors at the Jalal-Abad Regional Blood  Center
Authors: Borzhiev U.A.
Pages: 48-51
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Introduction. In the Jalal-Abad region, a modern method for diagnosing brucellosis in blood donors has been introduced; the reliability of detecting brucellosis in this study is 100%, which makes it possible to make blood
components infection-safe. Objective. To improve the diagnostics of brucellosis in blood donors, thereby making blood components infectiously safe. Material and methods. The work presents donor data - 4180 blood samples for 2024, which were examined by a new method for diagnosing brucellosis. In parallel, two methods for detecting brucellosis were used - the Heddelson method and Brucella Coombs helium cards.
Results and discussion. In 2020, in the Jalal-Abad Regional Blood Center, out of the absolute number of donors, 1% were found to have positive or
weakly positive brucellosis. In 2024, 4180 donor serum samples were tested using the Heddelson method, of which 28 were positive and questionable,
which amounted to 100% of positive cases. This led to the rejection of blood components and, accordingly, financial costs in the Jalal-Abad Regional
Blood Center. In this regard, a high-precision method for detecting brucellosis in donors' blood was introduced, and in parallel, a verification diagnostics was used using a new method - helium cards. According to the results, a positive reaction was detected in 21 donors (77% of the total number of positive cases for brucellosis), and not confirmed in 7 blood donors (23% of unconfirmed cases), which allows us to exclude questionable reactions to brucellosis. Compared to 2020 data, in 2024, thanks to the use of a new method for determining brucellosis in the Jalal-Abad Regional Blood Center, a positive
result was detected in 0.5% of the absolute number of donors. With the introduction of a new method for diagnosing brucellosis in blood donors, the
rejection and disposal of blood components for brucellosis and, accordingly, the financial losses of the Jalal-Abad Regional Blood Center decreased by
50%. Conclusions: 1. The new method of testing donor blood for brucellosis is recommended to be carried out using the Brucella Coombs helium card.
According to the study, the sensitivity showed 100%, and the human factor is excluded when interpreting the results, compared to the Heddelson method (accordingly, the sensitivity is 77%). 2. When reexamining positive results using the Heddelson method on a helium card, 23% of false positive results were detected.
Pages: 137-144
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Modern problems of urolithiasis caused by primary hyperparathyroidism (literature review)
Authors: Kyrbashev K.D., Tazhekov A.M., Toktonaliev A.B.
Pages: 157-163
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In recent years, primary hyperparathyroidism has attracted more and more attention from doctors of various
specialties. Nephrolithiasis is one of the classic manifestations of the disease and is included in the list of absolute indications
for the removal of the formation of the parathyroid glands. The mechanism of development of nephrolithiasis
and nephrocalcinosis in PHPT is not fully understood, many studies are devoted to the study of possible predictors of
their development. It should be borne in mind that this pathological disease in our country was studied more than 30
years ago, when outdated methods of examination were used, but the method of treatment so far remains only operational,
both for the removal of parathyroid adenoma and for the removal of stones from the urinary system. The aim of the study
was to analyze scientific data on the problem of primary hyperparathyroidism. The authors of the article studied 150
sources of domestic and 100 foreign authors. At present, protocols for the diagnosis and treatment of urolithiasis have
been developed and approved. Given the shortage of health care budgeting in the Kyrgyz Republic, it is not possible to
implement all the necessary diagnostic and treatment measures. The main measures should be directed to diagnostic
measures, because urolithiasis is a polyetiological disease. After appropriate treatment of each patient, further monitoring
is necessary to prevent recurrence of stone formation and correct metaphylactic measures. Knowing the individual cause
of each case of this disease, it is possible to take the necessary measures in advance to prevent it, which will significantly
reduce the amount of economic costs and the number of disability among the population, as well as improve the quality
of medical services.
Molecular epidemiology of tuberculosis in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Kalmanbetova G.I., Kadyrov A.S., Sydykova M.M., Moidunova N.K.
Pages: 86-91
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Introduction. According to the World Health Organization, the Kyrgyz Republic is among the 18 countries
with a high prevalence of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. The molecular epidemiology of tuberculosis infection, including
genetic diversity, markers of molecular drug resistance, and transmission routes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex
strains in the Kyrgyz Republic, remain poorly understood. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) has been used to
determine the molecular genetic structure of the strains circulating in the country. Purpose of the study. The purpose of
the study was to describe the molecular genetic characteristics of strains of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex
based on the whole genome sequensing. Materials and methods.Whole genome sequencing was carried out at the National
Reference Laboratory of the National Center for Phthysiology under the supervision of the SNRL, Borstel, Germany.
475 MTBС isolates were tested in 2018 and 2019. Sequencing was performed according to the manufacturer's instructions
on the MySeq platform, Illumina, USA. The MTBSeq protocol was used for comparative genomic analysis and the online
tools “EvolView and PhyResSe” to perform graphical representation and screen for mutations mediating resistance to
antituberculous drugs. Stata/IC version 16.1 was used for statistical analysis.Results. Using WGS, showed that the MTBC population structure in the Kyrgyz Republic mainly consists of three phylogenetic
lineages (L). These lines are L2 (Beijing), L3 (Delhi/CAS) and L4 (Euro-American) as classified by Coll, Mc-
Nerney and Niemann, Merker. The L2 strains were predominant (74.1%, 352/475), while the L3 and L4 strains accounted
for 0.8% (4/475) and 25.1% (119/475), respectively. Next, we classified the L2 and L4 strains into several MTBC sublineages.
The Beijing Central Asia (n=225), Beijing Central Asia outbreak (n=75) and Beijing Europe/Russian W148
Outbreak (n=28) subline strains are the most common strains compared to the other L2 subline strains and the L4 subline
strains. Conclusions. Using WGS, have shown that pulmonary tuberculosis in the Kyrgyz Republic is mainly caused by
L2 (Beijing) strains. Drug resistance is also associated with L2 strains, highlighting the important role of L2 strains in
the epidemiology of tuberculosis in the country. Overall, our results provide a better understanding of the molecular epidemiology
of tuberculosis in the Kyrgyz Republic and require additional molecular epidemiological studies to elucidate
the dynamics of tuberculosis in the country and, therefore, control it.
Monitoring and assessment of the state of the infectious disease system control at the Republican Blood Center (RCC) Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Sorombaeva N.O., Ismailova A.J., Sarybaeva J.M., Asyranova U.S.
Pages: 116-122
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Introduction. This article analyzes the results of implemented measures for
the infection control system in the blood service. The implemented measures
for the infection control system made it possible to improve the monitoring
and evaluation rate from 84% to 95.5%, which significantly increases the
safety of infection control. The cost of operating the infection control system
increases, and this increases the overall percentage of fulfillment of all infection
control criteria.
The goal of the M&E was to improve the safety and quality of medical care
in the structural units of the blood service.
Materials and methods. Monitoring and evaluation of the infection control
system in blood services is carried out twice a year. All monitoring and evaluation
were carried out in two directions – qualitative and quantitative assessments.
Materials for collecting information included: monitoring and
evaluation assessment sheets and direct observation of existing infection
control (IC) practices, including demonstration at the request of the researcher.
A retrospective analysis of the M&E Scorecards for 2017-2018
was carried out.
Results and discussion. During the 2 M&E conducted at the RBC, certain
achievements in the development of the infection control system were identified.
In particular, it was revealed that the center has an IC specialist -
100%, there is a Quality Committee (with IC functions) and plans for IC,
the organization is provided with a full package of regulatory documents on
IC, and there is a good supply of the center with disposable medical products.
As a result of the M& E, it was found that the overall percentage of
compliance with the IC requirements in the Central Clinical Hospital in 2017
was - 89%, which indicates a high level of organization of the infection control
system. The fulfillment rate increased by 94% in 2018, thanks to the
“Laundry” block. The Laundry block at M&E was assessed at 33.3% in
2017. In 2018, repair work was carried out and recommendations were implemented,
and those criteria that were marked as not fulfilled were fulfilled.
Conclusion. Subsequently, from 2019 to 2024, the Republican Center for
Infection Control and regional blood services did not conduct a single monitoring and evaluation of the state of the infection control system in connection
with the pandemic. But during this period, the main documents in the
infection control system were updated and revised: on infection control and
on the management of medical waste and many other regulatory documents.
Monitoring and evaluation of infection prevention and control in healthcare facilities in the city of Bishkek and Chui region
Authors: Abdirazakov N.A., Esenalieva A. D., Amanbekov E.B.
Pages: 47-53
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Introduction: Infection prevention and control (IPC) is a systems approach to preventing infections in healthcare organizations. This practice includes all levels of health care, from policy development to medical personnel. It has universal relevance to patient safety and quality of care. With the increasing number of patients and antibiotic resistance, the relevance of IPC increases. WHO has proposed a global strategy in response to these challenges. Ineffective infection prevention measures in health care settings are a major factor in increasing antimicrobial resistance and health care-associated infections. However, there is potential to prevent a significant proportion of such infections, which is supported by the development of a WHO global strategy for strategies to reduce their spread. The aim of this study is to analyze, identify the main aspects of IPC monitoring and evaluation, and discuss the results and their importance in modern medical practice. Materials and methods. Monitoring and evaluation of IPC was carried out in the city of Bishkek and Chui region from 10/10/2023 to 11/06/2023 using the direct observation method. The assessment was carried out using a developed assessment checklist for hospitals and primary care. Statistical data processing was performed in MS office Excel 365, including methods of statistical observation, correlation and regression analysis. Results and discussion. The results of the assessment of IPC in the city of Bishkek and the Chui region revealed high efficiency in a number of components. The highest performance criteria were achieved in the following components: “Safety of medical procedures” (84.9%), “Medical waste management” (82.4%), “Central sterilization department” (77.5%), “Hospital hygiene” (76.2%). Average effectiveness of measures in administrative support (66.5%), isolation system (60.2%), and baseline (25-50)% in health staff training (26%) and surveillance (33.5%). These results highlighted the need to improve thetraining of health care personnel and the surveillance of HCAI. Conclusion. Moderate levels of effectiveness were found in administrative support (66.5%) and isolation systems (60.2%), as well as low effectiveness in training of medical personnel (26%) and in epidemiological surveillance (33.5%) for HCAI. This indicates the need to include more development activities in PH plans. Recommendations include improving administrative support, isolation systems, strengthening training of health personnel and improving surveillance of HCAIs.
Monitoring of antibioticresistance of some topical causative agents of pyoinflammatory diseases in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Kubanichbekov М.K., Adambekov D.A., Aldjambaeva I.S., Tsoi Andrei Rudolphovich
Pages: 40-46
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Monitoring of lipid metabolism in persons with diabetes mellitus registered in family medicine centers in Bishkek
Authors: Sultanalieva R.B., Abylova N.K.
Pages: 10-15
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Our study demonstrates the data of total cholesterol (TC) level in the blood of persons with diabetes who are
registered in the Family Medicine Centers (FMC) of Bishkek. The main cause of CVD in DM is atherosclerosis. Insulin
resistance and associated hyperinsulinemia, which has a direct atherogenic effect on the vascular wall, play a significant
role in the pathogenesis of DM2. Therefore, the strategy of CVD prevention in patients with DM, along with achieving
the targets glycemia (which are fundamental for the prevention of microvascular complications), should be based on correction
of risk factors for microvascular diseases, as primarily dyslipidemia. According to all international recommendations,
the control of blood lipids is no less important than the control of glycemia and blood pressure.
During the year, the TC was examined in 2,182 (49.1%) persons with diabetes, its average indicators were within the
target values. However, this indicator was examined unevenly in FMC, 50.9% of patients with DM were left without
control of lipid profile. Primary care doctors did not always prescribe blood cholesterol determination to patients, although
this examination is available free of charge in all PHC laboratories in Kyrgyzstan.
In 33% of patients with DM in CSM, who were included in the group, the frequency of cholesterol determination during
the year reached 5-10 times, which is economically impractical and wasteful.
Monitoring of urogenital infections in men with chronic urethroprostatites
Authors: Kovaleva (Kondratyeva)Yu.S., Neymark A.I.
Pages: 58-63
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The comprehensive clinical and laboratory examination of 480 men with suspected chronic urethroprostatitis (CP) was carried out. The collection of history, assessment of clinical symptoms of CP, study of swabs
for urogenital infections, ultrasound examination of PG with Doppler color mapping help assess severity, acuity
of the process, determine the etiology, which allows correct and timely prescribing of appropriate therapy.
Pages: 23-27
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Pages: 82-84
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Neuroendocrine tumors of the pancreas. Literature review
Authors: Rakhimova F.S., Bebezov K.S., Bebezov B.K.
Pages: 158-169
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The article shows that a significant proportion of neuroendocrine tumors of the pancreas are non-functional, i.e., not secreting
into the blood a variety of gastrointestinal hormones and polypeptides and as a result, not accompanied by typical
clinical manifestations. Unfortunately, often the scan search starts in the detection of distant metastases of neuroendocrine
tumors. Currently, the only radical method of treatment of hormonally functioning tumors of the pancreas is surgical. It
is indicated that symptomatic therapy can be considered as a stage of preoperative preparation of the patient. The article
examines the rational and integrated use of modern Arsenal of surgical and therapeutic methods, which enable significantly
prolong life, improve its quality in patients with metastatic forms of neuroendocrine tumors of the pancreas.
Neurogenic аcraturesiss for patients with the diseases of cerebrum. (Literature review)
Authors: Kaskeev D.M., Kulov B.B., Shamenova A.Ya., Erbotoeva Sh.T.
Pages: 104-108
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Freguency of met of neurogenic acraturesiss is examined in this article, factors resulting in urology complications at a
stroke. The forms of symptoms of lower urinary ways are described. Conservative and operative methods over of
treatment of neurogenic acraturesiss are brought.
Pages: 64-67
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Neurological and neurosurgical problems of brain dislocations in intracranial spaceoccupying processe
Authors: Mamytov M.M., Mamytova E.M., Eralieva E.K., Kadyrov R.M., Moldokulova M.Z.
Pages: 15-22
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Introduction. Brain dislocation is an emergency condition in neurology and
neurosurgery, and can develop in various intracranial space-occupying
The aim of the study is to study the clinical and neurological symptoms of
brain dislocation with determination of the shape and degree of brain dislocation. Develop neurosurgical principles and methods for eliminating brain
Materials and methods. The object of this study was data from a study of
3067 patients with an intracranial space-occupying process of supratentorial
localization. Out of 3067 patients, 143 had brain dislocation of various
shapes and locations.
Results. As a result of studying neurological symptoms, it was possible to
diagnose lesions at various levels of the brain stem.
Conclusions. Brain dislocation indicates the need for emergency neurosurgical interventions and a reduction in postoperative mortality in patients. In addition, the work analyzes the results of the effectiveness of surgical treatment of brain dislocation.
Authors: Toktomushev Ch.T.
Pages: 155-157
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Pages: 41-51
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Pages: 52-63
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Authors: Mamadyev B.
Pages: 211-220
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To reveal the time of education, stages and ways of development improvement connection with the Department of
Histology and Pathological Anatomy of Osh GU.
On the role of vitamin D deficiency in the development of age-related comorbid conditions
Authors: Isupova A.A., Isupov R.V.
Pages: 123-129
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A wide variety of diseases associated with low vitamin D levels are being supported by a growing body of research.
Data are now available on the endocrine, autocrine, and paracrine activities of vitamin D and on the major determinants
of vitamin D decline in humans. Vitamin D deficiency leads to comorbidity, impaired functioning of the human
body, which has its own characteristics depending on age.
Optimization methods for the treatment of metastatic pleuritis in breast cancer patients
Authors: Beishembaev M.I. , Lyagazov R.I. , Terekaliev B.N.
Pages: 92-98
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At the thoracic Department of the National Center of Oncology of the comparative analysis of the effectiveness of
best practices in the treatment of metastatic pleuritis with 46 of breast cancer patients from 2004 to 2018.
Pages: 97-98
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Optimization of surgical treatment methods for patients with cryptorchidism
Authors: Omurbekov T.O., Elgondiev A.А., Porozhay V.N., Esenbaev B.I., Maksut uulu E.
Pages: 53-58
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Cryptorchidism is the cause of impaired spermatogenic and hormonal function [2,5], leading to infertility in
60% of men with unilateral, and 80% to 100% with a bilateral form of cryptorchidism [1,4]. The characteristics of patient
groups and the analysis of the effectiveness of the types of surgical interventions performed in 987 children with cryptorchidism
from 6 months to 16 years for the period from 2016 to 2021 are presented. The prevailing majority (78.4%)
are represented by patients older than 1 year (from 1 to 7 years), which confirms the fact of insufficient early detection
of cryptorchidism in the first year of life and is a contributing factor in the violation of germinative function. The predominance
of unilateral cryptorchidism (93.6%) over bilateral (6.4%), inguinal testicular location (94.4%) over the abdominal
location (5.6%) was noted by localization of the process. The technique of surgical treatment of childhood
cryptorchidism according to Torek-Gertzen is more traumatic and contributes to the development of postoperative infectious
complications 2.7 times more often, and unsatisfactory results are noted 3.5 times more often in comparison with
the Sokolov-Emelianov method. The introduction of laparoscopic methods of treatment is a priority direction of modern
surgery, allowing to improve the results of surgical treatment both in the early and in the long-term period in patients
with cryptorchidism.
Optimization of the organization of early medical and diagnostic care for vascular injury
Authors: Kutuev Zh.A.
Pages: 142-146
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Introduction. In case of traumatic vascular injuries, first aid to victims is important. The data of literary sources indicate that the majority of victims die at the pre-hospital stage of care, which determines the high importance of firstaid in the first minutes after injury. The aim of the study is to evaluate the organization of early diagnosis and treatment of traumatic vascular injuries. Material and methods. Victims with vascular injury in the republic. Methods of stopping bleeding and other types of firstaid. Results and discussion. It was revealed that there is an unsatisfactory state of first aid at the site of injury. This is due
to the poor knowledge and skills of the population about the rules of self- and mutual assistance in case of injuries. Conclusions. It is necessary to widely organize short-term first aid courses for traumatic injuries, especially for bleeding in all secondary and higher educational institutions, industrial and public institutions, as well as residential quarters of cities and villages, etc. When analyzing the errors of the prehospital stage of the management of victims with vascular
trauma, we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to develop a set of modern diagnostic studies that would allow surgeons
and traumatologists of primary health care to choose the optimal organizational and tactical solution for vascular trauma. The developed organizational and tactical solutions of therapeutic and diagnostic measures for vascular injury creates optimal conditions for improving the results of treatment of victims.
Organization of dental care to the population of the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Choibekova K.M., Kasymov O.T., Kalbaev A.A., Zhorobekova K.K.
Pages: 98-103
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Introduction. Dental care is one of the most common types of assistance to the population. The prevalence of dental diseases in the Kyrgyz Republic is high. In modern conditions, dental care is provided to the population by a network of state and commercial dental institutions, mainly outpatient and inpatient (department of maxillofacial surgery) care. Purpose of the study - Evaluation of the activities of the dental health service. Materials and research methods. Dental organizations, regulatory and legal documents, retrospective analysis. Results and its discussion. Until a certain time, dental care was provided to the population by independent dental clinics. After the reorganization by joining legally independent institutions and the formation of a network of health organizations, the dental service has undergone changes in its functioning in all areas.
Thus, all independent dental organizations included in the structure of family medicine centers (FMC) and general medical
practice centers in the region are insufficiently funded for some items of expenditure. Reporting and accounting documentation is not regulated, therefore, it is impossible to control the potential capacity of the dental services market. It is
impossible to analyze the dynamics of visits to dentists and the volume of dental services performed (the sum of all fillings, prostheses and operations made). The effectiveness of the introduction and implementation of infection control
programs is decreasing. Conclusions.For the development of the dental service and the organization of high-quality dental care, legally independently functioning dental organizations are optimal.
Organization of hemodialysis centers on the terms of public-private partnership in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Ismailov M.A., Dolonbaeva Z.A. , Abilov B.A.
Pages: 110-116
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The Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Kyrgyz Republic, with the support of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), initiated a public-private partnership (PPP) project for the organization of hemodialysis
centers in the cities of Bishkek, Osh and Jalal-Abad (hereinafter - the Project). This project was implemented with
the financial support of the German Development Bank KfW.
The project is intended for the treatment of patients with stage 5 chronic renal failure, based on dialysis centers of
a private partner, who previously received hemodialysis services in six state hemodialysis departments.
Organization of specialized consultative and diagnostic assistance to the population of Almaty region
Authors: Kargabayev E.Zh.
Pages: 13-21
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Introduction. The problems of organizing and providing specialized consulting and diagnostic assistance to the
population remain one of the most difficult in healthcare. Taking into account unfavorable trends in public health
in almost all regions of the country and the high rate of malignant tumor, it is extremely important to ensure
accessto qualified medical care at the prehospital phase. This is also necessary because about 80% of sick people start and finish treatment in outpatient clinics.
The growth of disease incidents rate is noted in most regions of the country. The increase in the number of primary
cases has influenced the growth of malignant tumors in many regions.
Aim of the study is to improve the organizations of specialized medical care to oncology patients based on the
analysis of screening programs.
Material and methods. The material on the results of the analysis of the level, structure and peculiarities of
morbidity of malignant tumors of the population in the southern region of Almaty region, as well as the scope
and nature of specialized consulting and diagnostic assistance to the population in the implementation of screening
programs depending on the place of residence were used.
Results. The current state of oncological service of health care of rural region according to the data of screening
of cervical cancer, breast cancer, colorectal cancer analysis, and also a complex of actions directed on improvement of specialized medical care with introduction of the developed functional-organizational model of specialized consultative and diagnostic help to rural population has been developed.
Organization of stage-by-stage diagnostic and therapeutic-tactical solutions for traumatic injuries of the main vessels
Authors: Kutuev Zh.A.
Pages: 172-176
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Introduction. Victims with vascular trauma are initially admitted to general surgical hospitals. Therefore, it is important to provide full-fledged first aid and further rapid delivery of the wounded to a specialized vascular department. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of organizational work of stage-by-stage diagnostic and therapeutic
and tactical measures for vascular injury. Material and methods of research. The case histories of 574 patients with vascular trauma treated in the vascular department of the Osh Interregional Joint Clinical Hospital for the period 2011-2020 were analyzed. Staged care for vascular
injury is shown. The scope and nature of providing assistance to victims with vascular trauma at the place of injury, in primary and secondary health care facilities have been clarified. Results and discussion. Step-by-step treatment of vascular injury is described. It was revealed that the absolute majority of victims are not provided with the full volume of first aid at the place of injury, and therefore there is a need to teach a
wide segment of the population the rules of first aid. In the vascular department of the Osh Interregional United Hospital, revascularization of damaged main vessels, in some cases, neuroraphy and tendoraphy, were performed. Conclusions. Victims should receive timely, full-fledged qualified medical care at all stages of treatment: pre-hospital,
non-specialized and specialized. The timely fight against shock and blood loss, the reduction of the time before the start of specialized care, due to the correct evacuation of the victim, is of great importance in providing assistance to this category of patients. It is indicated that it is necessary to develop a clinical protocol for providing assistance to victims with
vascular trauma at all stages of medical and diagnostic work.
Organization of work of the center of perinatology and pediatric cardiac surgery in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic
Authors: Bodykov G.Z., Kurmanova A.M., Bolat K.S., Bakhtiyarova M.A.
Pages: 121-127
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The article highlights the basic principles of organizing obstetric services in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic,
taking into account international experience. A schematic organization of the work of an infectious-provisional hospital
operating in June-August 2020 at the Center for Perinatology and Pediatric Cardiac Surgery is presented. Measures
are described to ensure the safety of medical personnel - compliance with the current disinfection regime, provision
of personal protective equipment, pulse oximeters, means for remote temperature measurement, and the organization
of remote consultation. A filter has been organized for patients with suspected ARVI and COVID-19 with a separate
entrance from the street, a ward for accommodating patients and a complete set of equipment and consumables for
any clinical case, up to surgical intervention. During the operation of the infectious-provisional department, 118 patients with COVID-19 received treatment, 48 deliveries were received, of which 20 were delivered by caesarean section (41%).
Outbreak of measles in Kyrgyzstan
Authors: Sahoo Anil Kapoor, Turdumambetova M.A., Buranchieva A. A., manbaeva L.A., Kibisheva K.I.
Pages: 167-172
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Introduction. In the Kyrgyz Republic there has been a sharp increase in the
incidence of measles over the past two years. The main reason for the increase
in morbidity is the refusal of preventive vaccinations. Due to the current
situation and in order to stop the further spread of infection, we decided
to make a comparative analysis of measles in Kyrgyzstan.
The aim of the study. To study the comparative clinical and epidemiological
characteristics of measles in Kyrgyzstan.
Materials and methods.The data of the Republican Infectious Diseases Hospital
in Bishkek for the period from 2018 to August 2023 are analyzed. 2,469
cases of measles were registered, of which 1,173 (48%) cases were laboratory
confirmed, 515 (21%) cases were clinically confirmed and 781 (31%)
cases were epidemiologically determined.
Results. In Kyrgyzstan, the incidence of measles continues to grow. The increase
in the incidence of measles in Kyrgyzstan is associated with the refusal
of vaccination.
Conclusions. Measles vaccination is mandatory all over the world, therefore
vaccination is carried out strictly and permissive moments are not allowed
for various reasons, whereas in Kyrgyzstan the population does not comply
with the order of the Ministry of Health and this is due to the high incidence
of measles.
Oxidation analysis of exogenous substrates in the tissues of the male reproductive system of intact rats
Authors: Al Meselmani M.A.
Pages: 27-32
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Objective. To study the state of oxygen consumption processes in the tissues of the male reproductive system of intact rats. Methods. The parameters of oxygen uptake were studied by polarographic method using Clark electrode in Hanks medium at t 25 °C in the testes of intact rats on endogenous, exogenous substrates and in the presence of 2,4-DNF. Results. The oxygen consumption index on endogenous substrates (Vend) was 3.71±0.09 nmol O2/min mg of protein, and in the presence of exogenous succinate substrates (Vsuc) it increased by 103% and (Vglu indicator) - by 53% when using glutamate, and it was also shown that the testes are resistant to sodium amytal inhibitors and sodium malonate. Conclusion. Testicular tissue preparations have a high level of oxygen consumption, both on endogenous substrates (Vend) and in the presence of exogenous oxidation substrates – succinate (Vsuc) and glutamate, which is of great importance for maintaining testicular function, sperm motility and male fertility.
Parapsoriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta: review of clinical presentation
Authors: Usubaliev M.B., Dhroso H., Djusupbekov S. D. , Iusupova D.M.
Pages: 33-38
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Introduction. The article describes a rare clinical case of acute varioliform Mucha — Habermann parapsoriasis in a six-year-old child. This rare dermatosis is characterized by the presence of spots and/or papules covered with smallplate scales. Clinical observation of this case is of interest to practicing dermatologists due to the rare occurrence of this disease in children, the complexity of differential diagnostic search.
The aim of the study. Description of a clinical case of acute varioliform parapsoriasis of Gaberman-Much in a 6-year-old
boy. Materials and methods. Review of domestic and foreign literature sources describing the current features of the course of parapsoriasis, using the search engines PubMed, Medline, SCOPUS, RSCI. Description of the clinical case. Results. A good effect was obtained from detoxification therapy with isotonic sodium chloride solution (0.9%) and local therapy with glucocorticosteroid and antibacterial ointments, aniline dyes. Conclusions.The case is presented to draw the attention of the medical community to the problem of acute parapsoriasis.
Pages: 7-9
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Pathophysiological and clinical aspects of ischemic stroke in COVID-19 (literature review)
Authors: Mamytova E.M., Ubariк k. Zh.
Pages: 143-148
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The occurrence of stroke in patients with COVID-19 infection is relatively rare, but COVID-19 is an important
prognostic marker and indicator of severity. This brief review suggests that ischemic stroke may occur early in the disease
and may also affects patients in younger age groups without comorbidities, causing large vessel occlusion and exhibiting
thrombo-inflammatory neuroimaging. The mechanisms underlying the development of stroke in patients with COVID-
19 may be associated both with the usual factors of increased risk of stroke, traditionally found in patients without COVID-
19, and with the development of coagulopathy induced by infection against the background of a systemic inflammatory
reaction characteristic for coronavirus infection.
Pathophysiological and Clinical aspects of Nervous System affection in COVID-19
Authors: Mamytova E.M.
Pages: 8-15
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COVID-19 disease is characterized by respiratory ways and other organs and system affection. One of frequent clinical
manifestation is neurological dysfunction. There is presented the most known up-to day COVID-19 associated neurological
disorders in this review. Among the most common neurological manifestations are myalgias, headaches, encephalopathy,
dizziness, dysgeusia and anosmia. Other conditions such as meningitis, encephalitis, encephalomyelitis,
hemorrhagic necrotizing encephapathy and Guillain-Barré syndrome can be attributed to COVID-19 associated complications.
The pathophysiological aspects underlying COVID-19 mediated neuroinvasion, which are based on the high
affinity of binding of SARS-CoV2 to the ACE2 receptor, are presented.
Peculiarities of pathogenesis of perifocal edema in glial tumors of the brain and possibilities of its surgical and medical correction
Authors: Karimov Zh.M.
Pages: 119-129
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With volumetric brain lesions, perifocal edema in most cases affects the severity of the clinical picture, especially
in glial tumors of the brain due to the development and growth of tumor cells, toxic effects on the surrounding
brain tissue. We have identified morphological and water-electrolyte disturbances in the zone of perifocal edema in glial
brain tumors and determined the possibilities of its correction in the pre-, intra- and postoperative periods. The study included
534 patients operated on for glial brain tumors (glioblastoma, astrocytoma, oligodendroglioma, and ependymoma).
Preoperative neuroimaging and intraoperative study of tissue structures in the zone of perifocal edema and microcirculation
of the vessels of the cerebral cortex over the healthy and affected zones were carried out. Glial tumors of the temporal
lobe (27.9±1.9 per 100 patients), parietal lobe (22.5±1.8), p<0.05, frontal (21.9±1.7) , p>0.05, occipital (18.3±1.6),
p>0.05, and deep localization accounted for 9.4±1.2 cases per 100 patients, p<0.001. The study gives a morphological
assessment of the zones of perifocal edema and presents a division according to the degree of severity of the zone of perifocal
edema in glial tumors in points. The study showed pronounced morphological changes in the water-electrolyte
composition of brain cells and intercellular space, blood vessels, nerve fibers in the area of perifocal edema in malignant
glial tumors, especially in Grade III-IV. These studies made it possible to prevent complications, conduct adequate dehydration
therapy in the pre- and postoperative periods, as well as correctly plan the course of the operation.
Peculiarities of the pathogenesis of the perifocal zone in glioblastom of the brain
Authors: Karimov Zh.M.
Pages: 47-54
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In this work, the pathogenesis of the perifocal edema zone in glioblastomas of the brain was studied according to the
data of MRI of the brain, morphological, morphometric, biochemical and histological studies. The zone of perifocal
edema is the main factor of the dislocation syndrome, leading to an increase in clinical symptoms, sometimes to the
death of patients, therefore, the study of the zone of perifocal edema was of interest not only to clinicians, but also to
radiologists, pathologists and pathophysiologists. Timely recognition of both pre and postoperative treatment to resolve
the edema results in successful tumor removal and early recovery of prolapse symptoms. In our work, for the first time,
a more detailed study and a morphological assessment of the zones of perifocal edema are given and are divided into
parts according to the signs of morphological changes. A detailed study of water, lipids and electrolytes in the intercellular
space and cells was carried out. Histological materials have been studied. In this work, histological materials are thoroughly
studied and a more detailed characteristic is given for pronounced changes in the area of perifocal edema with
division into zones, taking into account reversible and irreversible processes and its pre-, intra-, postoperative correction.
Pages: 121-127
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Physical development of primary school children living in the Altai Republic
Authors: Borodina G.N., Bauer P.S.
Pages: 82-87
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The child's physical condition should be regularly monitored within the physical education programme
at school.
Research objective: to assess the physical development of schoolchildren aged 7-13 living in the Altai Republic.
Materials and methods. 1,205 schoolchildren of both sexes aged 7-13 living in the Altai Republic were examined. Anthropometric studies were carried out at the beginning and at the end of the academic year. Non-parametric methods of mathematical statistics were used, the level of significance was p<0.05.
Results. It was revealed that longitudinal body size and weight of children are reliably greater in boys at 7-8
years. In 9-10 years, there are almost no sex differences between the weight and height of schoolchildren. At 11-
13 years, the height and weight are greater in girls. During the academic year, there is an average increase in
body weight by 3 kg, and height - by 4-5 cm.
Conclusions. In all age groups, the Quetelet index was within normal limits and characterized the weight of children as normal
Physico-chemical composition of concretions in urolithiasis in patients in various climatic zones of Kyrgyzstan
Authors: Toktonaliev A.B., Sadyrbekov N.J., Kadyrbekov A.K., Kyrbashev K.D.
Pages: 13-20
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Introduction. Urolithiasis is one of the most common urological diseases with an incidence of more than 5%
of the working-age population. A detailed study of the climatic and geographical features and the structure of calculi in
urolithiasis is an urgent study to address the issue of high-quality treatment and prevention.
The purpose of the work: to conduct a physical and chemical analysis of removed stones and to identify the main patterns
of stone formation in patients operated on for urolithiasis, living in various natural and climatic zones of Kyrgyzstan.
Materials and methods.A study of the structural density and chemical properties of stones was carried out in 119 patients
operated on for urolithiasis for the period of 2019-2022, living in various natural and climatic zones of Kyrgyzstan.
Conclusions. The ratio of patients with urolithiasis living in high mountains to middle mountains was 1:2.8. There was
a predominance of men of working age living in the middle mountains (72.7%) and high mountains (80.7%). The average
structural density of stones in patients living in highlands is 1.5 times less compared to patients in the middle altitude
group. Analysis of the chemical structure of stones in patients operated on for urolithiasis revealed the presence of such
chemical elements and compounds as: MgO, CaO, Na2O, SiO2 in all samples. The content of phosphorus ≥10 was 3.7
times more common in patients of the middle altitude group compared to patients in the high altitude group.
Placental dysfunction among pregnant women having uterine scar after Cesarean section
Authors: Pachkovskaya O.Yu., Igitova M.B.
Pages: 25-28
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The article presents the results of the study in order to identify complications of pregnancy in women
with a uterine scar after cesarean section: this obstetric operation, being indispensable, is not devoid negative
consequences for subsequent pregnancy. The detected placental disorders cause the importance of determining
the placenta growth factors as markers of placental dysfunction
POEMS syndrome, difficulty diagnosis
Authors: Nurbekova U.A., MukanbetovaG.D.-
Pages: 96-103
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POEMS syndrome is a rare multi-system disorder caused by circulating immunoglobulins in the blood due to plasma
cell dyscrasia. POEMS is an acronym that stands for the following symptoms: P –polyneuropathy, O- organomegaly, E
–Endocrinopathy, M- M-protein, S – skin change.
The main clinical feature of this syndrome is a progressive polyneuropathy with predominant motor disturbances. The
disease is potentially fatal, and the quality of the patient's life deteriorates progressive due to neuropathy, massive peripheral
edema, pleural effusion and ascites. Serious complications, such as multiple organ failure, restrictive lung disease
and pulmonary hypertension, lead to an unfavorable prognosis.
Posibiblities of using transurethral resection in patients with prostate cancer
Authors: Kurmanbekov N.K., Usupbaev A.Ch., Kylychbekov M.B., Kuzebaev R.E.
Pages: 171-176
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Currently, the relevance of the disease in oncourology - prostate cancer. At the same time, the results of survival
of patients who underwent transurethral resection are different. The aim of the study was to analyze the results of surgical
treatment of elderly patients with locally advanced type of prostate cancer who underwent transurethral resection of the
prostate. The aim of the study was to analyze the results of surgical treatment of elderly patients with locally advanced
type of prostate cancer who underwent transurethral resection of the prostate. Material and methods of research. A retrospective
analysis of the results of treatment of 50 elderly patients with locally advanced prostate cancer who underwent
transurethral resection of the prostate. Results and discussions. After transurethral resection in 94% of patients, urinary
incontinence resolved within a month, in 6% of patients urinary retention was restored within 3-3.5 months. Conclusions.
A comprehensive assessment of preoperative clinical and morphological signs allows determining the appropriateness
of surgical treatment methods. In locally advanced and metastatic forms of prostate cancer, transurethral resection of the
prostate can be performed under the condition of a controlled process of malignant changes in the prostate gland by using
preoperative antiandrogen therapy. The operation of transurethral resection of the prostate is the method of choice for
obstruction of the urinary tract ghb locally advanced and metastatic forms of prostate cancer, is a low-traumatic surgical
method of surgical treatment that improves urodynamic parameters, duration and quality of life of patients.
Post-covid syndrome among the students of central Asia
Authors: Sulaimanov Sh.A., Brimkulov N.N., Chernysheva E.A., Sa gatbaeva N.A., Abdrakhmanova S.T., Batyrhanov Sh.K., Esenalieva J.A.
Pages: 108-116
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This article represents the results of the study of the course of the Post-COVID syndrome among students of high medical institutions in Kazakhstan and in Kyrgyz Republic. The pandemic of the new coronavirus infection demonstrates the importance of studying its impact on people of various ages. It is very important to understand the specifics of the manifestations of Post-COVID syndrome in students. The purpose of the study is to study the specifics of the clinical course of post-COVID syndrome in medical university students located in Almaty, Bishkek and Nur-Sultan.
Material and Methods. Over 800 medical university students from the three cities of Central Asia (Almaty, Bishkek and
Nur-Sultan) were surveyed through an online questionnaire using Google Forms. Based on the interview results, 315 students with post-COVID syndrome were selected along with the diagnostic studies supporting the diagnosis. A questionnaire was developed which includes demographic data, clinical and diagnostic traits of post-COVID syndrome among students. Distribution by gender : girls - 69.8% (n-=220), boys - 30.2% (n=95). The mean age of the interviewees was
21 ±1.7 years. Statistical processing was performed by using the SPSS-21 program.
Outcome and discussion of findings. The study found that the majority of patients in the population suffered from mild
and moderate forms of the disease, complaining of headache (79.7%), fatigue and weakness (76.8%), cough (67.3%) , muscular weakness and myalgia (62.2%),high temperature (57.8%), anxiety and depression (43.8%), memory impairment (42.-9%), hair loss (41%), taste disorders (31.4%), shortness of breath (27.9%). Among the total respondents, 36.2% had a chronic illness. At the time of the survey, 79.7% of the student population had already been vaccinated against COVID-
19 infection.
Potential and competence of the field of continuing additional medical education
Authors: Tilekov E.A., Niyazova S.B., Niyazov B.S., Adylbaeva V.A.
Pages: 198-205
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Kyrgyz State Medical Institute of Retraining and Advanced Training named af-ter S.B. Daniyarov the abstract
should be an educational-scientific-clinical complex, representing triad of goals: a) to provide graduates with fundamental
and practical system knowledge, abilities, skills, to form research skills at graduates of universities, to obtain new highlevel
technical knowledge b) to form skills to develop and implement for graduates innovative technologies c) ensure a
high level of professional competence, self-organization and smoother development.
Preservation of male fertility in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Almerekov A. E., Chernetsova G.S., Sadyrbekov N.J., Raimbekova G.K., Raimbekov Zh.K.
Pages: 91-95
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Male infertility of various origins in an infertile marriage is 30-40%. An urgent issue in medicine is the restoration
and preservation of male fertility. The article presents the results of cryo-freezing at ultra-low temperatures using
combined cryoprotectors of testicular and epidimal spermatozoa obtained by testicular biopsy. In the course of the work,
histomorphological, morphometric, light-optical methods of microcopying with suprovital examination, biochemical and
cytogenetic research methods were applied. These methods allow a more objective and informative assessment of pathological
changes while preserving the intravital properties of tissue and cells. The work shows the possibility of cryofreezing
of germ cells with the preservation of steroidogenic and proliferative potential for the preservation and restoration of
male fertility. Cryopreserved germ cells during cultivation showed a pronounced preservation of generative and proliferative
potentials. The study showed that testicular and epidimal spermatozoa, early cells of spermatogenesis, as well as
germ cell epithelium cells show good cryo-resistance performance under conditions of ultra-low temperatures. In the future,
cryopreserved sex and germ cells can be used in programs of assisted reproductive technologies, as well as in restoring
the spermatogenic and steroidogenic potential of men.
Prevalence and dynamic changes in chronic non-communicable diseases risk factors in Turkmenistan
Authors: Ergeshov M.B., Amannepesov N.K.
Pages: 83-91
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Introduction. Treatment of chronic non-communicable diseases requires significant economic costs and is associated with high risks. The global trend is the emphasis on comprehensive prevention, preventing the development of these pathological conditions.
Objective- To study the dynamics of the prevalence of risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases (NCD) in Turkmenistan as a basis for the formation of new prevention programs. Material and methods. Design: retrospective descriptive epidemiological study. The dynamics, temporal characteristics of risk factors were studied: smoking, alcohol consumption, diet, physical activity (individually and in combination). Primary data are taken from the reports of two rounds of the national STEPS survey on the prevalence of risk factors for
noncommunicable diseases in Turkmenistan.
Results. In Turkmenistan, the proportion of the population without risk factors for chronic NCDs increased by 45.0%. A positive trend in the improvement of the female population, a decrease in the prevalence of risk factors, especially combined ones, among women was revealed. At the same time, the volume of alcohol consumption has increased: the share of persons with high and medium risk associated with alcohol has increased. The proportion of women who drink alcohol increased by 14.0%. The number of obese people has increased, especially among men, where the increase in visibility rates was 6.0%. For 5 years, the proportion of the male population, which is part of the largest group of the population with 1-2 risk factors, has increased by 4.0%. The number of men without risk factors remains extremely small (does not exceed 17.0%). In 2020, the increase in the prevalence of obesity and overweight in all administrative-territorial units resumed, which requires special attention to this NCD risk factor. Conclusions.Approaches have been formed to further combat specific risk factors,taking into account the effectiveness of preventive measures at previous stages.The heterogeneous situation with the prevalence of risk factors requires the scientific development of prevention programs, taking into account the characteristics of each administrative-territorial unit.
Prevalence of arterial hypertension in persons with diabetes in dispensary accounting at family medicine centers in Bishkek
Authors: Abylova N.K.
Pages: 79-83
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The article presents data on the prevalence of arterial hypertension in persons with diabetes mellitus who are
registered in the Central Medical Center of Bishkek. Arterial hypertension (AH) and diabetes mellitus (DM) are widespread
non-communicable diseases worldwide. Despite a significant amount of activities in the field of cardiology and
endocrinology, the epidemiological picture of both hypertension and diabetes is deteriorating every year. The number of
people with hypertension has almost doubled over the past 30 years – from 650 million to 1.28 billion, and the number
of people with diabetes has increased from 171 million to 537 million in 15 years. In the Kyrgyz Republic, in order to
achieve the goals of improving the health of the population, the reform of the health sector is focused on the primary
health care provided by family doctors/general practitioners. Family medicine is the only clinical specialty that treats a
person as a whole, and can provide "multidisciplinary" care to any patient, regardless of his age and gender. The multidimensional
approach of a general practitioner makes it possible to diagnose hypertension in people with diabetes in a
timely manner, since in most cases blood pressure increases asymptomatically, and hypertension is detected only during
an objective examination of the patient. Early diagnosis of hypertension allows for complex therapeutic and preventive
interventions, which potentially reduces the adverse complications of both hypertension and diabetes. After analyzing
the information cards, elevated blood pressure indicators were revealed in 51.3% of people with diabetes. Hypertension
was more common in women and in people over 40 years of age. The combination of hypertension and DM significantly
worsens the prognosis of the disease in patients, they belong to a group with a high risk of complications and need immediate
prescription of drug antihypertensive therapy.
Prevalence of blood-borne viral hepatitis B and C among young people (18-49 years old) in Kyryzstan
Authors: Kenenbaeva R. M.
Pages: 62-66
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According to World Health Organization (WHO) information, the main deaths from blood-borne viral hepatitis are observed among young people aged 20 - 40 years. In this regard, the purpose of the article is to analyze the prevalence of blood-borne viral hepatitis B and C among young people (18-49 years old) living in the Kyrgyz Republic. For the analysis, data from the electronic application Center Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Department of Public Health Protection and State Sanitation of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic for the period from 1998 to 2021 were used. For indicators of registration of new cases of acute viral hepatitis B and C, moderate trends in decreasing incidence were identified (T<5%). The most significant group are persons aged 18 to 49 years. Their share in the age structure was, for acute hepatitis B - 80,6%, acute hepatitis C- 67,9%. The majority of registered cases of blood-borne viral hepatitis are chronic hepatitis - 66,2%, and they are detected for the first time in the age group of 18 - 49 years. In the structure of blood-contact chronic hepatitis, the proportion of young people ranges from 72,5% to 83,7%. Even taking into account that existing government statistics do not reflect real situations, it can still be concluded that the age group from 18 to 49 years is key. To compile a complete epidemiological picture, additional research should be conducted to study the risk factors for the spread of blood-borne viral hepatitis in this population.
Prevalence of HIV infection, hepatitis B and C, and antibodies to syphilis among labor  migrants in the Kyrgyz Republic, 2023
Authors: Kubatova A.K., Dooronbekova A.Z., Bekbolotov A.A., Baiyzbekova D.A., Сhokmorova U.J.
Pages: 85-93
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Introduction. Among newly identified people living with HIV, the number of migrant cases is increasing annually. Thus, the number of migrants among HIV-positive people from 2010 to 2019 increased 37 times (from 55 to 2042 people). At the beginning of 2020, the proportion of migrants out of the total number of HIV positive people amounted to 22.41%. In order to study the situation among labor migrants, in 2023, for the first time in the Kyrgyz Republic, an integrated biobehavioral study among labor migrants was conducted. Methods. To form a sample of labor migrants, we used the method of Respondent-driven sampling (RDS). The study invited a labor migrant who had stayed outside the country for the last 24 months for the purpose of earning money. The study participants were interviewed with a semi-structured questionnaire and tested for: HIV, Hepatitis C (HCV), Hepatitis B (HBV) and Syphilis. Results and Discussion. A total of 945 labor migrants participated in the study: Jalal-Abad city (n=212), Osh city (n=167, Nookat (n=284) and Sokuluk (n=282). The highest HIV prevalence is observed among Sokuluk migrants 1.5%. HCV is more frequently detected among migrants from Osh (13.4%) and Sokuluk (4.3%) and HBV in Nookat (7.04%). Antibodies to syphilis were more frequently detected in migrants from Osh (4.3%) and Sokuluk (4%). Conclusion. According to the results of the study, labor migrants can be referred to a separate category that can be defined as a high-risk group in the context of the HIV epidemic. It is recommended to develop prevention programs for labor migrants and further study of the situation.
Prevalence of various strains of the causative agent of tuberculosis in tuberculosis patients in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Toktogonova A.A., Kulzhabaeva A.A., Myrzaliev B.B.
Pages: 20-27
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This retrospective cohort study included all TB cases reported in 2019-2020 (11908 cases). An analysis of the coverage of the drug sensitivity test was carried out with a study of the prevalence of resistance of various strains of the causative agent of tuberculosis to anti-tuberculosis drugs. Disaggregated data by TB form with drug susceptibility test results were taken from the registration forms.
The COVID-19 pandemic in the country negatively affected the detection of TB, a decrease by 32.2%, in the 2nd quarter of 2020 by 49% (р<0.001, ꭓ²), while in all regions of the republic there was a decrease from 16.3% up to 40%.
DST coverage of all reported TB cases, regardless of COVID-19, is only within 46%. Bacteriological confirmation of TB was only 56.9% and 59.4% in 2019-2020, COVID-19 did not affect this indicator (p>0.05).
The COVID-19 situation negatively affected the confirmation of the diagnosis in extrapulmonary forms of TB (p<0.001, ꭓ², OR=2.9, 95% CI 2.6-3.3), 2.9-3.8 times lower than than among pulmonary forms (60.1% and 61.8% in 2019-2020, p<0.001, ꭓ², OR=3.8, 95% CI 3.2-4.4).
Among TB patients with DST, the vast majority (61.4% and 59.2%) have MBT strains with some resistance, among which 37.6% and 35.0% are with M/XDR. In every 5th patient, strains with multiresistance of the pathogen were found.
Prevention of thrombohemorrhagic complications in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia
Authors: Botalaev B.A., Kolesnichenko I.V., ,Eivazov N.R., Almerekov A. E.
Pages: 77-83
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Due to the increase in the life expectancy of the male population, there is an increase in the number of patients
with prostatic hyperplasia. The main method of treatment of prostatic hyperplasia is surgical removal of prostate adenomatous
nodes by transurethral resection or adenomectomy. After surgical interventions, patients experience various
changes in the hemostasis system associated with the entry of tissue coagulation activators into the blood. The lack of
compensatory capabilities in patients of the older age group causes a decrease in the activity of the anticoagulation and
fibrinolytic systems of the body. Predicting the risk of complications in the pre- and postoperative periods made it possible
to choose a treatment regimen for patients with prostatic hyperplasia, depending on the method of surgical intervention
and the method of hemostatic therapy. The aim of the study: to substantiate methods of prevention of the risk of thrombohemorrhagic
and thromboembolic complications in patients after adenomectomy and transurethral resection with the
use of low-molecular heparins and modified hemostatic suture on the place of prostate adenomatous nodes at various
times of the period after surgery. Material and methods of research. The study included 80 patients with BPH, operated
on by adenomectomy and TURP. As a choice of method of surgical treatment, 34 (42.5%) patients used a modified method of hemostasis for transvesical adenomectomy (group 1 - main); 46 patients (57.5%) used traditional types of operations
- one-stage transvesical adenomectomy with a removable suture on the prostate adenoma bed in the traditional way (according
to V. N. Evsyukov) and TURP (group 2 - control). As measures to prevent thrombohemorrhagic complications,
each of the groups was additionally divided into two subgroups: subgroup "A" - 38 (47.5%) patients who did not receive
anticoagulants in the pre- and postoperative period; subgroup "B" - 42 (52.5%) patients who received low molecular
weight heparins (LMWH) - fraxiparine at a dose of 0.3 ml per day (2500 IU) 18-20 hours before surgery and on the 4th
day of the postoperative period. Conclusion. Analysis of coagulogram parameters, time of surgical intervention and
degree of blood loss indicates that in the hemostasis system in patients with prostatic hyperplasia there are shifts characteristic
of hypercoagulation with noticeable surgical trauma, hemorrhagic and thromboembolic complications requiring
immediate correction.
Prevention of visual impairment in children, parents' view of the problem
Authors: Medvedovskaya N.V. , Denisyuk L.I. , Shekera O.G., Malyshevskaya E.M.
Pages: 75-81
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The article highlights the results of a sociological study, the purpose of which was to study the awareness of parents about possible visual disorders in children with an assessment of their readiness to take an active
part in measures to prevent the occurrence of ophthalmic pathology in children. The materials were questionnaires of a sociological survey (422 questionnaires). Methods for conducting the study were sociological survey
and medical and statistical analysis of its results at each stage (calculation of representativeness and reliability).
According to the results of the analysis, insufficient awareness and immature, insufficiently responsible attitude
of parents to the problem of the formation of healthy visual functions in their children were revealed. In turn, it
allows us to conclude that it is relevant to apply a medical and organizational approach to solving issues of timely
diagnosis of visual disorders that have arisen, and the use of preventive measures to prevent its violation, especially among children
Prevention retrospective analysis of the post-transfusion reactions and complications
Authors: Makhmudova M.R.
Pages: 95-99
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Introduction. Prevention of posttransfusion complications (PTR) is an urgent
task of transfusion medicine. To date, modern technologies have been introduced
in the Republic of Uzbekistan to prevent the development of febrile
non-hemolytic reactions, graft-versus-host disease and reduce the risk of
transmission of infectious and bacterial infections to patients receiving blood
transfusion. The aim of the study. Conducting an analysis of the causes of post-transfusion
complications over a 5-year period, as well as developing recommendations
for the introduction of modern technologies into blood processing
processes and reducing the risk of post-transfusion complications.
Materials and methods. We have analyzed 12 cases of serious posttransfusion
complications that have developed in medical institutions of the republic
over the past 5 years. The production processes of the Blood Service of
the Republic of Kazakhstan on the introduction of new methods of screening
and processing of donated blood, including a two-stage method of testing
for markers of hemotransmissive infections, leukofiltration, irradiation (irradiation)
of blood components, were analyzed.
Results. According to the materials of the Republican Commission for the
Analysis and Prevention of post-transfusion complications of the Ministry
of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, we have identified 12 cases of serious
post-transfusion complications, of which 6 were fatal in medical institutions
of the republic.
Conclusions. The introduction of modern technologies into the practice of
the blood service, strict compliance with the rules of blood transfusion and
increasing the knowledge of practitioners on blood transfusion can significantly
reduce the risk of post-transfusion complications and ensure the quality
and safety of transfusion therapy in medical institutions of the republic.
Pages: 127-132
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Pages: 80-81
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Problems of Surgical treatment of Epilepsy
Authors: Mamytova E.M., Mamytov M.M., Kadyrov R.M.
Pages: 31-39
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The aim of article is surgical treatment patients with epileptic seizures in depend on applied methods of operations.
There is used new algorithm of complex and objective methods of diagnostics which allow to detect epileptogenic focus.
This fact give a chance to plan surgical methods of treatment of pharmacoresistent epilepsy. Results of patients investigation
shown high effectiveness applied methods of treatment in patients with different forms of epilepsy
Profile of Otorhinolaryngological Disorders in Adults admitted to the Secondary Hospital of Osh Region
Authors: Mamanov M.A., Kasiev N.K.
Pages: 69-73
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Diseases of ENT organs, if not treated in a timely, are the cause of reduced quality of life and disability of a
large number of the population. After gaining independence, Kyrgyzstan, as well as many other developing countries,
has faced the problem of access to specialized medical care, especially for the rural population. Primary health care is
not yet well established in the country, there is practically no rehabilitation of ENT patients in the regions, and therefore
most of the burden falls on the secondary and tertiary level hospitals. The aim of the research was to study the profile of
adults seeking inpatient care using the example of the otolaryngological department of the Osh Interregional Clinical
Hospital. Analytical, statistical research methods were used. Out of 4,061 patients, data on 3,423 patients were included
in the development. As a result of the 4-year analysis, it was found that 55.1% of hospitalized patients were men and
44.9% were women. Most patients had compulsory health insurance policy; the load on ENT department increases in
autumn-winter period, hence the consumption of medicines, man-hours, utilities, etc. is higher than in other seasons; average
age of patients was 32±13,8 years. Most often, young people aged 20-24 years were hospitalized. The elderly, aged
60 years and more were less often among all age groups, which may be due to reduced availability of inpatient care for
the elderly; adult patients complained more often of upper respiratory tract diseases (J01-J39), ear diseases (H60-H95),
which is most likely a complication of acute respiratory diseases. The results of the study will improve hospital management,
as well as the focus of preventive measures to reduce complications, at the level of primary health care.
Pages: 70-76
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Provision of dental care under the Program of State Guarantees of the Kyrgyz Republic for the city of Bishkek
Authors: Kaliev M.T., Zakirova A.Z., Azaizbekova J.A.
Pages: 92-97
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Introduction. The program of state guarantees of the Kyrgyz Republic covers dental services for children under 10 years of age, registered pregnant women and pensioners 70 years of age and older. The need for dental care in these categories of the population is high. The relevance of these services is identified as the most important in comparison with other categories of the population, in terms of state support.
The purpose of the study - Conducting an analysis of the provision of dental services in accordance with the program of state guarantees for dental clinics in Bishkek to improve access to services for children under 10 years old, pregnant women and pensioners over 70 years old.
Materials and research methods. The study used a method of statistical analysis of official reports of the Mandatory Health Insurance Fund and the Dental polyclinics in accordance with the State Guarantee Program for the city of Bishkek in 01/01/2021-12/31/2022.
Results and discussion. In 2021, in Bishkek, the total number of these categories for budgeting dental clinics was 276,689 people, and in 2022, 306,789 people. There was a high consumption of services by pregnant women in the dental clinic No. 3. For children under 10 years old, a similar trend can be noted, the maximum number of services in the dental clinic No. 3 and the minimum in the dental clinic 4. At the same time, the difference exceeds more than 32 times. There is a similar situation in the category of pensioners aged 70 and over.
Conclusions. An analysis of the situation showed the need for further modernization of the dental care payment policy, as well as the relevance of developing new mechanisms for accounting for services for budgeting for dental clinics in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Quality and safety in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: the impact of training healthcare providers
Authors: Baiyzbekova D.A., Kaliev M.T., Asanalieva L.U.
Pages: 111-120
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In order to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of the acquired knowledge and skills at trainings on
topical issues of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of coronavirus infection COVID-19, monitoring and
evaluation were carried out in healthcare organizations of Naryn, Talas and Batken regions, where training sessions on
COVID-19 were held, according to the Orders of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 893, No. 137 and
No. 370. For this, an assessment sheet was developed and approved (Order of the MoH No. 538). 3 stages of monitoring
and evaluation were carried out using the same evaluation sheet. The assessment was carried out according to 6 criteria.
The overall score in hospitals was higher than with Family Medicine Centers (FMCs). At the FMC level, the assessment
ranged from 18.3 to 65.2%. At the hospital level, according to preliminary M&E, the minimum score was 58.9%, and
the maximum was 97%. According to the results of the mid-term assessment, a significant increase was observed in all
health facilities. For FMCs from 5.8% to 24.7%, for hospitals from 15.4% to 21.9%. In general, in the dynamics from
preliminary to final assessment, there is an increase in the fulfillment of criteria for assessing the assimilation and application
of knowledge on COVID-19 in hospitals and FMCs. With the exception of FMCs in Naryn and Batken, where
there is a decrease due to the fact that, due to the absence of morbidity, the alertness of FMC staff regarding the detection
of COVID-19 among the population has decreased, and, accordingly, control by infection control specialists and heads
of quality control committees has weakened.
Pages: 28-29
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Results of self-assessment of infection control and medical waste management in healthcare organizations, positive and negative aspects
Authors: Orozbekova A.K., Janabilova G. A., Kanymetova A.K.
Pages: 102-107
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This research work presents an analysis of the infection control system in healthcare organizations based on self-assessment data from 2023 and external monitoring from 2021, respectively. The overall infection control (IC) indicator at the level of healthcare organizations in 2023 was 86.2%, exceeding the results of the external assessment in 2021 (78%) by 8.2%. Internal monitoring in 2023 highly rated blocks such as the safety of medical procedures (95.5%) compared to external monitoring, which stood at 88.2%, exceeding it by 7.3%; management of medical waste (95%) and staff training (89.2%) compared to external monitoring (73%), exceeding it by 12.2%. Higher ratings in internal monitoring compared to external assessment raise questions about the objectivity of internal assessments, necessitating the development of additional tools for effective implementation of self-assessment of IC.
Results of sociological research about the health state of women in Batken city
Authors: Ablesova A.K., Zhusupbekova N.E.
Pages: 200-210
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Introduction. The city of Batken is located in the South of the Kyrgyz Republic,
where climatic and geographical conditions contribute to the development
of agriculture. We initiated a study of the health conditions of
women living in this area.
The purpose of this sociological research was to identify the influence of
unfavorable environmental factors on the health of women living in the city
of Batken and its surrounding areas.
Materials and Methods.The research used a standardized questionnaire from
the World Health Organization (2016), which included 7 sections and consisted
of 43 questions. A total of 63 women, over 18 years of age, of reproductive age participated in the research.
Results. The survey revealed a poor diet, since their daily diet includes only
meat/meat products, locally grown rice, as well as vegetables grown on their
own garden. It is not typical for survey participants to consume seafood and
poultry products. All respondents answered that they did not work in the industrial
sector and did not have contact with harmful production factors, including
members of their families, but 5 women noted that they had contact
with pesticides.
Conclusions. The results of the sociological study conducted among women
of Batken city indicated that the negative impact on their health is mainly
due to social and household factors (low income, quality and condition of
the living environment), as well as an unbalanced and insufficient diet.
Results of surgical treatment of meningiomas of the brain with proptosis
Authors: Arstanbekov N. A., Yrysov K.B.
Pages: 47-53
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The purpose of the work. Meningioma-associated proptosis (MAP) can be a cosmetic and functional disorder
debilitating for patients with wedge-orbital meningioma and other meningiomas of the base of the skull, and there is limited
information on the quantitative improvement of proptosis after surgery. Since less extensive removal of the tumor
affecting the orbit cannot reduce proptosis, the senior author adopted an aggressive surgical approach to the removal of
the tumor affecting the periorbital and orbit. The authors of this study retrospectively reviewed the results of this surgical
Material and methods. All MAP operations performed by one surgeon from January 1, 2010 to May 1, 2020 were reviewed.
Age, gender, visual symptoms, number and types of surgical interventions, cavernous sinus lesion, complications,
duration of follow-up, residual tumor, use of adjuvant radiation therapy and the degree of resolution of proptosis measured
by the exophthalmos index (IE) before and after surgery, as well as at the last observation.
Results. Thirty-three patients (24 women - 73%) with an average age of 51.6 years underwent treatment for MAP. Of the
22 patients with additional visual symptoms (for example, loss of visual acuity, reduced field of vision or diplopia), 15
had improved vision, and 7 had stable vision. None of the patients had a worsening of proptosis after treatment. The average
preoperative IE was 1.39, the average IE in the immediate postoperative period was 1.23, and the average final IE
at the last observation was 1.13. Thus, the average overall improvement in IE was 0.26, but the average immediate decrease
in IE was 0.16, demonstrating a progressive improvement in proptosis in the postoperative period. Residual cavernous
sinus lesion was present in 17 out of 18 patients who had preoperative cavernous sinus meningioma lesion. Only
2 patients in this series had a recurrent tumor in the eye socket area, and their proptosis improved again after repeated surgery. One case of delayed vasospasm and 2 cases of postoperative trigeminal nerve numbness (V2) were registered.
The average follow-up period was 4.5 years (53.8 months).
Conclusion. In this series of studies, all patients experienced an improvement in proptosis, and none of them had worse
visual symptoms at the last observation, although proptosis disappeared over time. Only 2 patients had a recurrence of
the orbit tumor, which required surgical intervention. Surgical complications were rare. The results of the study show
that aggressive resection of the MAP is well tolerated and provides excellent elimination of proptosis with infrequent relapses
in orbit. It is important to note that there have been no cases of enophthalmos, despite the absence of a formal reconstruction
of the orbit.
Retrospective analysis of the prevalence of blood-borne viral hepatitis B and C in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Kenenbaeva R.M., Sattarova G. Zh., Baiyzbekova D.A.
Pages: 110-114
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Introduction. Viral hepatitis B and C remains one of the major public health problems due to its high prevalence, severity and severe socioeconomic consequences. According to WHO, the regions with a high prevalence of viral hepatitis B and C are the countries of Africa south of the Sahara, the countries of Central and East Asia. The purpose of the publication is to describe the results of a retrospective analysis of the prevalence of viral hepatitis B and C in the Kyrgyz Republic. Methods and materials. The materials were the reporting data of the Electron Health Center of the MH KR and the Department
of Disease Prevention and the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance for the period from 1998 to 2021. An assessment of the long-term dynamics of morbidity was carried out using the least squares method. And also standard methods of statistical data processing with the Excel program were used. Results. During the analyzed period (1998-2021), the incidence of HBV decreased by 15 times (from 27.7 to 1.8 per 100,000 population). HCV incidence rates range from 0.8 (2021) to 2.3 (2010; 2012) per 100,000 population. In the age structure according to HBV and HCV, the largest share is occupied by the age group of 18-49 years old. (80.6% and 67.9% respectively). Conclusion. In the Kyrgyz Republic, official registration of new cases,VH B and C is carried out only at the request of patients,therefore it does not reflect the real situation of the spread of VH.A sharp decrease in the incidence of HBV isas sociated with the introduction of mandatory vaccination against HBV in the vaccination schedule, in this regard, in order to reduce the incidence of HBV,routine vaccination of the adult population up to 49 years of age should be introduced.
Retrospective data on the incidence of COVID-19 in the general population and health care workers
Authors: Abdirazakov N.A., Amanbekov E.B., Baiyzbekova D.A.
Pages: 104-109
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Introduction. Coronavirus infection (COVID-19) is a completely new virus to the general world population and to health care workers, so it is not well understood. It is important to remember that this infection has nonspecific symptoms. All over the world, people are talking about coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and taking the necessary precautions
to protect themselves and the general public from the virus. Health care workers are the main fighters who are on the front lines of the fight against the coronavirus. Since the emergence of the coronavirus in our country and the declaration of the state of emergency, health workers have had to shoulder a huge additional burden: in addition to the routine
tasks they had to perform under the new conditions, they have had to take on completely new and challenging roles. Despite compliance with infection control measures, infection with SARS-CoV-2 was inevitable. Objective. This article presents retrospective data on the morbidity of medical workers and the general population. Methods. Retrospective data on COVID-19 morbidity and mortality in the population and OZ medical staff (data from
National Statistical Committee, Health Center of the Kyrgyz Republic, Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance, ect) for the period from April 2020 to October 2022 were collected and analyzed. Results and discussion. There were 5 epidemiological waves of COVID-19 during the analyzed period. The 3rd wave was the highest (570.89 per 100000 population). The last two rises were observed in 2022, from January to April (49 per 100000 population) and from August to October. (59 per 100,000 population). In 2022, we can see the dynamics of declining mortality registration, down to no cases since April.Among medical workers there were 4 waves of morbidity, the fifth wave was not observed.The highest rate of medical workers from the total number of COVID-19 cases was observed in April 2020(29,73%),in the rest period it does not exceed 5%, and on the average fluctuates within 2±0,4%. But if we compare incidence rates per 100,000, we can clearly see that health care workers are a high risk group. The index of morbidity of medical workers many times exceeds the index of morbidity of general population (from 4 to 13 times). Conclusion. The analysis of retrospective data revealed that health care workers are at the highest risk of COVID-19 infection. Study of COVID-19 incidence and prevalence among health care workers will allow to develop effective safety measures for health care workers during new pandemics.
Review of Brucella isolated from humans and farm animals in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Kazybaeva J.S., Bekturdiev K.B., Kydyshov K., Nurmatov Z.Sh.
Pages: 108-112
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The article presents data on the distribution of Brucella species among humans and farm animals circulating in the Kyrgyz Republic. According to the results of molecular genetic analyses performed by different authors, Brucella cultures isolated from humans were attributed only to B. melitensis species, while isolates from farm animals indicated circulation of both Brucella species. Out of the 443 strains obtained from small ruminants, 427 (96.3%) were identified as B. melitensis, and 16 (3.6%) strains were assigned to B. abortus. Upon typing of 30 Brucella strains from cattle, 11 (37%) were attributed to B. abortus, and 19 samples (63%) were attributed to B. melitensis. Additionally, data on the migration of B. melitensis to cattle and B. abortus to small ruminants are presented. And according to the results of the conducted full genome sequences isolated from humans were identified as B. melitensis and confirmed the identity of strains of the causative agent of brucellosis, with strains circulating in the Eastern Mediterranean countries with the greatest similarity to strains from Turkmenistan, Iran and Turkey.
Review of quality control in clinical diagnostic laboratories of Batken city
Authors: Ormokoeva K.S., Abdylatov M.A., Velikorodov S.S., Abdirashitov T.A.
Pages: 65-71
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Introduction. The article presents the results of a review on the implementation of quality control and compliance with the quality management system in clinical diagnostic laboratories in Batken city. An analysis of the situation regarding quality control of clinical laboratory tests was conducted to identify and prevent unacceptable errors in the process of conducting laboratory tests with human biomaterials Objective of the Study. To analyze the quality control processes in clinical diagnostic laboratories in Batken city.
Materials and Methods. Data from three clinical diagnostic laboratories in Batken were analyzed. Special attention was given to the number of internal quality controls conducted and external quality assessments for the selected
period from 2022 to the first half of 2024, as well as the challenges faced by the staff of clinical diagnostic laboratories in the city.
Results and Discussion. During the period from 2022 to the first half of 2024, 172,828 analyses were conducted in the selected laboratories, of
which 28.96% involved internal quality control procedures. Problems were identified that hinder the daily quality control processes in Batken’s clinical diagnostic laboratories. The most significant issues include delays in the supply of control materials and reagents, the resignation of highly qualified
staff, and difficulties in repairing out-of-service analyzers. Conclusion. To improve the laboratory services in the Batken region, it is necessary to enhance working conditions and eliminate factors affecting the quality of research, standardize the pre-analytical stage, and regularly conduct training to increase the knowledge level of laboratory staff.
Risk factors determining the prevalence of hepatitis A in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Abdrachmanova Z.О., Nurmatov Z.Sh., Zulpueva A.A.
Pages: 94-101
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The purpose of the scientific work is to study the prevalence and risk factors of viral hepatitis A in the climate and geographical regions of the Kyrgyz Republic. As a result of the high level of registration of viral hepatitis A have seen an increase in incidence in September, a peak in December and a sharp decline in February, and during the pandemic there was virtually no seasonal cyclicity. The prevalence of acute hepatitis A was studied by survey method among the population of the Kyrgyz Republic by investigating the presence of IgM-marker of HAV in persons who consented to participate in the study and risk factors. According to the results, it was found that 1.5% of the sample had IgM in the blood sera. The smoothed seasonality of hepatitis A during the COVID-19 pandemic is due to the fact that in the republic as a whole, 93.1% of the population complied with preventive measures and government requirements for restrictive measures. Of the respondents, only 14.6% consumed unwashed fruits and vegetables; more than half of the respondents consumed raw, unboiled water. One fifth of the population consumed fast food, with the population of Bishkek and Osh cities consuming the most, 84.9% and 90.0%, respectively. 84.6% of the population of the Kyrgyz Republic used tap water for household needs, 79.6% of respondents answered that the water was clear and 12.9% was cloudy, about 7% did not answer.
Risk factors for symptoms of dyspepsia in freshmen
Authors: Bessonov P.P., Bessonova N.G.
Pages: 14-20
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Currently, the problem of diseases of the digestive system is one of the main ones in clinical therapy. There is a steady increase in the number of diseases of the digestive system due to young people.
Северо-Восточный федеральный университет им М.К. Аммосова, Медицинский институт,
г. Якутск, Республика Саха (Якутия). Россия
The purpose of the study is to study risk factors for diseases of the digestive system; a survey of 1st year students
of the Medical Institute was conducted.
Materials and methods. Fifty-one students filled out the questionnaire completely, of whom 30 girls (59%), 21
boys (41%), the age range was 17-18 years. This questionnaire included 27 items, nutritional issues, the presence
or absence of complaints about the digestive system and risk factors.
“Кыргызстандын саламаттык сактоо”
илимий-практикалык журналы
№ 4 2020 Бештин айы 15
Results. Symptoms of dyspepsia were detected in 33.6% of people who completed the questionnaire. According
to our data, perhaps, due to workload in studies, the nutrition of freshmen is unbalanced, they often consume fast
food products (hamburger, hot dog, pizza), semi-finished products (Pearson's χ2-13,73, p <0.002), hasty dry food
is noted, violation of the diet, often postpone the main meal in the evening (p <0.001), which is a risk factor for
cardiovascular diseases and digestive organs. The respondents with a symptom of dyspepsia have signs of enzymatic insufficiency, in the form of intolerance to certain foods, as well as concomitant diseases and burdened
Conclusions. In most cases, the risk factors for the symptom of dyspepsia are modifiable, which allows planning
preventive measures and conducting health education among students
Role of private health organizations in management of tuberculosis (literature review)
Authors: Duishekeeva А.B., Turdumambetova G.K.
Pages: 138-143
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This article reviews the literature on the role of private health care organizations in detecting, diagnosing, treating,
and preventing tuberculosis. Literature from 2001 to 2021 was reviewed, including World Health Organization guidelines
and global reports, STOP TB partnership guidelines, and articles by selected foreign and local authors. Publications
of foreign authors were available on-line, there are several publications from the neighboring countries of Kyrgyzstan.
The example of public-private partnership organization in Bangladesh, Vietnam and Georgia was given. In the publications,
most authors agree that it is necessary to involve private health care organizations in TB management to increase
access in the fight against the disease, but there are differences in the organization of public-private partnership model,
in which it is necessary to ensure quality monitoring of diagnosis, treatment and tracking of patients on TB treatment.
Safe methods for collecting red blood cells containing blood components
Authors: Satybaldieva A.B., Usenbaeva A.A.
Pages: 50-55
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Introduction. This article addresses the topic of the role of leukoreduction
in ensuring the safety of donor blood and its components. Information is
provided on technologies for leukoreduction of donor blood and its components,
the possibilities of assessing its effectiveness and impact on the quality
of transfusion agents. It has been shown that transfusions of
leukocyte-depleted blood components help prevent post-transfusion complications.
New information on the procurement of safe and high-quality
leukofiltered blood components is presented. It has been demonstrated that
leukofilters after leukoreduction can be a source of blood cells for experimental
studies. The information obtained from the article made it possible
to identify unresolved issues and outline prospects for scientific research in
the field of safety and effectiveness of obtaining and using leukoreduced
components of donor blood. Materials and methods of research. The official reporting data of the Republican
Blood Center (RBC) was used as research material. The research
methods were the activities of the blood procurement department of the
Results of the study and their discussions. In the Kyrgyz Republic, leukofiltered
blood components are transfused to 70-80% of patients with oncohematological
diseases, and the rest to patients with other pathologies. For the
period from 2019 to 2023, a total of 3143.84 liters of leukofiltered erythrocyte
suspension was prepared and transferred to the finished products department
in the blood procurement department of the Republican Blood
Center. Today, the need of healthcare organizations for filtered blood components
is covered by 80%. Among the population of donors, there is a deficiency
of groups A and AB, therefore, less filtered components of these
particular blood groups are prepared, and therefore the need of the healthcare
organization (HO) for leukofiltered blood is not sufficiently covered. If from all the prepared red blood cell mass in 2022 (6647 l) 8% of leukofiltered
red blood cell suspension and 15% of washed red blood cells were produced,
then in 2023 (6913 l) this amounted to 17% of leukofiltered red blood cell
suspension and 8% of washed red blood cells. This shows that the population’s
need for leukofiltered blood components is increasing.
Conclusions. Leukoreduction of donor blood and its components is an important
element in ensuring the safety of transfusion therapy. It is necessary
to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of leukoreducible blood components
in different categories of patients. It is also necessary to develop and improve
methods for extracting cell solutions from leucofilters for experimental and
clinical studies.
Safety and quality of blood components and evaluation of the effectiveness of the reforming of the blood service in the republic of Uzbekistan
Authors: Makhmudova M.R.
Pages: 111-115
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Introduction. The reform of the blood service in the Republic of Uzbekistan
has significantly improved the provision to health care facilities the highquality
and safe blood components, introduced modern technologies into
production, reduced the losses associated with the discard of blood components
due to hemotransmissive infections.
The aim of the study- To study the main performance indicators of the blood
service over the past decade, as well as the impact of centralization and reform
of the blood service on ensuring the quality and safety of blood components.
Materials and methods. We conducted a comparative analysis of the main
production indicators of the Republic's Blood Service institutions, studied
the volume of donor blood procurement, the percentage of rejection of blood
components for hemotransmissive infections, indicators of red blood cell
mass write-off after expiration date, and also developed a scientific justification
for approaches to managing the blood service in peacetime and emergency
Results. Due to centralization of blood service over the past decade, an increase
in the main indicators of blood donation has been revealed in Uzbekistan,
so in 2012 the total number of donations was 111759, and in 2023
-266400, the production of erythrocyte-containing components, plasma and
thromboconcentrate increased almost 2 times. Utilization of blood components
for hemotransmissive infections (HIV, hepatitis B, C, syphilis, Brucellosis,
ALT) in 2012 amounted to 13%, in 2023 – 6.0%, in absolute figures
for the republic in 2023 amounted to 8,073.07 liters. The decrease in absolute rates of TTI markers positive blood became possible due to the introduction
of a set of measures for the selection and questioning of donors,
carefully medical examination and reconciliation with the database of persons
excluded from donation, as well as conducting a two-stage method of
screening donors for markers of hemotransmissive infections and PCR studies
of a pool of negative samples significantly affected the quality and safety
of blood components.
Conclusions. The centralization and reform of the blood service had a positive
impact on the performance of the blood service, ensured the availability,
safety and quality of blood components and significantly reduced
economic losses in the blood service.
Satisfaction of patients with tuberculosis identified in public and private medical providers
Authors: Madybaeva D.M., Kulzhabaeva A.A., Zhirnova E. A., Shumskaya N. A.
Pages: 159-166
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This cross-sectional study used quantitative and qualitative methods to collect data. The sample of respondents
was carried out by the method of simple random sampling from the general list of registered cases of tuberculosis in
2021. A selected 120 TB patients were interviewed and collected data from primary medical records to study patient satisfaction
with services obtained through the process of TB detection in primary health care organizations and private
health care providers in Chui oblast and Bishkek city.
The study found that in favor of private medical providers such parameters as the quality of services (p-value<0.01 and
CI 7.3-107.2) play a decisive role; making an appointment (p-value<0.01 and CI 2.6-20.0); own vehicle (p-value-0.01
and CI 1.7-81.6); speed of diagnosis (p-value-0.01 and CI 1.3-10.5), availability of narrow specialists (p-value-0.01 and
CI 1.1-3.3); access to X-ray examination (p-value<0.01 and CI 1.9-7.6); as well as telephone feedback from health workers
to the patient (p-value<0.01 and CI 1.5-8.0).
The median delay in seeking care from the onset of TB symptoms was 36-37 days regardless of provider ownership
(range 0-247 days, median 27 days). The delay in starting treatment from the first symptoms of TB was about 45 days
for both compared groups. The delay in registration of TB cases was recorded in 22% of cases, 20% of which were
patients identified in the Bishkek CHMP, the delay in registration reaches 32-35 days after the start of treatment.
Respondents who received services from private medical providers showed greater satisfaction with the services, 95%
rated the services as "excellent" and "good". Whereas, only 78% were also rated by respondents who received services
in primary health care organizations.
Screening for hepatitis E virus genome in blood donors: insights from a study in Kazakhstan
Authors: Savchuk T.N., Grinwald E.N., Abdrakhmanova S.A., Imash paev D.M., Zhangazieva K.Kh., Sausakova S.B.
Pages: 42-49
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Introduction. The majority of hepatitis E virus (HEV) infections worldwide are due to contaminated water or food sources. There is also a rising incidence of HEV transmission through blood transfusions from donors. Annually, approximately 20 million cases of HEV infection are reported globally, with symptoms in about 3.3 million individuals and 56,600 fatalities. Given the increasing serological prevalence of hepatitis E, which can lead to serious clinical consequences for patients who most need transfusions, HEV screening is becoming a significant public health issue in both developing and developed countries. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of hepatitis E virus and identify risk factors among blood donors in Kazakhstan. The assessment was carried out by testing HEV genetic material in donor plasma and analyzing associated risks. Materials and Methods. Donor blood samples were tested for HEV RNA using PCR on the Cobas 6800 automatic analyzer (Roche Diagnostics Ltd., Istanbul, Turkey), with the combination of 6 samples. Both laboratory tests
and sociological surveys were used in the study to provide a comprehensive understanding of the prevalence of hepatitis E. A questionnaire was developed to assess the socio-demographic characteristics and dietary habits of the donors.
Results. Blood samples from 16,147 donors (6.8% of the total number of donors for the year) were examined. No HEV RNA was detected in donors from blood service institutions in the Southern, Northern, Western, and Eastern regions of Kazakhstan. This finding indicates the effectiveness of screening and safety measures implemented in Kazakhstan's blood institutions. Conclusions. For the first time in Kazakhstan, a screening of blood donors for HEV among healthy individuals was conducted, and their demographic and behavioral characteristics were studied. The results show that HEV is
not currently a significant issue among blood donors in Kazakhstan. However, including HEV markers in the blood donor screening standard enhances the safety of blood components but leads to an increase in the number of blood components discarded as unsuitable for transfusion, which also results in financial losses.
Seasonality of viral hepatitis A in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Abdrachmanova Z.О., Suranbaev S.T. , Nurmatov Z.Sh.
Pages: 35-40
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The purpose of the scientific work is to study the long-term dynamics and seasonality of viral hepatitis A in the climate and geographical regions of the Kyrgyz Republic. The analysis of the reported statistical data of healthcare organizations of the Kyrgyz Republic on the incidence of HAV for the period 2009-2023 was carried out and the manifestation of seasonality by year was studied. The Kyrgyz Republic is located in a temperate climate zone with clearly defined seasons, in which there are all conditions for the preservation of the hepatitis A virus in the external environment. The share of hepatitis A in the Kyrgyz Republic of the total hepatitis disease in the north is 94.6% and in the south 96.8%. An analysis of average indicators for 2014-2023 by month showed that the season of rising incidence begins from September of the current year to February of the next year, with the peak incidence occurring in November-December. Cyclical rises in incidence are observed annually, with the exception of 2020-2022 during the COVID-19 pandemic, when the prevalence of hepatitis A was at the same level by month, no growth trend was observed and there was no peak incidence.
Sepsis of newborns as a problem of epidemiological surveillance of healthcare-associated infections (based on data from health care organizations in Bishkek)
Authors: Amanbekov E.B., Asyranova U.S., Abdirazakov N.A., Ryskulbekova A.B.
Pages: 22-29
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Neonatal sepsis is a serious medical and social problem for the Kyrgyz Republic, requiring a comprehensive approach and improvement of infection prevention and infection control measures, diagnosis and treatment. Most often neonatal sepsis develops as a healthcare-associated infection (HAI). According to a cross-sectional study conducted by the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Infection Control of the National Institute of Public Health (RSPCIC NIOPH) in 2023 in 6 medical organizations, neonatal sepsis as a healthcare-associated infection was detected in 7.3% of 137 newborns examined. Risk factors were the presence of vascular catheters (OR, 6.3 and OR, 7.3) and respiratory manipulation (OR, 4.2 and OR, 6.0). An important factor was that 80% of neonates with sepsis had birth weight less than 2500 grams (RR - 6.4 and OR - 7.6) and gestational age less than 37 weeks (RR - 6.7 and OR - 7.8). To prevent and treat neonatal sepsis, it is necessary to comply with infection control standards, conduct early diagnosis and adequate antibiotic therapy, and take into account the local epidemiologic situation and antibiotic resistance of microorganisms.
Seroepidemiological study of the SARS-CoV-2 virus among the population of the Kyrgyz Republic during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic
Authors: Nurmatov Z.Sh., Kuchuk T.E., Kasymbekova K.T., Abdirazakov N.A., Kasymbekov Zh.O.
Pages: 148-156
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The purpose of the seroepidemiological study was to assess the population immunity to COVID-19 coronavirus infection in the population of the Kyrgyz Republic, depending on gender, age and geographical distribution to justify
public health responses. Methods. Cross-sectional stratified serological study was conducted from 26.06.2020 through 25.08.2020 in all the regions of Kyrgyzstan. Primary health care organizations were randomly selected from the list of people, enrolled to each primary health care provider for a random selection of participants. Trained health workers interviewed the participants about their age, gender, COVID-19 symptoms, seeking health care behavior and hospital admission. They also collected blood
samples to determine the total amount of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies were describedby age groups, gender and region. Results. Among 4691 studied individuals, 1446 -30,8% (95% CI 29,5-32,1) had antibodies to SARS-CoV-2. Seropositivity was lowest in the younger age group 0-9 years (16,5%; 95% CI 13,8-19,2) compared to older age groups,including 45-64 years (36,1%; 95% CI 33,5-38,7), as well as to men (27,2%; 95% CI 24,8-29,4) and women (32,5%; 95% CI 31,0-34,2). Seroprevalence in the southern regions ranged from 13,0 (95% CI 9,7-16,3) to 16,3% (95% CI 14,0 -18,6), and in the north from 46,0 (95% CI 40,7-51,3) to 62,7% (95% CI 59,2-69,2). Of 1446 seropositive individuals, 925 (64%; 95% CI 62,2-65,4) had COVID-19 symptoms, ranging from 45,0 (95% CI 36,1-53,9) in the 0-9 year age group to 71% (95% CI 60,3-81,7) in persons over 65 years old. Of 1446 seropositive - 315 people (21,8%) sought for health care, and a high share of health care seeking is observed in people over 65 years - 19/69 (27,5%). 80 seropositive individuals (5,5%) were
hospitalized. Discussion. The results indicate that 70% of the population remainssusceptible to Coronavirus infection, which necessitated vaccination amongtheadult population. Also, most of children remain SARS-C0V-2 virus seropositive. Low rates of clinical symptoms, health care seeking and hospital admissionsinformed recommendations for treating patients with a mild disease course on anoutpatient basis.
Pages: 151-157
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Pages: 64-69
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Pages: 145-150
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Simultaneous endoscopic operations in gynecology modern problems
Authors: Talaybekova A.T. , Kukeshova M.N. , Adylbaeva V.A., Niyazov B.S.
Pages: 134-140
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Tte the review article presents data from domestic and foreign literature regarding the problems of performing simultaneous operations in gynecology, assessing trauma and clinical and economic efficiency, an integrated systematic approach to eliminating simultaneous pathologies, the features of performing combined operations in
gynecological diseases and a combination of other surgical pathologies. Performing simultaneous laparoscopic operation does not lead to an increase in the number of intra- and postoperative complications in comparison
with isolated interventions and is not accompanied by great technical difficulties, but causes a somewhat longer
duration , which, in our opinion, is not critical for anesthesia. Advantages of simultaneous operations are undeniable: two or three surgical diseases are cured simultaneously, progression or serious complication of the
disease is prevented , operative treatmend of wich would be postponed for a later period , the risk of repeated
surgery and anesthesia is eliminated , the time of total stay of the patiend in the hospital and subsequend treatment is reduced , economic efficiency of treatment is increased.
Situation on drug resistance of TB causiator in 2019-2020 in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Toktogonova A.A., Zhanybekov I. Zh.
Pages: 33-40
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The article describes the situation of drug resistance of the causative agent of tuberculosis, provides data on
the effectiveness of anti-tuberculosis therapy in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis with multidrug resistance, as well
as indicators of the success of treatment of RU/MDR TB in short-term and individual regimens. The indicators of treatment
coverage of patients with RU/M/XDR TB, the proportion of pulmonary and extrapulmonary forms, age-sex structure,
categories of previously treated and new cases were studied. Data on a cohort of cases confirmed by various tests for
drug sensitivity are presented. An important place is given to the study of the growth rates of cases with TB and HIV coinfection
in 2019- 2020. The important role of patients' access to antiretroviral therapy due to the limitations associated
with the COVID-19 pandemic was noted. According to the results of the study, an unreliable increase in the proportion
of XDR TB cases was established, the highest level of XDR TB in Jalal-Abad, Osh regions, the State Penitentiary Service
and the city of Osh, among which the share of XDR TB in the Osh region increased by more than 2 times. The analysis
of the results showed the need to increase the coverage of short-term treatment regimens due to the high success rates of
treatment of RU/MDR TB than other regimens. However, in the Kyrgyz Republic, the percentage of coverage of shortterm
innovation regimes in the country does not exceed 12%. High success rates of treatment of RU/MDR TB with shortterm
and individual regimens, including Bdq/Dlm, have been established. The effectiveness of XDR TB treatment in IR
therapy with new drugs is higher than without their inclusion.
Social and hygienic living conditions of the elderly population of the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Kasiev N.K., Suleimanova G.T., Akmatov I.M., Kasymova R.O.
Pages: 124-133
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Comprehensive medico-demographic and socio-hygienic data (2010 - 2019) were obtained on the quality of life
of older people in the Kyrgyz Republic. The above said results will be aimed at the development of further medical-and-preventive and socio-hygienic measures to improve living conditions and promote the health of the population of pre-retirement and retirement age. At the same time, an emphasis is placed on improving the structural
interaction between state institutions themselves to overcome the negative consequences of aging and social adaptation of older persons. All this provides in the short, medium term (2021 - 2030) and long term (2031 - 2050) for
a change in the social policy of the state in the field ageing, the strengthening of state support and joint participation
of non-governmental organizations and civil society.
Some basic legal principles of healthcare organizations
Authors: Zhumakeev A.B. , Ryskulov S.D.
Pages: 93-97
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The article reveals the legal definition of the value of health organizations, their differences by types,
classifications and other bases. The property and legal designation of healthcare organizations as state institutions
is defined. Their rights to property, as well as the income of institutions.
Some issues of quality assurance in laboratory tests of the Kazakhstan epidemiologic expertise
Authors: Bimuratova G.A., Kasymov O.T., Reznik V.L., Dzhemuratov K. A.
Pages: 102-108
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The laboratory service ensuring sanitary and epidemiological well-being in the public health system of the
Republic of Kazakhstan is designated to conduct qualitative various complexity levels research. This article presents the
results of the sanitary and epidemiological expertise organizations laboratory tests quality assurance study. The results
obtained indicate that the quality of laboratory studies performed is achieved by the proper organization of all interrelated
stages of work.
Some issues of the organization of infectious tuberculosis control in primary health care organizations (PHC)
Authors: Kamchybekova T.K., Amanbekov E.B., Temirbekov S. T., Mukhtarov M.M.
Pages: 152-157
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Introduction. Infection control of tuberculosis is an urgent problem in the health care system today. The basis of infection control is early and prompt diagnosis and proper treatment of TB patients. TB infection control is a system of organizational, anti-epidemic and preventive measures aimed at preventing the nosocomial spread of TB among patients and staff.[2] It is particularly relevant to primary health care (PHC) health care organization. According to the WHO, 90% of annual new cases occur in 30 countries with a heavy burden of tuberculosis.[1] Preventing the spread of infection is one of the main objectives of both infection control and epidemiology in general. The likelihood of infecting healthy people in contact with patients with active tuberculosis is very high. Therefore, it is important that all health care workers
know how to properly triage suspected sources of infection and quickly perform the tests necessary for diagnosis, identify a pulmonary TB patient in time, and refer him to a tuberculosis dispensary (PTD) for treatment. The objective of this review was to provide an evidence-based rationale for TB infection control in primary health care
(PHC) facilities. Methods and Materials. We performed a literature review of tuberculosis legal and regulatory documents covering the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic and a literature review of scientific papers using resources of PubMed, Google Academia and eLIBRARY search engines. Results and their discussion. In general, it should be noted that the TB infection control system introduced in the health care organizations of the Kyrgyz Republic has not proven itself badly in specialized TB hospitals, while in general hospitals and primary health care facilities there are significant shortcomings in the implementation of IC measures. It should
also be noted that the probability of infecting healthy people in contact with active TB patients is very high. Therefore, it is important that all health workers know how to properly triage suspected sources of infection and quickly conduct the necessary tests for diagnosis, timely identify a patient with pulmonary tuberculosis and refer him to a TB dispensary for treatment. To do this, service delivery processes should be organized at the primary care level. Conclusion. Proper placement and organization of triage, diagnosis, and treatment facilities for suspected persons with active tuberculosis significantly reduce the risk of infection.
Pages: 91-92
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Species composition of microflora in patients with chronic polypous rhinosinusitis residing in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Ergeshova A.M., Karagulova M.M., Lee G.V., Kasymbekova S.K.
Pages: 106-111
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Introduction. The article presents the modern view of the etiology of chronic polypous rhinosinusitis, associated
with microbial infection especially Staphylococcus aureus, and its ability to secrete enterotoxin, which plays a special
role in the theory of “superantigen” and produces a hyperimmune reaction, which in turn leads to the rapid growth of
nasal polyps inside the nose and the paranasal sinuses.
The research aims to study- microbiological peculiarities of chronic polypous rhinosinusitis in patients residing in the
Kyrgyz Republic.
Materials and methods. For the bacteriologic examination with identification and counting of colonies, the materials obtained
from 30 patients with chronic purulent polyposis inflammation of the maxillary sinus at the age of 20 to 65 years
were used.
Results and discussion. Staphylococcus aureus was isolated in the majority of patients, which was 73%.
Conclusions. There is a coincidence between the data of microbiology testing of foreign authors and the data of our
testing. Staphylococcus aureus plays a leading role in the pathogenesis of the development of chronic polypous rhinosinusitis.
Spectrum of clinical manifestations of post-covid syndrome and the duration of their  persistence
Authors: Kutmanova A.Z., Abdimunova B.T., Zholdoshev S.T. , Kalybekova K.D.
Pages: 33-40
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Introduction. Post-COVID syndrome is a new term that has emerged after
the coronavirus pandemic. It is characterized by a variety of systemic lesions
in the form of asthenic, cognitive syndromes, pulmonary fibrosis, and damage to other organs and systems. Multiple organ damage in COVID-19 is
further detected with the manifestation of a spectrum of persistent symptoms. Despite the described cases of clinical manifestation of post-COVID
syndrome, the causes and factors that determine the long-term consequences
of COVID-19 remain unclear. When observing patients who have had CO
VID-19, post-infectious olfactory and gustatory dysfunction, post-COVID
pulmonary fibrosis, as well as cardiovascular manifestations were noted,
which adversely affect other existing chronic diseases, given the target organs common with coronavirus infection. In this regard, it is extremely important to know the manifestation of post-COVID syndrome and the
unfavorable course of the new infection in individuals hospitalized for
The purpose of study is to describe the spectrum of clinical symptoms of
post-COVID syndrome in residents of the Osh region.
Materials and methods. A prospective analysis was conducted in 360 patie
nts diagnosed with coronavirus infection hospitalized in the Osh Interregio
nal Clinical Hospital and the same patients with post-COVID syndrome we
re observed for the period from 2020 to 2024. Data processing and statistical
analysis were performed using R- studio (Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test;
Pearson’s Chi-squared test), with the definition of Median (IQR) and n (%).
Results. During long-term observation of patients after suffering an acute
illness of coronavirus infection, 174 (out of the total number of those observed) were found to have post-COVID syndrome, including both the persistence of symptoms that were in the acute period of the disease and the
appearance of new ones. The multisystem manifestation was characterized
by a more pronounced asthenic syndrome (weakness, fatigue, sleep disturbance), neurological disorders (headaches, ageusia, hypomnesia, impaired
concentration) and problems with the respiratory system, gastrointestinal
tract, cardiovascular system, and endocrine system. The following symptoms persisted for 2 years: general weakness, loss of taste, loss of smell,
shortness of breath, myalgia, diarrhea, chest pain, while symptoms such as
cough and depression disappeared. Of the new symptoms recorded, arthralgia (81.1%) and anxiety (63.25%) were common in most of those who had
Conclusion. Post-COVID syndrome is characterized by the long-term persistence of some symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, loss of smell and
taste, general weakness, as well as the registration of new symptoms. And
this requires further medical supervision and rehabilitation.
Spinal muscular atrophy type 2: a case report
Authors: Mamytova E.M., Mamytov M.M., Nurbekova U.A.
Pages: 54-60
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The problem of orphan diseases at all times aroused great interest among practitioners, since, despite their
rarity, they are of great importance for a particular patient and his entire family. This article provides a brief description
of the clinical forms and presents a clinical case of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) type II in a 3-year-old child. SMA in
a child manifested at 13 months of age. Establishing the diagnosis of this pathology requires the joint efforts of neurologists,
orthopedists, and geneticists in order to conduct timely diagnosis, including the use of molecular genetic methods.
The diagnosis of spinal muscular atrophy in a small patient was established on the basis of the clinical syndrome of progressive
muscle weakness and confirmed by laboratory and instrumental methods. In particular: a DNA study was carried
out, as a result of which a deletion of exons 7-8 of the SMN gene was registered in the homozygous state. Electroneuromyography
(ENMG) revealed a generalized lesion of the motor neurons of the spinal cord, which is characteristic of
SMA. MRI of the brain and spinal cord, blood tests for creatine phosphokinase and creatinine showed no abnormalities.
Taking into account clinical, laboratory and instrumental data, the diagnosis was made: G 12. Hereditary neuromuscular
disease. Spinal muscular atrophy, type 2. Peripheral tetraparesis.
Spinal muscular atrophy is, as mentioned earlier, a rare disease and each verified case should be well described and documented.
Patients with severe muscle hypotension syndrome and muscle weakness should be promptly referred for examination
by a geneticist in order to rule out other possible genetic pathologies.
The diagnosis of SMA is always a tragedy for the parents of a child, as there is currently no cure for this disease. Treatment
depends on the type of SMA and symptoms. The little patient was registered for long-term follow-up, an individual program
was developed for the correction of motor and musculoskeletal disorders, as well as for the prevention of secondary
Spirometry indicators in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in low and high altitude conditions
Authors: Asanbaeva A.A., Brimkulov N.N.
Pages: 10-16
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Objective. The purpose of the work is to study spirometry indicators in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in high altitude conditions.
Material and methods. The work involved 86 residents of high mountains (group 1) suffering from COPD; 100 patients living in low mountains (group 2) suffering from COPD and 86 people in the control group (healthy patients living in standard geographical conditions). During spirometry, the following parameters were studied: vital capacity, forced vital capacity, forced expiratory volume in 1 second, peak expiratory flow. The analysis of the obtained results was carried out using the program “STATISTICA for Windows Version 10.0” (Statsoft, Inc, USA).
Results. In patients living in high altitude conditions, vital capacity values are significantly lower than in healthy individuals living in high altitude conditions (65.9 ± 1.8 l and 88.4 ± 2.4 l). When analyzing the FEV1 parameter, it was noted to decrease in patients with COPD living in high and low mountains compared to healthy individuals (52.5 ± 2.3 l; 50.8 ± 2.0 l; 72.4 ± 1, 7 liters, respectively), p<0.05. The PEF rate in highland residents was also lower compared to healthy respondents living in similar geographic conditions (53.6 ± 2.3% and 64.4 ± 2.3%, respectively).
Conclusions. 1. The study of spirometry parameters (VC, FVC, FEV1, PEF) in patients with COPD and living in high mountains indicates their significant decrease compared to the results of parameters in healthy individuals living in high mountains (p <0.05; <0.001);
2. In residents of high mountains, the respiratory rate was significantly lower than that of patients with COPD living in low mountains (20.9 ± 0.3 per minute and 22.9 ± 0.3 per minute, p = 0.001).
State of spermatogenesis in rats after external γ- irradiation
Authors: Al Meselmani M.A.
Pages: 33-38
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Introduction. The problem of radiation exposure to the morphology of the testes is relevant. Aim. Study of morphological changes in rat testicles after general external gamma irradiation. Material and methods. We prepared histological sections of rat testicles subjected to general single gamma irradiation at doses of 0, 5 and 1,0 Gy, stained with hematoxylin-eosin paint. The number of transversely cut convoluted seminal tubules in the field of view was calculated. According to the state of the spermatogenic epithelium, the convoluted seminal tubules were divided into five types. Results. It was found that after 90 days from the moment of irradiation, the number of convoluted tubules of type I decreased, respectively, in preparations of subgroups 0,5 and 1,0 Gy to (-50,3% and -66,9%) p<0.05 relative to the control. The number of convoluted tubules of type II and III increased by 75% and 140% p<0,05, 363% and 652% p<0,05, respectively, for doses of 0,5 and 1,0 Gy compared with the control. Also in 2 experimental groups there were tubules of type V, the number of which was more than 2%. Conclusions. By three months after the total single gamma radiation at doses of 0, 5 and 1, 0 Gy, pathomorphological changes in the structures of the testes occur, more pronounced in the destruction of the spermatogenic epithelium of the tubules. This will inevitably lead to cell deformation, disruption of their functions and, consequently, disruption of the function of the male reproductive system.
Structure and dynamics of inflammatory diseases of a scrotum in Bishkek city
Authors: Sadyrbekov U.N., Ryskulbekov N.R. , Suranov D.A., Usupbaev A.Ch.
Pages: 67-71
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The majority of patients with inflammatory diseases of a scrotum are at the young reproductive age 62.1 %
. During the first 24 hours for medical help treat 39.5 % of patients, in the next 48-72 hours 22.9 % , and after 3 days
37.5 % . The most frequently encountered acute orchiepididymitis 65.4 % of them with post-traumatic orchiepididymitis
were 28 patients ( 9.4 % ). Patients with chronic epididymitis amounted to 6.8 % , with epididymal cysts 11.8 % , with
14.5 % of hydrocele and testicular cysts 20.2 % . Of the 194 patients with acute orchiepididymitis 143 ( 73.7 % ) underwent
surgical treatment and only 51 patients ( 26.2 % ) were treated conservatively . The average hospital stay in the operated
patients was 7.2 ± 0.2, and in the patients who received conservative treatment 12.3 ± 0.2 days. Active surgical
tactic in the treatment of acute orchiepididymitis justified because it reduces the length of service of the sick in the hospital
and has a positive effect in the treatment of this disease.
Study of changes in atrial auricles in phylogenesis
Authors: Borodina G.N.
Pages: 70-74
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Using material from different groups of animals (frogs, chickens, cats, rabbits, pigs, sheep, cows) of
both sexes (total 150 hearts) and material from corpses of mature people (60 hearts) of both sexes, evolutionary
morphofunctional restructuring of atrial auricles was studied. The identified changes in structures can be seen as
signs of overall progress.
Studying the opinions of nurses of health care organizations about continuing education
Authors: Adylbaeva V.A.
Pages: 206-211
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Introduction. The effectiveness of the system of continuing medical education of healthcare workers depends
on many factors. One of them is the attitude of the trainees themselves to the system of continuous medical education.
The purpose of the study is to study the opinions of nurses of healthcare organizations on the state and prospects of continuous
professional education.
Materials and research methods. The study was conducted by the method of questioning nurses of healthcare organizations
(N=507). The age of nurses is from 20 to 70 years and older.
Results. According to personal data, the majority of nurses (72.9%) undergo regular advanced training, the reasons for
untimely training are: family circumstances, lack of vouchers, refusal from the administration. The main motive that motivated
them to undergo training is to improve theoretical and practical skills (52.7%), 91.7% of respondents are satisfied
with the training, more than 1/3 of the respondents offer short-term courses and training aimed at acquiring practical
Conclusions. The results of the survey indicate that at present, lifelong education does not fully provide high-quality
training of specialists and it needs to be improved and modernized with the introduction of international recommendations,
standards and new innovative approaches.
Suggestibility and diagnosis of
Pages: 90-91
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Pages: 54-62
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Surgical treatment of patients with brain dislocation syndrome in hypertensive hemorrhagic strokes
Authors: Borzhiev U.A., Mamytov M.M., Yrysov K.B. , Kartanbaev Zh.Zh.
Pages: 21-28
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Introduction. We proposed criteria for the selection of patients with hypertensive stroke hemorrhage for surgical treatment, to select patients according to the following criteria: by the level of consciousness, by the localization
and volume of hematomas, by the dislocation of the midline structures of the brain. The goal of the work is to develop and implement into practice the optimal tactics for surgical treatment of patients with hypertensive hemorrhagic
stroke, depending on the location, volume, degree of dislocation, level of consciousness and time of hemorrhage. Results and discussions. There was also a certain dependence of favorable outcomes on the volume of hematomas, the age of the patients, and the nature of the stroke. The results of surgical treatment showed a significant dependence on the timing of the operation, the severity of the condition, the level of consciousness, the patient’s age, the location and volume of the hematoma, the presence of lateral dislocation, the presence of ventricular hemorrhage, and the
presence of signs of occlusive hydrocephalus.
Conclusions. 1. Prognostic favorable indications for surgical treatment are
stroke hematomas with a volume of less than 60 cm3 and with depression
of the patient’s consciousness of more than 10 points on the GCS with dislocation of the midline structures of the brain up to 2 mm. Mortality during
surgical treatment of comatose patients was 83%. When the level of wakefulness decreases to coma, surgical intervention is inappropriate and ineffective. An exception is the surgical treatment of patients in a coma caused
by a cerebellar hematoma, with compression of the trunk and/or acute occlusive hydrocephalus. 2. The optimal period for surgical treatment of intracerebral hematomas with
subcortical localization with a volume of less than 60 cm3 and with depression of consciousness not lower than stunning (more than 10 points on the GCS) and dislocation of the midline structures of the brain up to 2 mm is
the first 72 hours. The prognostically favorable period for surgical treatment of patients with intracerebral hematomas of medial (basal ganglia) localization with a volume of less than 80 cm3 and with depression of consciousness
below stunning (less than 10 points on the GCS) with a displacement of the median structures of more than 3 mm is 6-7 days after hemorrhage. Surgical treatment of intracerebral hematomas with a breakthrough into the ventricles or supratentorial localization, with a volume of more than 80 cm3 and with depression of consciousness below stunning (less than 10 points on the GCS) with a dislocation of more than 6 mm is 15-20 days after the hemorrhage.
Sustainable development of mountain regions of Kyrgyzstan
Authors: Kasymov O.T., Arabaeva A.Ch., Shatmanova E.K. , Aidaraliev A.A.
Pages: 3-12
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The article presents the results of many years of research on the sustainable development of mountainous regions
of Kyrgyzstan. Based on the analysis of my own results and studies of a number of foreign authors, problems that
hinder sustainable development are identified and promising directions for development are proposed.
System approach as a basic mechanism in the management of health care organizations (Review)
Authors: Albaev R.K.
Pages: 76-83
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Introduction. The paper provides an overview analysis of the data of modern literature on the use of the principles
of a systematic approach as the main mechanism in the management of a healthcare organization. This approach
proceeds from the fact that the development of plans for diversified and decentralized production is subject to the interests
of the interaction of structural units that make up an integral organization. A systematic approach to the management of
an organization involves considering management as a procedure or process of making the right organizational decisions,
supported by the results of an objective comprehensive system analysis. The application of the conditions of a systematic
approach in the field of healthcare makes it possible in the future to improve the management process of medical organizations
based on the correct choice of goals and strategies aimed at improving the effective operation of multidisciplinary
hospitals, taking into account the results of a systematic analysis and choosing the most appropriate version of at least
two alternative options for effective achievement of a certain long-term goal. In the process of system analysis, goals are
identified, their priorities, interrelations and contradictions are established. Based on the goals, strategies for the development
of the organization, department, group, i.e. the subject under study, are being developed. The structure of the organization
is considered as a derivative of the goals. Healthcare management is management, whose object is a
socio-economic and complex dynamic open system. System management in the field of healthcare as a science of management,
regulation and control of labor, material and financial resources of the industry is aimed at reducing the losses
of society from mortality, morbidity and disability of the population with available resources. A systematic approach in
the management of a medical organization is recommended for possible use in the practical activities of the healthcare
Objective: to conduct a review analysis of the data of modern literature on the use of the principles of a systematic approach
as the main mechanism in the management of a healthcare organization.
Methods. Analysis of the collected literature data, taking into account the possible prospective application of the principles
of a systematic approach in the management of medical organizations.
Results.A systematic approach in the management of healthcare organizations is important for making managerial decisions,
recommendations on the choice of goals and strategies (using various methods and approaches) aimed at improving
the effective performance of the organization based on system analysis and choosing the most correct version of alternative
Conclusion. Based on the analysis of modern literature devoted to the use of the principles of a systematic approach, it
can be concluded that their application in the field of healthcare makes it possible to improve the management process
of medical organizations to effectively achieve a certain long-term goal. A systematic approach in the management of a
healthcare organization is recommended for possible use in practical activities.
Test kit development for serological diagnostics of hepatitis E and checking of their diagnostic effectiveness on clinical material from endemic and non-endemic regions
Authors: Alatortseva G.I., Nesterenko L.N., Pritvorova L.N., Sidorov A.V., Dotsenko V.V., Ammur Yu.I., Vorobiev D.S., Milovanova A.V., Zimarin L.S., Zverev V.V., Svitich O.A., Mikhailov M.I., Kyuregyan K.K., Zhavoronok S. V., Davydov V.V., Zadora I.S., Simirsky V.V., Anisko L.A., Marchuk S.I., Krasochko P.A., Borisovets D.S., Babenko A.S., Kasymov O.T., Abdrachmanova Z.О., Nurmatov Z.Sh.
Pages: 71-81
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The results of the innovative pilot project for kit development for hepatitis E serum-diagnostic assays of the Interstate Program for Innovative Cooperation of the CIS member states for the period up to 2020 are presented. The project was carried out by I.I. Mechnikov Federal State Medical Research Institute for Vaccines and Sera in association with the National Institute of Public Health of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic and Belarusian medical and veterinary research institutions. As a result of research recombinant antigens of the prevalent in the CIS countries HEV genotypes 1 and 3 were developed, and a set of diagnostic assays was made, namely: test for quantification of IgG antibodies to HEV, test for determination the avidity of IgG antibodies to HEV, test for measuring the total antibodies to HEV, test for detection IgM antibodies to HEV, test for detection HEV antigen, confirmation test for detection antibodies to HEV by linear immune assay, immune-chromatographic rapid test for detection the antibodies to HEV and a high-precision test for detection HEV RNA in sera and plasma by PCR. The results of serum epidemiological and molecular epidemiological studies performed in the regions of Russia, Kyrgyzstan and Belarus indicated a consistent increase proportion of hepatitis E in the structure of acute hepatitis cases in these countries with the avoidance of a large number of the cases from diagnosis and registration.
The characteristic of epidemic process of hepatitis B in Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Niiazalieva M.S.
Pages: 109-113
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Introduction.Viral hepatitis B in the Kyrgyz Republic continues to be an urgent problem. The introduction of
routine immunization into the national vaccination schedule has undoubtedly made changes to the epidemic process of
viral hepatitis B at the present stage.
The purpose of the study- analysis of the epidemic process of viral hepatitis B at the present stage to assess the epidemiological
situation in the country.
Materials and methods. In the course of the work, epidemiological, statistical and serological research methods were
Results and discussions.According to official statistics, the minimum intensive indicator was 1.5º/0000 in 2020; the maximum
was 38.9º/0000 in 2003. It should be noted that the incidence of hepatitis B tends to decrease. An analysis of the
age structure indicates the undoubted effectiveness of the ongoing immunoprophylaxis of the child population. The carriage
of HBsAg among young people is 7.1%, which indicates its significant spread in the population of our republic.
Conclusions.According to the epidemiological analysis, the incidence of viral hepatitis B in the population of the Kyrgyz
Republic decreased by 24.3 times. The incidence of the adult population has a stable trend with an average level of intensive
indicator of 9,7%.
Pages: 95-96
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The condition of the buccal epithelium and rhinocytogram of workers under the influence of chrysotile-containing dus
Authors: Zharylkassyn Zh.Zh., Sabirov Zh.B., Koigeldinova Sh.S., Otarov Y.Zh, Alekseev A.V., Shadetova A.Zh., Shaibek A. Zh.
Pages: 134-141
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Introduction. The article presents data on the cytological status of the nasal mucosa (NM) and buccal epithelium of the cheeks (BECH) in female interns exposed to chrysotile asbestos-containing dust. The aim of the study was to evaluate the long-term cytological changes in
the NM and BECH in women working at the chrysotile – asbestos production of Kostanay Minerals JSC. Materials and methods of research. An important methodological approach
in the study of the condition of the nasal mucosa by determining the cytological composition of nasal secretions is to conduct a rhinocytogram and an examination of the epithelium of the cheeks. Results and discussion. As a result of the study, trends towards destructive changes in neutrophils and epithelial cells were found in interns working in contact with chrysotile-containing dust. An increase in the number of macrophages was revealed, indicating an increase in the phagocytic activity of immunocompetent cells and activation of cellular immunity in female workers during the contact period. Conclusion. The most pronounced indicators in the assessment of delayed effects, indicating destructive changes, are an increase in cells with karyorexis and a decrease in normal epithelial cells, the value of which was maximum in persons in contact with asbestos-containing dust, and continued to differ significantly in persons of the other two studied groups.
The course of Guillain-Barré syndrome in young people. Description of a clinical case
Authors: Minbaeva N.T., Sataeva S.R.
Pages: 57-64
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Introduction. Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is a rare aberrant autoimmune
reaction that is preceded by infections, accompanied by damage to the peripheral nervous system with demyelination and secondary axonal damage.
The purpose of the study is to describe a clinical case of Guillain-Barré
polyneuropathy, which developed in a young woman of 22 years old with
the identification of a generalized predominantly distal motor-sensory neuritis, with a level of axonal-demyelinating lesion of a significant degree of
Materials and methods. The article describes a clinical observation of Guillain–Barré syndrome in a 22-year-old young woman. As a result of the infection, she developed symptoms in the form of peripheral tetraparesis,
sensory disorders with gradual regression of neurological symptoms. A differential diagnosis with inflammatory, infectious and neoplastic lesions of
the spinal cord was carried out, magnetic resonance imaging of the spinal
cord was performed, and the cerebrospinal fluid was examined. Data from
an electroneuromyographic study of the patient confirmed damage to the
peripheral nerves. Thus, Guillain–Barré syndrome was verifiedin the patient.
Results. Against the background of the use of specific therapy, including
plasmapheresis and intravenous administration of human immunoglobulins
G at a dose of 0.4 mg per day for 5 days daily, and symptomatic treatment,
the patient’s condition gradually improved, neurological symptoms regressed completely due to the fact that Guillain-Barré syndrome is a rare
disease of the peripheral nervous system; knowledge of the features of its
clinical course allows an earlier correct diagnosis to be made and effective
treatment to be prescribed.
Conclusions. 1. Patients with Guillain-Barré polyneuropathy must be hospitalized in institutions where there is an intensive care unit or intensive care
unit for timely assistance.
2. Quickly started differential diagnosis, laboratory and instrumental tests,
such as cerebrospinal fluid analysis, determination of antibodies to gangliosides and enmg can accurately establish the diagnosis and allow the correct
initiation of therapy.
3. Timely initiation of therapy with plasmapheresis or immunoglobulin will
allow for regression of symptoms and save the patient’s life.
The dependence of the development of hypotrophy in children of the first year of life on pathologies during pregnancy and complications in childbirth of their mothers
Authors: Khakimov Sh.K.
Pages: 98-102
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To identify regional features of causal risk factors in the development and development of hypotrophy in children
of the first year of life, their dependence on pathologies during pregnancy and complications in childbirth of their
The main objective of this study was a comparative study of causal factors, taking into account the clinical and
anamnestic data of healthy and sick children with hypotrophy.
Under our observation were 135 children in the first year of life of patients with malnutrition. The control group
consisted of 126 healthy children of the same age and a description of their anthropometric characteristics depending on the degree of pathology.
The state of health of mothers (pathologies of the pregnancy period and complications in childbirth) can become
causal factors for the development of hypotrophy, children born to such women in the first year of life.
The effect of glibenclamide on changes in the cerebellum after traumatic brain injury
Authors: Shuvalova M.S., Shidakov Yu.X-M., Zhanuzakov D.Z.
Pages: 48-56
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Introduction. Traumatic brain injury leads to a pronounced remodeling of
the microcirculatory bed of the brain. Currently, the positive neuroprotective
effect of the drug glibenclamide on the microcirculation system of the brain
has been proven. However, the effect of glibenclamide on the condition of
the cerebellum in traumatic brain injury remains a little-studied topic.
The aim of the study was to find out the peculiarities of the effect of glibenclamide
on changes in the cerebellum against the background of traumatic
brain injury.
Materials and methods. The work was performed on 106 white male rats
weighing 200-250 g. The animals were divided into 2 series: 1st without the
use of glibenclamide, 2nd with the use of glibenclamide. The data obtained
in healthy rats were used as a comparison. TBI was reproduced by free fall
of a metal weight on the parietal-occipital region of the animal. After 1 hour
and 24 hours after TBI reproduction, the animals were injected with micronized
glibenclamide at a dose of 0.1 mg / kg per os. After 3 days, the animals
were removed from the experiment by overdosing on chloroform.
Supravitally, the blood vessels were injected with a suspension of black ink.
The cerebellar brain was removed from the skull and the material was taken,
followed by the manufacture of histological preparations stained with hematoxylin-
eosin and Van Gieson. The preparations were examined under an
Olympus B×40 microscope (Japan) with simultaneous logging and microphotography.
Results. The cerebellar vascular bed in traumatic brain injury during treatment
with glibenclamide is characterized by an expansion of the lumen of
its links, which is associated with the effect of the drug on the membrane
channels of endothelial and smooth muscle cells of the vascular wall. At the
level of the capillary link of the MCR, there is no porosity and increased
permeability of the vascular wall, cytotoxic and ionic edema are poorly expressed.
The concentration of basket and stellate cells in the molecular layer
decreases, in the granular (granular, stellate, fusiform) it increases, in the
ganglion (pear-shaped) it does not change relative to the initial data.
Conclusions. Glibenclamide does not completely prevent, but significantly
reduces the degree of remodeling of neurons and neuroglia of the cerebellar
cortex after traumatic brain injury.
The effectiveness of regional lymphostimulation in the prevention of complications after appendectomy with an atypical location of the appendix
Authors: Musaev U.S., Akhmatov S.A., Turatbekova K.T.
Pages: 84-91
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Introduction.Despite the improvement of the technique of surgery and treatment, the frequency of complications
after appendectomy with an atypical location of the appendix varies from 10 to 30%. The aim of the work is to evaluate
the effectiveness of the use of regional lymphostimulation and ozonated solutions in the prevention of complications
after appendectomy with an atypical location of the appendix . Materials and methods. 45 patients with an atypical
location of the appendix were subjected to analysis (a prospective study). 2 groups were identified: the first (comparison
group) included 21 patients who underwent process removal and traditional treatment in the postoperative period. The
second, main group, included 24 patients who had regional lymphostimulation, irrigation of the process bed and the operating
wound with an ozonated sodium chloride solution at the time of surgery. Results. In the comparison group, there
was suppuration of the wound in 4, and infiltration in 2, intestinal paresis in two and early adhesive intestinal obstruction
in one. A relaparotomy was performed. In the main group, one suppuration and infiltration of the postoperative wound
were noted. There were no fatal outcomes. Conclusion. The use of regional lymphostimulation and ozonated solutions
can reduce the frequency of complications and the length of hospital stay in acute appendicitis with an atypical location
of the appendix.
The impact of early comprehensive rehabilitation of the quality of life of patients with  ischemic stroke
Authors: Turuzbekova B.D.
Pages: 90-94
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Introduction. Of all the victims, only 30% of patients can continue a fullfledged lifestyle, and 10% will remain with severe motor deficits. Motor
deficit is the fundamental cause of disability in patients, however, with appropriate rehabilitation treatment for six months, maximum restoration of
motor activity occurs, helping to improve the quality of life and return to a
full life.
The aim of the study- to evaluate the impact of rehabilitation on the quality
of life of patients with ischemic stroke.
Materials and Methods. 50 patients who suffered an ischemic stroke were
examined, the average age of whom was 59.3±7.1 years, of which 20 were women and 30 were men. All patients were administered a questionnaire on
the SS-QOL scale (stroke scale-quality of life) upon admission and upon
Results.Upon admission, patients had an average quality of life value of
134.4±32.4 points, out of a maximum possible 245 points. At discharge, this
indicator increased significantly and amounted to 210.84±27.3 points. During rehabilitation, indicators such as energy, family role, mobility, mood,
self-care, social role, upper limb function and productivity significantly improved (p<0.05).
Conclusions. Quality of life can be considered an integral indicator in the
rehabilitation of stroke patients. Early comprehensive rehabilitation affects
all aspects of life.
The importance and importance of present health
Authors: Zhusupova A.B. , Bakhramzhanova N.M.
Pages: 128-133
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Introduction. In the 21st century, the provision of health care, medical science and industry with new medical technologies, medicines, medical devices, instruments and equipment should have a significant impact on the latest indicators of public health: mortality, morbidity and disability. Many countries are increasing spending on health care
from year to year, but there is no return on investment. Problems of achieving public health is one of the main tasks
of the state. As part of the demographic transition to a modern mode of population growth, pathology is being restructured: resource-intensive nosological forms (primarily chronic diseases) are growing, the share of pathology is
declining, and their treatment and prevention require significantly lower costs.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the features of modernization in health care.
Materials and methods. Statistical, mathematical, observational, analytical, and comparative methods were used in
writing the study.
The practical significance of the work is that it develops the main directions of modernization of health care, which
will allow medical institutions to provide quality medical services to the population and thus increase the duration of
health of the population, as well as the quality of life of citizens.
Results. Thus, health care is a branch of government activity, the purpose of which is to provide affordable medical
care to the population, to protect and improve their health.
The result. Basic legislation strengthens the human right to protection and promotion of health. Optimization of the
health care system is the most important part of the state's socio-economic policy. Health care as a public system is
considered in terms of unity of purpose, interaction and continuity of services (therapeutic and preventive), universal
access to qualified medical care and a truly humanistic direction.
The influence of pathology of cerebral vessels on the course of ischemic stroke
Authors: Turgumbaev D.D., Dzhanaliev B. P.
Pages: 129-132
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Introduction. Ischemic stroke is characterized by damage to brain tissue, a
violation of its functions due to difficulty or cessation of blood flow through
the vessels to a particular part of the brain. It can be caused by insufficient
blood supply to a certain area of the brain due to a decrease in cerebral blood
flow, thrombosis, embolism or related vascular, heart or blood diseases and
is one of the main causes of mortality among people.
The purpose of this study was to study the effect of the stenosing and occlusive
process of cerebral vessels on the course and outcome of ischemic
Materials and methods. We conducted a pathomorphological examination
of the cerebral vessels of 27 deceased patients in the acute period (up to 21
days) from ischemic stroke, the state of the lumen (complete and partial occlusion)
was determined by morphometry.
Results.As a result of the study, we found that atherosclerotic plaques were
the stenosing and occlusive processes of cerebral vessels in ischemic stroke,
and their severity was very diverse. Vessels on their side (infarct hemisphere)
and on the opposite side, along with large and small arteries, were prone to
stenosis. In addition, various vascular anomalies were detected in the nature
of branching, the absence of connective arteries and vascular hypoplasia in
almost all of the examined patients. Plaques were localized in more than
half of the cases in the system of the Willis circle and in the trunk of the
deep branches of the intracerebral arteries.
Conclusion. Acute occlusion of cerebral vessels, with insufficiency, the state
of hemodynamics on the opposite side, affects the course and outcome of
the disease, which is clinically manifested by the progression of neurological
symptoms in response to not only acute ischemia, but also chronic.
The influence of traditional nutrition on the parameters of urine pH-metry in the metaphylaxis of staghorn nephrolithiasis in patients living in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Kyrbashev K.D., Tazhekov A.M., Myrzaliev Zh.S.
Pages: 84-90
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Urolithiasis throughout the world and in Kyrgyzstan in particular, ranks second in the structure of urological
morbidity. Prevention of recurrence of stone formation by studying the influence of national nutrition based on the chemical
composition of food products and the biological value of dishes according to the new norms of physiological needs
is of particular importance in the management of patients after the elimination of stones and is a priority in the metaphylaxis
of the disease. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of clinical nutrition in the metaphylaxis
of CI based on the biological value of Kyrgyz dishes in accordance with the new norms of physiological needs by
analyzing the results of urine pH-metry of patients living in the Kyrgyz Republic. Materials and methods. The study was
conducted on a case-control basis in 50 patients with staghorn nephrolithiasis in the main and control groups for the
period from 2015 to 2021. The main group included patients who received the developed method of metaphylaxis, taking
into account national nutritional patterns. The control group included patients who used standard metaphylaxis. Conclusion:
Patients living in the Kyrgyz Republic undergo CI metaphylaxis using national nutrition based on the chemical
composition of food products and the biological value of Kyrgyz dishes (soups, main courses, cereals, dessert dishes and
national drinks) in accordance with the new norms of physiological needs for a long time from individual development
for each patient increases its effectiveness and reduces the risk of recurrence of stone formation by 2 times. The criterion
for a properly selected daily diet is urine pH-metry, which is simple and affordable.
The informativeness of various types of pathological material samples in the laboratory diagnosis of tuberculosis in children
Authors: Kurmanova N. K., Kalmanbetova G.I., Mataeva G.K., Azykova A.B.
Pages: 58-64
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Tuberculosis (TB) in children is characterized by the frequency of extrapulmonary localization of the process,
the rarity and scarcity of bacterial excretion. WHO recommends that in order to improve the effectiveness of TB diagnosis,
studies of any available diagnostic material should be carried out using all available laboratory methods. The purpose of
this study was to study the informativeness of various types of diagnostic material samples for the detection of M. tuberculosis
in children. Material and methods.A retrospective analysis of the results of microbiological studies on Mycobacterium
tuberculosis in 1,676 children under the age of 15 for the period 2017-2021, performed in the Republican Reference
Laboratory of the National Center of Phthisiology. Results. The most informative samples were biopsies/ resection material,
the contents of fistulas, bronchial flushing water and cerebrospinal fluid. The sensitivity of rapid molecular methods
of TB diagnostics (Xpert MTB/RIF, GenoTypeMDRTB plus) was higher compared to the results of culture (MGIT, LJ)
and microscopy. Conclusion. The cumulative informativeness of various types of diagnostic material samples in the laboratory
diagnosis of TB in children was 11.4%. As an initial diagnostic test, fast molecular methods are recommended to
verify the diagnosis of TB and start its adequate treatment.
The intensity of the pain syndrome and the time of activation of patients with simultaneous surgery of patients with cholelithiasis and gynecological diseases
Authors: Taalaibekova M.T., Sadykov A.A., Sadabaev M.Z.
Pages: 100-105
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In this paper, the authors have shown an assessment of the intensity of the pain syndrome and the activation
time of patients with simultaneous surgery of patients with cholelithiasis and gynecological diseases.
The aim of the study was to study the results of the intensity of pain syndrome and the activation time of patients. Materials
and methods of research: A study of the results of the treatment of simultaneous operations with a combination of
cholelithiasis and gynecological diseases in 131 patients in a tertiary-level hospital for the period from 2020 to 2022 was
conducted. Patients were divided into three groups to study the intensity of pain. In the first group, 42 (32.1%) patients
underwent simultaneous operations: laparoscopic cholecystectomy + laparoscopic gynecological surgery , in the second
group – laparoscopic cholecystectomy + open gynecological surgery -52 (39.6%) and in the third group cholecystectomy-
37 (28.3%). To objectify the intensity of pain syndrome in operated patients, a visual analog scale of pain and the
number of analgesics needed in the postoperative period were used. The intensity of pain according to visual analog scale
was assessed 6 hours and 24 hours after surgery (before the appointment of analgesics) in 42 patients of group I, 52
patients of group II and 37 patients from group III.
The results of the study and conclusions. Thus, the intensity of pain syndrome in group I patients (operated for laparoscopic
cholecystectomy and laparoscopic gynecological surgery) was lower due to less traumatization. By 3-4 days after the
surgical period, most of the patients did not actually experience any discomfort associated with the operation. The results of the study show that with a large volume of intervention, in group I, postoperative rehabilitation of patients was faster,
and in group II approximately the same as in group III.
The new coronavirus infection, post-COVID syndrome (long COVID): epidemiology, pathophysiology, therapeutic options
Authors: Shinagareeva K.R., Ashikhmin Y.I.
Pages: 58-67
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The pandemic caused by COVID-19 has affected many areas of our lives, and we are still analyzing and systematizing its consequences. Post-COVID syndrome is a global threat to humans. Our task is to understand the mechanisms of development of these symptoms in order to develop effective preventive and therapeutic recommendations for preventing the development of post-COVID syndrome.
The overweight and obesity problem among 7-8 years old children in the Kyrgyz Republic: WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative – COSI –round 4
Authors: Kasymova R.O., Subanova N. A. , Khegay E.V. , Usupova Zh.E. , Aitmurzaeva G.T.
Pages: 40-47
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Research results of physical growth and development of children of primary schools in the Kyrgyz Republic are presented in order to form current understanding of the prevalence of overweight and obesity of this population group
as well as to characterize environmental conditions on the family, school, and community level that influence children’s physical and mental development
The preparation of the medical staff for work at remote industrial sites in Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Ashyrbaev A.A., Kadyrov M.S., Adashbaev N.T., Tolbashieva G.U.
Pages: 185-188
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Organization of the medical service on remote industrial sites is a complex task. The preparation of the medical
specialists must be focused on education of pre-hospital emergency care. Clinical guidelines of the American Heart Association
and American College of Surgeons must be included into the teaching program as well. Medical professionals
on remote industrial sites must have experience in critical care medicine, they must know basic life support, cardio-pulmonary
resuscitation and advanced cardiac life support. Currently the preparation of the medical staff for the work on
remote industrial sites is ongoing at the state training center for medical workers. According to Labor Code of the
Kyrgyz Republic non-medical workers at remote industrial sites must have first aid medical training too. The National
Red Crescent Society of the Kyrgyz Republic provides first aid medical training to the non-medical people at remote industrial
The prevalence of ultrasound signs of fatty hepatosis and comorbidities in hospital patients in Kyrgyzstan
Authors: Toktogulova N.A., Sydykbekova A.A., Satarov U.A.
Pages: 68-74
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Introduction. Ultrasound, as a non-invasive and readily available tool, plays an important role in the diagnosis
of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The prevalence of NAFLD has not been previously studied in Kyrgyzstan.
Knowing the incidence of fatty liver infiltration in hospitalized patients is necessary for active diagnosis and timely prevention
of complications of NAFLD.The aim of the study- to determine the prevalence of fatty liver and associated pathologies of the internal organs of the
abdominal cavity in patients undergoing inpatient treatment.
Material and methods. A total of 6,720 visitors to the City Clinical Hospital No. 1 in Bishkek were examined. The mean
age was 45.9 years. Among them, women - 53.8%, men - 46.2%. The inclusion criteria for the examined groups were:
age from 18 to 92 years; consent of the patient to participate in the study. Exclusion criteria: the presence of severe concomitant
somatic, oncological, hematological and mental diseases; refusal to participate in the study. The control group
consisted of individuals without ultrasound signs of fatty liver (2466 people in total). The comparison group included
4254 people with ultrasound signs characteristic of fatty liver. In each study group, two age categories were considered:
older and younger than 45 years. All subjects underwent an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs. The results
were analyzed using the SPSS 16.0 statistical software package for Windows.
Results. It was found that among patients of a multidisciplinary hospital, the prevalence of signs of fatty liver is 63.3%,
among people under 45 years old - 43%, and in people over 45 years old - 79.1%. Among the comorbid pathology in
persons with fatty liver, signs of chronic cholecystitis, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis and pyelonephritis were statistically
significant. More than 60% of the younger age group with fatty liver have signs of chronic pancreatitis versus 36.2%
without fatty infiltration. In older people, it increases to 81% and 72%, respectively. Among patients under 45 years of
age, I degree of fatty liver prevailed. In patients older than 45 years, grades II and III were statistically significant. A statistically
significant average correlation of fatty liver with pancreatitis was found. A weak direct correlation of fatty liver
with chronic cholecystitis and pyelonephritis was also found.
Conclusions. High prevalence of ultrasound signs of fatty infiltration of the liver (79.1%) among examined patients over
45 years of age who are hospitalized in a multidisciplinary hospital, and the prevalence of signs of chronic cholecystitis,
pancreatitis, cholelithiasis and pyelonephritis highlights the need for careful diagnosis of liver diseases in order to prevent
complications such as cirrhosis of the liver and hepatocellular carcinoma.
The prevalence of various resistance profiles of the causative agent of tuberculosis in patients with extrapulmonary forms of tuberculosis
Authors: Kozhomkulov M.D.
Pages: 47-51
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Prevalence of multidrug-resistant (MDR) TB strains in patients with extrapulmonary TB. The aim of the study
was to analyze the prevalence of the resistance profile of the causative agent of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR)
among patients with extrapulmonary tuberculosis (TB). To study the prevalence of MDR-TB among patients with extrapulmonary
tuberculosis, state reporting forms No. 003/U (case histories of patients with extrapulmonary tuberculosis,
and the electronic database of the National Reference Laboratory of the National Center for Phthisiology) were used.
Among the results of drug resistance tests of drug-resistant forms, the largest share is made up of strains of the causative
agent of TB with MDR-TB in 43 (61.4%) cases. The results of tests with polyresistance were 25 (35.7%) cases. XDR
strain of the causative agent of tuberculosis was detected in two cases - 2.9%. Despite the introduction of the DOTS strategy
and a decrease in TB incidence, prevalence, and mortality among the population, the Kyrgyz Republic has a high
level of MDR-TB among patients with extrapulmonary TB.
The prevalence of viral hepatitis A  in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Abdrachmanova Z.О., Pessler F., Nurmatov Z.Sh.
Pages: 77-82
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Introduction. Central Asian states, including the Kyrgyz Republic (KG), are classified as countries with high endemicity for viral hepatitis. The aim of the study is to study the prevalence of viral hepatitis “A” (HAV) in the KG. The material of the study was blood serums and personal data of persons living in the territory of the Family Medicine Center (CSM) No. 11 in Bishkek, reporting statistical data of healthcare organizations on the incidence of cross sectional, transverse, one-stage method of research was chosen. A gray epidemiological study was conducted in 2018 among 995
individuals selected by a step-by-step sample of all age categories. To assess the prevalence, the presence of Anti-HAV in the blood was studied by the method of immune-enzyme analysis (ELISA). The results of the study showed that the titer of antibodies to HAV is determined starting from infancy and reaches 62%
by the age of 10-14, then the proportion of seropositive ones increases in parallel with the increase in age. In general, the
gray prevalence on the HAV was 83%. According to the reporting data, the share of sick children under 14 years of age in the structure of the total incidence of HAV was 74% in Bishkek, and 88% in the KG. The analysis of the incidence of
the KG by age shows that the highest incidence is observed in children aged 3 years (835.0 per 100 thousand population) and 4 years (868.0 per 100 thousand population), in general, the intensive indicator for the republic in 2018 was 154.0 [3]. In conclusion, it can be noted that the prevalence of HAV among the population is high, the proportion of those with antibodies
is 82.8%, infection mainly occurs before the age of 14 years and the highest level is observed at the age of 3- 4years. To obtain a reliable picture of the prevalence of HAV, it is necessary to conduct a similar randomized study
stratified by age categories and by regions of the KG. To reduce the incidence of HAV, it is necessary to develop a country control program, which includes, first of all, vaccination of children aged 2-3 years.
The results of microbiological, molecular genetics and histological studies of resection and surgical materials obtained from patients with extrapulmonary forms of tuberculosis
Authors: Kozhomkulov M.D., Mukanbaev K.M.
Pages: 41-46
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The relevance of the problem of timely microbiological diagnosis of extrapulmonary tuberculosis using molecular
genetic methods retains its significance. Comparison of the results of testing the sensitivity/resistance of MBT to
anti-tuberculosis drugs by microbiological, molecular genetics and histological methods of resection specimens isolated
from the clinical material of patients with extrapulmonary forms of tuberculosis. For the study, state reporting forms No.
8 “On diseases with active tuberculosis” and No. 089 / y-tube “Notice of a patient with tuberculosis”, registration forms
TB 06 - table 3b were used: “Results of testing drug sensitivity to drugs of the first and second line of patients with extrapulmonary
TB ”, registration forms TB-06 No. 003 / U (case history) of 104 patients with extrapulmonary tuberculosis
who were treated in 2021 at the National Center for Phthisiology. The use of the molecular genetic method of the Hine
test made it possible to obtain a higher percentage of positive results for the detection of MBT in comparison with microscopy
and cultivation methods. When comparing these positive results of the Hine test, highly reliable results were
found. When studying the drug resistance test of MBT strains to first-line drugs, there were no significant differences
between the Hain-test method in relation to both cultural methods in detecting MBT strains with preserved sensitivity to
first-line drugs, with PDR and MDR. When comparing these positive results of the Hine test, highly reliable results were
found. So, in comparison with the cultural Lowenstein-Jensen, there are significantly significant differences.
The results of monitoring and assessment of the state of infection control in healthcare organizations that provided COVID-19 services during the 2020-2021 pandemic.  (analytical report)
Authors: Baiyzbekova D.A., Asyranova U.S., Zhumalieva C.K, Kanymetova A.K., Ismailova A.J., Janabilova G. A., Abdirazakov N.A., Amanbekov E.B., Kamchybekova T.K., Osmonalieva A.P., Orozbekova A.K.,
Pages: 35-48
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Introduction. The state of infection control makes it possible to assess the readiness of healthcare organizations to work in conditions of pandemics. In this regard, the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Infection Control of the NGO Preventive Medicine (NIPH) in 2020 initiated the development of a new guideline for monitoring and evaluating infection control in healthcare organizations (Order of the Ministry of Health No. 1062) and monitored infection control in healthcare organizations of the Ministry of Health that provided COVID-19 treatment services. The development of the guidelines and monitoring were carried out with the technical support of UNAIDS within the framework of the project "Raising awareness and knowledge among medical professionals for effective infectious patient safety in medical institutions in Kyrgyzstan".
The purpose of the study is to assess the readiness of healthcare organizations to work in a pandemic.
Materials and methods: The assessment of infection prevention and infection control was carried out in accordance with the checklist approved by Order of the Ministry of Health No. 1062 dated December 15, 2020. The study was conducted by employees of the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Infection Control, which has now been renamed the Scientific and Practical Center for Infection Control and Management of Medical Waste at the Research Institute of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Conclusion. The total percentage of compliance with the infection control criteria for all 35 healthcare organizations in the second Monitoring and Assessment was (81.2%), which corresponds to the assessment is a high level of implementation of infection control from 76 to 100%. And above the results at the first Monitoring and evaluation is 78%. The results of the study were provided to the heads of healthcare organizations, infection control specialists, hospital epidemiologists and other partners and stakeholders. The study itself and its results will be useful for organizations planning to carry out monitoring, evaluation and audit of infection control in healthcare organizations of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The role of leukocytes in the hemostasis system of animals during short-term adaptation to high mountain conditions
Authors: Bekturganova A.O., Makhmudova Z.A., Taalaibekova M.T., Baatyrova N.J.
Pages: 21-26
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Introduction. This paper presents the results of studies that show the influence of leukocytes on the state of the hemostatic system during short-term adaptation of experimental animals to high-altitude conditions. The purpose of the study is to determine the effect of leukocytes on the coagulation activity of animal blood on the 3rd day of adaptation. Materials and methods. Studies of the state of the hemostasis system were carried out by studying standard hemostasiogram indicators. Quantitative determination of hemostasis indicators was performed using a hardware method on an automatic coagulometer AK-37 (Astra Lab, Russia). Results and discussions. Our results indicate that when studying ordinary plasma during short-term adaptation to high altitude in the hemostasis system, all signs of hypercoagulemia develop, which are confirmed by literature data. In experimental rats in the blood of leukocytes depleted in comparison with the blood of rats not depleted of leukocytes, prolongation of coagulation was noted blood.Conclusion. Our data are consistent with the results of other studies, the results of which indicate that leukocytes in high altitude conditions have a stimulating effect on hemocoagulation, increase platelet aggregation, and this effect is associated with their thromboplastic effect.
The role of pediatric departments in the training of qualified pediatric staff in the republic
Authors: Kudayarov D.K.
Pages: 84-86
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The article presents data on the first years of the organization of the Department of Children's Diseases at the
Kyrgyz State Medical Institute and the further expansion of pediatric departments, substantiates the positive role of the
departments in the training of pediatricians and scientists, in reducing child morbidity and mortality in Kyrgyzstan.
The role of special knowledge of a clinical psychologist in forensic psychological examination in the civil process
Authors: Korolev A.A. , Sheremetyeva I.I., Stroganov A.E.
Pages: 101-104
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Currently, psychological science is represented by many directions, which allows to distinguish many
subspecialties among psychological specialties, but this causes difficulties in choosing the specialization for psychological examination. The authors determine the role of knowledge of a clinical psychologist and present a
number of advantages of clinical psychology in conducting examinations in the civil practice.
The role of the council of heads of authorized bodies in the field of sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union in taking measures to ensure epidemiological security of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union
Authors: Zhukova N.P., Karymbaeva S.T., Bokitko B.G., Kletsova E.A.
Pages: 165-171
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In order to coordinate the interaction of state bodies to ensure the sanitary and epidemiological well-being and biological safety of the population of the EAEU member states, the heads of state decided to create a permanent subsidiary body of the Union - the "Council of Heads of Authorized Bodies in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population of the member States". It includes the heads of authorized bodies in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population (chief state sanitary doctors) of the member States of the Union and representatives of the
Eurasian Economic Commission. The Leadership Council has become a platform for discussing the experience of Member States and international experience, as well as the formation of effective mechanisms for the implementation of a coordinated or coordinated policy on the application of sanitary measures. During the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, this Council proved to be a really functioning body in combating the spread
and minimizing the consequences of the spread of COVID-19.
A number of regulatory and advisory acts of the Union were adopted, which made it possible to respond to challenges in a timely manner, contributed to the speedy restoration of uninterrupted cross-border supply of essential goods to the Member States, including disinfection products, medicines, medical and non-medical products, and initiated joint research
to assess post-vaccination and post-infectious population immunity to the SARS-CoV-2 and the study of variations of coronavirus strains, It made it possible to consistently move towards lifting the imposed restrictions and resuming the free movement of citizens of the Member States across the territory of the Union as soon as possible, contributed to the
effective implementation of joint activities and the adoption of necessary management decisions to prevent and minimize the consequences of the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus infection. The authorized body of the Kyrgyz Republic also took an active part in this work, in particular, it prepared and adopted "Sanitary and epidemiological recommendations regulating an agreed algorithm for responding to outbreaks of infectious
diseases (Recommendation of the Board of the Commission No. 12 of April 5, 2022)". The functioning of the Council of Heads has shown the effectiveness and necessity of the work of this body to solve urgent problems related to common challenges to the health of the population of the Member States of the Union.
The specificity of the ulcerative process in patients with gastroduodenal bleeding living in the mountains of the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Zholdoshbekov E.Zh., Niiazov K.A., Musaev U.S., Toktosunov A.S.
Pages: 48-55
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Peptic ulcer in the aspect of the influence of mountain conditions was studied by various scientists from all
over our planet, but there is still no final answer in the specifics of the course and their mechanisms. Purpose of the study-
To identify differences in the course of the ulcer process in patients with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer complicated by
bleeding, in persons living in the conditions of high mountains, middle mountains and low mountains of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Materials and methods of research. A retrospective cohort study of 316 patients with gastric ulcer and duodenal
ulcer, complicated by bleeding, living in various mountainous conditions of the Kyrgyz Republic., whose age ranged
from 17 to 87 years, was carried out. Results. In high-mountain conditions, the gender structure of the incidence of gastric
and duodenal ulcer complicated by bleeding in men is almost 3 times different in comparison with the low-mountain
group (the ratio 4.5:1.0 compared to 1.6:1.0). In the conditions of high mountains, the localization of the ulcerative
process in the stomach significantly predominates, in comparison with representatives of low mountains patients (the
ratio is 1.9:1.0 for the high mountains group and 1.5:1.0 for the low mountains). Higher hemoglobin levels are noted
(6% ), platelets (11.5%), the percentage of platelet mass in the blood volume (8%), the average volume of platelets
(16.5%), platelet heterogeneity indicators (22%) in the group of highlanders. Conclusions. The clinical course of gastroduodenal
bleeding in high altitude patients, despite the severity of blood loss, is characterized by easier tolerance, which
is reflected in the clinical picture and a large number of patients admitted with hemostasis compared to low altitude patients.
A more detailed identification of the features of the course of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer complicated by gastroduodenal
bleeding in mountainous conditions will be the subject of our further research.
The study of biochemical changes in the body of a manaschi telling the epic "Manas" for 14 hours and 27 minutes
Authors: Makhmudova Z.A., Dusheeva B.M., Baatyrova N.J., Niyazalieva J.K., Taalaibekova M.T.
Pages: 115-124
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This article presents the results studying of biochemical changes in the blood of the manaschi before and after prolonged
telling of epic Manas (on November 12, 2020, manaschi Doolot Sydykov told the epic Manas in 14 hours 27 minutes
without a break and got into the Guinness Book of Records).). This process was viewed as acute psychological and
physical stress. During the study, we studied the main biochemical parameters of the blood that are sensitive to stress,
namely: the indicators of the general blood test and the following biochemical parameters of the blood: troponin I, cortisol, glucose, cholesterol, LDL, VLDL, total protein, lactate. The results of the study showed, that during this process:
cortisol was increased, but at the same time all the indicators of the immune system were increased, which shows that
during the increase in the strength of the immune system, they became synregists; the white blood corpuscles rose,
which proves a powerful mobilization of the immune system; high anaerobic glycolysis, which led to the accumulation
of lactate to a critical level, thabut the buffer systems and defenses of the body protected from negative consequences
for the body; hemoglobin and hematocrit indicators did not go beyond normal values, which was shown by high-quality
erythropoiesis; despite the severe stress of the body, total amount of protein remained normal; the value of platelets did
not exceed the reference values; blood pressure remained normal. All the above indicators prove that the manaschi's
body reacted positively to stressful factors, withstood this test, successfully adapted, since during the telling, he was in
the highest emotional and high spiritual state. This condition saved his body from the negative effects of stressors and
negative consequences.
The use of natural antioxidants in the treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases
Authors: Subanova A.A, Belov G.V., Sulaymanov I.B., Smayilkulov D.D.
Pages: 47-53
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Introduction. In the process of metabolism in the human body, free and peroxide radicals are continuously formed,
the impact of various damaging factors causes their excessive avalanche formation with a cytotoxic effect, which
are the cause of many pathological conditions of the body.
The aim of the study to study of the processes of exposure to free and peroxide radicals in the human body and
their correction by natural antioxidants.
Materials and methods. The study of scientific literature data on the use of natural antioxidants in the treatment
of inflammatory periodontal diseases.
Results. Recommendations for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases with natural
antioxidants are made.
Conclusions. For additional antioxidant therapy, it is necessary to purposefully recommend a rational diet containing natural antioxidants and the inclusion of dental products from natural natural components in the complex
treatment of periodontal diseases
To the 100th anniversary of the dermatovenerological service of Kyrgyzstan - the history of development
Authors: Osmonaliev M.K., Koibagarova A.A., Yusupova D.M., Shakirova A.T., Khalikova A.U.
Pages: 212-215
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The article provides informative material on the development of the dermatovenerological service in the Kyrgyz
Republic. The dermatovenerological service is a healthcare organization that provides dermatovenerological assistance
for the timely detection, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of contagious skin diseases and sexually transmitted infections.
Outbreaks of infections played a role in the development of the dermatovenereological service, for the solution
of which the governing bodies of health care needed to reconstruct the health care system, as a result of which treatment
and prevention measures for STIs were integrated into the vertical network, and a protocol for the treatment of syphilis
with extencillin was developed and introduced into clinical practice. There have been no outbreaks of sexually transmitted
infections over the past five years.
Pages: 47-50
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Treatment methods for hyperplastic processes in multiparous women and evaluation of their clinical effectiveness
Authors: Kibets E.A., Abaeva T.A., Maksutova E.M., Dozaliev A.A.
Pages: 88-94
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Introduction. Hyperplastic processes of the endometrium are an actual problem of modern gynecology. Тhis
is a different spectrum of morphological changes in the uterine mucosa, with predominant proliferation of glandular and,
to a lesser extent, stromal components.
Objective of the study: optimization of tactics for the treatment of hyperplastic processes in multiparous women with an
assessment of their clinical effectiveness.
Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of 142 case histories of patients with endometrial hyperplasia from the
city gynecological hospital in Bishkek, the Kyrgyz Republic and 80 medical records of healthy women from outpatient
appointments was carried out. A prospective observation was also carried out. The average age of women is 29, 7 ± 6, 1
Results. The diagnosis of glandular hyperplasia of the endometrium was established on the basis of complaints, ultrasound,
hysteroscopy and confirmed histologically. All patients were treated for 6 months with oral progestogens and using an
intrauterine hormonal levonorgestrel-releasing system. After treatment, there was a regression of endometrial hyperplasia,
an increase in hemoglobin in the blood, and a decrease in menstrual blood loss.
Conclusions. Oral and local intrauterine (LNG-IUD) progestogens are effective in achieving regression of endometrial
hyperplasia without atypia.
Treatment of Arterial Hypertension. The focus on combined treatment with  amlodipine/valsartan in single pill
Authors: Mirrakhimov E.M.
Pages: 49-57
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Arterial hypertension (AH) is the main modifiable risk factor for the development of cardiovascular (CV) complications. Despite the widespread prevalence of hypertension in the world (about 1.4 billion people), its detectability among the population remains low. Despite serious CV and cerebral complications, hypertension is called a "silent killer", as it has been asymptomatic for a long time. In the absence of symptoms, people have no motivation to undergo an examination for the presence of high blood pressure (HBP) and receive hypotensive treatment. Even with the detection of hypertension and the availability of a large number of effective antihypertensive drugs, the number of patients with uncontrolled hypertension continues to grow, especially in low- and moderate-income countries. Only 14% of them have blood pressure controlled during treatment. Poor blood pressure control is associated with poor patient adherence to treatment and, as a result, a large number of cerebral and CV complications are observed. To improve adherence to treatment and, accordingly, blood pressure control, leading professional associations have suggested starting treatment immediately with two antihypertensive drugs of different classes in one tablet.
Combination therapy with antihypertensive drugs of different classes has a greater antihypertensive effect than doubling the dose with monotherapy, while reducing the number of side effects. As an initial double antihypertensive therapy, a combination of ace inhibitors or Angiotensin-II-receptor antagonists (sartans) is recommended + Calcium channel blockers (CCBs) or ACE inhibitors or sartans + diuretics, and the combination of ACE inhibitors or sartans + CCBs is considered preferable. And given that ACE inhibitors cause more side effects, it is possible to start treatment immediately with a combination of s CCBs + Sartan (amlodipine + valsartan). With such therapy, the antihypertensive effect is enhanced due to additive synergism, as well as increased adherence to treatment, as the number of tablets taken decreases.
Treatment possibilities of demyelinating diseases in the Kyrgyz Republic
Authors: Dzhaparalieva N.T., Bolotbekova E.B., Zhusupova A.T., Kulov B.B., Karimov Zh.M.
Pages: 29-35
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Introduction. Treatment of demyelinating diseases is an important task in
the field of clinical neurology. Multiple sclerosis and Devic's neuromyelitis
optica are considered one of the most severe progressive diseases of the central nervous system of young people. Due to the fact that the etiology of
these diseases remains unclear, prevention and, accordingly, etiotropic therapy are impossible. Today, immunomodulatory and immunosuppressive
drugs are the means of choice for pathogenetic therapy of demyelinating diseases.
The purpose of the study is to select the optimal drug for the treatment of
patients with multiple sclerosis and Devic opticomyelitis in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Materials and methods. The study included data from 80 patients with multiple sclerosis and Devic's optimyelitis receiving pathogenetic treatment in
the neurology department of the National Hospital of the Ministry of Health
of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Results. The paper presents the main factors that determine modern approaches to the treatment of these diseases. Based on literature data and the
results of our own observations, the main treatment regimens for demyelinating diseases at various stages of the disease are given, depending on the
type of course and severity of the disease. Prescription of therapy occurs
after establishing a reliable diagnosis and on the basis of individual selection
of a drug depending on the stage and activity of demyelinating diseases, the
benefit-risk ratio in each specific case. DMT therapy is carried out under
regular monitoring of the effectiveness, safety, and tolerability of long-term
Conclusions. Thus, patients currently have a large choice of pathogenetic
treatment drugs, namely modern DMTs. In general, modern research and approaches to the treatment of demyelinating diseases open new perspectives
for patients, increasing the effectiveness of treatment and their quality of
Tuberculosis in the penal system of Kyrgyz Rebublic
Authors: Esentaeva E.A.
Pages: 114-118
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The article presents the situation with tuberculosis in the penitentiary system, the dynamics of incidents and
mortality rates from tuberculosis, in comparison with the civil sector from 2015 to 2020. The data of accounting and reporting
forms of the NTP for the penitentiary system of the Kyrgyz Republic were used. The TB incidence rate in the
penitentiary system in 2015 as a whole was 2240.2 cases per 100,000 population and decreased by 28% over 6 years in
2020, and the TB mortality rate by 14.2%. In the penitentiary system in 2015, there were 3.7 times more new TB cases
than relapses and 8.5 times more than other previously treated cases (p<0.001, χ², OR=3.7, 95% CI 2, 6-5.4 in the first
comparison and p<0.001, χ², OR=8.5, 95% CI 5.7-12.8 in the 2nd). After 5 years, there is a significant increase in the
proportion of new TB cases up to 8 times compared with relapses (p <0.001, χ², OR=8.1, 95% CI 3.5-8.1) and 11 times
compared with previously treated cases (p<0.001, χ², OR=11.4, 95% CI 4.8-27.7). The improvement in the proportion of
new cases is closely related to improved early detection of TB and frequent screening among prisoners (questionnaire,
chest x-ray and rapid diagnostic method). In2015, Xpert-MTB/Rif coverage among reported TB cases were 69.5% and
in 2020 it were 83.8%.
Two-stage surgical treatment of a large chemodectoma of the bifurcation area of the left common carotid artery. Case from practice
Authors: Sufianov A.A., Karasev S.M., Zuev I.A., Rustamov R.R.
Pages: 168-177
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Introduction. Neck chemodectomas are soft tissue tumors that develop from paraganglia receptor cells, they
represent 18% of extraorganic neck tumors and 40% of all extraorganic tumors. The source of the chemodectome is the
carotid body (glomus).
Objective: Clinical demonstration of the results of two-stage (endovascular and surgical) treatment of a large chemodectoma
in the area of bifurcation of the left common carotid artery.
Results. Partial embolization of the vessels supplying the tumor was performed. The postoperative period of embolization
proceeded without complications. The second stage on the next day was the removal of the tumor by an extended cervical
approach on the left. Intraoperatively, there was a slight bleeding of the tumor, which did not require temporary clamping
of large arteries and made it possible to remove the tumor completely. The postoperative period of the 2nd operational
stage also proceeded without complications.
Conclusions. Due to the large size of the chemodectoma, the patient underwent an effective and safe two-stage operation:
embolization of the feeding vessels of the tumor followed by its total removal by the second stage.
Ultrasound picture in soft tissues in patients after surgical operations
Authors: Tukeshov U.K., Mamanov N.K., Niyazov B.S.
Pages: 95-99
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Currently, 35-40% of surgical patients are patients with purulent-inflammatory diseases of various localization.
This indicates the relevance of the medical and socio-economic significance of the problem, increasing the effectiveness
of the treatment of purulent wounds.
The purpose of the study was to study the effectiveness of the use of ultrasound diagnostics in patients with inflammatory
processes in the area of surgical wounds. Materials and methods of investigation. The results of ultrasound examination
of 52 patients over 16 years of age with inflammatory complications in the postoperative period were analyzed, of which
24 (46.2%) patients after high amputations of the lower leg or thigh were included in group 1, and 28 (53.8%) patients
with inflammatory process of the area of surgical intervention of a different localization.
Results of the study and their discussion. During ultrasound of the area of surgical intervention, infiltrates (25.0%) and
soft tissue edema (25.0%) were most common, less often - seroma (19.2%) and hematoma (7.7%). In 23.1% of cases,
there were direct indications for repeated surgical interventions: abscesses in the area of surgical wounds were detected
in 13.5%, phlegmon in 9.6% of patients.
Conclusions. In patients with inflammatory processes in the area of surgical intervention, the use of ultrasound can improve
the quality of diagnosis and contribute to the correct choice of treatment tactics.
Ureterovaginal fistula: a case series
Authors: Toktosopiev Ch.N., Imankulova A.S., Osmonov D.T, Usupbaev A.Ch.
Pages: 101-107
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We have presented an algorithm of management and described the cases and outcomes of uretero-vaginal fistulas.
Methods. We registered ureteral-vaginal fistulas in the period from January 2017 to December 2019. We evaluated
the quality of diagnosis and treatment of these fistulas. Results. there were 9 cases of uretero-vaginal fistulas. They all
formed after a hysterectomy. Firstly, we tried to treat them conservatively by ureteral stenting in 6 cases and reimplantation
in 3 cases. Ureteral stenting was successful in 3 (75%) of 4 patients. The duration of stenting averaged 66 days (27-92
days). Ureteral stenting was complicated by pyelonephritis in 1 case (25%) and stricture in 1 case (25%). Thus, conservative
treatment of uretero-vaginal fistulas was successful in 3 (75%) of 4 cases. percutaneous nephrostomy was installed
in 2 patients, and subsequently an operation was performed in the volume of ureterocystoneoanastomosis. 3m patients
with a fully formed fistula after the inflammatory process subsided, on average 46 days later, ureteral reimplantation was
performed as planned. Dynamic observation was carried out by various methods, such as tampon tests, computed tomography
urogram, retrograde pyelogram and ultrasound examination of the kidneys. Conclusions. With the right approach
and selection of patients, ureteral stenting is a successful method of treating post-hysterectomy uretero-vaginal
fistulas and can be used as a first-line therapy.
Video supported treatment of patients with tuberculosis (literature review)
Authors: Ahmatov M.B., Duishekeeva А.B.
Pages: 144-148
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For the first time in more than a decade, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, TB deaths have increased due to
limited access to TB diagnostics and controlled treatment. Patient-centered TB treatment should be organized taking into
account the capabilities of patients. In the time of developing innovative, digital technologies in medicine, one of the effective
methods of TB treatment is an approach using digital health elements, in particular, video supported treatment.
Video-supportive treatment is more actual in resource-limited settings, emergencies, and in situations where face-to-face
contact between healthcare workers and patients is difficult and problematic.
Volume, ingredient composition and energy value of breast milk in healthy nursing mothers
Authors: Khakimov Sh.K., Huritdinova G.T.
Pages: 103-109
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The main goal of this work was to study the nutritional and energy supply of breast milk in healthy nursing mothers.
We carefully studied the health status of nursing mothers. The contingent of healthy (without background and extragenital diseases) women (30 mothers) was selected by random numbers from 259 examined nursing mothers in
ASMI children's clinics. The quantitative (volume of daily and one-time lactations) and qualitative composition
(macro- and microscopy) of mature breast milk were studied after collecting them in sterile dishes.
The content and allocation of food ingredients in the milk breast is not an identical concept, the allocation of nutrients depends on the age of women, the lactation period and the parity of childbirth.
In healthy women, the milk breast contains a sufficient amount of food ingredients necessary for the normal development of children in the first year of life. However, among the healthy population of nursing mothers, there is
a category of women (aged 30 years and older, with a history of 3 or more births) who are found to be deficient in
basic food ingredients, mainly due to protein, fat, and energy, respectively. These data seem to require the close
attention of pediatricians in order to prevent dystrophy among children born to such groups of women.
Ways to improve the quality of training of professional pathologists (occupational medicine) in Kazakhstan
Authors: Karabalin S.K., Dzhemuratov K.A.
Pages: 88-92
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: In the training of a professional pathologist (occupational medicine) with high professional competence, a significant place is occupied by modern interactive teaching methods that allow you to learn a large
amount of material from clinical and preventive medicine. Based on new training technologies, approaches to
the acquisition of knowledge and practical skills for the diagnosis and prevention of early occupational health
disorders are presented.
Weaning from mechanical ventilation
Authors: Moldotashova A.K., Zhuzumalieva K.S., Kochkonbaev J.A., Imankulova A.S.
Pages: 77-82
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The review is devoted to the problem of weaning from mechanical ventilation (MV). Factors that prevent the
cessation of MV are considered. Criteria of the patient’s readiness for weaning from MV and conducting a spontaneous
breathing trial are given. Forced-auxiliary modes are a combination of forced and auxiliary ventilation. In these modes,
the hardware breaths are synchronized with the patient's attempt to inhale. In everyday clinical practice, the most commonly
used are: SIMV (synchronized intermittent (periodic) forced ventilation), P-SIMV (synchronized intermittent
forced ventilation with controlled pressure). The methods of weaning from MV, options of a spontaneous breathing trial
conduction and exercises to increase the strength and endurance of the respiratory muscles are described.
Аclinical case of newly diagnosed opticoneuromyelitis (Devik's disease)
Authors: Akmatova M.S., Shleifer S.G., Zholdoshev E.K., Abdimanapova G.A.
Pages: 78-84
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Introduction. Opticoneuromyelitis, or Devik's syndrome, is an inflammatory
demyelinating disease of the central nervous system, affecting mainly the
optic nerve and spinal cord. The clinical picture is characterized by a combination of syndromes of optic neuritis and longitudinally transverse
myelitis. Imaging techniques such as optical coherence tomography, evoked
potentials, and magnetic resonance imaging are used for diagnosis. Currently, the key method of making a correct diagnosis is the detection of a
specific serological marker — antibodies to aquaporin-4 (NMO-IgG), the
titer of which correlates with the activity of the disease and helps to conduct differential diagnosis.
The purpose of the study. To analyze the current scientific literature on
Devik's opticoneuromyelitis and present a clinical case report from our clinical practice.
Materials and methods. In the patient whose medical history was described
in this article, the diagnosis was established based on diagnostic criteria for
ONM Devika.
Results. In a 41-year-old young woman, neurological symptoms were represented by optic neuritis, myelitis and pelvic organ dysfunction. The diagnosis was confirmed based on the medical history of the disease, as well as
neuroimaging and laboratory studies.
Conclusion. With timely diagnosis and adequate pathogenetic therapy, Devika's opticoneuromyelitis has a relatively good prognosis and the potential
to restore lost motor and visual functions.
Современные тенденции хирургичес
Pages: 86-89
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Тhe features of the microbial spectrum of obligate anaerobes in purulent phlegmons of odontogenic nature in maxillofacial pathology
Authors: Kubanichbekov М.K., Aldjambaeva I.S.,
Pages: 133-138
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Relevance. Purulent phlegmon of odontogenic nature is a fairly frequent pathology in maxillofacial surgery, from the
point of view of etiology, many components can be traced, mainly anaerobes or facultative anaerobes. Bacteriological
isolation is not always possible, therefore, alternative diagnostic methods must be used.
Purpose of the work. To study the qualitative and quantitative composition of anaerobic microflora in case of purulent
phlegmons of odontogenic nature in maxillofacial pathology to improve diagnostics.
Material and methods. There are examined 36 patients with purulent odontogenic phlegmons of varying severity - patients
of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery of the National Hospital of the Ministry of Health and Social Development
of the Kyrgyz Republic. The material used for DNA isolation of microbes by PCR using DNA-express tests
and detection using a DENTOSKRIN kit (NPF Litekh, Russia) in accordance with the instructions. A. P. endodontalis,
P. gingivalis, T. forsythia, P. intermedia, F. nucleatum quantitatively are identified. The concentration of pathogens is
measured in number of copies per ml.
Results. The most common representative of anaerobes is F. nucleatum which found in 70% of the samples. In 67% of
cases, there is a joint isolation of P. gingivalis and T. forsythia. In 30% of cases, four pathogens are isolated from
one sample. The presence of P. endodontalis, P. intermedia is at the level of etiologically significant concentrations.
Conclusions. The quantitative determination of microorganisms, especially with anaerobic type of cultivation, taking
into account the numerous factors of pathogenicity, gives more information about the mutual influence of microbes
and the role of each in the development of the pathological process.
Тhe method of laser Doppler fluometry (LDF) for the study of the state of general and regional microcirculation in patients with acute intestinal obstruction
Authors: Chyngysheva Zh. A., Naziraliev R.T., Niyazov B.S.
Pages: 136-142
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The problem of treating patients with OCD remains relevant. Despite significant achievements in emergency
surgery and the introduction of new diagnostic research methods, OCN remains a severe type of acute pathology of abdominal
organs (M.Yu. Andreev, 2004; V.I. Belokonev, 2008.).
The purpose of the study - the state of general and regional microcirculation in patients with acute intestinal obstruction.
Materials and methods of research. The microcirculatory bed of the small intestine has a number of features: the mucous
membrane of the small intestine is largely isolated from the blood vessels in the muscular membrane. The vessels of both
layers receive blood and drain the submucosal vascular plexus. The muscle membrane contains 2 capillary networks: the
outer and inner layers of capillaries located parallel to the smooth muscle bundles of the longitudinal and circular layer
of the muscle membrane, respectively. In the mucous membrane, the bases of the crypts of the rich are supplied with microvessels
forming a basket-like capillary network around the crypts, from which small postcapillaries rise to the intestinal
lumen along the crypts with the formation of a capillary ring around the entrance.Some capillaries located around the
bottom of the crypt carry blood to the venules, which immediately go to the submucosal venous plexus. From the remaining
pericryptal capillaries, blood flows into the microvascular villi. The arteriole, which supplies blood to the microvessels
of the villi, is localized at the center. At the tip of the villi, it passes into the capillary plexus, consisting of
subepithelial exchange microvessels of cylindrical shape, often having a convoluted configuration. The larger ones go
along the crest of the villi . All these capillaries move towards the base of the villi, where it passes into the venules. Thus,
a fountain type of distribution is formed. In the middle of the intestinal villi , this capillary plexus gradually turns into 2
venules on each villi of the proximal part of the small intestine and into 3 venules in the distal part . Venules are located
more or less symmetrically relative to the core of the villi and parallel to the central artery.
Results. Such an organization of blood circulation in the villi of the small intestine ensures the maintenance of a relatively
low partial pressure of oxygen at the tip of the villi. However, the pressure in the lumen of the intestine in acute intestinal
obstruction, given in various works, does not exceed the pressure in the lumen of the capillary (within 30-35 cm vol.ct)
and significantly lower pressure in arterioles. At the same time, the violation of microcirculation in the intestinal wall
with intestinal obstruction is undeniable. The diameter of arterioles and capillaries decreases by about one and a half
times, venules expand almost twice.
Conclusions. Reduction of pressure in arterioles and capillaries, venous stasis, increased permeability of capillary walls
and extravasation of shaped blood elements have been proven. The ratio of the intensity of blood circulation in the submucosal
and external plexuses changes, if they are normally 2:1, then with intestinal obstruction they are defined as 1:4,
i.e. the mucous membrane experiences a large shortage of blood.
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